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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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As long as the answer isn't "Send it to Heathens", go for it.


After this stubborn piece of :cuss: , I may never build another Vindi again.

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I didn't find the old Vindi kit too bad, even though I had to scratchbuild a few sections as I got it incomplete :lol:


Nice work as always man ;)

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So glad to see you return to these guys btw, and your painting and conversions continue to be excellent.


The use of that torso for the flamer guy is very cool, that's a torso I'll need to try and pick up at some point :) Good job! 

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Thanks for all the comments, guys! I'm glad that after all this time, these fellas still have the power to inspire.

And, I got distracted, lol

So, this next guy was.... an issue. I wanted a Plasma cannon in my army, but I've been trying to avoid plasma weaponry like the plague, so I had to get creative. Inspiration came in the combined form of nuclear weapons, an M79 grenade launcher, and the Horus Heresy. Go figure.

So, basic rundown. He's rockin' a weapon which is functionally a primitive grenade launcher, except that it's cast in a ceramite composite layered under a lead jacket. Why? Because the rounds it fires are tactical micro-nuclear munitions.

Please welcome Honoured-Brother Inrique.


The weapon, and it's original compliment of ammunition, were found aboard the Space Hulk Dirge of Angels; a relic of the Dark Age of Technology, the weapon was quickly claimed by the IV Centuria during the purging operations being conducted against renegade Astartes within the hulk. As the centuries wore on, the weapons' compliment of ammunition was quickly depleted, and the IV Centuria Master Engineer was commisioned to create new rounds. Though he was able to create a munition load almost comparable to the original, the rounds now delivered lethal doses of rad-poisoning to it's user, even overcoming Transhuman physiology. Even encasing each round within individual lead canisters was not enough to fully protect the user. After 6 deaths linked to usage of the Launcher, the weapon became a volunteer-only weapon.

The weapon, named Dirge of Angels after the hulk it was found in, is currently carried by Honoured-Brother Inrique, a driven warrior whose desire to abolish the enemies of the Emperor in fire is slowly killing him. The title 'Honoured' is rarely bestowed within the Centuria, usually given to the dead, or the ancients entombed within the hulls of their Dreadnought plate. That Inrique has gained the title speaks volumes of how long his brothers expect him to live, as his features blister and burn, and he coughs up mucus and blood. Even though his body falls apart around him, he drives on, and has carried the Dirge of Angels into 7 seperate warzones, a current record. How long this will continue though, is up to luck.

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Ohh, Plasma Cannon, Fallout style teehee.gif Catchy backstory you've written up for him, too. The one thing that seems off is his hand. It looks...big.

Yeah, pretty much, lol. Doesn't help I'm a huge Fallout fan. As for the hand, not sure there. Possibly the angle, his hand's tilted a bit. Looks good from what I'm looking at.

Plasma Fusil?

...? Sorry man, not sure what you mean.

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Ohh, Plasma Cannon, Fallout style teehee.gif Catchy backstory you've written up for him, too. The one thing that seems off is his hand. It looks...big.

Yeah, pretty much, lol. Doesn't help I'm a huge Fallout fan. As for the hand, not sure there. Possibly the angle, his hand's tilted a bit. Looks good from what I'm looking.

It does a little big, but that could just be the angle it's at. However, if it is slightly large, it could be explained away by stating it's a bionic one as it does look (to me) like an implant.

I could have sworn I've posted in this topic, but I'm not getting a notification, so I can't have :blink: Been watching for a while and I love the little snippets of fluff for your minis, and its the enthusiasm you have for the MM that made me have a go (albeit rather poorly :( ) at painting one ^_^. In any case, Honoured-Brother Inrique looks cool, the burns etc look suitably nasty ^_^ and the weapon is also a nice touch.

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the hand looks like one of the older plastics.. in which case it will be on the large side (check the bezerker box for giant hands and triggers crushed into the grips via anger) i like the idea of the weapon, very destroyer esque.. im hoping for black veins and yellowed eyes ala skane..

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Well, I looked at the hand a little closer, and I see why it's giving the appearance of being larger. It's the CSM Hvy Bolter hand, which, on closer inspection, has a larger grip. The fingers only go about halfway around it, which is giving it the "oversized" look. The hand itself is actually  the same size.


@Lorenzen: Well, I was going to go with ashen-grey skin, blue-ish veins, one dead eye, raw pink rad-burns that are weeping fluids, blood coming out of the nose and mouth, with small spatters of it along his neckline and chest, as he heaves out his lungs. Not sure if you've ever read any Punisher comics (I'm a huuuuuge fan, myself), but I'm taking most of my inspiration from the Punisher: The End comic.



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Reminds me of the mini-nukes from Starship Troopers.

I was thinking the same thing.


My only complaint with it is a tiny bit of the fluff. I

The way it is now sounds like he could die from the gun with out ever seeing the enemy, where as the plasma gun itself is only a risk when fired. Perhaps you could amend you're story to be that the leak only happens when the weapon is fired. This would also give more credibility to why those around him don't suffer as well. And also give reason why he'll die in the shooting phase and not during the movment phase....

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@Togusa: Ha, yes! Didn't even think of that, but hell yes!

@jeremy: Thank you!

@Astral: Glad I can inspire, man. That's the greatest compliment I can get.

@Midnight: An honour, brother. Your work has inspired many of my own mad creations. It's a shame that I'm working the death of your Chapter into my fluff, in a very lethal way... msn-wink.gif

@War Angel: Yeah, I can understand that. I tried to imply that the weapon was slowly killing him, a la firing it, but apparently it didn't come across right. I'll edit it when I get a chance. Thanks, man!

@Night: So glad you like my work, man. Your conversion work is top notch, and I'm not afraid to admit I've stolen some of your ideas, lol.

So, with the ETL II around the corner, I'm going to try to make the push to end this army. Yep, the end is nigh. I never wanted this army to get too big, as I feel it would go against the fluff I created. So, here's what I have left to do....

One Techmarine (for my Thudd-erfire cannon)

One Land Speeder Storm

Two Razorbacks

One Terminator Sergeant

One Terminator version of my captain, Anicetius, as he nears his death.

One young version of Anicetius, recently promoted to captain

a 5-man Scout squad with missle launcher and Camo Cloaks (still debating between sniper rifles or bolters)

a cheap-ish 5 man command squad to run around with young Anicetius

1 Dreadnought (My other one looks lonely, lol)

Later on down the road, I'm hoping to add in an Armoured LR Proteus to finish this army off, but that won't be for quite a while. Also, whenever the 6th Ed. Codex rolls out, some slight changes might happen, but nothing too drastic. Beyond that, though, I'm finally nearing the end. So, any thoughts on what I should vow first?

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