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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

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My warband, wolves in darkness, admire your history and modeling.


We look forward to hanging your head from our trophy rack




Got up and wanted to do some painting before lunch, so I thought about the touch-ups I did yesterday. I did them all at once, and that gave me the notion to "assembly line" my Berzerkers, to save time and maybe actually complete my vow:




I wouldn't have thought I could get this much done in one day, as I am normally incredibly slow when I paint. From here on out it's basically just details and touch-ups, and I'm confident I can complete this squad next Saturday. I'm kicking around ideas for the squad heraldry, maybe doing something different than I originally planned. These guys, except for one of them, are "The Teeth Grinders", so I was thinking doing some kind of device that represented "Teeth Grinders" and their squad number, which is 4. Not sure how I would do that, or in what colors, yet. Going to kick around some ideas all week and then probably do something completely different once I actually get to it...

An issue with my vehicle kept me out of town until Sunday afternoon, so I didn't have the time to complete the Berserkers like I thought I would. I did make some progress, though, and even tried a new painting trick:




Here are three of the squad, because I didn't want to carry all of them into the kitchen to photograph them. I've got the backpacks on all of them done, colored in the Skull White on the helmets, and got in some CCW details. I'm not that great at making straight lines for the hazard stripes, and the Chaos chainweapons have all kinds of bling that gets in the way, so some of them are better than others. I was pretty proud of how vibrant and solid the yellow came out, but my shaky hand with the black sort of mitigated that success.


I have a general idea of how I want to do the squad markings, and this fella in the middle is carrying my idea for his squad. I'm still not sure if I'm 100% happy with the execution. The red background and white stripe are paint, while the "gothic" numeral 4 and zigzags were drawn with a Sakura ink pen. So, that was sort of a new thing for me to try, and so was thinning my paints. That seems like an obvious thing to have tried before now, but I'm kind of a slow learner who has to figure things out at his own pace. I'm not sure if it made the painting any better or easier, but I used a lot less of it and didn't have to deal with leaving the pots open and gunking up.


And just because, here is an action shot of my in-progress army at the beginning of the round that I started to chew up some Grey Knights the other evening:




I'm really happy that there is more and more color in my army; it looks hella better on the table.


Throughout this week I'm going to try to work a little bit every night, then try to get them finished Friday so I can start on the rest of my Terminators. The deadline for the LPC is still a way off, but it's creeping closer...

Because successive updates of nothing but painting the same figures is boring, I present here the finally completely assembled Khornate Defiler:






I've been using him for a long time without anything representing his extra DCCWs, not sure exactly how I was going to finish it. I knew I wanted axes, and I had been planning on making a pair of giant chain-axes, bigger versions of one I did for my second Dreadnought:




Which was a flaming pain to make...


But I was my folks' house the other day and got the impulse to go digging through the chest of old and broken toys from three generations of kids. Sometimes I find useful conversion bits in there, and that day I found these giant axe things. No idea what they were from, some kind of Lego type thing, but I thought they were perfect for my "choppy" Defiler (I am going to have three; one with claws; one with axes; one with buzz-saws).


Maybe if he had these on Saturday night he wouldn't have eaten that las-cannon round so early in the game.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got the 8 Berserkers for part of my Librarium Painting Challenge finished tonight. I may go back and add some blood effects to the CCW, but I am undecided on whether or not I really want to. But without further chatter, here is the group shot:




Since they're finished I decided to try shooting the on my brand new gaming table. The lighting isn't all that great, but these are serviceable shots, I suppose. And fast than doing all the editing in Photoshop that I normally do. But yeah, here are some closer shots:




I tried some dry-brushing effects to make the shield look like it's taken a beating. I guess I'm OK with how the design on it turned out.




I am also OK with how the hazard stripes turned out, as awkward as they are to paint on Chaos CCW.






I wanted to show at least one individual closer, and I chose this guy because I bothered to paint his bandolier and ammo...


So there are the 8 Berserkers that I owed for my LPC vow. Now all I have to do to complete the vow is paint three more Chaos Terminators, which I'm reckoning on taking two weekends, so I should get done just in time.

Cool! keep up the good work. I love the color scheme.




Thanks! I think I'm learning to be a little less heavy-handed with the Badab Black wash, which helps keep the colors brighter. The two Skull Champions I've done are darker and so lose some of the glory of the orange, but I think the wash went on lighter and more even with this batch. I tried using Devlan Mud on the dirt basing, but I'm not sure it looks as good as the black wash. The black I think stands out more than the brown wash on brown paint. I may go back over that, but I'm not sure.

