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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Even with 2 shots on the move, the Psycannon will be better than an A Cannon for popping vehicles.

Really? I'll leave the Mathshammer til the morning for that one. With recourse to it, there's always the difference to account for by being able to move to get Asscans and still fire to full effect and having to move Infantry (IIRC Vehicles can't have them) to fire, which can open either up to potential problems. That, and having to rely on 6's to rend stuff is a bit meh: I'd rather the reliability of cheap static Heavy Weapons (Jokaero & Servitors in Chimera) or cheap melta (Acolytes in Chimera) than having to rely on rolling 6's either at range or in combat.


I have to admit I'm looking forward to the sight of GKSS with Might of Titan and Hammerhand multi-charging a Guard parking lot.

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I think by A cannon, Gentlemanloser meant autocannon, not assault cannon. Both the autocannon and "moving" psycannon are 2 shots St7 Ap4. But the psycannon can rend and will rend 20% of the time with 2 shots (a shot will hit and rend 11% of the time, so the chance of NOT rending on 2 shots is 89% x 89%=79.21%, thus 20% chances of rending!). If you really need to take down that Land Raider, 2 non-moving psycannons will penetrate 40% of the time. Is it great? Not really, but its still not bad if you factor in all the other ways we can try and penetrate it.



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It's the fact that Psycannons are spammable on all of our mainline units (GKSS, GKT, Paladins, Purifiers, Purgation, etc). Since GK units are generally quite good in close combat, having 36" Suppression weapons that you can fire on the move is awesome.


It makes foot lists far more viable.

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I'm really hoping the the vehicles Warp Stabiliastion Field has a bubble around it. So haivng a Strike Squad next to a rhino would let them not take a peils test. Otherwise, I totally agree. It's not too bad for our Temries, who at least get a 5+ save (and the DK gets a 4+...).


Don't forget that successful Invulnerable Saves versus Perils have to be rerolled, so even your Terminator Justicar is likely to off himself from a Perils attack.



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Are you guys forgetting about Nemesis Doomfists?

It's the Dreadnought's standard weapon, and the DK comes with a pair of them. To me, it sounds like the DK will be S10+2d6 for armour penetration.

That's more than excessive to wipe out a LR or Monolith

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As I have said before, I like a lot of elements of the leaked dex.


However, there are a few things that annoy me:


1. No psychic hoods or defenses of any real strength for justicars (likelihood: 1-3)

2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times. It seems that the guys fighting daemons should be able to withstand perils. (likelihood: 5)

3. Lack of daemon specific wargear- I understand that the opposite is the problem with the current dex, but on those occasions where you know you will be facing a daemon army it would be nice to have a few pieces of special wargear (likelihood: <1)


I was wondering what you all think the likelihood of these points being fixed in the final dex is.

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I have a feeling (at least I'm hoping) that we will have something that would help w/ perils or at least mitigate powers like shadows of the warp or warding stones. Not saying that we should only rely on our various psychic powers but it seems psychic powers are intrinsically designed into our army and it would really suck not to be able to use them at all against some opponents (namely eldar).
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2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times.


Give every Justicar a Warding Stave?

2++ with rerolled passes is still very likely to pass

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Either/Or. :whoops: Auto or Assault Cannon.


The Psycannon beats an Assault Cannon hands down. S7 with 3 shots versus S6 with 4. Or 2 shots on the move versus none.


1. No psychic hoods or defenses of any real strength for justicars (likelihood: 1-3)


I think they will remain as only Libby wargear


2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times. It seems that the guys fighting daemons should be able to withstand perils. (likelihood: 5)


Warp Stabilisers. But I too hope for something that will help our infantry.


3. Lack of daemon specific wargear- I understand that the opposite is the problem with the current dex, but on those occasions where you know you will be facing a daemon army it would be nice to have a few pieces of special wargear (likelihood: <1)


Daemonbane for one. :(


But don't forget PE: Daemons. And all the little "Dameons have to reroll sucesses" sacttered throughout.


That coupled with Warp Quake seems nearly enough to make us Auto Win versus them, which I think has gone too far.


Give every Justicar a Warding Stave?

2++ with rerolled passes is still very likely to pass


Oh nice! Hand't tohught of that. ;)




One of the first things I expected to receive a nerfbat upon thier new Code is Runes of Warding. If only down to a 24" Range. Hopefully more...




OK, the News thread just got me rereadin the Wepaonsmiths. I'd missed they were like mini obliterators. Get a Squad of 6 for Automatic Rending Lascannons... (Or MM or Heavy Flamers) With 5++ Saves. As Troops with Coteaz. In Chimera's.




(Hmmm. The automatic depends on whether you lose a duplicated result, or get another. With 6 Weaponsmiths, you automatically get a 6, then have to reroll twice. You ignore the 6's you must get, so I'm assuming it would drop down to 5, then 4. But some might claim you just lose them... Bleh.)

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As I have said before, I like a lot of elements of the leaked dex.


However, there are a few things that annoy me:


1. No psychic hoods or defenses of any real strength for justicars (likelihood: 1-3)

2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times. It seems that the guys fighting daemons should be able to withstand perils. (likelihood: 5)

3. Lack of daemon specific wargear- I understand that the opposite is the problem with the current dex, but on those occasions where you know you will be facing a daemon army it would be nice to have a few pieces of special wargear (likelihood: <1)


I was wondering what you all think the likelihood of these points being fixed in the final dex is.


I think you might be over reacting a bit. The new codex doesn't have the same psychic defense but it is on par with other SM codices (excluding them crazy Space Wolves). I doubt that anything is going to happen to change this in the final dex.

