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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

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Been pretty busy with working on my house and being sick, so my free time has been mostly playing rather than painting or modeling. I recently whipped together the bare minimum of a Predator so I could use it as a Rhino for a game last Sunday, but that's not really interesting enough to post pictures of yet. What I have done is push the boundaries of my mania concerning magnets.


I have been feeling a formless anxiety over the rumors of a new Chaos Marine codex, and this encouraged an idea I had been kicking around for a bit. I have Brother Versatile, but I wanted to have a couple of Terminators who could be almost anything, because I occasionally play with odd lists and strange load outs just to do it.


So I present to you this WIP:


Basic figure



With combi-melta and power maul



With combi-bolter, power maul, and melta bomb



With the contents of his wall locker, standing with his predecessor and mentor



I am going to make at least two of these. That's a minimum of ordering bits, because most of this is left overs added to a single figure I bought from a bits store to have something to do with them. I may make a third, just to have an entire minimum sized squad that can do about anything, but maybe not. The problem with doing this is that I ended up with less than snug arms, so the end result doesn't look as clean as it otherwise could. I wouldn't do all my Terminators like this for that reason. That and the bits would get expensive. The drilling, pinning, and magnetizing is no big deal to me by now, but it is time consuming.

These things... these things have been sitting half finished for a long while now. Something about them made me not want to work on them. Part of that, I think, was that when I primed them it must have been humid, so there is a texture on many surfaces of the models that was torquing me off. And the Mithril Silver wasn't going on very smoothly over the white primer any way. And blah blah blah, I hated doing it.


But I got a fire under me tonight and just went ahead and finished them. Mostly because I was sick of looking at them on my painting table. I even used them in a couple of games unfinished, and that's a bit...


But anyway, here's my counts-as Rubric Marines, the recently finished Shield Thralls, with their counts-as Aspiring Sorceress Sister Brunhyld the Jealous.




Close up of the Fallen Sister and two of her retinue, showing off the Dark Angels backpacks I used:



Another small group, this time with the Tzeentch Icon:



Close up of the Icon Bearer:



Brother Angry Fist and partner:



Brother Casual and partner:



Close up of random Marine:



Working on these things made me go cross eyed and tired and get irritable. I don't know why, but maybe because I mostly am into Khorne? Some parts are kind of sloppy, I guess, though I tried to fix what I saw when I was less angry at them. I kept finding things I forgot to paint, little spaces here and there, even places I forgot to put wash. There are some things I didn't catch until I was Photoshopping the pictures. I tell you, I am absolutely put out with this squad.


I did try something I hadn't done before, based on a tutorial I recently watched on youtube. It's probably really basic for most people, but I am relatively new to painting. On these guys I went back and did some watered down highlighting of the power armor. Add that to the going over of trim and the strategic outlining (and ignoring the parts where I was so cross I missed spots) and these guys are the current pinnacle of my technique. Also the Tzeentch Icon, which I decided that painting it yellow and blue would clash with the purple and silver of the Marines, so I applied my recently learned power weapon technique to make it look "all magicky".


So there they are. I never have to paint them again... ;)

The mood to paint doesn't strike me often, so while it was here I rolled with it. These are the Bog Men, corpses of enemy Astartes fished out of the bog below the Jar's fortress and reanimated by the vile and loathsome Apothecary-Brother Viktor Rose. Viktor is detailed in the first post of this thread, so I won't re-post individual photos of him here. The Apothecary is a twisted creature, consumed by his insane experiments, and tolerated only for his usefulness. The recruits of the Iron Hounds dread trips to the Apothecary's office for good reason: if they have failed their masters or are rejecting their gene-seed they will never be seen again, except shambling from Viktor's Rhino-based battle-field ambulance. Enemies of the Jarl and traitors to the Iron Hounds are ritually drowned in the bogs below, only to be retrieved by Viktor when the time is right to be dissected in his foul experiments.


The Bog Men, led by Apothecary-Brother Viktor Rose:



The Icon of Nurgle fascinating its bearer:



A typical Bog Man:



The same Bog Man from the rear:



Some corpses are so mangled or decomposed that several are sewn together, or the weapons directly fused to the bodies:



The Bog Men never seem to run out of blood or guts, no matter how much spills from their rotting bodies:



Probably because they tend to consume the flesh and blood of the battlefield dead:



The armor they wear is stripped of the previous markings by the bog, and Viktor only bothers to have the shoulder pads splashed with white paint and three horizontal red lines painted on them to mark them as his property (not that anybody else would go near them):



The weapons they use are captured Imperial weapons that are maintained by Iron Hound recruits as part of their training duties. The Imperial icons are left as a deliberate insult, though the weapons are all well cared for and function reliably:



And that's my Plague Marine squad. The pictures aren't great because I'm using my camera phone. I always use my camera phone, but my patience in Photoshop has been lacking lately...


