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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

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Meant to get more paint on the Clockwork Daemon Prince this weekend, but I started working on the Lightning Claw Chosen while waiting for the glue on the DP base to dry and then got carried away and finished them instead.


So I got the Boltgun Metal basecoat on, got it washed, and started applying the Burnished Gold trim before I set it aside to finish the Chosen:




In these pictures you can see the broken religious icons I added since the last pictures. One for the Imperium and one for Chaos:




The Iron Hounds are as Chaos Undivided behind closed doors as your local voodoo practitioner is really worshiping the Virgin Mary that their statue ostensibly represents...


Moving right along, here are the Chosen that I finished. I might go back and add blood spashes to their Lightning Claws, but this qualifies as "finished" for the purposes of this thread.


This guy is my favorite:



Not that I don't like them all:



This guy and the first guy were the first time I'd tried to write anything on scrolls or whatever:



I still don't like this pose:



And just for fun, here's these Chosen as part of my counts-as Khârn's retinue having a friendly get together with Inquisitor Coteaz last night:






That game went all seven rounds and was exhausting, but the Iron Hounds came out on top against a combined force of Grey Knights and Dark Angels.

The games I play usually bend the rules in some way or another so that things are flavorful and fun. I've played some DIY creations and rules, fielded some strange counts-as options, and my friends have used mixed forces with dual FOCs or put Forge World models/rules on the table. I've wanted to do the latter for the Iron Hounds for a while, too, specifically the Dreadclaw. But Forge World stuff is expensive on the US dollar, so I hadn't. The other day I found a tutorial online for converting Imperial Drop Pods to CSM Dreadclaws, and it looked pretty good. I'd been thinking of how to do this for a bit, but hadn't been hit with the inspiration beam or the gumption to just buy the kit and have at it to see what would happen. This tutorial outlined some steps and cleared some things up for me in my mind, so I bought a Drop Pod kit and gave it a whirl.


The results of the modeling conversion were thus:






I found I couldn't follow the tutorial completely (a key point was only touched on) and had to improvise. This would be the bit where the Drop Pod hatches connect with the engine assembly on top. Simply gluing the doors to the engine as the tutorial said would have left an uneven gap for the fins that narrowed to nothing at the top, and that wouldn't have been acceptable. There was the picture of an even gap all the entire length, but I have no idea how they got from the parts to that picture. I ended up gluing each door to the two fins next to it individually and then creating a cap to put the fan housing on by itself out of plasticard. I'm sure there is something I'm missing that they did, but this is how I worked through my dilemma and I'm reasonably satisfied with the results.


The tutorial also advised to not assemble the inner doors to the outer doors because there was something they was going to be used for later. The "Part 2" of that tutorial wasn't on the website, and I had already glued the doors together anyway so I didn't worry about it. My guess was that they were going to be fiddled into a hatch on the underside for the Chaos Marines to drop from, but it's all academic at this point unless the author of that tutorial visits this thread and confirms or denies it (I'm not holding my breath). The "claws" don't raise it high enough to see underneath anyway, so I don't care. I might try something like that on my next one, but then again I might not.


To finish off I found some kaos gubbins and stuck them on in a way that I found pleasing. I also went ahead and added the stabilizer jets around the bottom, but I was sore tempted to save them and make some pre-Heresy jump packs out of them. And I totally can't believe I haven't seen more conversions like that and wish I would have known about those bits before I ordered Imperial jump packs, but, as they say, it can't be helped.


I would rate this conversion endeavor a 6 out of 10 on the "aggro scale" purely for the trouble I had with the bit mentioned above.


For anyone interested who hasn't already seen this, the website with the tutorial is "Dark Future Games", and the two pages they currently have on their conversion method are as follows:


The Conversion Method


The complete and painted Dreadclaw


So credit where it's due, those pages are where I got the method from and I appreciate the fellow/s at DFG for posting it.


I figure I'll make another couple of these if I like the way they work on the table after a couple experimental games. And even if I don't it's still a neat model for the collection.