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2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times.


Give every Justicar a Warding Stave?

2++ with rerolled passes is still very likely to pass


Great point, though I still want to give my justicars halberds if at all possible! (hopefully they will have optional wargear) Thanks man!


Also, in terms of eldar farseers and their runes of whatever...


Step 1:



Step 2:

Target with shield breaker (no invulnerable saves for you)


Step 3:

Orbital bombardment!! S10 AP1 large blast is enough to cause instant death!!


Needless to say it really depends on scattering, but I generally don't have too many problems with that. Therefore, I think that will work for me! <_<


@ Boreas "

i was thinking along the same lines for my paint job. I like the way "Saint Theo" on deviant art makes them look. I really want to make their runes glow and give them a darker silver in laid with white gold and reds.


Does anyone know how to paint the runes on their armour to make it look like burning metal? Like black under red under orange under white?

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As I have said before, I like a lot of elements of the leaked dex.


However, there are a few things that annoy me:


1. No psychic hoods or defenses of any real strength for justicars (likelihood: 1-3)

2. No way to counter perils of the warp- with every squad casting psy powers, you'll be rolling perils a few times. It seems that the guys fighting daemons should be able to withstand perils. (likelihood: 5)

3. Lack of daemon specific wargear- I understand that the opposite is the problem with the current dex, but on those occasions where you know you will be facing a daemon army it would be nice to have a few pieces of special wargear (likelihood: <1)


I was wondering what you all think the likelihood of these points being fixed in the final dex is.


I think you might be over reacting a bit. The new codex doesn't have the same psychic defense but it is on par with other SM codices (excluding them crazy Space Wolves). I doubt that anything is going to happen to change this in the final dex.


I don't think I'm overreacting. I am not trying to insinuate that the sky is falling.


I am simply saying that there are 10,000 things that I like about this codex so far, but there are a couple of things that I would like to see fixed... that's all. <_<

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You only get 2 shots if a Psycannon moves drastically reducing the potential number of Rending hits you can get.

Monstrous creatures are Relentless.


Terminators are also relentless. So I guess terminator squads can fire three shots on the move, right?

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You only get 2 shots if a Psycannon moves drastically reducing the potential number of Rending hits you can get.

Monstrous creatures are Relentless.


Terminators are also relentless. So I guess terminator squads can fire three shots on the move, right?



This just gives them the ability to fire heavy weapons on the move and still charge if they wanted to.

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Purgation Squads are very, very neat.

For their minimum of 5 models you can take 4 Psycannons. That's 100 points + 80 points. Toss in an extra 40 or 45 points for a transport that can't be slowed down unless destroyed and the unit can fire at anything regardless of LOS.

You can even join a Techmarine with Conversion Beamer for 100 points and snipe things across the battlefield.


Of course they're competing with Dreadknights, and for 170 points you get a big nasty with a special psycannon, but we don't actually know what it does. It's possible that against vehicles it'll be less interesting than a bunch of small Purgation squads.

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I've been thinking more and more about personal teleporters for GKSS. All in all these things are pretty cool and with any luck (if BoK is wrong about this, not that I doubt it but fingers crossed that they are) if these guys remain troops and we can give them scout from the Grand Strategy. Lets say we get first turn and we use the 30 inch teleport move to drop a couple of our GKSS right in the heart of our opponents deployment. Scoring isn't really necessary but it sure doesn't hurt. Even more frightening, imagine doing this exact same thing with 3 Dread Knights. Suddenly the points for the PT on Dread Knights don't seem so bad to me. The more I think about it, the more amazed I am at the flexibility of what the GK Codex could possibly offer.
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I have a question about the Vindicare's 4d6 dice on armour penetration on vehicles.



Does the rifle have any strenght to which you add the 4d6 ?



Or is just ' Roll 4D6 and hope you beat the armor value ' ?


It's a sniper.. so S3 + rending vs. armor with 4d6 to armor pen. Oh, and it's AP1.

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I have a question about the Vindicare's 4d6 dice on armour penetration on vehicles.


Does the rifle have any strenght to which you add the 4d6 ?


Or is just ' Roll 4D6 and hope you beat the armor value ' ?


The Exitus Rifle is a Sniper, which means it's Strength 3 against vehicles and has Rending, so 3 + 4D6 + an extra D3 for every 6 you roll. Heck, even without rending you'd penetrate AV14 over 75% of the time. Add AP1 to the mix and you've got yourself a nasty anti tank weapon.


If only you could take more than one Vindicare. :lol:

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Indeed. :lol:


A maximum penetration of 39, with an average of 17.


And then +1 on the damage table for being AP1.


And with BS 8, even if you roll a 1 to hit, you will still hit 50% of the time. And you now have an unlimited number of Turbo Penetrator shots.


I've been thinking more and more about personal teleporters for GKSS. All in all these things are pretty cool and with any luck (if BoK is wrong about this, not that I doubt it but fingers crossed that they are) if these guys remain troops and we can give them scout from the Grand Strategy. Lets say we get first turn and we use the 30 inch teleport move to drop a couple of our GKSS right in the heart of our opponents deployment. Scoring isn't really necessary but it sure doesn't hurt. Even more frightening, imagine doing this exact same thing with 3 Dread Knights. Suddenly the points for the PT on Dread Knights don't seem so bad to me. The more I think about it, the more amazed I am at the flexibility of what the GK Codex could possibly offer.


Mordrak and Draigo/Another GM.


Use one Grand Stratgey to make your DreadKnights Scoring, use the other to give them Scout. 12" Scout move. If you get Kill Points, give them reroll 1's or Counter Attack instead. Win? ;)

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