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june 2011 ultra-meet pics


another great weekend, thanks to everyone who took part.. we had a few no-shows but still had a fair few attendees.

saturday i had my grudge match against Ctans necrons, we play every year at GWHQ, and im pleased to say ive extended my win record to 3-0.. although its the closest game ive ever played.. ill do a quick write-up over the next day or two.

We managed to book the huge display board for a 3vs3 game on saturday afternoon, 5250 points per side and 6 hours later a combined force of 1st, tenth and crossatrons 5th co narrowly pulled a victory from the hands of the blood angels and renegade ultras 2nd co (finsihed 17kp to 16kp, the narrow victory goes to crossatron who pulled off a daring shot to nothing to kill the last man from a tac squad.. who was hiding!)


anyway, saturday during the game we had a visitor...


we emptied the stores shelves of chapters due books and he signed them all for us. ;)



at the back from left to right:

Ctan, Crossatron, Alloyslayer, Gc08

at the front from left to right

not a board member, kernmist, sniffle, thantoes

Look like good time's. Also still attending Throne of Skulls Oct? set to sell out from the talk I been hearing, 6th July tickets go on sale. You already miss out last year. On top of that the Oct one is near CaptaiN Idaho brithday if I rememeber right.


Can't wait to get down to Nottingham for the 5th July, then 15th to 18th July.



Look like good time's. Also still attending Throne of Skulls Oct? set to sell out from the talk I been hearing, 6th July tickets go on sale. You already miss out last year. On top of that the Oct one is near CaptaiN Idaho brithday if I rememeber right.


after we last talked the wife agreed to the extra weekend away for me, but october ToS falls on the same weekend as my daughters birthday so its going to have to be the april one instead.

its a shame but family has to come first..


ill do my game write-ups later today

my game one vs Ctans necrons


his army:


10 immortals

2 x 10 warriors

3 x 5 destroyers




my army



10 snipers, telion, ML

10 bolters, HB, fist

10 ccw, fist, combi-flamer

10 scout bikes, fist, 3GL

2 x 5 ccw scouts, combi-melta, meltabombs

2 x LSS with MM

2 x thunderfire cannon


i didnt actually take any pics during this game, the one above was from Thantoes vs Ctan on day two, but you can see the army make up pretty well.. on first look youd think this necron army would be easily beat, but it is nasty.. all those heavy 3 S6 AP4 shots at 36" range are deadly to my scouts.

Anyhoo i won first turn, it was annihalation and spearhead, Ctan deployed really well, using his monolith and immortals with lord attached to block all alpha strikes to the destroyers at the rear, he reserved the warriors.. his phase out point was below 11 models, so i had to reduce him to ten.. failing that victory condiitons was KP.

i deployed the ccws, scout bikes ready to charge the immortals, i hung back behind cover with the LSS to see where he commits his destroyers.. my snipers and t-fires deployed at my rear corner, which was a mistake as my snipers dont have the range of the t-fires and meant they took little part in the game.. DOH!

tiggy deployed in cover, ready to gate forwards and vortex and machine curse the monolith


turn one:

I moved the bikes forward and fleeted the scouts into charge position, moving throught terrain meant they needed a 6 on the terrain roll to charge, but no reward without a little risk.

one of the LSS took up a firing position on the land raider (through cover).. as irony would have it, it was my land speeder achilles, the one that killed the monolith two years ago in our first game together.

tiggy failed his gate test and stayed put (rolled an 11)

thunderfires were out of LOS, and the snipers decided not to shoot on the immortals for fear casualties would render a charge impossible from my ccw scouts.. shooting from bolter scouts felled a destroyer, whilst the bikes counted for 2 immortals..

my LSS scored a hit on the monolith and rolled a 6 for damage meaning a glancing hit.. suddenly i had a de-ja-vu flash back, but it was not to be as Ctan rolled his cover save.

in assault the ccw scouts rolled the hard six for terrain roll and the immortals and lord found themselves surrounded by 20 scouts and my captain.. the lord and immortals killed 2 scouts but the immortals were reduced to two and the lord killed, they fled and were cut down by the scouts.

for thier consolidation move the scout bikes entered terrain to protect from AP4 shooting, out of 7 dangerous terrain tests, 4 bikers failed and were killed :D


in his turn the felled destroyer got back up, one squad moved through the monolith portal towards my LSS who had offended it shortly before, another unit moved up beside the monolith and the third pointed themselves towards he scout bikers.

