Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Share Posted March 7, 2011 (edited) Greetings Fraters of the B&C. Here are some pics of the army I'm currently painting up and I apologize for the picture overload, but this is my first time. Be gentle. My Chapter is a Successor from the Dark Angels/Angels of Vengeance. Most of my army is undergoing repainting to get it in line with the color scheme I have revised for my units (New scheme posted):Battle Companies:Normal marine:Vet. Sergeant (can be a Deathwalker Candidate or a former Deathwalker): or Company Vets:Command squads (majority will be former Deathwalkers, one or two may be Candidates that are about to be inducted into the 1st Company) & Company Master:2nd Company - BoneseekersNormal biker (generally considered "more" veteran):Boneseekers Veterans (similar to the Company Veterans idea - I'm hoping there is a new 2nd Company Vets squad in a new Codex):Vet. Sergeant (will all be Deathwalker Candidates or returning Deathwalkers): or Command squads (per Battle companies) & Master of the 2nd (this will probably be a little more unique than this in some way, but look very similar):1st Company - DeathwalkersNormal Termie:Sergeant, Command Squad (will look the same, but with a red helm stripe)Master of the 1st (trying to come up with something slightly more unique for him)Current Army Shot (minus WIP Landspeeder):The horde cometh:Predator:Dreadnought:With Missile Launcher replacing DCCW:We don't talk about the poor lone Assault Marine. His greaves and chainsword are still the wrong color and none of his compatriots have had any love (they are all still waiting to be repainted). Edited October 7, 2021 by Bryan Blaire DaBoiKyknos, Dark Scipio and Grand Master Belial 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Kovash Posted March 7, 2011 Share Posted March 7, 2011 Very nice work. It looks like these guys are Dark Angels successors, and if they are, where are the bikes? And bring on the rest of the assault squad, we are the angels of death after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Author Share Posted March 7, 2011 Thank you Brother Korvash! Some more: Deathwalker Terminators (all to be repainted): Belial Stand-In: I'm only going to be keeping the arms, tabard and belt untouched. Not sure on the Stormbolter yet. Only full Termi squad: Up close: Bone details (these will be retained, I think they turned out pretty well): Assault Cannon Termi: (Just realized the end of that assault cannon needs a bit of blackening) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Author Share Posted March 7, 2011 Command Squad (all of these are going to be redone with the Deathwalker Veteran Battle Company Command scheme, except the Apothecary will be 1/2 white, 1/2 bone on the helmet): Company Commander: His sword icons need to be painted/repainted with the burning sword icon of the Chapter. Company Standard Bearer: No idea what to paint for the banner. The sword the angel is holding on the top of the standard is also going to be repainted from gold to the burning sword iconography for the Chapter. This guy is clearly calling out his target for his team mates. Marine version of "Eight ball, corner pocket"? DaBoiKyknos and Brother Alanticus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarKHaZZ13 Posted March 7, 2011 Share Posted March 7, 2011 Looks pretty sweet mate looks nice and clean I'd give that belial's face a quick was or something looks a tad flat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Author Share Posted March 7, 2011 Battle Line Marines: Most of these are completely done, but need to have their burning sword Chapter icons painted on. Some Bolter-bearers: Little bit of conversion work: With fire we purify the unclean: We utilize the harnessed burning sun. (Damn mold line) Dakka 1, Dakka 2, and Extra-Tasty-Crispy: Unlicensed nuclear accelerator: Charge! (Whatever sound a Melta-gun makes when fired, insert here - My wife swears by Pew-Pew): Sword tipped in flame Chapter Icon (painted variably to taste): DaBoiKyknos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Author Share Posted March 7, 2011 Deathwalker Candidates (act as Veteran Sergeants or Company Veterans as needed): All need the Flaming Sword Chapter Icon painted up still. This is a stick-up! Maybe I didn't make myself clear! The rest of the 360: They call us the Wonder Twins. Why? Because they always wonder why we bothered to show up... You Shall Not Pass! Legio Draconis 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted March 7, 2011 Author Share Posted March 7, 2011 (edited) Start of my Fast Attack options: Boneseeker 'Talon' Pattern Landspeeder (Tornado w/Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon): Pilot: Gunner's Seat (and my slowly improving gems): "Relay to 3rd Company Commander, we have an enemy contact." As you can see, in addition to the repainting efforts, the Landspeeder still has a bit to go. I'm still puzzling over how to paint the bikes themselves. Also, the Land Raider Crusader will likely be stripped completely down and most, if not all, of the old metal components will be removed. It will then be repainted to match the Deathwalkers (black with bone detailing). DarKHaZZ13, thanks for the idea. I hate that head. I am thinking of tearing it out with some pliers or something, just so he knows how much I hate his head. :lol: Hopefully the Grey Knights will give me some adequate parts to make a suitable Master of the Deathwalkers, if not, I guess I'm sticking a normal Termi head on that model. Comments and critiques are welcome. If anyone can give me some good ideas on highlighting the black, I'd very much welcome them, because I do/have done very little highlighting, and while I have a wet palette, I haven't gotten much experience with layering/wet blending (and I have plenty of old Deathwing Terminators to test things on). I'd rather not go with extreme edge highlighting, because I'm worried the black will end up looking almost Tron-like (and while I love Tron, it doesn't strike me as 40K-appropriate). Edited March 7, 2011 by Bryan Blaire DaBoiKyknos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