Well now...that may be one of the most simple (by simple, I mean the idea itself, not the hell you went through to get the idea to function, lol), yet genius ideas I've ever seen in the hobby yet. Awesome, man. I'm gonna have to give this a try when I fall in on some more disposable income.


EDIT: On a side note, your Tick-Tock Daemon is looking sharp! :D

t the hell you went through to get the idea to function, lol


I'm going to be peeling superglue off myself for days! :D


EDIT: On a side note, your Tick-Tock Daemon is looking sharp! B)


Thanks! I am looking forward to getting him done, though it probably won't be for another two weekends before I can really dedicate time to him. He was pretty well received at the FLGS too, and he didn't do terrible on the table either. ;)

That Dreadclaw looks pretty cool, I might get a Droppod. And yours actually looks a lot better than the one from the tutorial. Normally, I'd question the life-expectancy of metal chains on a droppod, but this is 40k, and Chaos nonetheless, so let's have a little less realism ^^
  • 2 weeks later...

I've finally got around to organizing my regular squads. At first I was assembling them willy-nilly, and all kinds of odd choices were made. I corrected the vast majority of those, and then arranged my basic CSM according to themed modeling choices and rounded out their numbers. I've some of these guys primed for a very long time, and this Friday I decided to take my first squad and paint them up. Until now I've been concentrating on cult troops and characters, but I wanted to get a whole squad of regular troopers on the table. I was also tired of painting Mithril Silver, because originally I started in on my Dreadclaw. I totally need an airbrush for vehicles...


So here's the 1st squad, Bone Eaters, six basic troopers and two special weapons troopers. Their standard bearer and sergeant are coming later. This is a WIP with the first coat of orange, boltgun grey, white on the helmet, and some of the black quartered scheme applied and the first coat of wash applied (badab black). The black needs to be finished and then the details and touch ups applied. I'm planning to finish with a light wash of devlin mud before the final high lights.


The guy on the right was painted ages ago:



The guy on the left is dual-wielding Bolt Pistols. He was originally going to be part of my poorly conceived veteran scheme, but now he's just 1st squad's attitude problem. The guy on the right is a regular CSM, and one of the first guys I decided to paint the Bolter separately for:



Special Weapons magnet-hands trooper with a regular trooper. I sincerely hope any new C:CSM doesn't get rid of our uber grit wargear rules:



Another magnet-hands Specials trooper with a Bolter CSM:



This is a picture of Skull Hammer R-10/1, their dedicated transport Rhino. It has yet to earn an honor name, so simply goes by its motor pool squad designation:



I have their standard bearer and sergeant primed and ready to go, but I don't want to fool with them until the basic troopers are painted. I still need to come up with their own squad heraldry and paint it on the flag, so I'm sure the standard bearer will be the last guy I get to.


The Boner Eaters led the push against an Grey Knight backed Inquisitorial force last night in a 2000 point game that went 5 rounds and was fought Spearhead/Seize Ground. Unfortunately R-10/1 got shot out from under them and then everyone but their Sergeant and a plasma gunner were wiped out by a psychic attack. Those two then tried to help my remaining Daemon Prince take out a very stubborn Venerable Dreadnought but... didn't. The game was hard fought and ended up with the Iron Hounds holding one objective, the Grey Knights holding a second, and Draigo having been blown off the third by 2cnd Squad and then neither of us claiming it after. The third objective was in the middle of dangerous terrain (an Aquila Lander crash site) and his GK Terminators ended up chasing 2cnd Squad around the terrain perimeter while the two groups traded shots with each other, and that was kind of funny.

Sitting around fiddling with some parts I went ahead and started modeling my Noise Marine cult squad. I figure that their Aspiring Champion is a good start for tonight, because I'm tired and don't feel like doing a bunch of drilling and whatnot for their sonic weaponry options.


