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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

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Thanks for the critiques and encouragement, everyone.


I'll be honest I always thought that quartered colour schemes were a bit naff, but you've changed my opinion with these models, now I'm a huge fan!


It's funny, because when I was first looking through Space Marine paint jobs thinking about how I was going to paint mine, I saw the quartered designs and thought the same thing. My original idea was orange with black trim, with just the face-plates being white. This is the perfect excuse to show the very first 40k mini I ever painted, which was also the second mini I ever painted:




I call him "Brother Retardicus", and he and his mates are being repainted to match the new direction the war-band took. I started with those 3-piece "quick assembly" dudes, painted about five of them, then, for whatever reason, started painting my squad leaders, starting off with my counts-as: Biker Aspiring Champion "Huscarl-Leftenant Atrithi" who leads the "7th Squad (Cavalry), Blood Riders":




But I have to go back on him and his four companions and make their legs bigger, because people just won't let me get away with Space Marines with dainty elf legs ;) That's a project I'm going to tackle over winter break starting in December.


The sister looks great! Did you use the Termy sorcerer books for the wound markers?


No, I'm saving the Terminator Lord spell book for something else (I'm not sure what yet). Those spell books come from the WHFB Empire Flagellants. The Flagellants are a dead useful box to buy for bits. I'm also using them for my counts-as: Summoned Lesser Daemons,:




These are crazed cultists called "the Hanged Men", and as mentioned in my DIY IA entry represent regular humans from their home-world who are all crazy about Chaos and follow them to the battlefield using Warp magic enabled by the Nuncio. I've got five of these guys so far, and they are on the schedule to be painted next after I do the Raptor Aspiring Champion, an as yet unnamed Aspiring Champion who leads the "9th Squad (Assault-Jump), Storm Crows":




This guy has had the big trophy rack removed since I took that picture, because I didn't think a bulky fixture on his jump-pack looked right. He's magnetized, so the Plasma Pistol in his right hand can be changed to a Bolt Pistol, and his left arm Power Sword from the elbow down is magnetized to trade it out with either a Power Fist or a Chain Sword.


I've got two CSM Aspiring Champions that are assembled and magnetized, but I keep waffling on whether or not I want to completely redo them. I also have their squad Icon Bearers, but they are definitely on the refashioning schedule, because I want to replace their Icons of Khorne with custom flags which will denote their squad, sort of like platoon guidons in the real US Army. They will carry these all the time, and whether or not they have an Icon will be represented in a different way.

Looking good my friend, I was thinking of using the flagellants for my traitor guard with those chain-blades, funny that :P


It's great to see how far your painting seems to have come on from that first mini, you're moving on in leaps and bounds compared to me!


Keep up the good work, and stay away from those elf legs ^_^

Looking good my friend, I was thinking of using the flagellants for my traitor guard with those chain-blades, funny that :cuss


WHFB is a gold mine of conversion bits.


The "cultists" are going to have Blood Red robes to allude to their standing in for Daemons, and I might give them one of the much cooler Daemon Army Icons to carry around, I don't know yet. Having them wearing red robes and holding aloft the Bloodletter's Icon might help people make the connection with what they represent. I had this guy at my LGS insist that I trade out one of them with this Bloodletter model he had with him, "so he could remember". I went with it because he had agreed to help me with the rules, but I think it took some of the fun out of it. Because if I had wanted big ugly Daemons in my army I wouldn't have bothered with the conversions, and it's not like I had any idea what all his weird-ass Tyranid models were. Besides, if I were going to cheat I'd pick a better statline...

WHFB is a gold mine of conversion bits.


I heard there's a game out too :down:


As for the inevitable guy not happy with a conversion piece, you'll probably get a smattering of those wherever you go, but most people should be cool. I also have the exact same problem with the tyranid models you mentioned, there are so many statlines without models they may as well be playing with melted army men.


Looking forward to more updates!

Max, instead of expanding the legs, why don't you have the rider merge with the mount?


Mutation does not fit the theme of this particular army. In the DIY IA (that I keep putting off rewriting) it explains that they belong to a bizarre Chaos cult that has religious reasons to abhor mutation. Therefore they do the "cut it off or kick them out" thing to mutants.


When I'm done with them, I have plans to start a "mutations are AWESOME!" warband, just to see what sort of weird stuff I can do...

  • 1 month later...

I've been away for a while because of school and finals and then holidays with the family. For Yule I got a gift card that I immediately used on some Chaos Terminators. I've got them assembled and they are my next paint project, but no pictures right now. Instead I've got pictures of the Chaos Vindicator I assembled tonight. No idea when it's going to be painted, as vehicles are pretty low on my priority list for paint. So I wanted to share it now, as it may be months before it's actually painted.


