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The Land Raider Crusader was exclusive to Black Templars when I started playing. Now every vanilla chapter, and indeed every non-Codex chapter can field them. If I remember correctly, the fluff was simply added to in a WD Index Astartes article at some point. So the background restriction as a nice piece of flavour but it won't in any way stop GW from adding the SR to other codices.


Just take a look at our own Codex. We didn't have SR, Sanguinary Guard or Redeemers before April 2010, so that's a big old retcon that no one ever complains about any more because it benefits us.

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true enough ancient, but GW in all their wisdom (or lack therof depending on who you talk to :D ) decided it would be so. so if GW decides to do this then it is so.


were allowed to be all angry and dissapointed about it though right? :P

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How annoyed am i that my subscription WD hasnt turned up yet. GRRRRRR. And yes i will be buying many many many.

This was the primary reason I gave up my subscription to White Dwarf so long ago. I don't get a price break over the cover, I can buy a special mini with my subscription, and it always arrived a week after it reached my local game store. ;)


It's like paying someone to kick you in the nuts once a month! :D


OK. Back on topic- it's kinda interesting that GW is playing this one so close to the chest. We know we are getting new models, we have seen some leaked models, but we don't know for sure. It's been my experience that this could be really awesome, or, more likely, it could be really bad. As we've already seen some models, I'm hoping it will be really awesome.


It would be great if some stuff stayed army specific- such as the Mortus Pattern Dreadnought (and oh, how ironic that the chapter that made them can't take them), the all Lascannon Pred and Leman Russ Exterminators (both Space Wolf inventions), Land Raider Crusaders (Black Templar), and now Baal Preds, Librarian Dreads, and Storm Ravens. Unfortunately, it appears GW would rather homogenize the models of an army, give them special rules with an upgrade sprue to differentiate armies, and write some very watered down, very loose fluff.


It's a 100% business decision to release the Storm Raven to all Space Marine armies. GW has to make money off the model. They have to recoup the design and production value of the model, and making a model usable by only one army... means they won't make that money back. This is kind of a good thing though- it means we will continue to see unique models like this, and all Space Marines will be able to use them.

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The Land Raider Crusader was exclusive to Black Templars when I started playing. Now every vanilla chapter, and indeed every non-Codex chapter can field them. If I remember correctly, the fluff was simply added to in a WD Index Astartes article at some point. So the background restriction as a nice piece of flavour but it won't in any way stop GW from adding the SR to other codices.


Just take a look at our own Codex. We didn't have SR, Sanguinary Guard or Redeemers before April 2010, so that's a big old retcon that no one ever complains about any more because it benefits us.

When was the LRC ever exclusive to Templars? Back in codex Armageddon when it was introduced, Templars could have as many as they could afford, and other marines could take 1 per army.

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When was the LRC ever exclusive to Templars? Back in codex Armageddon when it was introduced, Templars could have as many as they could afford, and other marines could take 1 per army.


I remember this being true as well. It persisted until C:SM removed the 0-1 restriction.

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@ Snorri


Well, yet unlike the Baal Predator, where it says it only belongs to the BAs and they even bicker with AdMech about it, the Stormraven entry doesn't say so. That I meant with exclusiveness, sorry about being unclear before. A year later (in our time here obviously) the shipments to the other chapters might simply have commenced. Voila, no fluff contradiction, just fluff development. And to talk about it being fairer and all, the BAs have nothing to complain about as far as I see. ^^ You can have Relic Blades and the other stuff if I get your Assault Squads. Better yet, I play both armies and enjoy all benefits as I please. :) So I don't really care whether Codex Marines get it or not but as I said I think it fits the current trend and thus will happen.


Edit: Found the post I had in mind from Warseer, it puts it nicely:


Quote: At no point in the BA codex does it say the Storm Raven is exclusive to the Blood Angels... It also says it was first used by the Grey Knights.


It doesn't even say that. What it says is (emphasis mine): "Nonetheless, some records suggest that the Stormraven was in existence even before then, most notably active in the service of the Grey Knights,"


Thus: Grey Knights using them is simply the "most notably"/most widely known prior record of their use. The very formulation however implies that there are other, "less notable" uses of it. And neither does it say Grey Knights were "first", simply that they had it before the Blood Angels (who got it as the Adeptus Mechanicus finally got around to doing, quote,: "mass-production").

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@ Saphos


Well then, you're right it seems. I still think that Vanilla SM have enough toys to play with, only because they got bored with their "not-so-shiny-anymore" stuff they shouldn't be getting the Raven on top. :) Or make it a 0-1 choice or whatever.


And to talk about it being fairer and all, the BAs have nothing to complain about as far as I see.