So anyway, here is Anton Valentine, leader of an as-yet-unnamed squad of Noise Marines employed as auxiliaries by the Iron Hounds:



A pretty straight forward conversion, he's mostly CSM with a WHFB Beastman head and, just for giggles, a SM chest plate with an Aquila on it as an allusion to the Emperor's Children:



I gave him the option of mounting a Doom Siren, but fixed him with a Power Sword. The magnet on the base there is for a Melta Bomb if I decide to give him one while making a list:



And now I need to go to bed. Lots to do tomorrow...

Alright, it's official...if I ever get stationed at Riley, you and I need to get a game in... ^_^


Definitely! Manhattan is a nice town and I'd be happy to drive out there for a game with a fellow Legio member.

@Tanith Ghost - Thanks! I've looked in on your Night Lords as well, really liked the two-handed chain sword guy.


So tonight is Halloween, and anybody following this shouldn't be surprised when I say that the Iron Hounds are a Halloween inspired warband. It's my favorite holiday and I really dig orange/black, so why not? I thought it appropriate to kill some time today to work on my Chaos Sorcerer before the son came over to help me carve pumpkins and hand out candy. His paint scheme is more in line with what my very first scheme for these guys was, which is orange all over with black trim instead of the quartered scheme. I decided to make him different since he's a unique and important part of the warband.


Astute observers may also have noticed that my character names have all been directly taken from or inspired by by-names for Odin from the sagas. This fellow's name is Forn Grimnir, which means "Old Masked One". I named him so because 1. he is the original corrupter of the Iron Hounds mentioned in my IA; 2. he sometimes recruits by traveling through Imperial space masquerading as a Loyalist Librarian; 3. he's a generally mean, sneaky, treacherous old man.


Here he is with a base coat and initial wash:




The Bolt Pistol is magnetized and was painted for a different model, so it's just there as a prop right now. I really like the horn he wears on his hip, which comes from a Space Wolves sprue like his head (which I've trimmed the braids off his beard):




His Force Scythe is from a WHFB Vampire Counts Zombie Regiment box. It was originally going to be a spear, but I saw the scythe and thought that was just too cool not to use. I use the heck out of WHFB bits in conversions:




The trim is going to be black on the chest piece, the skull on his right knee will also be black as well as the trim around the jump pack intakes and the decorative Iron Halo he's got. Why a jump pack instead of wings, you ask? Because I thought it would fit in with the Iron Hounds better that way, and the "Storm Crows" Raptor squad was conceived of as a retinue for him so I didn't reckon he would need to be able to fit into a transport.


I'm probably going to field him along with his protege (Brynhild the Jealous, my Fallen Sister of Battle Aspiring Sorceress from earlier in this thread) against my friend's Grey Knights. I'd like to give him a taste of his own medicine with his ridiculous psyker attacks every round. He's got a psyker enclave that can generate a high strength AP1 psychic attack every round. Very nasty. Let's see how he likes one of them turning into a Spawn and eating his mates. :)


Now I gotta fiddle me up a Spawn...

It's a very distinct color scheme for sure. Yeah the pistol doesn't really fit with the way he's standing but it's just a prop eh? I think I'm going to have to look up those scythes possibly for my warband, been looking for something like that for some time.
Yeah the pistol doesn't really fit with the way he's standing but it's just a prop eh?


It's not the best pose, I agree. I wanted the scythe to stand out, so I had him holding it out as if he were using it to commit some sorcery with. I also didn't want the blowing horn hidden so his shooting arm needed to go out as well. In retrospect maybe I should have used a bent arm holding the pistol hand upward, but it's a little late for that now. It's not the best, but I'm just assuming this is his, "come at me" pose.


And it's bugging the heck out of me now that I can see a spot on the bionic eye's wire that I missed with the red...

  • 4 weeks later...

Been a while since I updated anything. It's That Time of the school year, so I probably won't update anything else until late December.


But over in the Chaos Ascendant sub-forum Brother Nihm has been creating "Inspiration Friday" threads, and yesterday he used the idea to issue a challenge. His challenge this week was to assemble and paint a "bog standard" Chaos Space Marine and have it done by Friday. A good way to kick-start some lazy painters like myself! I won't repost the entire WIP, they're in the linked thread anyway, but I'll hit some highlights here.


