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Been trying to figure out a way to contribute to this effort. My Gimp-fu is weak (I can't figure out how to draw shapes and lines). And so far none of the requests for help posted here are anything I do well enough to give advise about. So I decided to post some of my WIP. My purpose is twofold, one to get any critiques so I can improve and to show gives ideas to anyone who needs them.

gallery_48251_4884_77024.jpgPack Clansman (Squad Sargent)



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Madwolf Shadowmane


Been trying to figure out a way to contribute to this effort. My Gimp-fu is weak (I can't figure out how to draw shapes and lines). And so far none of the requests for help posted here are anything I do well enough to give advise about. So I decided to post some of my WIP. My purpose is twofold, one to get any critiques so I can improve and to show gives ideas to anyone who needs them.



Looks good mate, one thing i noticed, regarding the first pic, the arm looks a little long. Under the shoulder=pad, the bicep armor is surprisingly short. Also, when i sculpt i often use just and exacto-knife and a pin, lubricated with Vaseline, and i almost only use 'Magic Sculpt', its really good stuff!

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Hey Folks,


So i not been up to much modelling lately I suppose i had one of those weeks where you loose the bug for it.

But so far this is what im working on at the moment. A spacer tutorial would be good i think to help with the first guy im doing

What do you think ?





Im also doing some angels sanguine as i picked up some blood angels packs and didnt want to collect another completely red army as i collect World Eaters :P

So this is what i have of them so far to.





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Just had an idea - if we asked B&C really nicely, do you think that they would sticky this to the top of the WIP section?


Just a thought.



Possibly. It can't hurt to ask I suppose. Who'd be the best person to approach d'ya reckon?


Possibly Kurgan the Lurker or Brother Argos. If they can't help, they may be able to point us in the right direction.

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Here's the first of a handful of Taurus marines i'm making as allies. I decided to make a squad from the Legion of Taurus, created by Firestorm40k, because I'm a big fan of his work. He took his legions fluff and models to a new standard and really inspired me during the birth of my Night Lords.




I got permission to create a couple of his warriors with the idea i wouldn't screw them up. :lol:

I think i'll be running them as chosen when they are finished. maybe in A-team/classic movie style squad. I rushed this guy a little last night with help from a bottle of wine but i plan on taking my time on them as they don't have a deadline like my other pieces. I tore up the new blood angels power fist and used it as a lightning claw because it's actually a fist, as opposed to some weird finger/palm lightning claw they have been making in kits lately. I explored a little with chaos stuff i normally wouldn't use for my guys so he was fun to make.

More to come when they're ready.


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Here's the first of a handful of Taurus marines i'm making as allies.


I got permission to create a couple of his warriors with the idea i wouldn't screw them up. :P

Well, you certainly haven't done that! ;) :)

I tore up the new blood angels power fist and used it as a lightning claw because it's actually a fist, as opposed to some weird finger/palm lightning claw they have been making in kits lately.

You know, there is something about the latest Lightning Claws that I didn't like, and you've hit the nail on the head. Closed fists makes more sense.

Can't wait to see your next Taurus marines! :P

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Hello Brothers! I think this is a wonderfull idea, I like to be able to post some of my 3D modelling WIP's here for comments and critique/criticism. Frankly if I posted a wip thread for all my projects I'm sure I'd be getting a PM from Kurgan.

I contacted Pig of Sparta near the start of the month, but only now have I had the chance to put something together to show. I kinda wanted to have something for my first post in here :(

I'm not really doing any radical concepting or anything right now, but I'd love to start on a couple of things, some suggestions would go a long way.

Here is a shot of the first chainsword I've modelled, it's pretty much standard issue you could say, please fire away with any and all comments, don't hesitate with anything and I'll return the favor.


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That's a pretty impressive chainsword Brother 'Ussell. The only thing I can think of that I 'don't like' is that the blade looks a little too short to me. I think it could do with being maybe adding another section to the blade that's as long as the hand grip if you see what I mean. That's all to personal taste though and otherwise I think it's fantastic :)


Thanks for sharing the pics with us



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old at 26/27?


my god, what does that make me at 35.....


been doing the 40k thing since RT,and plodded through all the editions (inc. 1.5 - when they introduced the vehicle and combat manuals)


worked for the company for a while, mostly in store, but a very brief spell down in lenton too.


got some sense though and got a real job (well for 40 weeks a year - 12 weeks of hols is a god send!!) though suddenly the hobby became over twice as expensive - though the fact my salary more than doubled kinda balanced stuff out a bit :D


i'll have a think and see what i can contribute to the brotherhood. from a personal point of view i'd like some advice on sculpting with GS - my skills are rather basic.

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Hey Folks,


So i not been up to much modelling lately I suppose i had one of those weeks where you loose the bug for it.

