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++ BT Arena of Death ++

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icon4.gif Introduction icon4.gif

Aboard the Eternal Crusader, ten stoic figures formed a semi-circle around a training ring. While this arena typically provided soldiers a chance to practice and hone their combat skills, it now served a greater purpose – to determine which of these warriors would earn the right to be named Champion of the Black Templars.

All of the representatives were carrying their full battle gear. Ancient yet perfectly maintained suits of armour reflected the flickering light of candles. Polished and blessed weaponry responsible for the death of innumerable enemies were now ready to fight for honour.

In the context of the never-ending war for survival facing mankind, these duels were of little consequence but for the Astartes honour meant everything.

Entering the chamber with long confident strides came the High Marshal and the brethren gathered before him respectfully dropped to one knee. Acknowledging them with a nod, they rose to their feet and awaited further instructions. Emerging from behind the High Marshal were his two assistants for this event, Marshal Loring and Marshal Recard. The latter obviously struggling to hide the pain of severe abdominal wounds and also some wounded pride.

As the adjutants laid out the rules of the tournament and identified the corresponding opponents, the combatants rechecked wargear and prepared their minds for the epic battles that lay ahead...

icon4.gif Fixture icon4.gif

Round 1:
Battle 1 - Reclusiarch Kantor vs Forgemaster Hansen
Battle 2 - Marshal Wilhelm vs Reclusiarch Hadafix
Battle 3 - Marshal Longinus vs Marshal Vichiers
Battle 4 - Brother-Chaplain Hendrich vs Champion Johan
Battle 5 - Champion Vorhees vs Master of Sanctity Jasper

Round 2:
Battle 1 - Champion Vorhees vs Marshal Vichiers
Battle 2 - Marshal Wilhelm vs Reclusiarch Kantor

Round 3:
Final - Marshal Vichiers vs Marshal Wilhelm

icon4.gif Everything else icon4.gif

List of characters can be found here.
Rules can be found here.
Participants will have 48 hours to PM me (DasPanzerIstUber) your specific instructions for the battle, otherwise the stock instructions will be used.
All battle reports will be posted in this thread but will be linked back to this original post.

Good luck to all involved (especially me and Loring because we will be rolling the dice)! :)
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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 1: Reclusiarch Kantor vs Forgemaster Hansen icon4.gif

Silence fell over the crowd as the first two combatants took up their positions. The signal was given and Kantor wasted no time. Aware of the firepower his opponent possessed he was desperate to close the gap, pushing his Terminator suit to its limits.

Taken aback by the speed of the bulky suit, the Techmarine quickly adjusted his targeting devices and let loose a torrent of shots. His aim was flawless as usual, but the armour of his opponent easily deflected the shots. This only drove the Chaplain into a faster sprint.

Hansen knew the intricate working of these suits and knew that simple bolt weaponry was not sufficient. Letting loose with the harness mounted weapons, plasma and flames splashed over Kantor and he attempted to shield himself. But the armour failed and terrible burns were inflicted.

The Techmarine recognised the opportunity and closed in on the wounded marine. But the Reclusiarch was not ready to submit just yet and roaring with both pain and anger, he launched into a frenzy landing many blows despite the best attempts to parry and the servo-arms pounding into him. Hansen could not resist such a furious assault and one final blow to the centre of the chest knocked him to the ground – ending the duel.

The Chaplain stood over his opponent, held out a hand and assisted him to his feet. There was no respect lost between these brothers.

- - - - -

Victory to Reclusiarch Kantor.

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Excellent fight! Congratulations, Brother Kantor (jma037). For the Emperor!


Who would've though a Techmarine would have capitulated to a HQ choice? :huh: Surely only a half empty cynic would have dismissed him as a legitimate choice? :P




*starts performing the fabled dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge techniques to avoid Hadafix's Power Bommy-Knocker*


Hadafix, I'll have you know I'm no bommy ~ so you shan't knock me!

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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 2: Marshal Wilhelm vs Reclusiarch Hadafix icon4.gif

The next duo to enter the arena consisted of the vociferous Marshal Wilhelm and the three-armed monster, Reclusiarch Hadafix.