I tried a couple of things I don't normally do on these. I tried out more extensive highlighting, having a go at the edging and outlining methods I see people do. Results were mixed due mainly to my inability to keep a thin line with my brush. I also based the shoulder pads in Bleached Bone and went over them in Skull White after washing them. I think it would have worked if I hadn't of washed them so heavily. I definitely overdid the washing on the shoulder pads. I was trying to dry-brush certain highlights post-wash to make the colors brighter, with varied results. I think the Scorpion Green on the Icon slime worked OK, but the Blight Grenades not so much (though I am still happy with how they turned out). I tried thinning my washes for the first time, but not until I was doing the basing. Next time I will try that on the model itself.


I used SIXTEEN different paint pots for these guys. That has to be some kind of personal record...


Comments and critique always welcome.

Interesting fluff behind the Bog Men, especially because it makes me think of Louisiana... with zombies, and its a great way to add some DG to your army. The paint job you did really makes them match their background.


Also, I still want to steal your Fallen Sister!

Also, I still want to steal your Fallen Sister!


She always attracts attention at the LGS whenever people wander over to look at the games, if for nothing else but the pure oddity of her being on the table with Marines. She's one of my favorite characters in my army, too. I owe the largest part of how she turned out to some very good suggestions and feedback in this thread.


I haven't done a character build in a while, but I'm thinking about making some noise Marines, and I want to have the most fabulous Noise Marine Champion to lead them! Like full on Liberace fabulous. That project won't be starting for at least a month, though, since I'm skint and can't buy new models for a while. But I'm gong to see if I can't keep up my sudden momentum and get another squad or two painted before university starts back up.

  • 2 weeks later...

My Obliterators are fluffed differently than normal. I don't like the Obliterator virus background, and I really don't like the Obliterator models. So I have Detachment 100, a maniple of Obliterator-pattern Cataphract Robots on loan to the Iron Hounds from Legio Nefandus, a Dark Mechanicus ally.




That's an old picture, but the three "Obliterator pattern robots" are still WIP. They are likely my next modeling project to see finished; I have been fielding them more often lately and I want them to look good when I do it. For units that have multiple wounds I like to make wound markers. Jarl Bolverk has his two wolves, Nuncio Callixtus has three spell books, so these guys needed summat theme wise as well. A long while ago I decided that Dark Mechanicus priests would follow them around the battlefield, but I wasn't sure how I would do it. This weekend I made a couple of trades that figured it out for me.


Dark Mechanicus corrupted Tech Marine:




The original servo-arm decorates a Dark Heresy character model I made (an Ork Freeboota, so I can't show him here), so I made him a backpack out of a spare Apothecary backpack because it had the Enginseer-like shoulder light and a servo-arm from a spare Chirurgeon backpack:




The next guy is an Enginseer I traded for. Looking at the catalog online I was keen to get the #2 variation, but when trading you take what you can get. I'm happy with him, though:




He had his backpack come with him, but his servo-arm was nowhere to be found. I had the other left over from the Chirurgeon backpack, so I went ahead and put it on this:




The last guy I was sort of at a loss as to what to use. Casting about my hobby room I ran across a set of Black Reach models on a lower shelf that I had acquired however that sort of thing happens. I took the "gene-seed case carrying guy" and stripped him with Simple Green. Then I cut off his gene-seed carrying case and his firearm. I repositioned his right arm so that it stuck out forward, and also cut off his hand. Actually cutting off the hand was an accident, but it worked out in the end. I used a hand from a spare Flagellants sprue and drilled a hole through it so I could put some tubing through. Then I used what I've always guessed was a Dark Mechanicus symbol from the Chaos Vehicle Accessory sprue to top the tube. Now I have a guy to carry a Dark Mechanicus standard onto the battlefield with the robots of Detachment 100:




He's not fancy, but I like him.


Since they are wound markers I put them on square bases. To further minimize potential confusion and differentiate from actual units I'm going to paint the edges of the bases bright red, as well. They'll stand loosely behind the Obliterator robots on the table, and if I get assaulted I'll just move them to the table edge where I keep the Nuncio's spell books.

In the spirit of the idea that I need to focus on one unit at a time, I went ahead and put together Obliterator-class robot 2 out of a planned 3. I've got two basically assembled, just in need of final detailing. Detachment 100 is nearly all together now:




If anybody is interested in how I make these robots, I have put up a tutorial in the how-to sections here in the PCA forum, which can be found here.

