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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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You can't improve on TDA armour. Why would you enclose a Terminator?


I would agree if it was classed as a vehicle and was currently open topped. But it's not. ;)


Adding more covering to the Pilot would do nothing, and potentially inhibit his movement and control over the suit.


Now if he's actually a PA pilot! ;)

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Sorry if this has already been answered, but can someone confirm that GKSS's with personal teleporters still count as jump troops - ie move 12" with a one time 30" move. I was reading some things on GW's site and it made me question the jump trorp portion.



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You can't improve on TDA armour. Why would you enclose a Terminator?


I would agree if it was classed as a vehicle and was currently open topped. But it's not. ;)


Adding more covering to the Pilot would do nothing, and potentially inhibit his movement and control over the suit.


Now if he's actually a PA pilot! ;)



So what your saying is that a suit of Terminator armour gives better protection than a Emperor titan? And no movement by the pilot isn't required because the Adeptus mechanicus could just build them with MIUs which are far superior to manual controls.

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You can't improve on TDA armour. Why would you enclose a Terminator?


I would agree if it was classed as a vehicle and was currently open topped. But it's not. ;)


Adding more covering to the Pilot would do nothing, and potentially inhibit his movement and control over the suit.


Now if he's actually a PA pilot! ;)



So what your saying is that a suit of Terminator armour gives better protection than a Emperor titan? And no movement by the pilot isn't required because the Adeptus mechanicus could just build them with MIUs which are far superior to manual controls.


Ah, but would a Psyker Space Marine allow adepts of Mars install gizmos in his brain? I, personally, don't try to justify this by "reasoning of an unreasonable universe" or "fluff". GW wanted to produce a model of exosuit piloted by a GK. They thought that "rule of cool" would be respected by a GKT strapped to a big robot. I, for one, agree. Game-wise, it makes sense. Rule category: a MC instead of a vehicle, check! It's not someone in a closed canopy. Stats? check! It's 2+/5++ model as any GKT should be. It's St6 T6 4W because said GKT is strapped to a strength-multiplier that also happens to be bigger (more wounds) and made of metal (more T). So it's basically a game decision that has been made into a model and then shoe-horned into fluff. I don't mind as I spend my WH40k-time thus: 50% playing, 40% modeling/painting, 10% discussing/reading fluff. The NDK satisfies 90% of my WH40k objectives! For the rest, there is the BL novels.



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In regards to Crowe, wether intentional or not, hes not an IC and we'll have to learn how to deal with it I suppose. So let's quit nagging about the fact that he isn't and try to find ways around it.

He cant deepstrike, I dont see footslogging working out real well so that leaves us with:


steal tin can (rhino/razorback) from a squad of purifiers.

+ cheap

- Cant assault out of it


assault vehicle (stormraven/land raider)

+ sturdy(lr) or fast(sr)

+ assault out of it

- Quite expensive for transporting one model


librarian summoning

+ librarians are great!

- cant assault on arrival

- need to get the libby positioned first


just hide him somewhere and hope nobody notices

- no flair!


Maybe other people will have better ideas to share, I sure hope so.

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That's about it. And none are attractive.


It might be better if Crowe and all the Brotherhood Champions were elite choices (Libby + Mordrak + Summoning), but wihtout that you're left with;


Footslogging: You'll be lucky to get him anywhere alive

Rhino: Prime candidate to be blow open, then you're back to Footslogging above.


Or spending upwards of 200 points just to get himt to actually *do* something.


Other than making Purifiers Troops, of course...


So what your saying is that a suit of Terminator armour gives better protection than a Emperor titan? And no movement by the pilot isn't required because the Adeptus mechanicus could just build them with MIUs which are far superior to manual controls.


Titan is a vehicle...


I would agree if it was classed as a vehicle and was currently open topped. But it's not.
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Ah, but would a Psyker Space Marine allow adepts of Mars install gizmos in his brain? I, personally, don't try to justify this by "reasoning of an unreasonable universe" or "fluff". GW wanted to produce a model of exosuit piloted by a GK. They thought that "rule of cool" would be respected by a GKT strapped to a big robot. I, for one, agree. Game-wise, it makes sense. Rule category: a MC instead of a vehicle, check! It's not someone in a closed canopy. Stats? check! It's 2+/5++ model as any GKT should be. It's St6 T6 4W because said GKT is strapped to a strength-multiplier that also happens to be bigger (more wounds) and made of metal (more T). So it's basically a game decision that has been made into a model and then shoe-horned into fluff. I don't mind as I spend my WH40k-time thus: 50% playing, 40% modeling/painting, 10% discussing/reading fluff. The NDK satisfies 90% of my WH40k objectives! For the rest, there is the BL novels.




Well Blood Angels psykers don't mind having MIUs put into them ;) (Not that they use them to control dreadknights) + since the admech controls all their gear it isn't like they have much choice? Don't want MIUs? Fine no dreadknights for you!


