Ace Debonair Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 -= IA: The Stonebound =- " " - Chapter Master Dhorin Ironshield. -= The Age of Stone =- "." - First Chapter Master Bhasar Khan * Early founding. 4th? 5th? Something like that. I'd like the Stonebound to be an old Chapter. * Initial, broad objective is to stomp an ork empire festering in Segmentum Pacificus. * The orks are dug in quite well, and fast attacks prove less effective at destroying them than slower-paced but heavier assaults. * Take Kagara as a homeworld, whose inhabitants call them the 'Stone Giants' for their brown armour. Inspired, the Chapter names itself the Stonebound. * Eventually stomp the orks out of the area and crumble their empire, but ork attacks on the sector are still remarkably frequent. To help counter the ever-present threat, the Stonebound build keeps on various worlds in the sector to act as strongholds for local populace or as garrisons for task forces. * Chapter continues to fight off all threats in their area. Main enemies are orks, of course, but Eldar raids, pirates, and the odd traitor force happen to show up once in a while. * Most Chapter keeps lost over time, either abandoned or destroyed by xeno attacks. Rediscovering them would be a priority, but the Stonebound are kept busy enough with enemy attacks that they can't make a point of going to rediscover the lost keeps. This is the status quo in 'modern' 40k. Pictured to the left is the heraldry of a typical Stonebound battle-brother. Pictured to the right is the heraldry of the 'Redshields', or First Company. -= Homeworld =- "." - Sage Varkand Flamebeard * Kagara, mountainous world with elliptical orbit that is much warmer underground, prompting semi-subterranean civilisations who live underground in the winter. * The migratory clans have lots of wildlife (and each other) to fend off and make for a source of good recruits. * The clans forge axes and chainmail shirts as a rite of passage (one side of which is often a mining pick, might or might not make it into the IA) * Stonebound build their monastery in one of the deepest and sturdiest caverns, and are fairly distant from the clans when not conducting recruitment trials. -= Beliefs =- Excerpt from the Legacy Saga The word was young, the stars were clean No wounds upon the sky were seen Our Lord sat not on Golden Throne But boldly strode the Earth alone His lightning sword did strike his foes His power and his banner rose He brought together tribe and clan To help reforge the worlds of Man With potent seed and twisted gene He then brought forth the Space Marine And twenty Sons, great warriors all In the golden times, before the fall... ...But shadow flickered past the glow As forces Man should never know Did twist and plot and cast their schemes And whisper to His Sons in dreams That they would be used and cast aside Used to build the Emperor's pride To make a realm for Him alone To dictate to from Golden Throne While those for whom his cause had fought Would wither, die and be forgot. They took these whispers deep to heart and foulest Chaos took their part The works that took so long to make Took little enough to break Foul Horus, once his Son most dear Betrayed Him out of treachery's fear And Son fought Son on Terra's soil Those who once had been most loyal Destroyed all that they had kept And on his throne, the Emperor wept But grief could not stay His might Nor darkness hide the Emperor's light His mighty sword did sweep away The treacher of his Sons, and they Did flee in terror through the sky And hide in places low and high But hiding did avail them nought And so they reaped what they had wrought Interr'd within the Golden Throne, Sealed in halls of steel and stone, In Terra's halls he guides us still, A ruler, strong of mind and will, The Emperor, who by thought alone Will rise again from Golden Throne! And lead us to a future bright And bring to Man eternal light! And we, descended of his line, His legacy, for all of time, The sons of Khan, the sons of war, We, the Stonebound - Evermore! We will answer to your call, Hail the Emperor! Lord of all! "." - Captain Tagarn Strongarm, Third Company. * Stonebound are quite different from other Scars successors. Obviously. The influence of their homeworld is quite strong in the Chapter. * However, recruits still taken from any clan and put into mixed squads rather than sorting them by clan. * Forging an axe and chainmail is mandatory for new battle brothers as a rite of passage. Often done in groups with Chaplains reciting litanies, which is also true of most of the Chapter's forging. Techmarines also supervise. * Librarians are known as Sages, and have Grudge Stones which record the names and deeds of notable enemies, and can only be broken when the listed enemy is slain. To bear grudge stones is a mark of shame for a Company, and the breaking of those stones is cause for celebration. Those hunting a foe listed on the Grudge Stone often mark the stone with their blood, as the Grimdark equivalent of shouting 'It's On Now'. * Stonebound venerate the Emperor and the Khan. They take immense pride in their lineage and history. * Believe fervently in the United Humanity that their Grandfather and Father tried to achieve, not that they're in much of a position to restart the Great Crusade. Follow the White Scars belief pattern of 'kill the dirty xenos first, then start the Crusade anew' -= Combat Doctrine =- "Diligence is a greater virtue than haste." - Brother Zelek Stonehewer * Initially the Stonebound used fast attacks like most sons of the Khan, but not as much anymore: Instead, they use a slower, more methodical approach that has proven effective against the ork empires they've faced. * Said approach is influenced partly by the style of warfare common to Kagara (much slower) and the terrain on the planets they most commonly defend being unsuited to mass bike attacks. * Strategic flexibility is still a watchword of the Chapter. There's enough bikes, aerial forces and assault units that moving slow and shooting is far from their only option. * Fast attack is still commonly used, but as support