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Whenever your Crusaders fail a break test, you imagine them yelling: "Runaway! Runaway!" :wink:


Also, does anyone have any idea on how I could add swallows and a coconut on a BT model?

...When you're writing fan fiction and your Marshal is counting down to deploying the Holy Orb '1... 2... 5'

Sword Brother: '3, lord'

Marshal '3! For the Emperor!'


Also, English or European Swollows?


Oh my Emperor I need to write a scene where Templars are Besieging a fortress and the Alpha Legionaire atop the battlements shouts 'Go away you silly Dornite pig trough water! Your Primarch was a Hamster and your corpse Emperor smells of elderberries! Now go away or I shal taunt you a second time!'


Whenever your Crusaders fail a break test, you imagine them yelling: "Runaway! Runaway!" :wink:


Also, does anyone have any idea on how I could add swallows and a coconut on a BT model?

...When you're writing fan fiction and your Marshal is counting down to deploying the Holy Orb '1... 2... 5'

Sword Brother: '3, lord'

Marshal '3! For the Emperor!'


Also, English or European Swollows?


Oh my Emperor I need to write a scene where Templars are Besieging a fortress and the Alpha Legionaire atop the battlements shouts 'Go away you silly Dornite pig trough water! Your Primarch was a Hamster and your corpse Emperor smells of elderberries! Now go away or I shal taunt you a second time!'

And across the Eternity Gate on Terra the Blood Angels wrote




When one of your Crusade squads is lead by the venerated brother Nee. Due to the brothers fearsome reputation his name is used as the warcry for the squad as such through out the rest of the crusade the squad are known as... ;)

...when you notice that the Siege Assault Vanguard List is awesome for templars.

(Vindicator Squadron, Dreadnought squadron in Troop, More Dreadnought, Assault Centurions in Troops, possibility to grant INTERCEPTION with the Siege Master to something non-fyler in your army *example: Stalker/Hunter, and then LAUGH*)

...when you notice that the Siege Assault Vanguard List is awesome for templars.

(Vindicator Squadron, Dreadnought squadron in Troop, More Dreadnought, Assault Centurions in Troops, possibility to grant INTERCEPTION with the Siege Master to something non-fyler in your army *example: Stalker/Hunter, and then LAUGH*)

Isn't that more fluffy with Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists?

Those just screams... "SIEGE THE CASTLE! SIEGE THE CASTLE!"

I mean don't take me wrong... I like it... but you miss out on Crusader Squads and Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport options...


...when you slay both the Tyranid Prime and The Swarmlord in a Challenge with the Emperor's Champion... (it got me 4 VP for 2 Slay the Warlords... Kill-point game and Tag team ;) )


...when you Successfully 'Deny the Witch' both your Eldar ally's Psychic Blessing (was scoffed at by the Eldar player but I wasn't fazed :p) and your enemy's Psychic Powers... all in the same Game Turn. I told everyone around the gaming table that when I 'deny the witch'... I DENY THE WITCH!!!


...when the last man of your 10-man Crusader Squad refused to die to 9 Devil-Gaunt shots, and charged 11" to successfully save 3 Devil-Gaunt shots... and wipe the said Gaunts with a 1-man 4 + 6 + 3 Sweeping Advance :D


...when your Orbital Bombardment has NOT SCATTERED for the 3rd Consecutive game because 'I have a Fleet based Crusading Chapter'... and has always done the maximum possible amount of Wounds because 'the Warhead is composed of multiple Orbs of Antioch'... seriously though, that was the only excuse I could give...


...when you notice that the Siege Assault Vanguard List is awesome for templars.

(Vindicator Squadron, Dreadnought squadron in Troop, More Dreadnought, Assault Centurions in Troops, possibility to grant INTERCEPTION with the Siege Master to something non-fyler in your army *example: Stalker/Hunter, and then LAUGH*)

Isn't that more fluffy with Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists?

Those just screams... "SIEGE THE CASTLE! SIEGE THE CASTLE!"

I mean don't take me wrong... I like it... but you miss out on Crusader Squads and Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport options...


