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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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On the opposite end, the Gray Knight Psychic Defense isn't great either unless they have a Dreadnought around, which is another reason to include them.


Just a thought, does it look like Aegis and Reinforced Aegis stack?


I'm pretty sure that they do not. It's already enough to keep you safe though (especially when you add in a Hood on a Librarian).


So where is the option to take rad grenades? i didn't see it in the pdf?


It's on some of the HQ models IIRC. So, not available to most units, but still there for your ICs.




The effects stack


If you target a GK unit, the caster suffers -1 ld. If it is cast on a unit within 12" (I think) of reinforced aegis, they sufer an additional -4 ld.

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One option that stood out to me on Purifiers was, IIRC, that any model can take an Incinerator for free. However, on top of that, the Knight of the Flame can Master-Craft any weapon of his for 5 points.


They can take a S6 AP4 Template weapon that rerolls wounds for five points. :D


Easily my favorite unit; I'll be using Crowe as an IC and hope nobody calls me out on it in casual play. :tu:

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I am well rested and ready to do a better job of posting. I kept getting distracted last night by the GK vs. IG game going on next to me and I will hit the notes from that battle in a moment. I will take a better look at the rules when I get over to the store later tonight, tonight is the last night of the "GK vs. any challenger" demo we are doing at my FLGS. Since I have the most wins at this point I get to play the with the new codex first, which is just setting me up to lose I think. It will either be 'Nids or Eldar for the first game and I believe an Ork player wanted to get a round in too. We ended kinda late last night even though the first game against BA was over pretty quickly (re: carnage for both sides) the IG game took forever though. So if things go quickly I think we may get three games in!


A moment on Terminators though, despite what I have said thus far, these guys are pretty good. They play just like regular Tactical Terminators from C:SM so that should be kept in mind. Also, since they have relentless, Psycannons are just fantastic on them. My problem is that I have never played a game with Tactical Terminators in their current form so I have no idea what I am doing with them. It isn't that they suck or are even that fragile, it is more an issue with how the gaming population of 40k have been looking at Terminators since the release of the current Space Marine dex, with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield. Also, Gray Knight terminators lack one thing that could have made them much better and that would have been some sort of dedicated transport. Right now the main way I have tried to deal with the limitations I view with GK Terminators is to take them in a full squad of 10. I want to try out a unit Paladins with all the trimmings soon though just to see if these guys are that much better.


GK vs IG Highlights:

-Using the Vindicare to snipe out a Commissar was brilliant and a great tactical move (he didn't die to cleansing flame as I said above). However one should learn not to poke the Imperial Guard with a stick. The Vindicare was the subject of quite a bit of attention for the rest of the game. He got one more shot off and blew up a Vendetta before being slapped down by the Hammer of the Emperor. The IG player is really quite good, and our current store champ, and knew the assassin had to die quickly.

-Blob Platoon being killed by one squad of Purifiers was shocking to say the least. The IG player was relying on this blob to tie up and kill the small elite army and this really put a kink in this plan.

-Shortly after this combat though, the Guard struck back laying in templates right on the remaining Purifiers.

-The GK player shuntted both his NDKs right into the IG players back field. The second Vendetta was smacked out of the air which we all had a good laugh about because finally there was a model tall enough to do just that.

-The Vet Squad that fell out of the Vendetta got their revenge though once they received the "Bring it down" order from the near by CCS. Three Plasma Rifles and a Plasma Pistol couldn't have rolled any better and the NDK was gone.



-I like the Vindicare as it is a scalpel that complements out army incredibly well and I have honestly yet to see him miss or fail to wound. Problem is, once your opponent knows where he is, he turns into the most popular kid in town. Play him conservatively if you can. I want to try the other assassins out still but I am most impressed with the Vindicare so far.