Slowly walking to their marks, Hadafix queried Wilhelm about the scantily clad Adepta Sororita in the corner. Without a second thought he spun around frantically scanning the outer of the room. He soon realised his folly as bolter rounds impacted on his armour. Rambling something about the cowardice of an Ultramarine, the Marshal advanced and returned fire.

Hadafix’s accuracy dropped sharply for a moment as he fiddled around with his iAuspex. Wilhelm saw this and decided to make his move. Charging up the batteries he let loose a barrage of white-hot plasma which may have ended the bout, if not for the valiant iAuspex which gave its life to protect its master. The Chaplain commended the machine’s spirit to the Emperor and readied himself for the impending assault.

The Marshal revelled in his minor victory but the tables soon turned and the inspired Reclusiarch, wielding his Crozius in one hand, plasma pistol in the other hand, and a storm bolter in the other, landed several telling blows in what could only be described as a whirlwind of justice.

Unfortunately this effort could not be sustained for long and Hadafix was soon stumbling around unable to tell which of the four opponents was the real one. Feeling pity remorse fear awesome for the nauseous Chaplain, Wilhelm extended his left foot and allowed gravity to end his suffering.

- - - - -

Victory to Marshal Wilhelm.

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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 3: Marshal Longinus vs Marshal Vichiers icon4.gif

High Marshal Helbrecht chuckled as he observed Wilhelm’s finishing move. He leaned toward Brother Loring and recanted the tale of how he once destroyed a Gargant using a similar tactic “…and you should’ve seen the look on their faces!”.

In the meantime the next pairing were ready to begin.

As both of these Marshals were masters of close combat, the battle begun quite predictably with both parties gracefully manoeuvring back and forth trying to draw their opponent into a false stroke.

In an attempt to break the deadlock, Longinus reached into a pouch and produced a trusty Holy Orb of Antioch. Holding it aloft he initiated the prayer of armaments, only to be interrupted by the crowd doing typically bad Monty Python impersonations. He tried to continue but was disrupted again and again until his frustration boiled over. “FIVE!” he bellowed as he lobbed the grenade into the midst of the spectators who dispersed crying “run away, run away!”.

Admiring his work, Longinus felt something tap his boot. Looking down curiously, he quickly turned to Vichiers who was standing 20 metres away with a big grin on his face and a grenade pin in his hand.

The explosion almost knocked Longinus off his feet and it left his legs badly burnt. He barely had time to regain his stance before Vichiers was upon him. The hindered Marshal fought desperately, punishing his opponent whenever he strayed too close but it was only a matter of time before his lack of mobility was exploited. Vichiers feinted left, ducked right and swept the legs from under him.

Longinus was applauded for his efforts but it was Vichiers who would proceed.

- - - - -

Victory to Marshal Vichiers.

Sorry if you guys wanted some serious battle reports. I did start out that way but it turns out that this stuff is just too comical. I can switch back to serious if you prefer it?

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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 2: Marshal Wilhelm vs Reclusiarch Hadafix icon4.gif

The next duo to enter the arena consisted of the vociferous Marshal Wilhelm and the three-armed monster, Reclusiarch Hadafix.

Slowly walking to their marks, Hadafix queried Wilhelm about the scantily clad Adepta Sororita in the corner. Without a second thought he spun around frantically scanning the outer of the room. He soon realised his folly as bolter rounds impacted on his armour. Rambling something about the cowardice of an Ultramarine, the Marshal advanced and returned fire.

Unfortunately this effort could not be sustained for long and Hadafix was soon stumbling around unable to tell which of the four opponents was the real one. Feeling pity remorse fear awesome for the nauseous Chaplain, Wilhelm extended his left foot and allowed gravity to end his suffering.

Victory to Marshal Wilhelm.

Dear Hadafix, thanks for the battle. You might have appealed to my chivalrous concern for the scantily clad Adepta Sororita in the corner and had me wondering if the AC would cause her to catch a cold, but such appeals could not convince me to not trip over my "blessed" three armed brother. :)

I love the humour -> keep it up if you are able as I like a story more than mathhammer :D

I had to look up vociferous :huh:

It gets broken down into;

vehement |ˈvēəmənt|


showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense

( Brit. clamour)

noun [in sing. ]

a loud and confused noise, esp. that of people shouting vehemently :

I'll have to make sure I clearly annunciate my words in the future :P other than that, vociferous suits me ;)

High Marshal Helbrecht has taught me more than that little move, brothers, so I wouldn't expect much pity, mercy or remorse from me, eh?

