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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

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First WIP update on my LPC vow: Dreadclaw and Land Raider.






The Land Raider's name is "Meat Hook". It's got guts and bones and carcasses all over it that are sort of hard to see because I'm not to the detail painting yet. But oh yes, there will be blood...


The Dreadclaw hasn't been used in a game yet. I haven't really thought much about it since I made it, really. I may use it in a game later today, I don't know, but if I do the hope is that it will do something interesting enough to earn an honor name that maybe affects how I end up painting it. But I may not use it.


I originally wanted to complete the Dreadclaw tonight, and only started working on the Land Raider because I didn't want to waste the Mithril Silver I had mixed up (I'm running low on it). But there you go, I got into it and ended up working on two models at once. I expect to be finished with the both of them by the next time I update.


I seriously need an airbrush...

I kept mixing up way too much silver and needing to not waste it, so I ended up starting in on more vehicles instead of getting to the details of the first two and finishing them. I'm now working on the Dread Claw, 2 Land Raiders, and a Vindicator.


Here is the group shot of what I've got done so far:



I'm probably going to repaint the yellow door on the Land Raider and go back to my original idea for boltgun grey. Those hazard stripes on the Vindicator made more sense from the exact angle that I painted them, but much less so from others... The Vindicators TC at least broke the monotony of painting tanks.


Since I'm already tired of painting tanks, here's a shot of the current phase of my vow with the next phase behind it:



One of those Defilers is going to be a lot like painting a tank anyway, but that's life. School starts in about a week, so I want to get as much done as possible before then. My next step, starting tomorrow probably, is to get going on the boltgun grey for the first wave of vehicles. Before I that there's some red I need to get in on the power cables and sensors, but that'll be just a touch here and there.


EDIT: I did end up using the Dread Claw in that game. It's kind of expensive for a vehicle that gets no upgrades, has no weapons, and doesn't have an assault ramp or anything cool like that, but the ability to deep strike units that wouldn't normally be able to was really cool.

  • 3 weeks later...

This has nothing to do with my LPC, and that's probably going to be bad for my ridiculously confident vow. But I put my Scout Snipers together because I wanted something simple to do with my hands while playing the 40k RPG, and I liked the Sergeant so much that I ended up painting him last night just to see him done.


So yeah, regular Space Marine codex mini force to go along with our local flavor of mutliple detachment games. I'm building a Space Marine Captain who leads a squad of Scout Snipers and a squad of Tactical Marines riding in a Razorback. Going to do the rest of that stuff after I finish my LPC vow, but here is the Sniper Sergeant:








The head is slightly large even after I shaved about a fourth of it off. Whatever, it looks cool and on the table it won't matter. So the skull helmet fits with my army theme of having all the Sergeants wearing them. The left shoulder pad has subdued hazard stripes in another nod to my overall theme. Since the veterans all have the yellow and black hazard stripes, I figured that a veteran would be leading the recruits, but since the Scout squads are all about camouflage in my army that his hazard stripes would be grey and black instead of yellow and black.

I don't think the head looks bad. Only thing I don't like is the aquila.... :P


That's for extra sneakiness!


I haven't made up my mind whether or not I'm going to leave it as is or draw a dark grey or black X through it. Or something. Suggestions?


I don't know... the head is almost as big as the Torso...


You're right, of course. But sitting on the table it's nowhere near as noticeable as it is in the close up pictures, so... "heroic scale LOL" is my official excuse.

  • 1 month later...

So I DO listen to criticism, and between my gut and a couple of things others said about my Sorcerer Lord, Forn Grimnir, I decided to take him apart and have another go at him. This is what he looked like before going into the green dunk:




Not very inspired.


This is what he looks like after a bits order and some whispers in the ear from the Lord of Change:












I am much happier with him now.


I bought that Space Wolf ask (Frost Axe?) forever ago. I thought it looked cool but didn't know what I wanted to do with it. I saw another thread here in the WIP where someone did something similar with Chaos Terminator power weapons, so I went this way. I like it. No doubts anymore. There is also the added bonus that now he's got wings instead of a jump pack, so he can ride in transports if I feel like it.


Not sure if I want to smear blood all over the force scythe or paint it all green or blue glow like.

Wanted to play with him Saturday, so I made him my Friday afternoon project.


Forn Grimnir, Gothi of the Iron Hounds, Chaos Sorcerer Lord, and all around good guy:










The wash is still drying on the base, but I'm an impatient individual. I wanted to update my thread and hit the sack, because it's Spring Break for me now and it's been a long first half of the term...

Wow, you got him painted quickly, looks good too! :tu: B)


Thanks! I am a pretty bad about finishing things ('ve got a dreadnought that's been half painted since I started playing), but sometimes I will get something done! :)

Because successive updates of nothing but painting the same figures is boring, I present here the finally completely assembled Khornate Defiler:







say hello to my little friend!

say hello to my little friend!


