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Mate, I love the Habicht. Now a Habicht with a ball turret = Epic beyond any known scale. The new flyer is exactly the kind of thing I pictured for my Heldrake conversion (then missed completely with my build) keep the pics of that beast coming!




*so I can shamelessly steal the idea* :biggrin.:  

DeathSpectersgt: Why thankyou my good felow!


batu: Cheers brother, looking forward to hopefully seeing your return in the WIP section!


Darth Potato: Thanks man, glad it is up to spec! 


Bio: Hail brother, yeah the ball turret Habicht, very cool idea if I do say so myself, she will look like a pregnant sow with a turret either side, not too disimilar to this :eek:  just with guns.


They actually come in slightly inside the front canards and the weapon arrangement allows them to fire forward which is a nice touch. The idea to have them mounted as they are is that, in principle, if the Night Hunters need a "Sturm Hagel" pattern Habicht on station they can just take a regular one and bolt the mounts onto the side. Connect a couple of hydraulic hoses, and Bob is your mother’s brother.


It's a ridiculous "real word" thing like why all my tanks have the same hull (Rino, obvi) with the same tow loops on the front and hook at the back, and my flyers share the same wings, cockpits etc.


 If something breaks, gets a bullet hole in it, crashes then just cannibalise something else that is already broken, has more bullet holes in it, has crashed worse . I like to think of it as built in, cross weapon system redundancy, also known as TECH HERESY, IT MUST BURN IT MUST BURN:furious: :furious: :furious:  by our friends from Mars. So if you need any info for your heretical flying dragon let me know.


Cheers all!



Edited by NightHunters

Well, someone knows how to mark his return. Absolutely outstanding work on the not-Lightning, I envy you, your plasticard/kitbash-fu.  Now, that ball turret, it has me very excited. You'd best make this happen quick-smart, you hear?

As soon as I saw Blackadder's turret I wondered when you would make a go at one on one of your airframes.  I was not disappointed.  :)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's using the sentinel missile pods on their Marine aircraft, that's what I'm putting on my Stormtalon.  Great minds swim in the same gutter, neh?  :D

Evening all!

sockwithaticket: Ha, cheers chap. Greenstuffed the turret last night, need to do the detailing, and of course start on the second, woop.

ChromeZephyr: Yeah that man has a lot to answer for, I am but a worthless tech adept to black adders arch magos, that man is a plasticard god!

And yeah, they make for much better missiles than most of the other offerings from forgeworld/GW, rare though!

talking of which, my last bulk buy of same just came through!



6 may be over kill but Dark talons role that way, so why not. Will probably leave a couple of the rails blank on the finished unit with some nice scorch marks on the wings which will free the wings up a little, still thinking I want me some drop tanks though......


As that inside wing position seems a bit empty!

Cheers all!


You have far to much patience, may I borrow some? Or keep if your willing lol.


But seriously great work, love the autocannon quad at the front how they are mounted back slightly from one another and the tail is quite nice with its low profile.

Edited by Squeaky

Good evening all!

Deathspectersgt7: Dude, you are right, I absolutely need to get those finished. I will have them done by the end of July, I promise!

reckoning34: Ha, yeah, never knowingly under gunned, that about sums me up, but going by the profile of a thunderbolt we have 4 Auto cannons, yup, 2 lascannons, yup, 4 missiles, ok we have 2 more and actually when i get the drop tanks I will have a look at the spacing, maybe i reduce to 4 too. so not soooo bad:biggrin.:

Squeaky: Hey bud, yes patience is a virtue, sadly i also only have a finite supply, more than once unfortunate mini's have have been singing along to a well known R-Kelly tune before impacting a wall :laugh.:. But thanks chap, with you on the autocannons, really pleased with how the finished look on those, added a little vertical stabiliser to the bottom which has beefed the back end up a bit which was needed.

Talking of beefing up, have added some "Space Marine vehicle armour" to the bird!



And just to make sure that I am staying on top of sockwithaticket requests, we now have 2 balls, errr, ball turrets!


Just at the dirty base build stage at the mo, lots of detailing yet to go, but they are done!

Cheers all!


  • 1 month later...

So, progress has been made on the infantry:


Not done, but re learning most of ye olde painting skills, which is a bonus!

Also a little something for my friend Biohazard: 1 x Cowering guardsman!


So, more soon :ermm: :whistling:

Cheers all!


Bio: Glad you like him mate, have tidied up the GS, just working on his right hand at the mo, need to sculpt the rest of a thumb, but have to wait on the under thumb to set!

Squeaky: Cheers chap, trying purple eyes for this squad with the helmet stripe, and have to say I like it! And whilst the Hexes are a PITA, I do like them too!

Deathspectersgt7: You know it! Actually got him finished tonight and all!

ChromeZephyr: slippery slope there brother, the wife regularly catches me sitting at my desk, just looking at various WIPs and finished units, so always have to bear in mind Master Montana's lesson - "don't get high off our own supply" but glad you like him man.

noctus cornix: Mission accomplished!


More maybe tomorrow, with photos, but too late now.


Cheers all!



I've taken to hiding mine in a metal trunk under my desk. takes bitz box to whole nother level:laugh.:

So just wanted to post the Guardsman before he goes off to be crushed, or worse, by a Gorehound.





The GS looks rougher than a badgers back end all blown up, but Bio, it's not that bad :sweat: honest guv!

Also a quick team shot, will add every member as they are completed me thinks


Cheers all!


That model climbing through the ruined window. Every time I see it I grow more jealous that I didn't think of it. Really like the purple eyes on the new guy, they stand out very clearly without clashing with the rest of the colour scheme. Top notch pose, too. The Guardsman is going to look great on Bio's Gorehound base.

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