A lone voice crying out in the wilderness, updates his Chaos Marines WIP once again:


I really can't remember why I bought this metal Chaos Lord. It had to have been impulse buy related to the Power Fist holding the severed head of a Loyalist. Because that's cool. But I'm only recently warming to the idea of working with metal, and I've had this guy for a while, so, whatever, I'm glad I found a use for him.


I don't know if I will ever actually use him, but every squad needs to have a squad leader, so the 5th Squad "Battle Singers" get this guy and his neat-o Power Fist:



No name for him yet. I might make him earn one in battle, just to give me a reason to use him at least once.


The following guys came into being the other night just because I was sitting at my desk staring at it, wondering what to do with myself while some other stuff was soaking in the Simple Green. I mixed together some metal bits I had cleaned off earlier with some leftover Chaos Marine stuff that wasn't being used and some bits I bought out of pure speculation, and now I have two more Havocs, this time with Missile Launchers. I now have four missileers, the other two being generic Space Marine guys I' haven't ever used, but having four of them makes me want to deploy them as a squad, just to see what would happen.


Here is the first one, using the first of two sets of kneeling legs I bought just because they were there and I wanted them while I could get them:



Being bored, as I have stated, I went ahead and drilled completely through the gargoyle head before I stuck it on the missile launcher. I think it works:



This guy is one of my few but ever growing group of metal bodied minis. I was cleaning up some random Loyalists when I noticed that this guy had that boss crenellated design on his greaves. That immediately made me think of Iron Warriors, which made me think of explosions, which made me think of the Chaos Missile Launcher in metal I've had in my bits box forever. I had a running theme going so I stuck with it:



Some of these pictures are awful, I know. Using the camera phone is one thing, but black primered minis really don't like to be photographed.


So one of my first projects was my "Blood Riders of Khorne", Chaos Marine Bikers that ride "warp beasts". The biggest complaint was the Elf legs, and I have threatened to get around to fixing them several times in this very blog. Well, I started on them tonight:



These are the bad pictures in the batch, for the most part. Low contrast and high brightness just to get any kind of detail out of them:



There's two of these guys, and they are the Special Weapons guys for the squad. I had glued on a Plasma Rifle and a Flamer thinking that was a good mix for a squad to have. I had yet to play a game by that point, I don't think, or ask for anyone's advice on load-outs. I hadn't even heard of magnetizing at that point, I'm pretty sure of that. So these guys went into the freezer last night to loosen the superglue, and today I popped out the weapons, and then went ahead and pulled off their torsos and Elf legs. I replaced the Elf legs with Chaos Knight legs from WHFB, then made a little ball of green stuff to go between the Chaos Knight legs and the Berserker torsos. I am much happier with the new legs and magnet hands, like several people here assured me I would be:



The Berserker helmets kind of get in the way of the weapons, but I can make it work. I wasn't shaving the "bunny ears" off by this point, either. I'm not sure I would even now, because I kind of like the idea of guys so crazy they'd jump on these creatures, and I figure a Berserker would be the most likely to try:



Anyway, I'm also working on a Rogue Trader era Chaos Dreadnought. It's kind of mine, and kind of my friend's. He's said I can have it, but I can't let anybody else have it but him if I don't want it anymore. I dislike such arrangements, but I did want the chance to work with something from the RT days. I just think of it as sort of commission work for free and I get to play with it if I want to. Or something. But here is the pile of pieces cleaned up and ready for assembly:



I've been modeling and painting like mad recently, mostly I think because I've wasted the free time of the summer and the Fall semester is soon to start. Trying to make up for lost time, I suppose. But I'll use it, wherever this motivation is coming from. I'm just looking forward to the hinted at Call of Chaos, whenever that happens this year. This next photo is my Sisters of Battle and maybe should go in their own thread, but I don't feel like updating the whole thread just for a fun photo of my workspace. But who doesn't like a pile-o-sisters? Not me, I love 'em:



Well that was a pretty random update, I guess. I've also painted my 25mm objective markers and am waiting for the basing to dry, but they're kind of boring so I didn't photo them for this.

It started with looking at the single Lightning Claw left over from my Space Marine Force Commander box. Twenty-four hours later I've got eight new figures assembled and some new ideas about how to field my Chosen.


I've had my "melta vets" modeled for a bit now. I field them as Chosen squad tasked with behind the lines mayhem, or send them off to join the regular CSM squads as special weapon support. I shouldn't have glued the melta guns in their hands, but I did. I may do some creative cutting and gluing to make these guys have magnet hands like the standard bearer, depending on how deep into insomnia induced mania I get in the next couple of nights.