It's about time I got back to my LPC vow, and you chose my next course of action. Just 11 days and 13 vehicles left, but I got Mr. Choppy done...


So: "Hello, little friend!"




It's so hard to get him into the whole picture:



I can't believe I vowed to do three of these things...



...they are such a pain to paint all the little nooks and crevices...



...and I totally need a new pot of Badab Black and Boltgun Grey after this...



...but damn Defilers are scary looking!



Mine are piloted by Berserkers. This one is all, "Rootin' Tootin' Blud fer the Blud Gawd! Yeeehaaaaaw!"



I love my Defilers...

That defiler is absolutely ridiculous, but in a way I can get behind. :D There's something to be said for leaving all thoughts of good taste and reasonable proportion aside when making chaos space marines. Looking forward to more updates!
That defiler is absolutely ridiculous, but in a way I can get behind. ;) There's something to be said for leaving all thoughts of good taste and reasonable proportion aside when making chaos space marines. Looking forward to more updates!


Thanks! Ridiculous, with a just enough hint of grimdark... ;) With more vehicles than days left in my LPC vow, the updates should be coming about one a day from here on out... :D


Also: sig'ed!

@Brother Syth and Chaplin-Skylax:


Thanks! I always appreciate words of encouragement.


Will you be acquiring the decimators?


By Horus I hope so. My list of stuff I plan to get from Forge World isn't long, but the Decimator is definitely on it. I also want a Chaos Contemptor, and a Hell Blade. Those are the ones I expect to actually purchase, because I also want a Warhound and a Reaver Titans, I just don't think I'll be able to afford them for a long time. An Iron Warriors Dreadnought would be cool, too, and is also on the "doable" list.


I may have a go at scratch-building a Decimator this summer...

OK, we're trucking now...






I am completely out of Badab Black now. I had to stretch it out with water just to get the sides, then switch to Devlan Mud for the undercarriage and where the claws contact the ground.


Probably going to color in a Defiler next. After I play some Skyrim...

Too many hours of painting makes me want to build something, and I need to paint three of these "Chaos Land Speeders" for my LPC vow. Hit a snag, though: I'm not sure how I want to arm them/magnetize the rail-mounted weapon.




Should I paint the Speeder cockpit interior before I glue the pilot and gunner torsos in? It looks like I should...

Well on a note: That Deathclaw is just WOW! It actually works in my minds eye.

Ill be getting decimator engine this quarter, and if not then definitely at games-day :)


Make the rail mount a heavy bolter, And then magnetize the others?

Should I paint the Speeder cockpit interior before I glue the pilot and gunner torsos in? It looks like I should...


Yes. Oh God Yes. Otherwise you'll be left poking a brush at a little gap between the crew's lower back and the seat and you can never quite reach it and oh god it drives you insane. Or maybe that's just me. Even if you're more focused on building than painting right now, I'd recommend it - it'll also make things much easier if you want to paint anything remotely fancy in the cockpit (e.g. a glowing radar display).


As for weapons, multimeltas? Or whatever you think looks coolest. 6th edition is probably gonna be here in the summer! That's soon! Some things might change, so considerations of effectiveness are maybe less important at this point than they'd otherwise be. Also, I guess you'll probably already have thought of this by the time you read this, but if you have spare gunner arms available (from rhinos or predators or whatever), it's easier to build sets of weapon+arms, then magnetize at the shoulders, rather than trying to insert magnets into the weapon and the triggers. Or maybe you could even build entirely separate gunners+guns, and then magnetize at the waist. Depends on how you're doing for bitz.


Dreadclaw looks cool, glad to see you're getting good use out of the empire flagellants bitz, that set is like instant grimdark in a box. And hey, if you land it just right you can totally cave someone's head in with a flail.

Fantastic work on that Defiler conversion, love that. Completely over the top but really does fit the theme of chaos brilliantly and works really well. That beserker looks like he's having the time of his life!


Very cool! :cuss

@Chaplain-Skylax: I used a blog post from Dark Future Games to do it, which can be found here. Because Forge World wants a lot of money for a unit that isn't as useful as I'd like it to be.


@sspectre, Doghouse, and SickSix: thanks for checking in and appreciating the Defiler! I've got two more coming up, but sadly no more gargantuan melee weapons.


As far as the Chaos Land Speeder, I decided that having a large supply of magnets means never having to make up your mind about wargear, which is good when you're building a unit you've never played with or proxied before:




I also decided that magnetizing the crew now would be less frustrating than gluing painted pieces later:



Standard configuration:



Typhoon configuration:



Tornado configuration:



Trogdor configuration:



I might start to color this in tonight, I'm not yet sure. Also trying to figure out where hazard stripes might look cool. May have to leave them off, but I might put them on the top "spoiler" thing.


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