Like all vehicles in my motorpool, it's dedicated to Khorne:





The back with the loading winch and magazine hatch:


I thought it would be silly to leave a shell swinging in the breeze. Enemy fire might detonate it! I also thought a rear ramp was silly, so I added the armored magazine hatch doors using the deck plate of a Predator.


Here's a close-up of the Tank Commander:


The Demolisher Cannon packs a big punch, but at a very short range, so I went ahead and gave him a permanent anti-infantry defense. The front torso and head are from Space Wolf models, forget which kind, and I rather like the pointing arm, which is from the Space Marine Command Swuad sprue, I think. I wanted it to look like he was pointing out the next target, or just generally commanding his tank forward.


I sort of went nuts with all the skulls on the dozer blade. It's no longer just a dozer blade, but also a shrine to Khorne. Too much?

i love all of the accesories, they make the tank look amazing. :P


good on you for making khorne tanks, lots of people think that khorne is close combat oriented, but he dosent care what makes the blood flow as long as it flows





i love all of the accesories, they make the tank look amazing. :)


I just got done "toning it down" a little bit, actually. I left the Mark of Khorne and the heads hanging from chains, but I took off the bones that were running along the bottom. I wasn't sure if it was too much when I did it, and a week later I still wasn't sure so I went ahead and scaled it back.


My very first Rhino was traded for from a friend who half assembled it and forgot about it, and then I took after it myself before I really knew what I was doing. So I had some rather unfortunate choices modeled into it, including a DIY missile launcher made out of a 1:35 scale TOW missile launcher. I really don't remember what my reasoning was behind that...


But I had it mostly painted before I left it to go on an assembling spree of troops, and then just kept using it half painted. I got tired of it being half done and festooned with strange options, so I took a knife and brush to it finally. I wanted some practice to get back into painting before I started painting my new Terminators (and the B&C Librarium Challenge!)


So here is a Rhino, my very first one, that I rescued from a friend and then rescued from myself and finished painting tonight:






I've got a second Rhino that needs some remodeling, but it's only primered and I've got too many other projects to go back and fool with it right now.

I like, quite a bit. The only thing I might say is that the black looks a little flat in comparison to the beautiful red.


I'm not sure how to make black not look flat, and thanks for the compliment! :rolleyes: I know I'm not doing really great work here (it's my first army and all that), but I still like to see that people actually look at my work and find something redeeming in it.


Here is a Terminator I did for my Chaos Lord's Retinue (as in the guys who cruise around in the Land Raider with him). He's just a boring old "Twin-linked Bolter and Power Weapon" Terminator, but I wanted to have two guys be jazzed up as "personal bodyguards". The other guy is waiting for his cloak to arrive in the mail before he gets paint, but here's the first one:






I thought to myself, "why let Grey Knights" have all the fun", and made the big warhammer out of a Terminator Sorcerer's Force staff, a bit from the Defiler's CCW, some daemon heads from the vehicle accessory sprue and some tubing. The wrist mounted twin-linked Bolter is two regular CSM Bolt Pistols filed flat on one side each and glued together, with one of the ammo links repositioned. And yeah, I actually drilled through that much of the Force Weapons handle to slide that tube through it. It was a pain.


I wanted to use Berserker skull helmets for all my Terminators in this army, but decided it was too much of a hassle and just used them on the "personal bodyguard" guys.


To position his hands like that required green stuff and some "fudging" with the left arm. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it worked out that the positioning and the black of the paint scheme help hide it with a "table's eye" view. I'm pretty happy with the wrist mounted Bolters and the custom warhammer, and the other guy I think is modeled and posed better than this one.


He is 1 out of 5 Terminators I'm painting for this year's Librarium Painting Challenge. The other four guys are assembled, one of them is primered. It's going to be two basic Terminators, one with a Heavy Flamer and Power Maul, and the last one has a Power Axe and magnetized inter-changeable firearms (one of each type). Because the box had five dudes in it, the last guy from my vow is a Power Weapon and Reaper Autocannon guy I made for Kill Team missions. Over-watch is murder, yo.


I'm also doing these handsome gentlemen:




Funny story, I assembled them almost a year ago, on the night my house was burglarised. Turns out the thieves knew I would be out of town doing RPG/hobby stuff all night, and so chose that night to strike. The worst kind of scum, really, but two of them are currently sitting in jail on unrelated charges and will have their day in court for my house burglary. And now I'm finally getting around to painting them, which shows you how disruptive having most of your stuff stolen can be.


But anyway, these guys need a little mucking about with before I paint them, with some weapon repairs and back pack adjustments and whatnot, and maybe swap some weapons around. But these are my "at least 8 Khorne Berzerkers" that I vowed to accomplish.


Also, I went ahead and fixed the second Rhino I mentioned in my last post, and will be re-priming and painting that at some point in the near future as well. My guys have to ride in style...