...when you slay both the Tyranid Prime and The Swarmlord in a Challenge with the Emperor's Champion... (it got me 4 VP for 2 Slay the Warlords... Kill-point game and Tag team :wink: )


...when you Successfully 'Deny the Witch' both your Eldar ally's Psychic Blessing (was scoffed at by the Eldar player but I wasn't fazed :tongue.:) and your enemy's Psychic Powers... all in the same Game Turn. I told everyone around the gaming table that when I 'deny the witch'... I DENY THE WITCH!!!


...when the last man of your 10-man Crusader Squad refused to die to 9 Devil-Gaunt shots, and charged 11" to successfully save 3 Devil-Gaunt shots... and wipe the said Gaunts with a 1-man 4 + 6 + 3 Sweeping Advance :biggrin.:


...when your Orbital Bombardment has NOT SCATTERED for the 3rd Consecutive game because 'I have a Fleet based Crusading Chapter'... and has always done the maximum possible amount of Wounds because 'the Warhead is composed of multiple Orbs of Antioch'... seriously though, that was the only excuse I could give...


It is amazing what the right mix of faith and zeal can accomplish. Emperor Champion taking out multiple enemies it shouldn't actually be able too is always the best, like a Daemon Prince and a Bloodthirster.


Also I think that initiate needs a promotion. That is a legendary accomplishment.



...when you notice that the Siege Assault Vanguard List is awesome for templars.

(Vindicator Squadron, Dreadnought squadron in Troop, More Dreadnought, Assault Centurions in Troops, possibility to grant INTERCEPTION with the Siege Master to something non-fyler in your army *example: Stalker/Hunter, and then LAUGH*)

Isn't that more fluffy with Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists?

Those just screams... "SIEGE THE CASTLE! SIEGE THE CASTLE!"

I mean don't take me wrong... I like it... but you miss out on Crusader Squads and Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport options...


...when you slay both the Tyranid Prime and The Swarmlord in a Challenge with the Emperor's Champion... (it got me 4 VP for 2 Slay the Warlords... Kill-point game and Tag team :wink: )


...when you Successfully 'Deny the Witch' both your Eldar ally's Psychic Blessing (was scoffed at by the Eldar player but I wasn't fazed :tongue.:) and your enemy's Psychic Powers... all in the same Game Turn. I told everyone around the gaming table that when I 'deny the witch'... I DENY THE WITCH!!!


...when the last man of your 10-man Crusader Squad refused to die to 9 Devil-Gaunt shots, and charged 11" to successfully save 3 Devil-Gaunt shots... and wipe the said Gaunts with a 1-man 4 + 6 + 3 Sweeping Advance :biggrin.:


...when your Orbital Bombardment has NOT SCATTERED for the 3rd Consecutive game because 'I have a Fleet based Crusading Chapter'... and has always done the maximum possible amount of Wounds because 'the Warhead is composed of multiple Orbs of Antioch'... seriously though, that was the only excuse I could give...


It is amazing what the right mix of faith and zeal can accomplish. Emperor Champion taking out multiple enemies it shouldn't actually be able too is always the best, like a Daemon Prince and a Bloodthirster.


Also I think that initiate needs a promotion. That is a legendary accomplishment.

I think he needs to be painted first :p I'm in the process of giving him a cape now and raising him to the rank of Sword Brother... he was just an Initiate with a Power Sword.

When you wake up this morning (April 1st) and are immediately prepared to burn the first person that tries to say BT get their codex back as an April Fools joke.

...when you join your flamer to a Zealous Brother about the April Fools joke.

When you're starting a 30k Army because Templar brethren ARE honor guard. I will say no more.

Wait What?! (Where do you know that from?)


...when you "read" the ArtBook "Vision of Heresy", see the Legions Presentation page and when your eyes come to the Imperial Fist you shout: "THIS GUY IS A BLACK TEMPLAR!!!!" (Because he got the Malta Black Cross on one of his Knee)


When you're starting a 30k Army because Templar brethren ARE honor guard. I will say no more.

Wait What?! (Where do you know that from?)

The equipment for the Templar Brethren which are found in HH Book 3: Extermination is Artificer Armour, Bolter, Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol...


essentially speaking they are Honour Guards...



When you're starting a 30k Army because Templar brethren ARE honor guard. I will say no more.