for the main assault rather than the core of the attack. * The Stonebound use Dreadnoughts, although not everybody is comfortable with it. Those that are ok with Dreads see them as walking links with the Chapter's history and symbols of great honour. * Possibly include something about a silver talisman that is worn around the neck of those willing to become Dreadnoughts if the worst should happen? * Shown to revere the warrior within the dreadnought rather than just the machine. -= Organisation =- "." - Captain Dain Stonereaver, First Company * Codex organisation. Can't see any reason to change from it, to be honest. * First company has their own heraldry and seldom operates as a whole company, instead assigning squads to work with other companies. * Members of the 'Redshields' First Company get given a plain red shield, which over time is engraved with personal heraldry and other details. When a 1st company veteran dies, the shield goes on the walls of the Fortress Monastery. *This section feels a little empty, but I don't know what else could go here, to be honest. -= Geneseed =- "." - Apothecary Xaven Brightaxe * White Scars Geneseed. No notable changes or deviations. * Heightened aggression as is common with sons of the Khan. Unknown if related to the actual geneseed or just inherited from the surly Kagaran population, but it's not enough of an issue for it to be a problem. -= Battlecry =- "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Updated 7/4/2015 for great dwarfishness Really gonna have to write these guys up properly sooner or later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 *cracks knuckles* When I get to work I shall rip this to shreds give this a good going over. First thing that sprang to mind is a battle cry or two - ones I have used for previous IAs but don't fit my current one - such as: "We do not yield!" or "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Captain Juan Juarez said: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!" This. Most definately this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Quote Also, if said bike company is ok to exist, primary use of them is to hunt after the Rift Lords to avenge their parent chapter. That sounds good, this could be the 8th Company in Codex terms as it would be the assault company. You might prefer to have someone other than your reserves chasing the guys who kill you father! Quote "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!" That has my vote too. Quote Beliefs How do they view the Emperor and Primarchs? Quote Possibly have a slight mutation/degradation, folks who study geneseed link this mutation to a WS successor being more accepting of slow-moving tactics? To me that doesn't really work, I thought the WS gene-seed was linked to aggression and the thing aspect was just how their homeworld worked. I'm not sure it's been a while since I've read anything about White Scars. Where's the colour scheme gone?! :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 18, 2011 Author Share Posted January 18, 2011 Reyner said: Quote Beliefs How do they view the Emperor and Primarchs? I knew I'd forget something. I'll get to work on that. ^_^ Reyner said: Quote Possibly have a slight mutation/degradation, folks who study geneseed link this mutation to a WS successor being more accepting of slow-moving tactics? To me that doesn't really work, I thought the WS gene-seed was linked to aggression and the thing aspect was just how their homeworld worked. I'm not sure it's been a while since I've read anything about White Scars. Well, in the last thread, I had the point hammered home to me that White Scars geneseed = go fast all the time. * So, I'm looking for possible avenues to get around that somewhat. *Granted, I've almost certainly missed the point, but come on - it's been almost a year, and that's all I remember. My memory isn't that good! :lol: I'll probably steal CJJ's battle-cry - it certainly seems popular enough. :) EDIT: The colour scheme hasn't gone anywhere yet. I just want to get some of the writing done before dazzling everyone with images. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: I'll probably steal CJJ's battle-cry - it certainly seems popular enough. :teehee: It should be popular enough, I have it tattooed on the inside of my right forearm! Plus, I thought it gives a great sense of being Dwarven without being "all up in yo' grill" about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: IA: The Stonebound *Snappy thing relating to the badassery of the Stonebound goes here. I can probably do snappy for this, depends what you want to emphsise? Quote History: * 6th founding. Khan's geneseed. * Sent to Segmentum Pacificus to counter-act recently increased ork activity. * Settle on Kagara, world near the borders with Segmenta Tempestus and Solar. * When the Red Sabres (their parent chapter) are wiped out, dedicate a company to the pursuit of their killers, wandering the Segmentum Pacificus and further afield in search of the Rift Lords. * Somewhat introverted and grumpy chapter, but it's partly a charade, and the Stonebound are quite kind-hearted (for space marines) underneath it. At least, unless you irritate or anger them. - Khan does and will work, anyone telling you otherwise will answer to the Flail I'll steal from Heru - As their original task? - No problems - Will you mention why they are wiped out and why this bothers them so much? Remember, they won't be flush with former Red Sabres. - From this I take Dwarven characteristics of "quick to anger, never to forgive". Quote Homeworld: * Kagara has fiercely unhospitable winters, vast underground seas heated by geothermal vents, and multiple large moons that induce tidal stresses during the winter, causing these seas to surge along ancient underground rivers and geysers, keeping the underground warm while the surface is frozen. * Clans thusly live underground during winter, because the surface is murder. * Unfortunately, giant lizards also live underground, and get more active/hungry during the winter, so they prey on the humans. * During the rest of the year, clans