Well, we do. Or at least, I do, but I'm quite sure that others share my opinion. I want my artificer armour back! ^_^



And in terms of Assault Squads...it is not only the equipment that makes them deadly...it's the Priests. FC and FnP is what makes our armies strong. ;)




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I'm happy if the new 5th Ed. Grey Knights can use it. Now I can buy one model and use it for both my armies! Once 5th Ed. GK are released that is. I swore I'd do them after BA but Games Workshop just had to pull them from availability when I wanted to start em 6 months back. I'm expecting GK 5th to be boss, albeit, a fluff massacring release.
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My desire to have the Stormraven stay exclusive to us has to do with most of the complaints I see, i.e. "it's not fair that Blood Angels get a Stormraven and my chapter doesn't!" Um, yes it is.


Though I agree that if GW decides to give it to everyone, fluff won't be an obstacle. Retcons happen with every codex, it's not a big deal.

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@ Snorri


Fair enough, one is always entitled to complain if the need is felt. ^^ As no one is forced to read the complaints it all works out in the end. I am going to use my stock of Impfists to play my BAs anyways (until I can afford new tanks and stuff) so it would still work out if I painted the Raven yellow. -_- Just out of curiousity, where do the BAs lack in artificer armour?


I know that other things make the BAs strong but the Assaultsquads are the one thing the difference between the books can best be seen imho (discount on all transports and friggin Meltas). And they would fit so nicely in my otherwise well working Codex Marines army. :P In the case of the Stormraven this discussion is quite moot anyways imho as most people seem to think that it might be nice but not too awesome a model gamewise. I for sure don't really know what to do with the SR in my Codex Marine army yet. I think those fairness discussions in general are a little silly as there is no objective line that can be drawn. I look at the fun my army can grant me, not how unique it is compared to others.

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I hardly use Captains anyways as I am of the Chaplain/Librarian faction. So this wouldn't be a problem for me. But I see the problem. Compared with a lack of honour blades they are even less interesting then before I can imagine.


I wonder when we will see the preorders and thus the first good pictures for the new releases. I do already like the Stormraven but to see more pictures would be nice. The Dreadnought looks awesome already.

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The Land Raider Crusader was exclusive to Black Templars when I started playing. Now every vanilla chapter, and indeed every non-Codex chapter can field them. If I remember correctly, the fluff was simply added to in a WD Index Astartes article at some point. So the background restriction as a nice piece of flavour but it won't in any way stop GW from adding the SR to other codices.


Just take a look at our own Codex. We didn't have SR, Sanguinary Guard or Redeemers before April 2010, so that's a big old retcon that no one ever complains about any more because it benefits us.

When was the LRC ever exclusive to Templars? Back in codex Armageddon when it was introduced, Templars could have as many as they could afford, and other marines could take 1 per army.


That's of course 100% true, I remembered it wrong there!


My point still stands though, albeit a bit less clearly. GW tends to make all kinds of models more easily available so that more people will buy them. It happened to the LRC, the WHFB Giant (when it got a plastic model) and I'm not saying it will happen to the SR but it might just, no matter what the background currently says.

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don't think it really matter in any other terms then if other armies get it, you have to figure out how to fight against it with how they play. what does it matter if another space marine army gets a space marine vehicle? it goes visa versa as well, if they don't get it, what does it matter?


(as for specualting that they made a baal and now the furioso as stand alone BA the reason they probably won't for the SR is because they have no base modle to go off of, a brand new design will probably get as much access as needed to make it worth making)

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The Land Raider Crusader was exclusive to Black Templars when I started playing. Now every vanilla chapter, and indeed every non-Codex chapter can field them. If I remember correctly, the fluff was simply added to in a WD Index Astartes article at some point. So the background restriction as a nice piece of flavour but it won't in any way stop GW from adding the SR to other codices.


Just take a look at our own Codex. We didn't have SR, Sanguinary Guard or Redeemers before April 2010, so that's a big old retcon that no one ever complains about any more because it benefits us.

When was the LRC ever exclusive to Templars? Back in codex Armageddon when it was introduced, Templars could have as many as they could afford, and other marines could take 1 per army.


That's of course 100% true, I remembered it wrong there!


My point still stands though, albeit a bit less clearly. GW tends to make all kinds of models more easily available so that more people will buy them. It happened to the LRC, the WHFB Giant (when it got a plastic model) and I'm not saying it will happen to the SR but it might just, no matter what the background currently says.


And yet BT LR Crusaders are still one of a kind since only them have access to Blessed Hull.

If SR is ever available for other chapters as well, I'm almost certain that ours would be superior in some way.

They for one, certainly wouldn't have Skies of Blood. :)

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If SR is ever available for other chapters as well, I'm almost certain that ours would be superior in some way.

They for one, certainly wouldn't have Skies of Blood. :)

True. Also IIRC the rumors suggested there would be a 0-1 restriction for the quantity of SR available.

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FWIW, I think the Stormraven will be allowed as an option for other chapters in the next edition of the game. That lets GW sell more models and more codexes.


I'm sure others have noticed GW removing restrictions on 0-1 models as time goes on. It allows more kit to be sold.

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