But so far this is what im working on at the moment. A spacer tutorial would be good i think to help with the first guy im doing

What do you think ?


Im also doing some angels sanguine as i picked up some blood angels packs and didnt want to collect another completely red army as i collect World Eaters :P

So this is what i have of them so far to.


Love the colour scheme, your base looks pretty solid from your photos, I'd say on some aspects you need push it to the next level and spend a bit more time on some areas. Some of the metal bits would look great with some darker washes to add some contrast.

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Hey Folks,


Well im at the pointers and advise stage now brothers,

I not managed to do any true scale or anymore of my Angels Sanguine yet but what i have done so far is Asteroth The Grim. Done him as a blood angel as he is one lol :D

Anyway what im after is what sort of hightlights would you recommend on him ?

Armour- Fiery Orange and how much and where (just the odd armour line or lots)?

Wings-Codex Grey on all "feather" edges ?


Cheers Folks






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That's a pretty impressive chainsword Brother 'Ussell. The only thing I can think of that I 'don't like' is that the blade looks a little too short to me. I think it could do with being maybe adding another section to the blade that's as long as the hand grip if you see what I mean. That's all to personal taste though and otherwise I think it's fantastic :lol:


Thanks for sharing the pics with us



No problem James, I feel the same way about the way the sword looks, It is modelled to the scale of the bit as far as length goes, I think the slightly larger pommel is throwing it off. I very well might end up adding to the length but I figured I'd wait until I see it being held first and them decide, thanks for your input though!

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HI guys, I'm looking for some feedback as well. I don't want to start another independant WIP thread as when I do that I never seem to get around to finshing stuff off for months ;)


First up is an idea I've been playing with since I snapped up a component on e-bay for dirt cheap. I think the concept works, although it does need a lot more work:



Can you guess what it is yet? Hopefully you can tell he's possibly on his way to becoming a Space Pups Rune Priest. But I'd like to know what you think. I've also got an idea for one in TDA but that'll have to wait for a while I think...


Second, Replica was kind enough to send me one of the spare helms he had from making his (epic) BA Chaplain based on the Forge World Showcase Marine. I decided to try and continue his Chaplain theme, but slightly differently. I want to try and make it look a bit more 'skull faced' so here's what I've done so far:



not much I know, but it's start. My next step is to build up the 'mouth' around the piping with greenstuff. This might take a while though...


Enough about me though;


@KhornateKiller: I'd hit every edge that's gonna catch light with the Fiery Orange highlight, tedious and time consuming I know but I think the end result will be worth it. If you have it you could then go with a really fine harsh edge highlight of Bronzed flesh on the most prominant edges to really set them off. A couple of glazes of your base colour would then tie them together nicely I think.


As for the wings, if you have it, try mixing Hawk Turquoise with Chaos Black a little at first then more as your highlights get finer on the edges. It works really well and avoids the washed out look that you can sometimes get when highlighting black.


hope that helps :)


Oh and really liking the Angels Sanguine mini's you've done so far...


@Rider-75 There's a lot of greenstuff talent around here (myself excluded, I'm still learning too) so I'm sure we can help you with that :lol:





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Thanks Master Chaplain and Brother 'Ussell. I was thinking of greenstuffing a sort of psychic collar around the existing one. Then trimming away his hair and possibly sculpting a skull cap with a couple of cables connecting it to the collar. From reading the Rune Priest entry in the Wolves 'dex and looking at the current power armoured Rune Priest mini (I believe it started out as the 13th Co. one) I realised that they don't use Psychic Hoods but instead rely more on their force weapon for chanelling the power of the warp. So while I thought some visible psychic tech would make it noticable that he's a Rune Priest, I want to keep away from more 'codex' appearances :).
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Hey guys. I'd love to join this. My only problem with it right now is that I am in the middle of converting and building an IG army, and I am not allowed to post them here. So my idea is this: make a new, separate (sp?) forum for the IBH. I feel that most of us, if not all, would stay here anyway but it would give some freedom to post pics from armies that are not PA.


I'd like to get in anyway, but just a suggestion.


- Natanael

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Hey guys. I'd love to join this. My only problem with it right now is that I am in the middle of converting and building an IG army, and I am not allowed to post them here. So my idea is this: make a new, separate (sp?) forum for the IBH. I feel that most of us, if not all, would stay here anyway but it would give some freedom to post pics from armies that are not PA.


I'd like to get in anyway, but just a suggestion.


- Natanael


Oh, that sounds like a good idea, though my only problem may be the cost for the forum.


Also, I would like to join




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Welcome to the Brotherhood Natanael and cheesychaoslord, your names have been added to the members list.


That's something I've actually been thinking about Natanael ;) I'll have a look for free forum hosting over the weekend. A quick google search just now turned up a couple of promising looking ones, but if anyone has any suggestions then their most welcome to give them....



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