I had some kind of idea about making a group of "roving sergeants" a long time ago, and modeled the two figures that are primed black (and thus impossible to make out the details thereof). I can't remember what I was thinking in regards to rules at the time, but it probably didn't have much to do with them. I pulled off the plasma pistols and magnetized their hands, then realized that if I field them as Chosen they can't take Plasma Pistols with Power Weapons anyway, so I cut those off and put Bolt Pistols on permanently. Then I made them two friends to form the maximum load-out of four. The banner is magnetized to switch back and forth between these and the next group.



These guys are what made me drive all the way to the other side of the metro just to trade with a friend for bits. I had assembled a CSM sans arms and then speculatively stuck the aforementioned Lightning Claw on him. Then I imagined a group of these guys attached to my counts-as Khârn and I had to have them. I tried to make my own Lightning Claws at first, using the Power Fists that I had cut off the old plastic Terminators I used for my Obliterator conversions. That didn't work, so the trade became necessary. I got me a sprue of five Loyalist Terminator Lightning Claws and went about converting them. I used Berserker arms because they're beefier, and they also have the Chain Sword arm that is cocked out to the side, which helped the conversion for posing options. One guy has two of them, because I figured I could cut the elbow off one and turn it around to make it work for the left side too.



Because a squad of Chosen can only have four special kit troopers I wanted "veteran looking" guys to fill the squad out. I had two of these guys already that I had built (again, the black ones) before my modeling scheme was figured out. They didn't fit into any of my squads so had been sitting on a shelf all lonely and depressed. I made two more eccentric figures and reckoned that they would be my team of Chosen that acted as squad filler. So these four guys plus any of the above teams of four plus the banner bearer and the Chosen sergeant I have yet to build and that's a full squad of ten for the table if I wanted it.



I also went ahead and built my third Havoc armed with my very own Wælheim-pattern Autocannon. I thought I had cut up the right arm from the Heavy Bolter bits, but found it pretty much right after the glue had dried on my forced stand-in. Just one more of these and I'll have my set of four.



And that's today's installment of "stuff I do while normal people are sleeping".

Another weekend, another update. Painting again, which is good, and this week trying a different process. This seems to go faster, so that's a bonus.


I'm not terribly happy with this guy's pose, but this photo manages to make it look better:



I did him first, before I figured out how to make them spread their arms out. No going back now, he's just going to have to stay in the "I'll scratch your eyes out!" pose.


This next guy has the magnet on his backpack for the optional squad banner. I'm not painting the banner right now since I don't have a design for their squad yet, so it's not on him at the moment.



This guy has a WHFB Empire Flagellants head. I love the Flagellants kit, it's great for bits.



I was unsure about putting this strappy-rebreather-headgear head on one of my Chosen. I wanted these four guys to all have "old age" heads, all beard-y and whatnot. But I've noticed a funny thing: sometimes the models you like most are the ones you're the most skeptical about during assembly.



I used Krylon Flat White to prime them, Reaper Fire Orange to base coat them, and Vallejo Black to add the quartering scheme. My next step is to do the Boltgun Metal and Burnished Gold, followed by Citadel Blazing Orange highlights, then the detail colors and a final wash of Devlan Mud. That's the plan, anyway. I would have stayed up and finished them all tonight, but I'm up way too late already because I have to get up and go do a kendo demonstration at the metro's annual ethnic festival today.


Oh yeah, I also have this:



A friend of mine who's been doing 40k since the beginning gave it to me the other day. It's labeled "Mechanicus 1988". It shows up in the 1989 catalog as one of I think four Mechanicus Tech Adepts. It's sort of got a Jokaero looking face, and I wonder if that's the allusion they were going for, and the details on the axe also look sort of like Lizardman glyphs. It's a strange mini, and I figure I'll paint it up as a novelty. Eventually, but not now; I just wanted to show it off here.

  • 1 month later...
Wow! incredible stuff! I love the grime and conversions, I've always been to afraid to grime things up, but it looks fantastic. Untill recently my bit collection was pretty limited. Now I'm finding it really fun just throwing things together. Can't wait to steal some of your ideas! lol

@Styrofoam04 - Thanks for checking out my Chaos Marines thread! I do the grime because I'm not good enough to do blending and highlighting and fine detail work, but it seems to work for CSM. A little less well over in the Sisters thread, but I'm working on it...