I started with all the bits still on the sprue and then got to modeling:



After changing my mind about his head and wargear I got him primed:



WIP pictures for every phase were taken:



And then a triumphant pose was struck:



And also a walkaround set:





I'm not really sure what made me want to be the first person finished, but I got it done. My focus was on speed, but I'm looking forward to seeing some of the fancier entries that have been promised!


And that's probably it for my WIP thread until the semester is over. So close to that degree...

OK. Restless and bored, can't concentrate on school project on a Saturday night, decided I wanted to make something weird instead.


My DIY established links with the Dark Mechanicus, and I've got my counts-as Obliterators squad of "Legio Cybernetica robots", but I wanted something more. Kicking around my hobby room I started thinking about the Defiler that's been sitting in its box for quite some time now. I also started thinking about how my two built Defilers are permanently kitted out for assault roles. I have my bipedal Defiler in a standard set up, but as my first conversion he's kind of wonky. Since I always end up with my pair of Defilers covering the battle field with their cannons for the first part of the game anyway, I've been meaning to make a dedicated long range Defiler with magnets for options. Digging around in my bits boxes I also ran across some old Sentinel pieces and a Predator turret I haven't built yet. A plan began to brew...


Once I had the image in my head, I couldn't stop myself from making a battle cannon turret out of the Predator pieces:



I toyed with the idea of having just a regular Rhino variant with a Big Gun to fit in with my mechanized heavy infantry theme:



But then again remembered my Dark Mechanicus allies and the need to make something even weirder. Here is my working concept for when I finish posting this and head back into my laboratory:



Not entirely sure what's going to end up happening, but I am excited to find out!

More on my Dark Mechanicus Stalk-Tank. The Rhino hull is modified and assembled, also wearing extra armor, with the tracks cut off and covered over and the leg sockets added:






Still not sure how I'm going to add the optional weapons, but I'm about to go stare at it until I figure it out. I know that magnets will be involved, it's just a matter of where...

That has the potential to be freaking awesome..


Oh I hope so. Defiler kits have gone up in price since I bought this one, so no screwing it up :confused:


Would the stalk tank be the stalk tank from the Gaunt books, or did you create it yourself?


It's looking awesome already! :tu:


Thanks! I got the idea from the HH book Mechanicus. The vehicle in that was called a Stalk Tank wasn't it? The one with the crazy AI that was trying to kill the protagonists before they got to the Void Dragon's prison? I think that one had tracks, but I kept imagining it with legs, and I've seen other legged tank things called Stalk Tanks linked to the Mechanicus, so I just went with it for a name. I could be wrong about it, but either way I've got myself a leggy Rhino that's all tooled up for ultraviolence now:






For the twin-linked Heavy Flamer (alternate Havoc Launcher) I'm working on an underslung mount. The flamers need to be forward, so that's the only place I could think to put them:



I'm still not sure about this, but for the twin-linked Reaper Autocannons (alternate twin-linked Lascannons) I'm considering making them hull mounted in the larger space on the front glacis of the Rhino. This would involve trimming the Reaper so it wouldn't stick so far out, and then figuring out how to magnetize it without looking totally wonky in case I lose my mind and want to pay the points for the lascannons (or the next codex makes it cheaper):



Back to the laboratory for some more mad science! And by that I mean hang skulls and chains and spikes all over this thing...

Another manic fit of activity completed. Maybe it's now out of my system so I can concentrate on preparing for the last week of the semester when I wake up later...


Full frontal monstrosity:



The oblique shot:



The rear (I just noticed that piece of plasticard got knocked crooked before the glue dried):



Close-up of the front:



Closer-up of the turret and the TC:



The undercarriage weapon hardpoint:



I ended up not magnetizing the Reapers. I did shorten them, though, because I think it would have looked silly having those long barrels poking way out in front. I at first couldn't think of how to magnetize the hull mount, but then after I had glued the Reaper on and was looking at it I figured out how I should have done it. Too late, but it can't be helped now. But I think if had left the barrels off the receiver on the Reaper I could have put magnets on the front of it and then glued the receiver to the front and then just had interchangeable barrel ends for the different load-outs (Reaper, lascannons, heavy bolters). Too late for all that, but something to think about for anybody who has a go at their own version.


