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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Death Knight: how hard or easy it going to be to mount dreanought style carapace onto this? Heck I'd rather mount karamovs throne into this and then whack in some badass GK in the seat. Add some gothic spires on the shoulders with nice little bells. Incense burners, books, and purity seals to brake up those smooth lines.
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well, i was just looking forward to have more jump troops as as troops. I guess I can still make them scoring with a GM at least if I take 1 or 2 squads.


Also, anyone know what the psilencer does?


I'm glad I have a good amount of the metal models, as they look by far more detailed.

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If you look at the sprues, it looks like the magazines are seperate.


:blink: Love!


Psilencer stats were a little futher up, I'll go grab them.


Edit: By raverrn;


Psilencer? It's got: Range of 24" Strength 4 AP -Heavy 6 There's also the option for a Gatling Psilencer, which has the same stats excepts it's Heavy 12 A Psilencer always wounds Daemons on a roll of a 4+ unless the score required to wound would normally be less.


As a heavy weapon, even for a cost fo zero I'm not sure I'd want them on an Interceptor Squad...

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So then the psycannon is still a2 or h3 s7 ap4 rending? I don't see why anyone would take the psilencer except for horde options mainly. Does psybolt ammo affect the silencer as well or just storm bolters? If so, you could make one really shooty squad with 2 psilencers, and psybolt ammo.
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Besides the GKSS heads, and those ridiculous clips, I'm happy.


Just electrify the GKIS teleporter things, put some arced lightning between them, and they'll look suitably cool. Totally ditching the clips. That just hurts my head how those made it through any sort of proofing process. The DK is a veritable treasure trove of conversion opportunities, and I think I can finally start delving into an AdMech army with those as the basis for some Knights. Plus I already have some interesting posing ideas for them. Just need to make the weapon handles longer. Draigo is okay, I'll pick him up to paint, but I doubt I'll run him. I'd rather make my own GM. Cheap move making the Champion the old Justicar.


Time to rip some arms off my army to get them compliant with the codex.

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Ok, so then what do all of us do who have all the old metal miniatures with halberds? I don't want to buy halberds. I'm not going to buy 40 more grey knights to replace them. I bet people will make me do it eventually, I really adore the old metal miniatures. I'm not going to chop them down either.
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Full post by raverrn;


emesis Force weapon is +1 to inv save. Nemesis Force Halberd is +2 to initative. Nemesis force stave 2+ invun to close combat wounds. Brotherhood Banner -25 points. +1 attack to unit, and all models in the unit automatically pass there pyschic test for there force weapon. Interesting factoid -Psybolt Ammo gives +1 Strength to Stormbolters,Hurricane bolters,Heavy bolters, Auto Cannons and Assault cannons. Warp Stabilization Field allows Librarian to transport vehicle using the Summoning Power. Servo Skulls act like mystics with extra goodies And Brain mines means affected unit cannot act that assault phase Psycannon: S7 AP4 Assault 2, Heavy 4, Rending Heavy Psycannon: S7 AP4 Large Blast Rending Heavy Incinerator operates like the hellhound(+12") Doomfist are basically Nemesis Dreadnought CCW(ie S10 powerfists) Nemesis Greatsword is S6 but allows rerolls to hit and wound DK Daemonhammer is S10 Thunderhammer all nemesis weapons have daemonbane which basically ignores eternal warrior for daemons and psykers Psilencer? It's got: Range of 24" Strength 4 AP -Heavy 6 There's also the option for a Gatling Psilencer, which has the same stats excepts it's Heavy 12 A Psilencer always wounds Daemons on a roll of a 4+ unless the score required to wound would normally be less. Psyk grenades has random abilities (waiting to hear more) Rad grenades are -1T Blind grenades are defensive


I can't really see the Psilencers being used over either a Rending Incinerator or Rending Psycannon.


They would be better if Psybolt Ammo effected them, but I'd rather have 2 x S5 Storm Bolter Assault shots, than the 6 x S4 Heavy Psilencer ones.


Totally ditching the clips.



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I would probably take the gatling psilencer on my dreadknight over the incinerator or psycannon. Mainly due to having the 12 shots instead of large blast. Thin out the demons before we go into cc. Oo, ignoring demon eternal warrior.. that's nice. So, how many of you actually fear using a psychic power and getting perils with your justicar? I don't want him to die that quickly!


Ok, so just the basic sword is +1 to invul save... in cc only or overall? Also, what about if you don't have a save, does it grant a 6+ invul save?

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Ok, so then what do all of us do who have all the old metal miniatures with halberds? I don't want to buy halberds. I'm not going to buy 40 more grey knights to replace them. I bet people will make me do it eventually, I really adore the old metal miniatures. I'm not going to chop them down either.


Left over falchions as swords. Just have to remove hands. The only two that will be problems are the out-stretched sideways halberd and the pointing at the ground one, as those both are tangential to the arms. Or just take the arms off and replace them with spare vanilla SM arms with blank shoulder pads, and then use the falchions. That's what I'm planning on doing.