@A Kvit Ghost - Thanks! I went on a modeling kick about a month ago where I wanted to have four guys each for the different options. I just wanted to make them, is what it comes down to. I maybe one day will use them as a retinue for Khârn or a Lord, and hey, you never know, the next CSM codex might make them more usable.


@Mr.Malevolent - Thank you for the kind words!


Now that both of my WIP threads have been bumped, I really should get back to modeling and painting...


I've got me a Daemon Prince that I'm really excited about putting together, and those Chosen still need their finishing touches.

I don't understand how you got so few comments this summer. Solid conversions, kitbashs and a nice mix of old and new models plus regular updates. I'm especially excited about that RT chaos dread.


I really like this blog a lot and will continue to keep an eye out for it. Plus you've finally convinced me to go through with my own Lighting Claw spam squad ^^




I don't understand how you got so few comments this summer. Solid conversions, kitbashs and a nice mix of old and new models plus regular updates. I'm especially excited about that RT chaos dread.


I really like this blog a lot and will continue to keep an eye out for it. Plus you've finally convinced me to go through with my own Lighting Claw spam squad ^^





Well thanks, man. I like to think it's awed silence, stunned by the beauty and genius of my conversions, but it's probably more to do with my inability to keep to any one project for long and complete amateur painting ability. I jump around a lot, and the only things I've finished on a regular schedule were from the Librarium Painting Challenge. I'd probably still be working on those Terminators if it hadn't been for fear of the public shame of failing. ;)


The pressure is really on to actually update my CSM blog soon... I swear you're going to love Thegn Volundr's Clockwork Idol when he's built, though. I'm just waiting on his head to come in the mail before I get serious about him. (Any day now)

Aren't into the idea of a Daemon leading your Marines into battle, but would love the hitting power and versatility of one in your TO&E? Just call up Thegn Volundr, the infamous mad Tech Marine of the Iron Hounds, and he'll build you your very own Clockwork Daemon Prince! All the benefits of a flying, stomping, casting, big-scary-mean Monstrous Creature with NONE of the ego problems or attitude of a Daemon Prince! No worshiping or offering to the "gods" of the Warp, and none of their priorities circumventing your own objectives! Just wind him up and point him at the enemy! And we're totally not responsible if he can't recognize friend from foe and eats your squad of Berserkers, but they were probably jerks anyway! Call today!


OK. So my very first conversion project was a Daemon Prince that was not a Daemon Prince. Because I'm not into the idea of a daemons and whatnot, just tanks, and gears, and cannons, and hate. But no daemons. So I made this:




An ENORMOUS DIY walker that was way too big to be a Daemon Prince. It's still waiting on reasonable DIY rules and for me to finish the paint job, but that's neither here nor there right now. Being better acquainted with the game and with conversions and all that, I set out to have another go at my "Daemon Prince who is not a Daemon Prince", and have finally brought to life


Thegn Volundr's Clockwork Idol


















I'm still getting used to the settings on my new camera, so the pictures aren't all that consistent.


I used so little actual Daemon Prince parts that I think all I have to do is order just a couple of bits and I can have a third Daemon Prince to do something with. The head is from a plastic Juggernaut of Khorne, the arms from an Ork Deff Dread kit, the hammer from a Dread Knight, the legs from a Sentinel kit, and the jump pack is from a Revel Snap-Tight 1/100th scale A-10 Warthog model airplane kit. Prodigious amounts of greenstuff keep the arms in place, provide extra neck for the Juggernaut head, and give a mounting point for the jump pack. The legs were modeled with short tubes that fit inside another tube so that I could pose it how I wanted, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The hardest thing was attaching the arms, because it required a lot of greenstuff, which I am not the best at working with.


I am very happy with it, not the least because I can have another Daemon Prince for my army without breaking my DIY fluff. The Iron Hounds have only one master...


What do you think, brothers? Has mad old Volundr done a good job?

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, thanks for the positive words! I've got him primered and am going to start painting him up this Friday. I'm still kicking around a color scheme, though I want it to be all metal and shiny for the most part, whatever I end up doing.


I'm also still debating whether or not the jump pack engines need some spikes somewhere to break up the smoothness, because sometimes it doesn't look like it goes with the rest of the model well enough without something.

I'd opt for studs if not spikes.


Hmmm. I think that's probably a much better idea than spikes, and I'm sure I have a piece of round-stock plastic in the right size laying about already. Thanks for the suggestion.

love it

could we (me) please have a rundown of all the bitz used in the clockwork idol.


At the bottom of the post there's a paragraph describing what parts I used and where I got them from. But a more detailed blog about this conversion and links to the kits I used can be found on my personal website.


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