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When you and your family plays Candyland but there aren't enough tokens, so you use your Jump Pack Chaplain instead :laugh.:

Me with Clue. Nothing fits into a murder mystery like a chainsword and bolt pistol wielding zealot ;)

When you play F4, get your hands on a suit of Power Armour as soon as possible, run around with a flaming sword called Templar Zeal

and then one of your power armoured "Chapter-buddies" comes out with this recollection:


Apparently, this game knows how to recognize a true Templar. Sniff... Mighty dusty in here

On the same note - my PA now has a jump pack, I have a proper chainsword and I've turned a .50cal sniper into an automatic assault rifle, which effectively gives me a boltgun in this world. Now I need a mod for a Templar paint coat on that armour and I can go crusade that wasteland, laying death to mutant, synth and raider heretic wherever I go.

The only shame is that there seem to be no witches to burn with my heavy flamer. But! There are nid equivalents, so this Templar is fairly happy anyway :D

When in a Team Tournament, you face off against a Tau/Eldar team and end the game with your Emperor's Champion killing his Farseer Star and a WraithKnight at his back, not wounding him with all the Witches spells boosting him.

You know you're a Black Templar when, at the end Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (2001, Troika Games), your male human character with maximal strength, constitution and dexterity has slain every non-human, mage and anyone heretical enough to rush to their aid he met with all manners of flamethrower, grenade launcher, rifled cannon and other pyrotechnic axe while wearing a machined platemail, an anti-magic shield and a helmet with integrated binoculars.


Samewise, you murdered absolutely everyone in Fallout: New Vegas with a grenade machine gun while wearing the most advanced power armor. Because anyone not believing in the Emperor deserves to die. And no one believes in the Emperor in Fallout.

Edited by Knight of the Raven

When the feelings of zeal you experience at the prospect of laying waste to 4 tau armies (behind cowardly tidewalls) crusading alongside 3 other marine armies at a local game store event outweighs the fact it will force you to paint on average 5 infantry models a night until the event to meet the "must be fully painted" requirement.


Accept any challenge, no matters the odds. 

When this happens




Easy question.

Who broke the walls of Terra down?
Who made fools of the yellow clowns?

Weee dooo, weee do.

(No offence meant towards any IF players, but really..)


Oh boy, here we go again. The Templars are loose. Brace for impact :biggrin.:



When this happens





Easy question.


Who broke the walls of Terra down?

Who made fools of the yellow clowns?


Weee dooo, weee do.


(No offence meant towards any IF players, but really..)


Oh boy, here we go again. The Templars are loose. Brace for impact :biggrin.:



My Congratulations brother!

We shall suffer no offence from those traitors!

Yes the heretics are always quick to talk about breaking walls.


Yet you never hear them speak of "the one clad in black", who stood fast at the breach, turned them away, and later drove them into the Hell where they now reside.


On that they never say a word.

The ZEAL of that statement is over 9000.


Also, you know you are a Black Templar when you are going to paint a 30k army, and you refuse to make anything but Imperial Fist........Templars. An Entire 30k force of Imperial Fist Templars.

The ZEAL of that statement is over 9000.


Also, you know you are a Black Templar when you are going to paint a 30k army, and you refuse to make anything but Imperial Fist........Templars. An Entire 30k force of Imperial Fist Templars.


Yes the heretics are always quick to talk about breaking walls.


Yet you never hear them speak of "the one clad in black", who stood fast at the breach, turned them away, and later drove them into the Hell where they now reside.


On that they never say a word.

My guardsmen respectfully request to follow you to hell and back, sir. It would be an honor.

You know you are a Black Templar when creating a list, you have points for 3 Land Raiders, Techmarine, 2 Scirians, 2 Storm Talons, and 2 Crusader Squads at 1850 if you just drop your Emperor's Champion and you blantly refuse and drop a Storm Talon. MY CHAMPION ALWAYS ACCEPTS ANY CHALLENGE. 


When you hear you are to play a 3000 point list, and instead of thinking of drop pods and gladius, you just bring the Spearhead and more Armor. 

You know you are a Black Templar when all you think about every day is the word ZEAL.

Also when you read about Angry Marines and feel a kind of joy like when a kid does something to impress their parents.

Edited by nusphigor

When you realise that those that turn to Khorn weren't nearly Zealous enough to Join the BT.

When you refer to the followers of Khorn as 'Hatred for beginners' 


when you refuse to make lists without CC ability.

When looking at images of our zealous brethren in battle gives you a strong sense of pride and can inspire your future hobbying.

When even a random name generator recognizes your zeal:




Thinking, hey that looks cool you pull up the meaning and find this...




Alternate form of Sigismund? Yes sir I'll take 3 please. Looks like my champion has a name now :wink: Thanks Conn Eremon for the link, reposted below.


Conn Eremon, on 18 Nov 2015 - 8:08 PM, said:
While I would be happy for my own username to be used, my main reason for posting was to suggest you check out Behind the Name's rather awesome random name generator.


When you're watching Terminator Genesis (I refuse to spell it otherwise) and you interpreted Sarah Connor's advice as: Onwards!


When you're playing Imperial Knight Freeblade and you're severely disappointed that you only get to use your sword in prescripted scenes, rather than all the time. I mean, come on!, those Orks are on a balcony and perfect reaper chainsword height.


When your opponent asks you if you'd like to give up the game and start anew, you reply, "Do I look like I'm dead yet?"

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