live on the surface, farming the few crops that survive on Kagara and also living by hunting the hardy wildlife. * Stonebound settle underground, taking back an ancient human fortress in a vast cavern that has been turned into a giant lizard nest. This becomes the core of the Fortress Monastery. - I like it, very original. - So what's the world like when it isn't winter? What differences does this make? - Where do the lizards go in summer? Does this mean that somehow during summer the caves get cooler? - Obviously you say what they do the rest of the year, but nothing about conditions - hard to scratch a living, scare wildlife unless you travel far? - Lizard combat a test of applicants/Scouts? Quote Beliefs: * Excerpt from the Legacy Saga goes here, because if it doesn't, I'll be killed. By Batman, no less. * Stonebound's beliefs slowly take on traits from Kagaran society: * Decorative chain-mail worn over the better armour is a must for Stonebound marines, as is an axe. * Prayers are often blended with the act of forging, groups of marines led in prayer by their chaplains as they forge weapons and armour. * Defeats or similar dishonours are carved onto Grudge-Stones, by the chapter's Sages (Librarians) and are carried by the dishonoured company until the Sages deem that grudge paid back in full. The breaking of a Grudge-Stone is a cause for celebration, and usually a feast to honour the dead and the brave. * The chapter's insular nature will partly stem from a Kagaran distrust of people from other clans, only in this case it's a distrust of non-Stonebound. * The Stonebound view the Emperor as the true father of the Space Marines, and his sons the Primarchs as great heroes and warriors. They are immensely proud of their lineage. - Batman wouldn't kill you, he just wouldn't save you. - I wouldn't say an axe is a must; axes might be favoured but aren't suitable for close confines as I imagine the Stonebound be good tunnel and space hulk fighters. Maybe some carry swords as a tradition to honour the Sabres? - Priest-Smith... Combine the roles of Chaplain and Techmarine ;) - Dwarves off the starboard bow! -Does this make Companies insular? Non-fraternisation between them generally? - Lovely. Quote Combat Doctrine: * Chapter's early days are much like White Scars, typically fast attacks and stuff. * In an ideal world, something happens to make them grudgingly put some value on slower units. (Possibly used extensively as siege-breakers on rebellious worlds? I'd say against Orks, too, but I don't see them staying in fortifications if they can get out and fight instead.) * Basically, the Stonebound wind up closer to codex battle doctrines, but maybe with an all-bike company to 'pay honour the old ways' and chase the Rift Lords for killing their parent chapter. - Why? And "because they are descended from the White Scars" doesn't cut it - is Kagara suitable for this tactic? - See above. - Secret Dark Angels! Quote Organisation: *Codex layout. Possible exception to have an all-bike company, much like the Ravenwing? * Also, if said bike company is ok to exist, primary use of them is to hunt after the Rift Lords to avenge their parent chapter. * In the fashion of White Scars, companies are made of recruits from several clans. * Gradual adoption of slower units allows the chapter to use their dreadnoughts, the 'Ironbound'. * First company veterans wear the cool red 'n' bone shoulderpads. Theoretical bike company could just have red trim? * First company veterans issued a red shield, which they decorate over time with their personal heraldry. Each shield tells the story-via-artwork of one of the chapter's heroes. When the marine dies, his shield is hung on the fortress monastery walls. - See: Secret Dark Angels! - I don't think making them a bike company helps this; Assault Company, with choice of transport? Yes, all-bike? No. - Each Company = a Clan? Or mixed to water down the distrustful nature of Clans towards eachother? - Cool. - Why? - Cool - liking the heraldry thing. Quote Geneseed: * Khan lineage via the Red Sabres (their dead parent chapter) * Their introverted, grumpy nature is attributed to a blend of geneseed and homeworld, as is their less agressive side by the few who know about it. * Possibly have a slight mutation/degradation, folks who study geneseed link this mutation to a WS successor being more accepting of slow-moving tactics? - Check. - Check - but define "less agressive" at some point. - Why? Doesn't have to be geneseed, per se. Ta daa. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Wait ... are you starting completely over on this? Why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 18, 2011 Author Share Posted January 18, 2011 Captain Juan Juarez said: I can probably do snappy for this, depends what you want to emphsise? I'll do the snappy top bit once the rest of the article is finished/close to finished. I'd rather ready the cake before I apply the icing, for a rather clumsy cooking metaphor. Captain Juan Juarez said: - Khan does and will work, anyone telling you otherwise will answer to the Flail I'll steal from Heru He'll hunt you down if you steal his flail, CJJ. You don't want that. :P Captain Juan Juarez said: - Will you mention why they are wiped out and why this bothers them so much? Remember, they won't be flush with former Red Sabres. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I've not come across this saying before. Captain Juan Juarez said: - I like it, very original.