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DSS7: Cheers Fella!


Right, cheeky at work update!


Tank Commander:









Was thinking I may hinge the arms so that I can rotate them with the barrels but reckon that may be overkill!


Also the top deck of the turret looks a bit sparse still, any ideas on that welcome!


Cheers all!




Kinda hard to see which head you've used there buddy but I can make out the binos, nice touch. I think you're right that hinging the arms might be a stretch too far. Not least for your own sanity :)


For the top part you could try some of the 'implied' panels like you've used on the sides but I think once you get that hex paint scheme on there it'll look just fine as is. Another awesome looking vehicle buddy

How about some camo netting on that upper deck. This seems like the kind of thing you'd want to hide from time to time.  Love the commander,  works great with the model, so much better than a static head through the hatch. Though I'll agree with Biohazard on that one little arm nit.

That tank commander is a simple yet inspired addition. I like to imagine he's a grouchy vet. who doesn't like relying solely on the multitude of sensor arrays I assume something like this has.

Rookie crewman - ' Sir, picking up something South-South East'

Commander - '*grunts* I'll take a look'

Rookie - ' It's ok I'm getting a lock on it now'

Commander - 'I'll take a look.'

Rookie -  '           '


As for the upper deck, a brass etch aquilla directly in front of the hatch would be cool and maybe some vents on one side of the radar dish? I know Zinge does some stuff like that if you don't fancy scratch building those.

Bio: One of the often maligned scout heads, from a bike, not that bad actually in my opinion. And yes have decided to Go with paint first and see! 


rednekkboss: I really like the idea of Camo netting but have never had a satisfactory result trying to recreate it. Glad you like the commander, really hate that little static head!


sockwithaticket: Quite so sir! once painted up will try and get some fluff together but in principle you have it! Not a bad shout on the Aquila, will drop on he paint as per Bio and then see if we need it. And on the dish, keen to keep that clean but got some vents on the base. Do like Zinge's stuff though, have an ample supply of scopes and magazines from my last order!


And on the matter of paint:



Have started work on the VL-Whirlwind. Turns out if you don't paint anything for months you pretty much forget which end of a brush to use! Hope to have the exterior based up this evening as SWMBO is out so not distractions!
Cheers all!


Bio: One of the often maligned scout heads, from a bike, not that bad actually in my opinion. And yes have decided to Go with paint first and see! 


rednekkboss: I really like the idea of Camo netting but have never had a satisfactory result trying to recreate it. Glad you like the commander, really hate that little static head!


sockwithaticket: Quite so sir! once painted up will try and get some fluff together but in principle you have it! Not a bad shout on the Aquila, will drop on he paint as per Bio and then see if we need it. And on the dish, keen to keep that clean but got some vents on the base. Do like Zinge's stuff though, have an ample supply of scopes and magazines from my last order!


And on the matter of paint:


Have started work on the VL-Whirlwind. Turns out if you don't paint anything for months you pretty much forget which end of a brush to use! Hope to have the exterior based up this evening as SWMBO is out so not distractions!
Cheers all!



I've had some good luck with medical gauze. Rinse it in a watered down wood glue (Elmers or the like), wrap it up tie it with some thread or braided fishing line and maybe add some of those little basing leaves or tiny bits of paper (if you really want to drive yourself nuts.  Granted, I've only done this as rolled up netting, but it looks pretty good at that scale. I did a netting tent that way, years ago... it turned out great, but was tedious as hell. Much easier when its rolled up.

redneckkboss: I hear you brother, i actually have medical gauze for this exact purpose, but failed to make it look good....thinking some military modelling came netting may be the way forward - looking at suppliers at the mo!

On the painting front, the Whirlwind is blocked in


Thought I would drag out ye olde razorback so show the weathering path we are about to tread.


Cheers all!


Getting down to the nitty gritty now.

Dust washed the Whirlwind,


first rust streaks done too.


Amazing how quickly we get from factory fresh to "in good military use"

Cheers all!


  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all!

codyrstuart: Glad you like it fella!

Chrome Zephyr: Agreed. Although the Blackadder is on a whole new level, he gets the coat, mild tranq shots normally o for me!

Kierdale: Thank you brother, looking forward to seeing some paint on that jet of yours!

Update on the whilrwind:

First serious weathering is on, need to finish the last of the painting before going further.


Missile bay about finished


Close up of the master of signals ( actually I like the idea that he is a battery commander, co-ordinating fire missions and CAS for the lead elements) On a separate note holy emperor but macro is unforgiving, but good for picking up some details that need sorting!


and a blur shot showing his wrist mounted targeting matrix/launch control tablet.


So detall work to finish this lot off.

Then I feel I need to scratch some infantry. no idea what yet, maybe my WIP breachers or a large squad of fusiliers (chapter specific bllodclaw equivalents) with a large 40k spartan to carry them! Or maybe a knight.

We shall see!

Cheers all!


  • 2 weeks later...

codystuart: If only brother - my father was Cav, most of my friends are ex Cav so have spent a lot of time around "Green chat", some of it stuck!

Kierdale: Thanks chap!

redneckkboss: i know right! I do love it dusty! and yeah the MOS has come together well and looks lots better when not so magnified!

So over the last couple of days i have done some finishing off of things:

Crew for this bad boy:


And then I wasted all day on this chap.

I run with the puppy dex so can't have apothecaries but thought i may like one in one of my line squads anyway, just because. finished the squad for last years armies on parade but never got round to painting him.


Basically fancied something a little different. Thought i would go with the split red\white of yester-year, he is wearing a hood because the white would otherwise make him too tempting a target for snipers (i know i know but it works in my head) servo skull because obviously a medi skull.... so yeah.

Best part for me was working on the fluid tanks, totally counterintuitive to get a good result with them but a really pleasing learning curve. A process not quite completed on the back pack tanks.



So all in all, very different and entertaining.

Still hoping for more infantry next....

Cheers all


Cheers fellas, always appreciated!


Sadly no updates but I have had a vexing day.


In short I have builders block!


I want to build a couple of squads of marines, but can not think of any interesting poses.


So to you my brothers and sisters this challenge.


Interesting infantry ideas.

No idea too wild!


Cheers all!



DSS7: Ha - with the rate you build 'em I absolutely appreciate that!

Grey88: Yup, totally get what you are saying, saving those for my diorama -(only been working on it for 4 years and counting) Like the idea of some heavily battle damaged bothers under heavy fire.


All other ideas greatly appreciated!


Cheers all!



Iron Bars: Good question, the answer is-almost everything. My most recent was indeed the rubble jumpers. Also covered some sneakiness with them too and my scouts/small loyalist (ish) alpha legion get all the spec ops outfitting.

So been working on it some more.....

Hows about a squad of marines hunkered/pinned down?

All in the fight of their lives, using all cover - doing un mariney things like lying down and lobbing grenades over their cover, some injured but still fighting, slamming fresh magazines in to bolters running hot, the metal ticking as it cools, urgent vox calls pushing those rubble jumpers to get there in time to relive them?



Edited by NightHunters

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