in shooting the rear destroyer unit wrecked the speeder and the portalled unit shot at the scouts who disembarked, leaving only the sergeant, the other destroyers caused a few wounds on the bikes, but thier cover saves were all passed, the monolith rolled poorly for its weapons and failed to kill anything.

in assault the destroyers charged the lone sergeant, who cut down one of them and passed his save to win combat (what a true ultra hero), the necrons stood thier ground


turn 2:

tiggy finally passed his gate roll and moved up close to the monolith, the bolter scouts formed a conga line from thier cover to grant him a cover save from shooting if neccessary..

the second LSS team flew towards the combat to protect thier friend in need, the ccw scouts rolled poorly for terrain rolls and remained in cover, but the sergeant detached himself to join the scout bikes who rolled forward to assault the scout bikes on the hill beside the monolith.. again the scout bikes lost one of thier number to a dangerous terrain test (5 models out of 10 died this way)

the thunderfires could only draw LOS to the rear most destroyer, but it was about two inches out of range, i resigned myself to having to move them in my next turn.. my snipers moved down into the bottom of thier building.

tiggy cast vortex, but it scattered the max distance into no mans land

in assault the captain and scout bikers lost one of thier number but killed the whole squad of destroyers, thankfully thier was not another model within 6" and they were removed from play (no WBB)

i rolled poorly for consolidation and inched towards the other destoryers, hoping my captain would survive shooting at least.

the LSS scouts charged the destroyers in combat against the lone sergeant, sadly my dice werent co-operating and it was a drawn combat with no casualties.


Ctasn turn 2 started with him rolling for one warrior unit coming on, he placed them infront of my bikes and captain, he pulled the destroyers in combat through his monolith portal and passed the WBB roll on the one casualty, he moved them to the rear of the board out of range of the thunderfires..

in shooting the monolith caused a couple of casualties to the ccw scouts, combined fire from a squad of destroyers and rapid firing warriors killed the remaining bikes and captain, the newly freed destroyer unit shot at the 5 scouts who had previously charged them and wiped them out

this was not a good turn for me.


turn 3, i moved one of the t-fires forward to get range on his army, leaving the techy in cover.. the lone sergeant move up through cover with his combi-melta handy.. the snipers moved forward hoping to have something to do, the ccw scouts broke from cover towards the warriors

in shooting, tiggy fluffed his machine curse shot on the lith, the t-fire on the left fired at his destroyers felling two and the combi-melta sergeant accounted for one on the right with the LSS taking anohter.. pistols and combi-flamer from the ccw scouts felled a few warriors before charging in and wiping them out


ctans turn 3 his other warrior squad came on in the same place, he failed both WBB rolls on the right, and pulled them through the portal to get another chance, but failed them both again.. on the left he brought one back, but one was removed.

the portalled destroyers moved up to kill a thunderfire cannon, everything else stood thier ground and aimed at the ccw scouts.. in shooting he wiped them all out and the monolith killed a few bolter scouts and felled the last speeder


turn 4 i gated tiggy and the bolter scouts infront of the warriors, the last sergeant moved up behind the speeder wreckage.

in shooting the sergeant caused a wound on the destroyers but it was saved, the thunderfire, bolter scouts and tiggy all unleashed at the warriors, if i killed them all i would win the game by phase out.. but sadly the dust cleared and two were still standing

the snipers and second t-fire shot at and wiped out the three destroyers heading thier way.


Ctan turn 4 all bar two of the warriors got back to thier feet denying me phase out, the last three destroyers move onto the hill to avoid LOS to t-fires

in shooting he wiped out tiggy and the bolter scouts and finally managed to kill the last action hero behind the wrecked speeder.


turn 5, all i had left was the snipers and thunderfires at the rear of the board he had 11 models and i only needed one kill to win the game, sadly LOS was causing an issue and i only managed a couple of warrior kills


ctan turn 5, he brought back both warriors to save himself from phase out, he used the portal and move them behind the monlith to deny all LOS from my shooting units.. he had far more KP than me so if we rolled for end of game he would have won.. thankfully i rolled a 5 and we continued


turn6: the only chance i had was to taregt his monlith with my thunderfires and hope for some good scatter.. i got a bit lucky and killed 3 warriors

in ctans turn 6 he brought back 2 out of the 3 warriors and used his portal to try and bring back the third.. the whole game came down to one roll of 4+ if he fails he phases out, if he succeeds he wins on KP.. he rolled a 3 and i won the game.


