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International Brotherhood of Hobbyists

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Ussel: Yeah, I use clay shapers. They work wonders for the smoothness.


Lestat: They will be joining my Heresy Era Alpha Legion. Gonna have both Primarchs in the army list come spring =D


Madwolf. Double axe guy is COOL! =D Love it.


- Natanael



The Alpha Legion have got to be some of my favourite bad guys! Nice true-scaling.

That is if they really are bad guys :P


After I read Legion I got really hooked on AL. Before they were just some sneaky chaos guys to me, but with Legion they got loads more interesting. It is kinda hard to show it on the table, but I'll try =D Hopefully the paintjob will look something like the cover of Legion.


And thank you for the positive words. I learn as I go, so it is all very much appriciated (sp?).


- Natanael

So I've hit a snag. Putting the Vulkan conversion on hold until I can pick up some parts and hobby supplies I started working on some other marines that were sitting around, waiting to get put together.


My problem is foremost what to paint them up as however. On one hand I want to do them as an established, though little to never seen chapter. On the other hand, If I am going to do that I might as well do a DIY chapter. Shooting for the latter. When I have figure it out I'll post up pictures of the test minis.


Meanwhile can anyone recommend sizes for plasticard? Never bought it or used it before and not sure what exactly would the best sizes for true scaling stuff and for use on normal sized minis.

Thought I'd share a WIP of my crusade/company banner.

It's really just a mock up right now, whenever I finalize what I want I'll likely start from scratch.


There will still likely be some nicely flowing banner/s added, and some Templar crosses of course, some other bobbles.

The working name for them is the Damienos Crusade, based upon some fluff I'm writing about St Damienos and some Templar activities in the segmentum pacificus.

Any and all ideas/ critiques welcome.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I post after a completely unexcused absence!

I haven't been doing too much hobby-wise, but I intend to post nice updates when I start painting my latest project (I have to finish assembling them first), and I'll be asking for feedback and suggestions.


Also, as for the Brotherhood, what happened to that seal? I had designed it and everything.

Well I haven't really gotten any work done lately. But I did doodle this in my office today so I thought I'd share.

I'm thinking I'm going to put it on a terminator pad or a tank. I haven't decided.



I'll hopefully get some painting done this week!

Yeah, looks kinda hard to put on a pad, but if you can do it, it will look awesome =D


I've been moving, so havent done much modelling/painting. Just got my stuff up and running again now tough, so I might be able to post some pics soon as well.


- Natanael

Well here is a quick group shot of what I have fully painted minus one terminator. Pic is horrible better one tonight.



And a terminator chaplain I an working on ATM.




The sculpting is still rough needs filing and cleaning up then the robes can get more details and his chest can be finished. Just need more gs.


The termie chaplain looks ace so far. Is it supposed to be vents on the top of his armour? I think they look a bit too much nurgle to fit in. Very nice on a chaos lord, but not on a loyalist chaplain.


My 2 cents.


- Natanael

Interesting scetch Astador, marines looking good too. I'll snap a couple pictures of the measly amount of painting I've gotten done. I've been helping my brother with his monolith as well so that's eaten up a bit of my small amount of available time too. I've been plundering ebay for some bits and have some stuff on order from GW so soon I'll have a freshly stocked bits box.



So, this is as far as I've been able to go with the next guys for my AL. Hopefully I'll have an entire squad ready for paint by the middle of next week. Maybe more then that, if I manage to get hold of some more bits. Anyway - this is my progress so far:





In the background you can see my piles of arms, bolters, swords and other equipment. They are yet kind of small, but hopefully they'll grow soon.


- Nat

Natanael, looking good so far.

Here's a few shots of what I've managed to get done lately.

Couple of views of the WIP I posted awhile back, a bit of progress, just noticed a mold line on his foot that needs getting rid of.



Here's a shot of the squad plus the marshal and champion. I'm planning on painting at least 20 with matching squad markings plus 10 neophytes.



Looking really good so far, Ussel. What is the guy in the back with a different scheme supposed to be? Sword brethren?


- Natanael


Yes, the red crosses and trim denote the sword brethren. I forgot he was in there too, that's actually the Black Templar special character model Draco. (IIRC I just got up) :D



Ah, alright. Seems cool =D


Here is some mock-ups or whatever it is called of some of the guys that i make for my AL.




They are held with blue-tac (actually, it is white) right now, since I didnt have time to bring the glue and GS out. But soon, maybe tonight or tomorrow. Starcraft 2 is taking more and more time :P


- Natanael

I'll double post then. I've been thinking of doing some moulds for shoulder pads and some swords, just to have them handy whenever I need. Press moulds then. How do I do it? I just coat the object in water/vaseline and then press into a GS blob on both sides, one at a time, and then, when they are kinda dry, I just peel out the object and let it all dry?


Seems simple enough, but I dont wannt to it all wrong ;) Oh, and I went to a friend today, and got to loot his TDA bitz box. That means I got a whole lot of new bits, so expect my first squad to be all glued and ready for primer tomorrow.


- Nat

Sounds great! Looking forward to some more true-scale goodness :lol: I gotta say I'm not entirely convinced on the pointing lightning claw guy, just doesn't seem like a realistic pose, plus it seems HUGE but that's probably just the camera angle.


Keep up the great work!

I'll double post then. I've been thinking of doing some moulds for shoulder pads and some swords, just to have them handy whenever I need. Press moulds then. How do I do it? I just coat the object in water/vaseline and then press into a GS blob on both sides, one at a time, and then, when they are kinda dry, I just peel out the object and let it all dry?


Seems simple enough, but I dont wannt to it all wrong :P Oh, and I went to a friend today, and got to loot his TDA bitz box. That means I got a whole lot of new bits, so expect my first squad to be all glued and ready for primer tomorrow.


- Nat


That's pretty much how I've made press moulds in the past, just don't use too much green stuff when making the mould, or trim it down when it's dry so it'

s easier to get the duplicate parts in/out of it.




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