-The Gray Knights don't have much in the way of large templates which might make Hordes a challenge. Purifiers are the simple answer to this with Cleansing Flame. The fact that the power hits EVERY enemy model in the unit is amazing. I have been very impressed with these guys for their cost. They still die like regular marines which might put some off of their final price, but I will almost always take a unit or two.

-The Nemesis Dread Knights redeemed themselves somewhat during the game. The Grand Strategy gave these guys scout which they used to outflank right into the IG players back field. They wracked up some impressive vehicle and infantry kills (heavy incinerator is fantastic). In the end though, Plasma Veterans did what Plasma Veterans always do, kill Monstrous Creatures. I think in my last post I judged these guys a bit to fast.

-Placing Servo Skulls seems to be an art form that will take practice to get right. The GK player managed to keep both Vendettas from scouting into his lines, denying the alpha strike.

-Psycannons are even more impressive against Chimeras. I wish their range was better but you can fire them on the move out of the top of a Rhino! They also make mincemeat out of smaller guard squads like Melta Vets.

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Does the blessing of the blood god, the 2++ save against force weapons work all the time against GK, or only if they use a force weapon attack with the test.


Why wouldn't it work?


Just excommunicate them.

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I mean, do they get the 2++ all the time, or ONLY if they do a test to use them as a force weapon?


All the time.


"The Daemon has a 2+ Invul save against wounds caused by psychic powers or force weapons."

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- Vindicare Assassins have a shot that causes 2 wounds to a normal model, and grants 4D6 armor penetration. Your Rhino will provide no useful coverage.

- Agreed, don't take Thunderwolves against Grey Knights. If you can help it that is, and you know that you're going to be fighting them.

- Also agreed, plasma owns marines. But hey, now you've sacrificed S8 weaponry in your list, whilst I still have lots of it, which is still effective from 24".

- As if Long Fangs weren't already packing Lascannons so to combat normal Terminators or 2W wound warriors or monstrous creatures.

- Your speeders sound like a nice substitute. But on the other hand, they're still paper thin and can still be taken down if they get near 24" of a Grey Knight thanks to their S5 storm bolters. I guess you don't have much of another choice, though.


Agreed on the Vindicare, but he will have 6 shots over a typical game. Blowing up a Rhino (assuming he succeeds and doesn't just stun it) means one turn he hasn't damaged my troops/rune priest/thunderwolf/storm shield. I'm happy to let him blow up 35 point Rhinos all day.


Yes, taking plasma means less melta which can be a problem in the metagame. I suppose two meltas, plus plasma pistol, plus bolters gives a reasonable chance of damaging the Knights anyway. Certainly being able to melta Paladins will be beneficial.


I run two man thunderwolf squads, storm shield and storm shield and thunder hammer. I suppose they do have a chance against a weakened squad, particularly if the Priest gets within 24 inches and shuts down hammerhand/force weapons. That said a bunch of initiative 6 power weapons is still irritating.


One of my Long Fang packs already has two lascannon, I'm going to make up a second las/rocket squad.


Typhoons are the best Land Speeder now. That said, things like Dreadknights with their 2+ save is a little silly (but then it is a Ward Codex.)

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Typhoons are the best Land Speeder now. That said, things like Dreadknights with their 2+ save is a little silly (but then it is a Ward Codex.)


Might I ask why Terminator with 2+ save is silly? <_<

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Would you mind giving a little better description of how servo skulls work? Can they be placed anywhere on the board? Also how do they prevent enemies from deploying, i.e. do they stop infiltrating/scouting/outflanking or deployment of any sort? Thanks.

Edit: also does relentless allow orbital strike relay to be used even if you moved in the movement phase? Thanks.

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Typhoons are the best Land Speeder now. That said, things like Dreadknights with their 2+ save is a little silly (but then it is a Ward Codex.)


Might I ask why Terminator with 2+ save is silly? <_<


Hahahaha, agreed. Power Weapons and AP1/2 exist for a reason. Oh, also, Force Weapons and stuff like Instant Death.