As for T6... why he should be T4 because he is stuck on the front... I won't shoot the machine I'll just be like oi longfangs shoot the idiot strapped to the front of that thing... even better if you can hit him in the ghead if he isn't wearing a helmet! Even as a 'vehicle' they could have used T/W rather than AV... A Wraithlord after all is basically a mechanical construct... it just happenes to be piloted by souls!


I may make a mechanicus army with dreadknights and henchmen depending on what all the various rules are for different thing s;() and turn the NDKs into small knight titans which will look awesome rather than >.< I'm not complaining about the rules in anyway... just about the model and anyway people try to justify a guy strapped onto the front by fluff!

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I guess my problem was placing too much faith in Ward to do the right thing. Hope really IS the first step on the road to disappointment.

faith in Matt Ward.... isn't that just like turning to chaos?

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faith in Matt Ward.... isn't that just like turning to chaos?


I'm sure a lot of Chaos players would violently decry their next codex being written by Ward. :lol:


Why? Their fluff already got <expletive>ed the last time around. They can't really lose much at this point :D

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I'm not for sure on this but I think all GKs can deep strike. I'll know more once I sit down with the Codex tonight but if that is the case Crowe isn't as limited. I still think he is a fun character and plan to use him. He is far cheaper than taking two additional troop units if you are tight on points. I really don't expect to see him used very much, if ever, by anyone other than my self but that's what not having IC does to characters that doesn't have the stats of Greater Daemons.


Before people get to hot and bothered about the Dread Knight (which I kinda don't like but I have to hold it in my hands before I judge) something popped out at me on my last brief look at the new codex. Psybolt Ammunition give +1 Strength to all sorts of guns, including Autocannons on Dreadnoughts. This makes the Rifleman Dread really appealing since now you are hitting at S8 and likely can brush off any Shaken or Stunned pretty easily. I haven't play tested this out yet but that is pretty amazing along with the Reinforced Aegis power if it still causes -4 leadership to any psychic test for a power directed at a friendly unit within 12 inches. From what we have tested so far Reinforced Aegis wrecks psykers. Doom being cast by a Farseer with Leadership 6 is quite possibly the most satisfying thing I have ever seen in a game of 40k.

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Yea, dreadknights will go great with termie armies, providing good cc and shooting plus resillience, but I think I will stick with 2 rifleman dreads and swaths of SS GK. I think the psybolt ammo will be mandatory on a couple squads in my army, s5 storm bolters hells yea.
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Boring ol' GK are Initiative 6 with halberds! I thought it would only be 5...but hey, if that's what GW decides to say on their website then that's what I'll believe...until the codex comes out of course.


but can someone confirm that GKSS's with personal teleporters still count as jump troops - ie move 12" with a one time 30" move
They no longer count as jump troops, and yes the personal teleporters still shunt them 30" once per game.
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As far as I knew the PT made you jump infantry.


Would seem, expensive (and now a wste of a slot) for 6 points a mini for a once per game 30" move you can't asault after.


Edit: By that GW article, Nemesis Falcions give +1A (and possibly no reroll wounds, as it wasn't mentioned).

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My litle girl's ill with the winter virus atm (which I had a the stat of the week), so no getting to my local GW for a gander just yet. :) /sob
You haven't dispatched your whelp off to the schola progenium forth with whilst you continue in the Emperors service? Truely you are a doting parent. :(
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Ok, so, demonhammers are s10 thunderhammers.. but nemesis demonhammers are just +1 strength? If so.. how can we deal with vehicles like dreads in cc with an all termie list then?
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Might of Titan? :(


Or Krak 'nade non Ironclads/Furiosos/SoulGrinders?


You haven't dispatched your whelp off to the schola progenium forth with whilst you continue in the Emperors service? Truely you are a doting parent.




I fear the missus. She most definately wears the pants here! :)

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Might of Titan? :(


Or Krak 'nade non Ironclads/Furiosos/SoulGrinders?


You haven't dispatched your whelp off to the schola progenium forth with whilst you continue in the Emperors service? Truely you are a doting parent.




I fear the missus. She most definately wears the pants here! :)



I know, i was just wondering, in case my regular terminators run up against them, and my libby is dead. I don't understand why quicksilver sucks compared to the quickening. I just want a semi confirmation.

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The nemesis daemonhammer is a thunderhammer with all the exter goodies of being a NFW. Its a forceweapon and has daemonbane, which causes any daemon or pysker model wounded by it to roll against its LD on 2d6 or be removed. This is seperate from the normal FW ID ability.


Falchions just add one attack AFAIK. No one's mentioned rerolled wounds.


IIRC Psyk-out grenades cause daemons and Psykers to go at I1 in assault on the 1st round.


got most of this on warseer.

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