Got some bits in today, so I took some time to revisit an earlier unit that I've put on hold due to a problem. The problem? "Dainty elf legs":




The solution? Beefy Chaos Knight legs:








I've got five guys already modeled with said dainty elf legs, so I'm going to have to prise those off and replace them with the new ones, including the already painted and sealed Champion. I am not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to building the other five guys in the squad from the ground up. I think I'm going to have to make little balls of GS to go between the torso and legs on each model, as I don't think the torso looks right just sitting on the flat top of the legs. For the saddles on the Cold Ones you just have shave off the cantle on the back and then file the top a little bit, but other than all that the legs seem to fit just fine.


Also, took advantage of nice weather today to primer my tanks and walkers. Want to start working on those as a continuing side project while I complete my regular squads. Fumes. Fumes everywhere...

awesome! i love the conversions.


on a side note about the weather, you were lucky. i had hail, slush and thunder.




And hail, slush and thunder? That was last week. This week it was warm and sunny. The weatherman is saying we'll get another round of ice and snow for next week. One morning you leave your house in shorts, but by afternoon everyone is wearing hats and scarves and it's snowing. The weather in the American Midwest is nuts that way from November to April. The rest of the year we just break up the monotony of oppressive drought conditions with the occasional tornado... :HQ:

Testing out a new paint, a Reaper version of orange, to see if I like it more than the GW version. To do that I had a go at Rhino 10/2 to both see how it worked and get another vehicle painted.








I've since painted the hazard stripes on, and I expect to get it done this coming weekend. After that, nothing but what's left on my LPC oath...

High up in a tower of the fortress of the Jarl resides the apprentice of the sorcerer Forn Grimnir: the fallen Sororitas, Sister Brunhyld the Jealous. Up in her secluded apartments she keeps a squad of secretive and silent Marines, her mysterious Shield Thralls. Mindlessly adoring of her they follow her commands on the battlefield like men possessed. Avoided and scorned by the Marines of the Iron Hounds, these men respond to none but their mistress, saving all their devotion for her and their mutual master, The Changer of Ways.


(counts-as Rubric Marines with Aspiring Sorcerer)








They're going to be Warlock Purple with Mithril Silver trim. Those are Dark Angels Fallen backpacks. The Bolters have the small daemon heads from the Chaos Vehicle Sprue. The heads are from Blood Angels. I was trying out some poses, and I like the standard bearer (who isn't really a standard bearer, just represents the fact that these are Rubric Marines of Tzeentch), feel OK about the one guy in the second picture pausing with his Bolter raised, but I'm not thrilled with the one in the third picture raising a fist. I think I should have used a bent arm, in retrospect. But I'm OK enough with him to keep him like that, I guess.

Hell no! She's plenty Chaos!


The blood (?) on her spear looks a bit too.. red :huh: maybe try a few washed of Badab Black or something?


Anyway, I really like her story and her bodyguard background, like Jennifer Lopez' male dancers or something! haha, nah it's awesome! Keep up the great work man

neat idea but the girl really isn't chaos, she need mutations or something


She, uh, has mutated to look like an Eldar in the face? She also has a skull on a chain hanging from her belt, and that's all the rage amongst the Chaos kids this millennium.


Hell no! She's plenty Chaos!


The blood (?) on her spear looks a bit too.. red :D maybe try a few washed of Badab Black or something?


Anyway, I really like her story and her bodyguard background, like Jennifer Lopez' male dancers or something! haha, nah it's awesome! Keep up the great work man


I'm not happy with the force weapon blade or the blood on it. I've got some Gore Red that I'm going to mess with, and maybe I will varnish it to look wet. I'm not looking forward to painting all the flesh and hair on her "Pretty Cabana-Boy Marines", but it's always nice to get away from the quartered paint scheme for a bit.

neat idea but the girl really isn't chaos, she need mutations or something


She, uh, has mutated to look like an Eldar in the face? She also has a skull on a chain hanging from her belt, and that's all the rage amongst the Chaos kids this millennium.


She looks like an SoB not a Chaos Cultist, and i dont know if you noticed but skull motifs are pretty common in the imperium too


like for any CSM you can look at it an say "Chaos" this doesnt have the same effect

Can we maybe get some close-ups of her all around? She's made of Dark Elf bits right?