that was waaaay tooo close for comfort :D

Consolidation moves don't trigger dangerous terrain tests, sounds like a fun game though :D


dammit, your right.. oh well thems the breaks


anyway, the big 3vs3 game was a blast, although the only dice that wanted to work for me was my scatter dice.. my thunderfires really shone in that game

after the first days gaming i came to the conclusion that tigarius wont work with a scout unit, they neither have the offensive power or the hardiness to last a round of shooting.. i can definately see his potential with sternguard, maybe tactical termis or even anti-infantry tac marines, but not scouts.


so i went for the following with my day two list


chappy, JP, digital weapons, meltabombs

10 snipers, telion, ML

10 bolters, HB, fist

10 ccw scouts, fist, combi-flamer

5 snipers, cloaks, ML

2 x 5 ccw scouts, combi-melta, meltabombs

10 scout bikes. 3GL, fist

2 x LSS with MM

2 x thunderfire


its bascially a swap from tiggy to chappy and another 5 snipers with ML, id have to say it does make a difference, the chaplain really adds to shrike and the ccw scouts and the extra 5 snipers is another scoring unit, with another ML which is always nice.. i gave the chappy MBs just incase i face a mech army, he can split off and tank hunt on his own

game 2 vs alloyslayer

he had:

calgar and 5 honour guard, with relic blade and banner


2 x vinidicator

3 attack bikes with MM

ironclad dread

2 tac squads with PW, flamer and ML in rhinos


poor fellow aways seems to lose out on the first turn roll against me.. i went first on annihalation spearhead game.

i deployed the necessary units (t-fires and LSS) and let alloyslayer deploy, knowing my penchant for alpha strikes he reserved his rhinos with tac marines and deployed his heavy armour, ironclad and melta attack bikes




seeing his deployment, my aim was to take down the vindies and LR as a priority, if the LR gets pulled open the snipers and t-fires would shoot the meaty bits, if the first LSs managed this the second would target the ironclad.. just incase it didnt go that way i combat squaded the bikes to ensure at least one group survived the counter charge


turn 1:

my movement phase:



same view at the end of my turn one:


the ccw scouts failed to charge the bikes and my shooting vs the LR all fialed, 2 MM and 2 combi-meltas all missed at close range.. i need a word with the drill instructors i think.. thankfully the meltabombs did the trick in assault.. both vindies died to grenades from bikes, although one blew up and killed two bikers


alloyslayers turn one

he shot at and charged the ccw scouts with his assault bikes, and did the same with his ironclad to the combat squad of bikes with fist

calgar and the HG charged both units of LSS scouts

the assault bikers killed 4 with shooting and a further one in assault, but were completely wiped out by shrike and his boys, the dread killed 4 of the 5 bikes in shooting and assault, but the biker sergeant tore off his combat arm with heavy flamer.

calgar and his HG wiped out the 10 scouts, but lost one of thier number and calgar himself was wounded.. go scouties go :)




turn two, i surrounded calgar and his HG with everything i had and let rip killing them all in shooting, thankfully i didnt have to go toe to toe with calgar in assault, but would have done if necessary

in assault the ironclad finsihed the biker sergeant

alloyslayer turn two, both tac squads rolled thier reserve rolls and entered the fray killing 4 ccw scouts from the top hatches

the dread immobilised the speeder with shooting and destroyed it in assault



the remainign turns were a meat grinder, i gained the upper hand against the tac squad on the left but the marines on the right ran rampant through 2 scout squads before telions snipers charged into the fray.. they lost combat, but were able to fall back far enough to rally in turn 5..

my scout bikers with GLs swept behind the dread for rear armour shots and destroyed him before moving on to help shrike take on the tac squad on the left



this last tac squad was heavily reduced by shooting from two thunderfires and telions snipers, the remaining two marines were killes by a charging shrike.. the rhino on the hill was killed by grenades from the bikers after they immobilised it with shooting


win for scouts.. although throughout the game i only past about 10% of saving throws (on 4+) my intial strike was enough to see me through.. had i killed the LR with shooting ive no doubt the gam would have been over much sooner, same goes for the poor terrain rollson my ccw scouts, a alpha strike against those bikes would have saved half the unit

Ah man! I can't believe I missed out on shaking McNeil's hand! I'm a big fan of his, even though I might be very strict on my standards of 40K lore (or rather, the direction I like to see it taken) and hated Calgar's portrayal in the most recent novel. After all, those are more to do with the needs of his job rather than his ability.