- So what's the world like when it isn't winter? What differences does this make? - Where do the lizards go in summer? Does this mean that somehow during summer the caves get cooler? - Obviously you say what they do the rest of the year, but nothing about conditions - hard to scratch a living, scare wildlife unless you travel far? - Lizard combat a test of applicants/Scouts? Right. Well, much like last time, outside of the winters, the caves are cooler, so the lizards who hate the cold go deeper into the caves and aren't a problem. However, the surface is now more hospitable than the caves, so the humans leave too, and go back to the surface to farm/hunt beasties and live life as best they can until late autumn, when the cave-migration begins anew. Hunting the lizards was originally a test for 1st company. Might or might not make them a recruitment test instead. Captain Juan Juarez said: - Batman wouldn't kill you, he just wouldn't save you. Batman himself told me he'd kill me. You don't get much more direct than that. ;) Captain Juan Juarez said: - I wouldn't say an axe is a must; axes might be favoured but aren't suitable for close confines as I imagine the Stonebound be good tunnel and space hulk fighters. Maybe some carry swords as a tradition to honour the Sabres? A dwarf without an axe? When does that ever happen? The sword thing might work, but I'd leave them to the not-Ravenwing, I think. Captain Juan Juarez said: - Priest-Smith... Combine the roles of Chaplain and Techmarine :P- Dwarves off the starboard bow! -Does this make Companies insular? Non-fraternisation between them generally? - Lovely. I think I might just keep the Techies and Chappies seperate. The recruits are integrated randomly into different companies to break down the insular nature of the Kagarans, and make them less 'X clan' and more 'Stonebound'. Captain Juan Juarez said: - Why? And "because they are descended from the White Scars" doesn't cut it - is Kagara suitable for this tactic? It does cut it if they don't fight on Kagara much and the Red Sabres trained them the same as they would any other WS successor. ;) Captain Juan Juarez said: - See: Secret Dark Angels!- I don't think making them a bike company helps this; Assault Company, with choice of transport? Yes, all-bike? No. It works for the DA, though. And these guys have the excuse of preserving the Khan's dictates of fast attack tactics, even if the rest of the Chapter has to evolve a different doctrine. The Stonebound,to my mind, would feel awkward and embarassed about having to resort to slower, heavier units, and this company would double as a strong nod to their heritage as well as a dedicated task force. Captain Juan Juarez said: - Check.- Check - but define "less agressive" at some point. - Why? Doesn't have to be geneseed, per se. Oops. Their "less agressive" side is more that they are fiercely loyal to, and somewhat more forigiving of chapters that have fought alongside the Stonebound, with honour and valour. I answered the geneseed question when Reyner asked it, but here we go again... In the last thread, I had the point hammered home to me that White Scars geneseed = go fast all the time. So, I'm looking for possible avenues to get around that somewhat. Geneseed mutation, and therefore it not being a pristine WS geneseed, is one such avenue. ;) Ecritter said: Wait ... are you starting completely over on this? Why? Not completely, but I've discovered that expanding outwards from an outline nets me my best results in terms of writing. So I'm doing that with the Stonebound, only I'm keeping everything from my old IA that I absolutely have to or really, really like. Also, anyone new to the chapter doesn't now have to read a thousand pages of me being belaboured for my worse ideas. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: Captain Juan Juarez said: - Khan does and will work, anyone telling you otherwise will answer to the Flail I'll steal from Heru He'll hunt you down if you steal his flail, CJJ. You don't want that. :P Captain Juan Juarez said: - Will you mention why they are wiped out and why this bothers them so much? Remember, they won't be flush with former Red Sabres. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I've not come across this saying before. - Er.. Theoretically thats me mixing and matching phrases, because that's what I like to do. Basically, there are not hundreds of former Red Sabres to be offended. Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - I like it, very original.- So what's the world like when it isn't winter? What differences does this make? - Where do the lizards go in summer? Does this mean that somehow during summer the caves get cooler? - Obviously you say what they do the rest of the year, but nothing about conditions - hard to scratch a living, scare wildlife unless you travel far? - Lizard combat a test of applicants/Scouts? Right. Well, much like last time, outside of the winters, the caves are cooler, so the lizards who hate the cold go deeper into the caves and aren't a problem. However, the surface is now more hospitable than the caves, so the humans leave too, and go back to the surface to farm/hunt beasties and live life as best they can until late autumn, when the cave-migration begins anew. Hunting the lizards was originally a test for 1st company. Might or might not make them a recruitment test instead. - Check. Recruitment test sounds best, though probably as the final right of passage to becoming a full Battle-Brother - 14 year old with Power Stick Vs Lizard just seems cruel! Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - I wouldn't say an axe is a must; axes might be favoured but aren't suitable for close confines as I imagine the Stonebound be good tunnel and space hulk fighters. Maybe some carry swords as a tradition to honour the Sabres? A dwarf without an axe? When does that ever happen? The sword thing might work, but I'd leave them to the not-Ravenwing, I think. They are not Space Marine Dwarves, remember. Even just swords as both a tribute and symbol of office? CM/Captains and the like have one? I love the idea of a Chapter Champion with a Snaga-style axe. Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - Priest-Smith... Combine the roles of Chaplain and Techmarine ;)- Dwarves off the starboard bow! -Does this make Companies insular? Non-fraternisation between them generally? - Lovely. I think I might just keep the Techies and Chappies seperate. The recruits are integrated randomly into different companies to break down the insular nature of the Kagarans, and make them less 'X clan' and more 'Stonebound'. - Correct answer. Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - Why? And "because they are descended from the White Scars" doesn't cut it - is Kagara suitable for this tactic? It does cut it if they don't fight on Kagara much and the Red Sabres trained them the same as they would any other WS successor. :P But they train on Kagara at least for a great portion of their early lives, this has an impact. Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - See: Secret Dark Angels!- I don't think making them a bike company helps this; Assault Company, with choice of transport? Yes, all-bike? No. It works for the DA, though. I'm sorry, I though you had said Khan and not El'Jonson? Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - Check.- Check - but define "less agressive" at some point. - Why? Doesn't have to be geneseed, per se. Oops. Their "less agressive" side is more that they are fiercely loyal to, and somewhat more forigiving of chapters that have fought alongside the Stonebound, with honour and valour. I answered the geneseed question when Reyner asked it, but here we go again... In the last thread, I had the point hammered home to me that White Scars geneseed = go fast all the time. So, I'm looking for possible avenues to get around that somewhat. Geneseed mutation, and therefore it not being a pristine WS geneseed, is one such avenue. ;) - Hey, were pretending the other thread doesn't exist remember! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinzaren Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Time to dust off the keyboard and get to work. Ace Debonair said: * When the Red Sabres (their parent chapter) are wiped out, dedicate a company to the pursuit of their killers, wandering the Segmentum Pacificus and further afield in search of the Rift Lords. If they are hunting down a force that wiped out an entire Space Marine Chapter, is one company enough? Or is this one company just wandering the void looking for them, and then calling in reinforcements when they find them? Quote * Somewhat introverted and grumpy chapter, but it's partly a charade, and the Stonebound are quite kind-hearted (for space marines) underneath it. At least, unless you irritate or anger them. Relevance? If they are introverted and grumpy, but it's only a facade, then it doesn't matter. The IA is written from a pseudo-historical point of view, so teir interactions would be all that really matters. If others see them as grumpy, then that's what they are. Unless they get all huggy after a hard fought campaign :D Quote * Kagara has fiercely unhospitable winters, vast underground seas heated by geothermal vents, and multiple large moons that induce tidal stresses during the winter, causing these seas to surge along ancient underground rivers and geysers, keeping the underground warm while the surface is frozen. Just pointing at Earth as an example here. We have one moon, whose corresponding stresses on the tides keep things interesting, and when combined with the tectonic shifting of the crust, results in some pretty nasty and massive earthquakes and other bad things. You have multiple moons, applying multiples stresses to a planet with a submerged aqua-sphere. The underground is going to be a constantly shifting and ridiculously dangerous place, with tide that would be rising and falling by miles, and earthquakes and tremors that would likely collapse and reform any habitable caves. Quote * Clans thusly live underground during winter, because the surface is murder. Sounds like the underground is murder too. Quote * Decorative chain-mail worn over the better armour is a must for Stonebound marines, as is an axe. Why? Quote * Defeats or similar dishonours are carved onto Grudge-Stones, by the chapter's Sages (Librarians) and are carried by the dishonoured company until the Sages deem that grudge paid back in full. The breaking of a Grudge-Stone is a cause for celebration, and usually a feast to honour the dead and the brave. Sweet. Looking forward to seeing some awesome grudges. Quote * In an ideal world, something happens to make them grudgingly put some value on slower units. (Possibly used extensively as siege-breakers on rebellious worlds? I'd say against Orks, too, but I don't see them staying in fortifications if they can get out and fight instead.) Perhaps this comes from their homeworld? I the underground fighting, and close combat doing battle with the lizards, they realized the value of Vindicators, and other slower heavier weapons, because they were unable to bring their bikes and jump packs to bear effectively? Ace Debonair said: What I can tell you right now though, is that the Stonebound are definitely, totally, and most emphatically going to be Khan's boys.No matter how much it makes sense to make them Dornish, every fibre of my being cries out in revulsion and pain to make another damn Dorn-child. I feel the same about Gulliman and his bunch. Fear not. Looking forward to seeing more on these guys Ace. Your theme is good, without being too over-the-top, smack you in the face. Should be interesting to see how you tie it into your other chapters. Keep up the good work! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: Captain Juan Juarez said: I can probably do snappy for this, depends what you want to emphsise? I'll do the snappy top bit once the rest of the article is finished/close to finished. I'd rather ready the cake before I apply the icing, for a rather clumsy cooking metaphor. I forgot to mention; this was my attempt to at least get a passing mention in an IA that will - eventually ;) - get finished.. Just in case I die, or my passion does :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 18, 2011 Author Share Posted January 18, 2011 Captain Juan Juarez said: - Er.. Theoretically thats me mixing and matching phrases, because that's what I like to do. Basically, there are not hundreds of former Red Sabres to be offended. True enough. But the Stonebound place a lot of pride in their lineage, so this is going to make them quite upset and angry. Especially the angry. Captain Juan Juarez said: Recruitment test sounds best, though probably as the final right of passage to becoming a full Battle-Brother - 14 year old with Power Stick Vs Lizard just seems