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Sorry if you guys wanted some serious battle reports. I did start out that way but it turns out that this stuff is just too comical. I can switch back to serious if you prefer it?


Hell no, that was so funny I was almost in tears. My favorite part was when he bellowed FIVE! I love Monty Python! Good work Das, keep the comic genius coming!

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Surely only a half empty cynic would have dismissed him as a legitimate choice?


Ya know, I was actually one of the people who email Brother Tyler to see if I could use him... that's how dedicated I am to my Forgemaster!


Panzer, lovin' the humor, keep it up!


And um, might there be time after the official rounds for some grudge matches?? <eyes the emotional, line dancing Terminator> (which was modeled and painted very nicely. Very cool model, Wilhelm!)

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Surely only a half empty cynic would have dismissed him as a legitimate choice?


Ya know, I was actually one of the people who email Brother Tyler to see if I could use him... that's how dedicated I am to my Forgemaster!


And um, might there be time after the official rounds for some grudge matches?? <eyes the emotional, line dancing Terminator> (which was modeled and painted very nicely. Very cool model, Wilhelm!)


:devil: ~ I suppose you've read Mechanicum and Titanicus and wished Helsreach could've been more like them? :P ;)


I thought that you and I were bound by fate to be paired off, alas, the Emperor intervened!


That model, who'll be a Sword Brethren Terminator, is actually the first model I have painted to completion :P Thank you for the complement B)


I have quite a few Marines without painted arms & shoulders, and most of my vehicles have been painted by whomever I bought them from on eBay.

I find it easier to buy and model a new thing than paint the old thing :)

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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 4: Brother-Chaplain Hendrich vs Champion Johan icon4.gif

By now the crowd had re-assembled on the outer edge of the ring. Only two more battles remained before the next round.

The young Champion Johan was eager to prove himself in front of his esteemed brethren, in particular the venerable Chaplain Hendrich. A stern test was exactly what Hendrich intended to provide.

The Emperor’s Champion begun his advance and was greeted with an unrelenting hail of fire. He had faith in the beautifully crafted armour gifted to him and willed himself onward.

Hendrich was expending ammunition rapidly and as he grabbed for a spare magazine, his hand brushed against a Holy Orb. Unwilling to risk a repeat of the debacle in the previous fight, he decided to simply reload his weapon and maintain the fire on his opponent.

As Johan came within striking distance, the Chaplain abandoned his firearm and drew the mighty symbol of his office, a Crozius Arcanum. The Champion had endured the first test and now would need to prove his skill with the blade.

The younger marine attacked with great zeal combining powerful sword strikes with other physical attacks. This impressed Hendrich who countered with his own brutal strikes. The battle raged back and forth, with each advance checked and repelled until finally the Chaplain sent the Champion onto one knee with a sharp backhand swing.

It looked as though he was finished as the Crozius descended for the finishing blow but Johan summoned enough strength to thrust his sword before the overextended Hendrich could react. The attacks connected simultaneously and both marines slumped to the floor.

Though these combatants had proven that they were worthy of their standings in the Chapter by giving everything to achieve victory, both were too badly wounded to take any further part in the tournament.

- - - - -

Draw – both participants eliminated!

Sorry not much funny material to work with so I had to try this serious business but the result was unexpected. I thought that Hendrich would tear Johan apart but he is one lucky dude when it comes to passing saves!

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Panzer, can you use the spoiler function to hide the winner? My eyes are just drawn to that bold text before I read the story!



I thought that you and I were bound by fate to be paired off, alas, the Emperor intervened!

I expected the same. Yea, the termie looks great!

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icon4.gif Round 1, Battle 5: Champion Vorhees vs Master of Sanctity Jasper icon4.gif

The best medical teams the Emperor could provide were now filtering in to the hall; Apothecaries waved their oversized-chainsaw utensils around in preparation for surgery, while Techmarines tried to convince the patients that bionic implants were sanctified “Sororita-magnets”. Helbrecht facepalmed and turned back to see the final participants of the round already facing off in a verbal engagement – both refusing to back down.