Over all I like his novels and regret not being able to afford to come up! It's not fair!


Glad you guys had a blast though.


Interesting game you had against alloyslayer. I think he made the mistake of deploying the heavy armour on the table. Personally I would have put them all into reserve, or else screened the Landraider and entourage with Rhinos and Tacticals (a single Rhino plus dismounted Tactical should have done the trick).


Not to be an arrogant sod or talk down to anyone, but placing heavy armour in front of you like that is asking for it! Every game I watch you play (or read your reports) get's me ready to take you on greatcrusade08! :)


Oh yeah, C'tan's Necrons are lovely looking. Almost makes me want to repain my own, though I am too lazy for that!

Interesting game you had against alloyslayer. I think he made the mistake of deploying the heavy armour on the table. Personally I would have put them all into reserve, or else screened the Landraider and entourage with Rhinos and Tacticals (a single Rhino plus dismounted Tactical should have done the trick).


i agree, although his tactical squads could have turned the battle had i a few less scouts to contend with.. a screen can work wonders, youd be surprised how far a tac squad can stretch :)

its not a huge deal for me as i infiltrate after enemy deployment, if they reserve i can deploy my troops into holding positions.. its a bugger in that i have to commit my LSS onto the board, but i can deal with that.


i played a third game against crossatron, i had one LSS team immobilise his land raider (he went first i struck in my turn one) and then over three combats remove every weapon from it.. meltabombs are worth thier weight in gold IMO

Its weird seeing Cross without a broken hand (still cant believe the first thing I did upon meeting him was shake his hand - what an idiot I am!!!)


As it turns out I wouldnt have been able to make it due to work anyway so I am glad I didnt have to disappoint. I will have to get up and see a bunch of you again though its been too long (well May for a large chunk of you but whose counting!).


Hopefully GC will have broken out his long awaited follow up to the scouts by then :devil: I know you have some projects un your sleeve.


Definitely not going to the Throne of Skulls next year, hitting as many Indy tournaments along the south as I can. I am practically signed up to 3 already and that doesnt include a potential showing at Kthulu.


Next time the Ultras hit Nottingham you/we aught to try Maelstrom or whatever its called. Sounds like quite a cool place.

i played a third game against crossatron, i had one LSS team immobilise his land raider (he went first i struck in my turn one) and then over three combats remove every weapon from it..


I merely lost because thats what I willed to happen... Next time! Next time! :P


Don't worry about shaking my hand Wan, This time when I turned up Thantoes greeting to me was, "Wow! You got FAT!"... Needless to say a four letter expletive was used.. :D

Sorry I only made it down for the first day; I intended to make day 2, but got sidetracked with something more pressing


no worries mate, it was good to meet you anyway, shame we couldnt get a game in, but theres always next time ;)

Definitely; and thanks for the bitz trade, I hope the stuff I gave you proved useful

thanks for the bitz trade, I hope the stuff I gave you proved useful


very helpful, thanks mate ;)


edit: i forgot to say, when i spoke to mr McNeill he suggested the plan was for him to write the BFM as one of the space marine battles books.. obviously hes not writing it at the moment, but it would be nice to have a proper book on our most notorious battle.

Also i mentioned the lack of details about Guiliman, he suggested that dan abnetts upcoming calth book would spoill more beans about our beloved primarch

Next time the Ultras hit Nottingham you/we aught to try Maelstrom or whatever its called. Sounds like quite a cool place.


Maelstrom is cool- tidy shop, bar area and gaming tables and covers lots of non-GW stuff as well, which is always interesting to look at and staff there are sound, genuinely helpful and no hard sell rubbish. Its about 30 minutes north of Notts and although I haven't been around Mansfield itself, I'm told is fine but not as much going on as in Notts. So guess it depends on what you're after?


Anyway, good to see you guys just a shame I was only up on the Saturday so only got games with Alistair and PK. Hopefully, see you guys again sometime. Best wishes to Thantoes for the future.


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