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I haven't commented in a while, my friend, but have been watching with rabid interest as always. The helmet is perfect, that's totally getting snagged. The gunship, the Thunderbolt, the Eagle.... all inspiring. I can't even figure out how to get my stupid plasticard to be even when I cut it, lol.


Keep on keeping on, man.

Bon Soir all!

Deathspectersgt7: No harm no foul brother, glad you like big bird!

ChromeZephyr: Thanks for the CnC brother, has another look at the feet and whilst the right foot is fine, the left is a touch high in the toe, but then my riding instructor did always say to keep ones heel down so will run with it!

Sockwithaticket: Yeah i am liking the bird boy, still working on his big brother as well but fear not, the gunship still has the No 1 spot on the painting table!

forte: Cheers brother, appreciated!

1000heathens: Greeting brother, long long time! Feel free to snag the Helm and glad you like the rest and I shall indeed be keeping on!

On which note:

More work on the Habicht!


The yellow has been a chronic PITA.

And then I tried a new method which was really, really easy and worked, and faster. Doh.


And no, I do not have a new airbrush. But I have a new found respect for the chaps who spray my car!

Cheers all, more soon!


Edited by NightHunters

Greatings all!

Been weathering the top half of the old girl, taking a lot of time but hopefully will look the part of front line assault transport.



Next up, weathering the underside and yellows, woo.

So Cheers all,


Kierdale: Thanks chap, appreciated!

forte: Cheers brother, i really hope it all comes together. First time using oils and the "fading" technique used by scale modellers so finding my way, slowly but surely!

As a break worked on the second thunderbird.

Really spent some time trying to get a sense of movement.


In the end i had to have him standing in his stirrups but it works


And loving using the knight visors, a massive PITA to fit but so worth it.


Cheers all, more on the Habicht next time.


Like the mount, I have to say it is a bit of a one up to giant wolves :P

Can we see dragons yet anybody?!?!



How did you come by the head you used? Did come from the kit for the gryphon? or some sort of customized astartes helm?

Edited by Argent aquila
  • 2 weeks later...

Deathspectersgt7: I hope we can rely on your help stepping in the divots old bean?

Squeaky: Ha, cheers brother, hope you still think that in a moment!

Argent Aquila: Yeah I think so, the heads come from the demigryph kit crossed with a regular space marine helm, so the answer is yes!

batu: yup neither can I, stuggling with colour ideas for the mounts though, any ideas appreciated!

Now on to the Habicht as promised, 90% there...


Still got to finish the lenses


and re weather the underside a little, add some decals bit more weathering around the gunners cockpit etc etc, it is always the little things at the end that seem to go on forever.


And a photo of the base, just because I like it!


Cheers all!


holy wow....

all it needs is some lazers shooting out of the las-cannon, it is a wonderful conversion and a splendid paint job, maybe GW's sculpting monkeys could learn a few things from the local crazies after all!?

(moar dakka can always help too, just sayin' :wink.: )

keep it up brother!

Edited by Argent aquila

Holy crap. Awesome, dude.


Now model a horde of Orks running in fear and getting cut down en masse.  :tongue.:


better yet, a riptide getting torn in half from assault cannon fire and blowing apart!

(then again it may start getting expensive.... traitor guard sentinel or killa kan then?)

Argent Aquila: Thanks for the kind words brother, appreciated, and I never knowingly under-gun my vehicles :biggrin.:

Heathens: I have been working on some greenskins over the years "The Emperors green Orksilary" all camouflage, all the time but that is for another board :wink: But my to you chap, your latest mini diorama has inspired me.......

So, in taking a break from the Habicht and re-inspired by Sockwithaticket I have started the paint on the squad that rides in her, built many moons ago, the idea is that they have been dropped off in a hot urban LZ and are clearing the area. Started on the bases as trying to do these once fully painted was going to be as relaxing as lying to a Commissar!


And then, inspired by heathens I have also started work on a little diorama which i have given the working title of "Nature vs Nurture"


Cheers all, thanks for looking and as ever, CnC welcome!


Wow, can we get more shots of the diorama!?! Looks really cool


I was thinking about starting off on my red/rusted hostile environment (FW) guardsmen, and making a custom mech sentinel walker, putting a bunch of the infantry into a trench, and covering the other side with nids to make a firefight.




Of course, I'm up to my neck in power armor, so finding some money and time for that would be a late in the year/next year project... :P




Looking great, as expected, the real question is, how are you going to top that!?!

*fangirl squeal* It's finished and looks oh so deadly. Someone is in for a very bad day when they see that monster coming over the horizon (assuming they haven't been obliterated before even getting the chance to view it. Awesome diorama, too. The marine looks completely chill about the whole situation. Looking at your squad made me realise I still have a combat squad to finish, some bases have duly been knocked up.

  • 2 months later...

Brethren, apologies, it has ben far too long, in fact we have entered an entirely new edition in the time since my last update, time seemingly waits for no man!!

Deathspectersgt7: Cheers chap!

Bio: Yup, I err, I got distracted, they still need paint.

Argent: Cheers fella, I say go for the diorama, would be great to see! And i will just keep doing what i am doing, who knows, maybe one day I will actually paint some stuff and something amazing will come off the assembly line, actually have to paint something first though!

Razblood: Always a pleasure mate!

Chrome: Ha, good, and reverse pic attached for your viewing pleasure!

Sockwithaticket: Thank you sir! She certainly has a presence and yeah, wanted the marine to look quite relaxed, 'tis only a gaunt after all!

So the reverse of the diorama up first:


And now moving on to more recent works...

Blackadder built a ball turret for his thunderhawk. Awesome. With a table tennis ball. epic. Fire Raptors have ball turrets, interesting. Would one fit on a Habicht pattern Hull?



Full motion, 180 swivel in the horizontal, about 100-110 in the vertical, and everything in between!

Also found a truly epic spectre gunship emblem that will make it's way onto the finished product


These guys are called the "Ghostriders", would you believe it!

On which note, the last offering for today, always loved the Thunderbolt, brutal looking piece of kit. Always thought marines would appreciate their astetics...

So why not?


For once I avoided the assault cannon route


Loving the side profile, although feel the tail fins could be bigger.


Still lots to do underneath, waiting on my order of sentinel missiles as prefer the look of them free hung, also drop tanks.


Super sonic special rule....maybe i dropped the camera.


Neeeow dakka dakka dakka zzap! +++splash one bogie+++

Cheers all!


Edited by NightHunters

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