The saga of her creation is told on a previous page of this very thread. You can find the requested pictures here. She's Dark Eldar (Kabalite) based, with Flagellant arms, various bits and GS.


She looks like an SoB not a Chaos Cultist


She is a Sister of Battle, albeit a Sister who has fallen to Chaos. I wanted her to be identifiable as a Sister to make her service to Tzeentch that much more blasphemous.


like for any CSM you can look at it an say "Chaos" this doesnt have the same effect


Maybe, but she will be surrounded by CSM in her squad, and all the other CSM and Daemonic Engines and spikey vehicles in the army, so there is that.

Wheee! I'm painting an entire squad that has NOTHING to do with my LPC oath! What is wrong with me?


The base coloring of my Shield Thralls (Rubric Marines):




And the creeping progress of Rhino #2 (not for the Rubric squad, that one comes later):




I'm not at all happy with the different primer I tried. Note to self: when testing new primers only spray one (1) model... $4 wasted and a trip to the store to get a can of what I've been using. The Warlock Purple is a little lighter than I thought it'd be. It's darker in the pictures than it really is, but I'm glad I didn't add the white like I was going to, otherwise I'd have a squad of hot pink Marines. I experimented with putting a wash down before painting on one pauldron of one guy, and I didn't like it. I experimented with two different color washes on the feet of another guy, and decided there really wasn't much of a difference, but the purple wash looked slightly better (in that it was less pronounced after drying). I'm kicking around how I want to do the standard, thinking about trying something crazy like a lighting effect, like it's glowing or summat. Not sure how to go about that yet, but I'm giving it thought.


Another thing that's different for these guys is that the scheme is really simple. One color all the way across and a trim. I might get more colorful on the Bolters, but I'm still undecided, though I did paint the daemon eyes a glowing green. I'm thinking I'll maybe try a lighting effect with those, too, if I can pull it off.


Anyway, wall of text for two little pictures of not a lot, but I wanted to post what I had, because now they're at least colorful to look at...

Got a wild hair today and decided to paint my Khârn figure. But since I have to be difficult, he's not actually Khârn, but a character of my own that uses Khârn's rules and most of his model.


Anyone who's read my IA knows that it's got some pretty crazy stuff going on, one of which is the fact that the Iron Hounds don't really worship the Ruinous Powers. Instead they revere the Old Dead Gods of Mankind, laboring under the belief that a sort of "Chaos Bodhisattva" known as Khalder will lead them to their Pure Land if they lead disciplined and valorous lives and die stylish deaths in glorious combat. Is Khalder an incarnation of Khorne? Is it Tzeentch screwing around? Or are their souls really escaping annihilation at the hands of daemons of the Warp to fly to a paradise where all of Mankinds old deities are chilling? It's probably Tzeentch screwing around, but the Avatar of Khalder is real, and I have pictures to prove it:






I was trying to mix up a new color as an experiment. The idea of which is what prompted me to suddenly undertake this project today. I was going for a pre-Heresy Sons of Horus or Luna Wolves color. I'm not sure exactly what this is, but I think it looks OK. I used three parts skull white to one part codex grey and one part rotting flesh. I decided not to trim him out just to see what it'd look like, then decided I liked it.


I hate the Khârn helmet. It's HUGE and flat and has those silly tassle things. So I yanked it off and put a bionic head from the Space Marine Devastator box on there. I like bionic parts, and it fits with my army theme. I decided when I did my other Champion that he would be painted in the Iron Warrior colors to represent the fact that the warband is made from the remnants to two warbands of differing Legions. I thought to make a second champion in the Luna Wolves colors to balance that out.


This mini was fiddly to paint. I did not enjoy much of it. I see little spots here and there that I will have to dot in, too, which is annoying. I rather like how the plasma coils and the blood spatter turned out. The plasma coils are ice blue dipped in the brush wash real quick, and the blood is gore red that I dry brushed (more like dry mashed). If I had an extra tooth brush in the house I would have done the flick thing, but I don't so I didn't.


Anyway, I'm happy he's painted because I've finally gotten around to using him on the table. He rides in a Land Raider with the Berserkers I painted earlier. They like to perform drive-by ax-ings on Loyalist dogs, and who am I to tell them no?

Im sorry the Loyalist Dogs you like to do the Axings to arent in the running anymore.....Maybe all the stompy blokes can give you a satisfying battle though. :devil:


I shall finish assembly of my new Land Raiders this eve, and we shall see what's what upon the morrow.


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