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Do you think that maybe halberds might actually be useful though? the only armies it wont be are.. eldar and dark eldar for the most part. Even then you're striking simul with some or most units.


Then would the added initiative bonus count for purposes of doing initiative checks and all that? or use the base of 4?

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Ok, so then what do all of us do who have all the old metal miniatures with halberds? I don't want to buy halberds. I'm not going to buy 40 more grey knights to replace them. I bet people will make me do it eventually, I really adore the old metal miniatures. I'm not going to chop them down either.



Does it matter? You could have it count as whatever melee weapon you want.

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Yea, but WYSIWYG for tourneys though. I think they might understand. I'll say its a sword at the end of a pole.


Not sure it's even that big a thing in the WYSIWYG tournies as you're using older models. I suspect in the future it'll be the norm for GK players using old metals to be flexible with the WYSIWYG in regards to their oddball melee weapons. I sure will be. <_<

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Frankly it will be kinda fun having all these 'classic' models.


Any idea if it'll be worthwhile picking up a Termi armored Librarian?


Also will there be a Chaplain or not?


And a final question, how many HQ choices can we have, in the Daemonhunters codex it was a bit oddball with the GM-Stern combo.

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Termie libbies, with a squad of paladins, along with draigo for an uberunit.. nothing big maybe 5 paladins in there. They can wreck hell. Libby psychic powers are all augmenting to their unit.. making them have initiative 10, and crap like that.


Also, I still think against eldar we'll be boned. I forsee their unlimited range runes.. being nerfed to 24 inches like everyone elses.

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I'm gonna stick mostly to my classic force.

I have 2 LR's and 1 Crusader LR. 2 Dreads and a ven dread. I'll use a mix of those as my heavy support/armor.

3 squads of Grey Knights (possibly purgation-style)

2 units of Termies, each led by a hero.

Should be good enough for a competitive casual non tournie game.

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Also will there be a Chaplain or not?


Nobody with access to the codices from the black boxes has mentioned them. I don't think it's a unit in the codex.


I'm considering modelling Brotherhood Champions as Chaplains, though =)

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Ok, so then what do all of us do who have all the old metal miniatures with halberds? I don't want to buy halberds. I'm not going to buy 40 more grey knights to replace them. I bet people will make me do it eventually, I really adore the old metal miniatures. I'm not going to chop them down either.


You only get 3 halberds per PAGK box, a notable 2 shy of full. I'm keeping the metal guys as supplements for that. Honestly it comes across that they were expecting the old guard of players to hang onto those for maximum benefit; while anticipating to shaft the new players and the ones who sold all their GK's.


Charging in for 2 power weapon attacks at I:6 and potentially S:5... I'll annihilate that marine squad, tyvm. :rolleyes:


Also the NFS only grants +1 to EXISTING invulnerable saves in CC. Which is why guys like Stern were showing up in the leak as having Iron Halos. 2+/3+ in CC is monster. NFS will not give invuln saves to those without them.

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Also will there be a Chaplain or not?


Nobody with access to the codices from the black boxes has mentioned them. I don't think it's a unit in the codex.


I'm considering modelling Brotherhood Champions as Chaplains, though =)



Okay. Thanks! :rolleyes:

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Ok, where are my monkeys? I was told that there were monkeys being released in the first wave?


Probably not up yet.


Better question though, is where the hell did the Coteaz box disappear to off the GW site.



@ Magnus


No chaplain. Sorry, cool as it would be, Ward couldn't be bothered.


Termie Librarian is the ONLY flavor they come in it seems.

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Do I like the new models?


Just ordered 20 PAGK, 10 GKT and 2 DK... nuff said!


I must says that I find the DK a bit... odd... Yet, I' pretty sure I'm going to get used to the look. Possibly some plating over the GK's legs will help.


I think's it funny that people lack about the lack of Chaplains. 90% of web user were crucifying Ben Counter because he included them in his novels (GKs are too pure to get chappies, they don't need them was the consensus. Oh, and they're all Psykers, so they don't need libbies... etc etc). I personally am happy about the Libby and will use a Chaplain as my Brotherhood champ. if I ever use one (not sure I like the rules...).



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I loathe the dreadknight. It just looks so wrong standing next to other Imperial design things.


The power armour guys look alright. Pitty about the 5man box but well, at least they come with a decent amount of options. Not keen on the sword with impaled head but theres plenty of other swords in there anyway. Teleporter packs look silly but I doubt many people are gonna field them as FA anyway.


The terminators look nice. Impressive amount of options. Very good box.


Kind of odd that they still sell the old incinerator and psycannon singles as they look different now. I'm glad they gave the old PA Justicar model a new purpose though, Ive always liked that mini.


In regards to the halberd thing a few posts up, I think the halberds are gonna be great at i6. Striking first is probably going to save you more wounds than a +1 bonus to invulnerable save. Only bad against armies that are already i3. Initiative 6 power weapons are going to make for some headaches for blood angel players, negating half of their furious charge and all of their feel no pain.

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