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Servo Skulls are placed before the game starts. The do a bunch of different things that are worth while. They prevent your opponent from scouting or infiltrating within 12 inches. If you deep strike any of your units within 12 inches they scatter D6 less. If you fire any blast templates at within 12 inches of the servo skull they scatter D6 less as well. They can't be targeted by your opponent but if any enemy unit moves within 6 inches of the skull they are removed from the board. They don't count for KP either.



WS8 BS8 S4 T4 W2 I7 A4 LD10 Sv4 Invl4

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On the opposite end, the Gray Knight Psychic Defense isn't great either unless they have a Dreadnought around, which is another reason to include them.


Just a thought, does it look like Aegis and Reinforced Aegis stack?


I'm pretty sure that they do not. It's already enough to keep you safe though (especially when you add in a Hood on a Librarian).


So where is the option to take rad grenades? i didn't see it in the pdf?


It's on some of the HQ models IIRC. So, not available to most units, but still there for your ICs.




The effects stack


If you target a GK unit, the caster suffers -1 ld. If it is cast on a unit within 12" (I think) of reinforced aegis, they sufer an additional -4 ld.


Unless they changed the wording to Reinforced Aegis in the final edit, it says its increased to -4, not increased by -4. So its just -4, which works fine enough.


The Shrouding is still a Librarian power that gives Stealth to all units in 6" right? Because I have a dream, a dream where I flat-out move 3 Stormravens in formation and then Stealth them for a 3+ cover save.

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Typhoons are the best Land Speeder now. That said, things like Dreadknights with their 2+ save is a little silly (but then it is a Ward Codex.)


Might I ask why Terminator with 2+ save is silly? <_<


True enough. As a monstrous creature he's somewhat better than a terminator though. At least he's priced more correctly now. 130 for S7 T7 and 4++ would have been too much. Maybe Ward sent that upstairs and the message came back "tone it down Matt."

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Thanks Resv, skulls are amazing value. Monkeyking: man thats a horrible idea....horribly effective that is <_< hehe

I have trouble shooting down one stormraven with a 4++ so I can only imagine what 3 stealth bombers would be like, especially if they were all dumping deathcult assassins out of them.

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Darn, the memos got mixed up! They meant to resend to "model design" to "dark-grim it up". Not to "rule design" to "tone it down". Now, they'll sell even less models <_< That secretary was fired. Not that she cared, she played SoB anyways and meant to quit.


Agreed on the Vindicare, but he will have 6 shots over a typical game. Blowing up a Rhino (assuming he succeeds and doesn't just stun it) means one turn he hasn't damaged my troops/rune priest/thunderwolf/storm shield. I'm happy to let him blow up 35 point Rhinos all day.


At 1 KP a pop, I'm pretty sure your opponent will be more than happy :) I find rhinos to be great objective-contesters also, and mourn every one that's destroyed/immobilized...



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Darn, the memos got mixed up! They meant to resend to "model design" to "dark-grim it up". Not to "rule design" to "tone it down". Now, they'll sell even less models <_< That secretary was fired. Not that she cared, she played SoB anyways and meant to quit.


Agreed on the Vindicare, but he will have 6 shots over a typical game. Blowing up a Rhino (assuming he succeeds and doesn't just stun it) means one turn he hasn't damaged my troops/rune priest/thunderwolf/storm shield. I'm happy to let him blow up 35 point Rhinos all day.


At 1 KP a pop, I'm pretty sure your opponent will be more than happy :) I find rhinos to be great objective-contesters also, and mourn every one that's destroyed/immobilized...




Yes, they're useful for kill points, and they may be great at contesting in the last turn. They are cheaper than losing a Rune Priest, or having the power fist shot out of a squad, or losing a storm shield off your Wolf Lord (particularly with all the I6 force weapons).


Given a choice between losing a Rhino, or losing men, I'd take the Rhino.

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