Wait What?! (Where do you know that from?)

The equipment for the Templar Brethren which are found in HH Book 3: Extermination is Artificer Armour, Bolter, Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol...


essentially speaking they are Honour Guards...

In Dark King Curze talks is guarded by Fulgrim's Phoenix guard and Dorn's Templars so it doesn't surprise me. Also, it's kind of implied in Crimson Fist that Sigismund has his own following within the Legion so if a large number of them were Templars it could explain how our venerated progenitor chose the chapters name.

...when you're frustrated to see our Private-Sectar-Army-List-Sub-Forum is gone. Discussion about this here


... when your private army list section gets rolled and you start yet another crusade.


... when you realize you have about 24 crusades technically on going, and yet still add another. Gets difficult to keep up with them.

... When you make 2k pts. of Greenskins 'pale' when they see 2k pts. of Black Templars... and you make the Grimaldus speech on the walls of Helsreach at the end of your deployment....


... when you're tasked with protecting an objective and holding the line... but charged straight forward towards the enemy line, essentially putting an offensive army on the back foot and claiming Linebreaker, slay the Warlord and 1st Blood on 3 Turns.


... when your 5th game with a Marshal gets another 'Hit' on Orbital Bombardment... seriously... 4th time using an orbital bombardment 4th 'Hit' on the scatter dice... my Battlebarge must have pretty accurate shooters...

...when an initiate who excells in battle does not 'earn his stripes' but 'earns his tabard'.


...when it's not 'the veteran sergeant' but "Honoured Brother Antón du'Lancel, Champion of his Marshal's household, First Blade of the Renascibilitas Crusade and revered veteran of the Third War for Armageddon."

When your sarasm is as sharp as a sword.


Brother Honda in the Militarum Tempestus / Astra Militarum Thread:


I think it's time that we, as a forum, acknowledge the Chaos players deepest, darkest fears. It's plainly obvious now that GW is out to get them, drive them out of the hobby and leave the 40K universe solely occupied by xenos and the Imperium.

Why is that?

Do I really have to say this? They're losers.

Horus was their big dog and although he turned in an interesting effort, when his team really needed him to put the ball in the end zone, he choked.

Abaddon? Seriously? Come on. He's 0-13 in Division 1 play, hardly someone who's going to inspire a massive influx of new hobbyists and generate revenue.

Ooh, I know, how about Erebus, he's "da man with da plan!" Yeah, where's he?

Typhon? Oh please, one fire hose and he's running through the gutter headed towards the sewer main.

So what does that leave you? Ahriman? Right, just as soon as he gets through tripping on web holes.

So let's face it, in the real world, Chaos just doesn't have the huevos to compete. So GW is slowly whittling them down, not releasing any new fluff, and winding down their line of miniatures. I'm guessing they'll just be one of those armies that sits on the shelf collecting dust next to their new best buds, the Squats.

And rightly so. 40K is for winners. 40K needs races and factions that are capable of standing firm when it comes to the survival of the fittest.

That pretty much leaves Chaos out of the game.

When you're participating in a team tournament and your team members ask you to bring a list with MSU, you bring it... Multiple Small Units of ASSAULT TERMINATORS IN LAND RAIDERS!

...when your teammate ask you to bring MSU, and you bring...Multiple Small (5men) Unit (Crusader squad with LRC as assigned transport)

When paired with Guard, you scoff at their Aegis defence line and artillery. Then proceed to charge headlong into the Ork ranks, blocking the Greenskins (in CC.), preventing them from leaving their Deployment zone until Turn 3.


Crusading. That's how our Templars do it, that's how our Primarch did it, and that's how the Imperium did it!

Ps: All the rest: Heresy. Ref: Council of Nikea/ Edict of.

...When someone asks you about how to build an artillery park, you start with, "After you purchase your first three Land Raider Crusaders...."


...When the closest thing you know of as artillery is a Vindicator, and that strange thing some Techmarines drag around.


...When your men know what Imperial Guard artillery and Vindicator hits sound like to the enemy, from experience.


...Although you practice "Danger Close", you have no idea what it really means.


...When "Hey diddle diddle, straight up the middle" sounds like a good catch phrase. And it works.

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