I was thinking about this while brainstorming the weapons, but I think if I had based this on a Vindicator it might have been better. The Demolisher cannon could be jiggered into a Battle Cannon, and then maybe use some Razorback parts for the secondary weapons. I don't know, that would have some issues too, but could also be neat.


And with that I am really, really tired now...

When I made the Clockwork Idol I didn't use more than a torso, so all I needed to do for a third Daemon Prince was create a greenstuff back and WANGO! another DP for the army. The army that doesn't like daemons, but whatever, it's another DP. Not sure what I'm ever going to do with him, but having the model was more attractive than storing the extra bits forever. And I was still restless last night, even after my Stalk Tank marathon from Saturday.


Oh yeah, he's got two heads:



I came up with the idea that this one Daemon Prince was at one time two separate Champions who were favored by Khorne. They each did something that irritated the Blood God, even while still being worthy of ascension. The Blood God is not entirely without a sense of humor, and ascended both Champions into the same Daemon Prince. Now these two each control one head and one sword arm of the Daemon Prince that they've become, and run around the battle field being very angry about their unusual condition.




So I reckon he's a Daemon Prince with the Mark of Khorne, extra attack for the extra sword and all that. I did some cutting and puttying to try and make his left hand look decent. Of course because of the position nobody can see the plastic fingers I saved and carefully tried to make look like were wrapping around the hilt of the sword I had shaved a right hand off of. Unless I turn him over and take a picture of it:



My question is what colors do I paint him and his armor? I was thinking because of the Khorne theme that I'd just do him up like a Bloodletter: red skin, black horns/talons, white eyes. For the armor I was thinking burnished gold or brass. Any other suggestions?

Max that DP is very original. Personally I'd go with black eyes, lots of different shades of red for skin and dirty-white for bones. I'm sure you could make it look great your way too.


Stalk tank looks good, I imagined the chassis a little smaller though from reading the ghost books though. If you weren't going of them though nevermind!

  • 4 weeks later...

First, a delayed thanks for the comments from Tanith Ghost. I really do appreciate all the comments and critique I get in this thread. As an artist and a writer I thrive on it like a vampire needs blood...


Second, I will probably never paint the two-headed Daemon Prince, as I ended up gifting it to a friend for Yule.


Third, here follows the obnoxious vow I made for the 2012 LPC:


I, -Max- of the Chaos Ascendant subforum, deliberately and with much malice of forethought, in the most sacred memory of the Warmaster and the Legions who answered His call to rid the galaxy of the False Emperor and free all of Mankind from decrepit rule, putting my reputation on the line for the honor of my piratical, thieving warband the Iron Hounds for their everlasting glory, and so that they may ride and fight in style, do solemnly vow to paint and present:


2 Chaos Land Raiders

1 Chaos Vindicator

1 Chaos Rhino, designated R-10/3 (in addition to finishing the partially painted Rhino from my WIP known as R-10/2 "Ulfknacker")

2 Chaos Predators

3 Defilers

1 Dreadclaw (conversion)


And stolen from the dogs of the False Emperor and corrupted to our nefarious purposes:

3 Land Speeders

1 Storm Raven


And adding to the goals of my glorious Chaos Marine warband:

I will also paint and present the B&C Mini Persona diorama I constructed and have displayed in my WIP thread.



I will have these vehicles and diorama painted and presented on or before the 31st of March, 2012, along with at least two WIP updates with pictures.


I vow that in the laughably unlikely event I should fail I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penance period is over.


I further vow that should I fail I will construct, paint, and present a diorama depicting the shameful display of hubris and lack of motivation in question.


Death to the False Emperor! Glory to the Warmaster and the true inheritors of the galaxy!


(work begins immediately after I consume the burritos that my microwave has just announced are done...)


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