  • 1 month later...

Been a while since I have posted anything (busy with school), so here is a second update for my Librarium Painting Challenge vow, the promised WIP shots:




Group shot of recent models.




Finally got the second bodyguard's cloak in so I could finish assembly on him. Posed above with his counterpart from the last update. I like the pose of the second one better. I had two of them, so I wanted to have one using his big hammer and the other his wrist-mount Bolters.




My Heavy Flamer Terminator and my Berserker "color bearer". I'm doing this thing where each squad has a standard, but carrying around a flag didn't seem like a very berserk thing to do. So I gave him a shield, which I'm going to do up with the company heraldry, maybe with an extra device denoting their squad name or number. I am not good with free-handing little details like that (I can barely manage the IV on each figure's left shoulder pad with any consistency), so we'll see where that goes.

How did you make the wrist-mounted bolters?


Looks awesome btw!




"Take two Bolters and attach them to each other, et voila, they are now Twin-linked Bolters!"




The wrist mounted Bolters were very straightforward and easy. I took two Chaos Bolt Pistols that had the ammo belt instead of box magazine. I cut off the ammo belts and put them aside, then I trimmed the bottoms of the Bolt Pistols relatively flat. Then I used a file to make smooth surfaces on facing sides of the two Bolt Pistols before attaching them together with glue. After they were glued I matched the bottoms with a file, also filing flat an area on the wrists to mount them to. Going back to the ammo belts, I picked one out and glued it to the outward side of the now twin-linked Bolters, angling the belt so it would look the bend was going with gravity.


Don't forget to drill out the barrels and vents before you glue the two Bolt Pistols together.


Alternately you could bits order a Loyalist Storm Bolter. I've seen where others have done that, removing the drum magazine and repositioning it to one side.

The second of five Terminators for the Librarium Challenge is completed:




The "Burnished Gold" paint was mostly sludge, so it took forever to do his gold trim. It was also messy, requiring more touch-up than usual. But he is done, so there is that, and I am pleased with how he came out.


In an earlier post it was pointed out that the black paint on my Rhino was very flat looking. I didn't know what to do about it at the time, but after thinking about it and seeing what some others were doing I decided to try some "worn/chipped paint" to accentuate the black so it wasn't so flat. I also added some yellow and black hazard stripes because 1. I like them, and 2. it goes along with my DIY IA fluff:




When I first started I bought a couple of those three piece "quick assembly" guys, of which the aforementioned "Brother Retardicus" (my very first 40k paint job) was one. Needing something easy to do while other things were drying last night, I decided to re-touch those five guys to bring them in line with the current paint scheme, and also maybe not look so retarded. The results were mixed; I did them quickly and with gobbed up paint. But, as filler models to throw into the army to round up numbers, they will function:




Thank you! I was thinking about doing the double Bolt Pistol thing, but I was unsure if they'd look a bit small for Storm Bolters. But clearly it works! :D I will so be doing that very soon on my terminators!


Glad I could contribute something useful! :lol:


nice conversions brothers, love the tanks :lol:


but you gotta take care of some mold lines, for example on the trophy skulls with the chain, on the side of the wicked vindicator.


great work nonetheless!


Thanks for the input! I always appreciate it. Mold lines is something I have only very recently started worrying about. But you're absolutely right. I hadn't been noticing it so much, but I am now. When I go to paint that Vindicator I will try to smooth as much as I can before I primer it, but the last five or ten models I've assembled I've been trying to get them before things are glued together.


I've got some more stuff that's assembled, but I'm waiting until I start painting them to bother posting pictures. The rest of this weekend's painting activities will just be primering some things, and then on to mundane chores. But I've got the dust knocked of my brushes at least!

Went ahead and took a couple of pictures while primering, so here are some grey models to show what's jogging along the sidelines while I paint my Berserkes and Terminators.


This is one of the "independent reserve units" of my DIY company. They are "handsome yet aloof" Marines fanatically dedicated to the fallen Sister of Battle from the previous page. I call the squad "The Shield Thralls". They're going to be Warlock Purple with Mithril Silver trim:




Here are two color bearers. The Berzerker I've mentioned before. The Tactical squads get the giant banners. The big flag is going to be done up in the orange and black heraldry of the company, with the dags on the bottom being done up denote the squad number. I'm thinking that since my Terminator Champion was done in the Iron Warriors scheme to "honor the roots of the warband", I might do something similar with the Tactical squad color bearers. Maybe in the pre-Heresy Luna Wolves scheme, or also in the Iron Warriors scheme. I haven't decided yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the cross on the chest in orange and black for the current company:



My warband, wolves in darkness, admire youre history and modelling.


We look forward to hanging your head from our trophy rack




-edit- I can slaughter a Farseers council, but i cant spell hang?!?!?!? :P?


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