Jasper started swinging his Crozius Paddle-um in a windmill action “…well I’m going to do this and if you get in my way it's your own fault!”. Vorhees saw his challenge and began a large chopping motion “Then I’m going to do this and if you get in my way it’s YOUR fault!”.

As they begun edging closer to one another, Marshal Recard felt guilty for not attempting to save these comically doomed souls yet at the same time found himself compelled to watch. Brother Loring clearly had no such qualms and was licking his lips at the prospect of more destruction.

Before they made contact, Jasper roared his famous battlecry “BLAAAAAARGH!” only to be drowned out by the horrific crunching noise of steel on ceramite.

The Master of Sanctity caught the flat side of Vorhees’ blade with his face, sending him crashing to the floor. The last words to his opponent before the servitors carried him off: “Winning a duel…ooh, you better believe that’s a paddling...”.

- - - - -

Victory to Champion Vorhees.

Congratulations to all the winners, commiserations to all those left in the care of the Apothecarion. Round 2 matchups will be announced shortly then the players will have 48 hours to get specific instructions to me.

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Haha, although I'm really busy with all kinds of stuff to not really get onto the forums anymore, I must admit that this is clearly some stuff I'd gladly make time for and wouldn't want to miss. It is lovely to read Panzer, I'm looking forward to the next battles! :)
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You mean I have to fight again?! :eek

It was nerve-wracking enough the first time! B)


"Instructions for Close Combat focused baddies who wish to bully me."

will do just fine for Reclusiarch Kantor.


I actually thought I was fighting this guy and not who I fought in Round One B)

The pictures confused me :P


Since I already prophesied this:

"*starts performing the fabled dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge techniques to avoid Hadafix's jma037's Power Bommy-Knocker*

Hadafix jma037, I'll have you know I'm no bommy ~ so you shan't knock me!"


I am sure the Emperor has destined me to overcome this fellow with aplomb! ;)


*starts performing the fabled dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge techniques to avoid Hadafix's jma037's Power Bommy-Knocker* ~ no sense getting complacent, after all! ;)

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"Instructions for Close Combat focused baddies who wish to bully me."

will do just fine for Reclusiarch Kantor.


Your strategy is complex, comprehensive and tactically brilliant. Every move anticipated, every reaction measured and precise. Typical of a Marshal.

My strategy is simple. I will kill till the Emperor wills me to kill no more. Typical of a Chaplain.


May the Emperor guide my hand.

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icon4.gif Round 2, Battle 1: Champion Vorhees vs Marshal Vichiers icon4.gif

Over half the participants now lay incapacitated on the sidelines with their medical attendants. Those still in contention for the top prize were even more driven to succeed with the threat of the Apothecaries looming over them. For some reason, watching the attempts to cure Jasper’s concussion with a meltagun did not fill the survivors with confidence.

None of this seemed to bother Brother Vorhees who shuffled sideways to the mark stating that it was “Time of the Hammer” and arrogantly claimed that his opponent would be unable to make contact with him. The ever-vigilant Vichiers suspected witchcraft and immediately primed his pistol.

The Champion had barely left his position when the plasma shots started flying. One searing hot blast struck him in the arm rendering it useless. Vichiers offered him a chance to surrender but he refused, insisting that it was merely a scratch.

Unwilling to afford the weapon time to cool down, the Marshal had insulted the machine spirit which subsequently punished him by overheating. In his surprise he dropped the pistol and he could only watch in dismay as it melted straight through the floor to the levels below.

With his opponent momentarily distracted, Vorhees seized the opportunity and slapped his foe with the gauntlet covered in plasma causing the Marshal to stagger around in pain. Displaying some of the fancy footwork from the beginning of the fight, Vorhees danced around his opponent striking at will and giving him no time to recover.

Just as it seemed the Champion was on the verge of victory, luck intervened and his boot became stuck in the plasma pistol shaped hole in the floor. As he frantically tried to free himself, Vichiers gained the time he needed to regain his composure and he launched the decisive counter attack. The first strike knocked the Black Sword from Vorhees’ hands and he followed it up with a powerful kick to the chest, smashing his opponent to the ground.

The Emperor’s Champion groaned as the servitors hobbled over, fully aware of the terrible fate that awaited him.

- - - - -

Victory to Marshal Vichiers.

Maybe his vision from The Emperor should have told him not to get out of bed today? :) Just one more fight before the finale!

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