cruel! Power Sticks? What, you think my recruits get it that easy? :o Captain Juan Juarez said: They are not Space Marine Dwarves, remember. Even just swords as both a tribute and symbol of office? CM/Captains and the like have one? I love the idea of a Chapter Champion with a Snaga-style axe. Hang on, that's my line. :devil: See, I want at least a few solid nods to dwarvishness, and the whole 'axe=man, no axe=boy' thing positively exudes dwarvishness. That said, I'm going to allow hammers into the chapter too, so why not a few swords for the officers? :P Captain Juan Juarez said: - Correct answer. Of course. ;) Captain Juan Juarez said: But they train on Kagara at least for a great portion of their early lives, this has an impact. I always figured marines trained on a number of different worlds. And if not, I'm sure there'll be room on Kagara somewhere. Captain Juan Juarez said: I'm sorry, I though you had said Khan and not El'Jonson? My point still stands. An all-bike/mostly bike company who hunt down the Rift Lords might not be the most sensible option, but this is 40k. Sense was long ago tried for heresy and burnt alive by the Inquisition. :( Captain Juan Juarez said: - Hey, were pretending the other thread doesn't exist remember! That was in this thread, CJJ... ;) Shinzaren said: If they are hunting down a force that wiped out an entire Space Marine Chapter, is one company enough? Or is this one company just wandering the void looking for them, and then calling in reinforcements when they find them? Most likely the latter, methinks. Shinzaren said: Relevance? If they are introverted and grumpy, but it's only a facade, then it doesn't matter. The IA is written from a pseudo-historical point of view, so teir interactions would be all that really matters. If others see them as grumpy, then that's what they are. Unless they get all huggy after a hard fought campaign :D That's their personality in a nutshell. They don't care for anyone much by default, but if you earn their respect, you have a friend for life. Shinzaren said: Quote * Kagara has fiercely unhospitable winters, vast underground seas heated by geothermal vents, and multiple large moons that induce tidal stresses during the winter, causing these seas to surge along ancient underground rivers and geysers, keeping the underground warm while the surface is frozen. Just pointing at Earth as an example here. We have one moon, whose corresponding stresses on the tides keep things interesting, and when combined with the tectonic shifting of the crust, results in some pretty nasty and massive earthquakes and other bad things. You have multiple moons, applying multiples stresses to a planet with a submerged aqua-sphere. The underground is going to be a constantly shifting and ridiculously dangerous place, with tide that would be rising and falling by miles, and earthquakes and tremors that would likely collapse and reform any habitable caves. Er... Is it possible the multiple moons can cancel out all the earthquakes? :P That idea is half-inched in it's entirety from the old thread, and was suggested by Apothete. What I know about planetary physics you could fit on the head of a pin. Shinzaren said: Why? Taken from Kagaran society, where the rite of passage from boyhood to manhood is basically making your own axe and chainmail armour. I sure did leave a lot out of the outline, huh? Shinzaren said: Quote * In an ideal world, something happens to make them grudgingly put some value on slower units. (Possibly used extensively as siege-breakers on rebellious worlds? I'd say against Orks, too, but I don't see them staying in fortifications if they can get out and fight instead.) Perhaps this comes from their homeworld? I the underground fighting, and close combat doing battle with the lizards, they realized the value of Vindicators, and other slower heavier weapons, because they were unable to bring their bikes and jump packs to bear effectively? I can't see that working, though - most planets just aren't Kagara, and the amount of underground fighting generally would be pretty low. Boarding actions against enemy fleets or space hulks could begin to teach the Stonebound the value of heavier, slower units, though. Perhaps a few engagements with Ork fleets while charging after the Rift Lords...? Something else to mull over, anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: Captain Juan Juarez said: But they train on Kagara at least for a great portion of their early lives, this has an impact. I always figured marines trained on a number of different worlds. And if not, I'm sure there'll be room on Kagara somewhere. Aye, perhaps.. But I maintain the supposition that most of their early training is on their homeworld. Quote Captain Juan Juarez said: - Hey, were pretending the other thread doesn't exist remember! That was in this thread, CJJ... ;) No it wasn't.. I'd know if it was... *hefts Power StickTM threateningly* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blacklight Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ok, so I may be mauled with the spinal flail and burned for heresy for suggesting this... but... Quote - Priest-Smith... Combine the roles of Chaplain and Techmarine ... made me think. I was thinking of most dwarves in fantasy, and thought of runes. Dwarves (generally) eschew magic and favor rune magic. So why not have the Stonebound somewhat lean the same way? Instead of Purity Seals, they have Purity Runes (or somesuch name). Their Chaplains (or Rune-Priests if you want to get REALLY crazy) scribe Purity Runes into the armor of the Stonebound instead of sticking on seals. Could go one up on that and have them scribe runes into basically everything, as a sort of history, especially their shields. They kill a big number of enemies in a battle? Scribe it into the weapon that did the killing. They survive a shot from a tank? Scribe it into their armor. Basically they would be Purity Seals for all intents and purposes but would be runes instead of parchment. Just a little thought that came to me last night, take what you will :D Oh and in regards to weapons, dwarves (to me) use hammers, axes, flails, and BIG swords. If they were to use swords, none of the little chintzy rapier things, gotta go with massive power claymores. Gracefulness =/= dwarf. Kill you with one hit = dwarf. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinzaren Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Ace Debonair said: That idea is half-inched in it's entirety from the old thread, and was suggested by Apothete. What I know about planetary physics you could fit on the head of a pin. Imagine a planet as a giant ball. It has a gravity well, that pulls in everything around it. Moons are basically small planets. They each have their own gravity well, pulling on everything around them. Earth's gravity is greater than the moons, and so the Moon stays locked in our orbit, since it can't escape. However, the moon has its own gravity well, which pulls on the planet, creating the tides. The more moons you have, the more gravity forces you have acting on a planet. Too many forces acting on the planet mean that its oceans and waters are going to be a churning, vicious, uncontrollable mass of death and destruction that would be remaking the world every day. Imagine a bowl of water. As you push the bowl in different directions, the water moves around; too many directions and starts to splash everywhere. Your planet is the bowl, and the moons are pulling it around. Bad for civilization ;) Aside from that short point on the nature of gravity, I think this IA looks good. I demand more details! Very nice so far Ace. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 Shinzaren said: Aside from that short point on the nature of gravity, I think this IA looks good. I demand more details! Very nice so far Ace. Notables of the Imperium Vol. 3 said: Such is the power of the being known only as "Ace Debonair" that even gravity will relax its grip, lest it draw his notice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 19, 2011 Author Share Posted January 19, 2011 Blacklight said: Instead of Purity Seals, they have Purity Runes (or somesuch name). Their Chaplains (or Rune-Priests if you want to get REALLY crazy) scribe Purity Runes into the armor of the Stonebound instead of sticking on seals. Could go one up on that and have them scribe runes into basically everything, as a sort of history, especially their shields. They kill a big number of enemies in a battle? Scribe it into the weapon that did the killing. They survive a shot from a tank? Scribe it into their armor. Basically they would be Purity Seals for all intents and purposes but would be runes instead of parchment. Just a little thought that came to me last night, take what you will :D Runes, eh? Might be able to do something with that. I'll mull it over in the cauldron of my brain and see if I cand add it to the IA without overcrowding it. Shinzaren said: Ace Debonair said: That idea is half-inched in it's entirety from the old thread, and was suggested by Apothete. What I know about planetary physics you could fit on the head of a pin. Imagine a planet as a giant ball. It has a gravity well, that pulls in everything around it. Moons are basically small planets. They each have their own gravity well, pulling on everything around them. Earth's gravity is greater than the moons, and so the Moon stays locked in our orbit, since it can't escape. However, the moon has its own gravity well, which pulls on the planet, creating the tides. The more moons you have, the more gravity forces you have acting on a planet. Too many forces acting on the planet mean that its oceans and waters are going to be a churning, vicious, uncontrollable mass of death and destruction that would be remaking the world every day. Imagine a bowl of water. As you push the bowl in different directions, the water moves around; too many directions and starts to splash everywhere. Your planet is the bowl, and the moons are pulling it around. Bad for civilization :D Aside from that short point on the nature of gravity, I think this IA looks good. I demand more details! Very nice so far Ace. So the moons couldn't be generally sloshing the bowl in opposite directions at the same time and cancelling each other out, by any chance? :lol: If not, I'm open to suggestions. Captain Juan Juarez said: Shinzaren said: Aside from that short point on the nature of gravity, I think this IA looks good. I demand more details! Very nice so far Ace. Notables of the Imperium Vol. 3 said: Such is the power of the being known only as "Ace Debonair" that even gravity will relax its grip, lest it draw his notice. :D Known only as Ace Debonair? Nothing about me being Zeus? Although gravity has been known to be cautious around me. :P EDIT: Oh yeah, and I've added all the stuff from my later posts that really ought to be in the first one. Once people can't pick any more holes in the outline, I'll start expanding on it. Consider this a formal invitation to pick apart the outline! :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 Quote * 6th founding. Khan's geneseed.* Chapter's early days are much like White Scars, typically fast attacks and stuff. * In an ideal world, something happens to make them grudgingly put some value on slower units. (Possibly used extensively as siege-breakers on rebellious worlds? I'd say against Orks, too, but I don't see them staying in fortifications if they can get out and fight instead.) * Basically, the Stonebound wind up closer to codex battle doctrines, but maybe with an all-bike company to 'pay honour the old ways' and chase the Rift Lords for killing their parent chapter. Several possibilities suggest themselves: The evolution of dragoons. As technology advanced, cavalry charges because trickier and trickier to pull off, and a lot of cavalry moved more toward being dragoons - mounted infantry who dismounted for battle. Terrain considerations or enemies faced might both have this effect on the Stonebound. Bikes and such might still be used as transport, and there might be a focus on strategic mobility, but tactically they're still solid. The Stonebound have adopted a nomadic perspective more similar to that of the inhabitants of their homeworld - rather than quick, they prefer slow movement in well-supported groups. Wagon trains vs. hordes, basically. Use Dorn's geneseed like someone not a sillyhead. Natural selection - all the Stonebound who liked leaving the fortifications to fight the enemy got killed. Now when they leave the fortifications they do it in heavily armored slow sallies rather than fast striking sallies. A move toward armor over bikes for some reason. The Chapter thus focuses on armored strikes with infantry support. The White Scars geneseed is impressionable, and thus slowly adopts the character of whatever population it recruits from. This would need to be handled carefully. You could also tie a bunch of these together (the second-last, last and second suggest themselves). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heru Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 Shinzaren said: and so the Moon stays locked in our orbit, since it can't escape. Actually... our Moon is very slowly escaping. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 Quote Actually... our Moon is very slowly escaping. msn-wink.gif We're lulling it into a false sense of security. Trust me, it's not going anywhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 Octavulg said: Quote Actually... our Moon is very slowly escaping. msn-wink.gif We're lulling it into a false sense of security. Trust me, it's not going anywhere. *rubs hands together* Ah, the Derailing has begun.. Excellent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 24, 2011 Author Share Posted January 24, 2011 Well, after a frantic, real-life-filled weekend, it's time to get back to work. :P Octavulg said: Several possibilities suggest themselves: The evolution of dragoons. As technology advanced, cavalry charges because trickier and trickier to pull off, and a lot of cavalry moved more toward being dragoons - mounted infantry who dismounted for battle. Terrain considerations or enemies faced might both have this effect on the Stonebound. Bikes and such might still be used as transport, and there might be a focus on strategic mobility, but tactically they're still solid. Could work. Sounds tricky to fit into a chapter, though. Octavulg said: The Stonebound have adopted a nomadic perspective more similar to that of the inhabitants of their homeworld - rather than quick, they prefer slow movement in well-supported groups. Wagon trains vs. hordes, basically. This I like. It'd have to happen over a number of years, obviously. Octavulg said: Use Dorn's geneseed like someone not a sillyhead. Well, it's a perfectly reasonable idea. Unfortunately, my dislike of using Dorn geneseed is totally irrational and can't be argued against. :P Honestly though, I just can't bring myself to do it. I'd rather the IA never be finished as a Khan successor than reach perfection in literary form as a Dorn successor. Octavulg said: Natural selection - all the Stonebound who liked leaving the fortifications to fight the enemy got killed. Now when they leave the fortifications they do it in heavily armored slow sallies rather than fast striking sallies. Ah, the harsh reality of riding a bike squad at ten thousand orks. :cuss Octavulg said: A move toward armor over bikes for some reason. The Chapter thus focuses on armored strikes with infantry support. This is exactly what I'm going for, but I can't think of the 'some reason.' It's hard to come up with something that would work, because there's always the question 'Then why do the White Scars still use bikes in that situation?' I did have one idea, though. After the death of the Red Sabres, I might have them touring the segmentum looking for chaos warbands to destroy, in the hope one of them turns out to be the remnants of the Rift Lords. Said warbands could employ extensive fortifications, and the Stonebound could just get into the habit of travelling alongside the heavy armour. It's a bit weak, I know. But I'm sure with some work I could get something usable out of it. :D Octavulg said: The White Scars geneseed is impressionable, and thus slowly adopts the character of whatever population it recruits from. This would need to be handled carefully. It'd have to happen over a rather long time - a few thousand years, and the change would have to be gradual. But that could still work. Octavulg said: You could also tie a bunch of these together (the second-last, last and second suggest themselves). Those ideas do have a certain synergy. I'll have a think on that. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague Angel Posted January 24, 2011 Share Posted January 24, 2011 Ace Debonair said: Octavulg said: A move toward armor over bikes for some reason. The Chapter thus focuses on armored strikes with infantry support. This is exactly what I'm going for, but I can't think of the 'some reason.' It's hard to come up with something that would work... The also-mentioned impressionable nature of the gene-seed, perhaps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 24, 2011 Author Share Posted January 24, 2011 Plague Angel said: Ace Debonair said: Octavulg said: A move toward armor over bikes for some reason. The Chapter thus focuses on armored strikes with infantry support. This is exactly what I'm going for, but I can't think of the 'some reason.' It's hard to come up with something that would work... The also-mentioned impressionable nature of the gene-seed, perhaps? Octavulg also suggested those ideas could work in tandem. :devil: But it never hurts to have a second opinion. :o The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of the population just slowly influencing the geneseed, rather than any big dramatic and obvious decision being made regarding doctrines. The Emperor alone knows how exactly that would work, though. And perhaps the second company (the not-ravenwing-at-all-honest-company) could be mostly composed of those whose geneseed is least affected. They'd be the ones who are most disgruntled with the change, after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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