littlbitz Posted March 8, 2011 Share Posted March 8, 2011 Coming along great! I really like it, and can't wait to see more. I especially like your recent efforts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RamrodMC Posted March 8, 2011 Share Posted March 8, 2011 (edited) This is possibly the coolest DIY chapter I've seen in a long, long time. Not only is the name absolutely badass (and avoids all the tired cliches), but the scheme is also menacing and recalls both the modern Dark Angels and the pre-Heresy ones. The Deathwing equivalents look great, very fluffy. However, what really strikes me are the robed Deathwalker Candidates. Wearing those hoods, the Candidates' helmet stripes make them look downright terrifiying. I'd hate to be a Fallen with one of those guys bearing down on me... Good luck with the repainting updates, I know how much of a pain in the neck that can be. Looking forward to more pics! EDIT: just realised the Dune reference, derp! :D Edited March 8, 2011 by RamrodMC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted April 26, 2011 Author Share Posted April 26, 2011 (edited) Okay, got the first of the Deathwalkers almost completely done (just missing re-basing, which will wait until more of the army is done, writing on the name scroll, and possibly some highlighting/battle damage on the black armor): 360 of the Deathwalker: Sadly, I know there are quite a few mold lines that just didn't come off back before I started painting this guy, but at this point, I think it would do more harm than good to remove them and repaint again, plus this one is definitely going to be one of the guys in one of the squads in the back on the table top. Thoughts, comments, criticism? Basing ideas? Edit: removed old pictures, better content on current state of Deathwalkers (Terminator armor) here: Deathwalker Prototype Images Edited June 9, 2012 by Bryan Blaire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FatMan Posted April 26, 2011 Share Posted April 26, 2011 These are looking REALLY good, especially the Bone and the clean and crisp white! Now I don’t know if this is because of the picture quality or just lack of, but I don’t seem to see any highlighting or etc. on your green/black armor. If that were a little more prominent or actually there it would make your models all the more awesome! Good job! Laters Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted May 3, 2011 Author Share Posted May 3, 2011 (edited) Boneseekers (2nd Company) 'Talon' Pattern Landspeeder: Very little highlighting yet, waiting to complete to get bright image to plan highlight locations, and the bottom of the wings have yet to actually be painted. Pilot and Gunner: Gunner: Heavy Bolter: Pilot Side Shot: Gunner Side Shot: Rear Engines: Edit: removed old pictures, new photos of completed Landspeeder soon! Edited June 9, 2012 by Bryan Blaire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminatorinhell Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 This is a really cool army I wasnt sure at first glance but as I read further I found I liked the scheme and funny quips for each character. For the termie you should put "dont you dare get your blood on my shoes heretic!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted May 3, 2011 Author Share Posted May 3, 2011 (edited) LOL, Terminatorinhell, your stuff is great, so thanks for the comments! I've been looking at SCC's Raven Guard painting guide to use for highlighting my black armor. Hopefully I'll get a bit of that done before I get the bug to start working on yet another squad. Or I may save it and wait until I get some of my biker Boneseekers done. If I don't dirty up the units, I may just use that quip. :D Edited May 3, 2011 by Bryan Blaire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conandoodle Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 They look great. Well done sir. My only suggestion would be to base the models. As they are quite dark I think some pale brown earth/rocks with a light static grass in places would look real good as it would contrast nicely and make your models 'pop'. Again .. they look good. Your whites are smooth! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted May 15, 2011 Author Share Posted May 15, 2011 (edited) So finally got around to working up a basing scheme, what do people think? Edited June 9, 2012 by Bryan Blaire Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Razblood Posted May 16, 2011 Share Posted May 16, 2011 All excellent, except one little thing.....The Heavy Bolter shells on the Landspeeder. They look awful small to be ammo for a great big gun like that ;) Also I like the bases, The colour and style compliment the troops. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted May 16, 2011 Author Share Posted May 16, 2011 Razblood said: The Heavy Bolter shells on the Landspeeder. They look awful small to be ammo for a great big gun like that :P Thanks Razblood! The bases turned out better than I thought they might. I'll probably try and alternate some of the coloration from the drybrushing on the rock to get some variation going on them. I completely agree with you on the HB ammo belt, but unfortunately, that's the ammo bit that came with all my Speeders when I bought them years ago. B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted August 4, 2011 Author Share Posted August 4, 2011 (edited) So, finally started to work on some new stuff after some serious dragging of my feet due to having used some black base coat + primer spray paint mix that left a ton of bubbled paint obscuring detail on my bikes. Got the bikes somewhat stripped back, but been irritated at them so I went back to some of my Deathwing analog: Painted over the glossy black basecoat with a matte black and attempted some very dark grey edge highlights with a starker bright highlight. This is my first attempt ever (yes, in over 15 years of painting 40K stuff) at doing this, so I really would like some feedback on what you guys think. I liked the idea of adding some battle damage with some boltgun, just haven't been brave enough for it yet. Holy crap, someone stole my arms! :): There they are! Someone ripped them off and stuck these sticky metal things in them! And my pauldrons too! (This was my first attempt at magnetizing, got 5 of them done, and so far, I think they are all working pretty awesomely!) Take him to Cell 42, this Chaos Spawn sprouted extra arms! Repent, Fallen! (One of the funny things to come from doing the magnets for arms and pauldrons) More pics in the album, just darker shots of the main body: Album Link Edited August 4, 2011 by Bryan Blaire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eremiel Posted September 2, 2011 Share Posted September 2, 2011 For the terminator, you gotta put a little icon on the back outside of the shoe and on the heel write in "Air Johnsons" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted September 3, 2011 Author Share Posted September 3, 2011 Eremiel said: For the terminator, you gotta put a little icon on the back outside of the shoe and on the heel write in "Air Johnsons" LOL, my wife was making similar comments, so I have since revised the scheme to not having "bone white shoes," as she and others have put it. New Terminator appearance (I'm almost done with this stage of progress on all five of my squad members): Why does my face look so blurry? Hope you guys can still make out the details: Indoors, more oblique light through a window: I have two sets of highlights I'm looking at doing still, a 1:1 mix of Bleached Bone:Skull White on just the edges as a thin (hopefully) edge highlight, and then a pure Skull White highlight on just the tips/corners/highest points. CnC? I've tried to give a bit more depth to the bone. More pictures of the squad can be found here: DA Forum Stoneburners WiP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted September 4, 2011 Share Posted September 4, 2011 I am liking this army! "This is a stickup" That may be one of my all time favorite minis I have seen so far. Epic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 (edited) Okay, so I finally got some painting done (and I apologize again for the poor picture colors): The O.K. Corral line up! Sergeant (somebody get me my hat and gun! - wait, damn, I use a hammer and claws): Do you like my crux-deputy badge? Bury me on Deadwood Mountain beneath all my skull and crossed-bones! If I knee you, I'll leave a shiny crux imprint in your forehead! Doc Holiday - I carry me a big sawed-off shotgun! (Cyclone Launcher): I think that one has my best gem ever. The blending looks a lot less stark IRL than in these images, but I think it still shows the bone pretty well. At this point, only one of them has the Skull White highlights on just the tips and brightest points, but unless someone can actually pick it out, I don't really think these guys need it all that much. The 1:1 Bleached Bone:Skull White seemed to provide enough of a highlight to me. CnC? Edited September 11, 2011 by Bryan Blaire Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted September 25, 2011 Author Share Posted September 25, 2011 Okay, finally got the detailing work on the bodies done so that I can get to work on the arms! Unfortunately we have a probably terminal pup at home, so that's been taking up a lot of our energy. Enough of that, on to the show! I realized that given the proximity of the bone details to some of the purity seals, I needed something other than the normal Graveyard Earth -> Bleached Bone -> Skull White just wouldn't look that great or contrasting, so I searched for a bit to find something I could use instead, and I think what I found I like even more. Not sure that it will work as well on my power armored guys, especially those with the "robes" because it will probably look quite a bit like those, but I'm going to give it a shot next time. These seals are Graveyard Earth -> 1:1 GE/Kommando Khaki -> Kommando Khaki, then a wash over all with Gryphonne Sepia, a second wash in the recesses with G-Sepia, and a re-highlight with Kommando Khaki. The "writing" is done with Scorched Brown. I highlighted the rope belts (already Bestial Brown with a Devlan Mud wash) with Vermin Brown, and considered giving them a touch of Bubonic Brown, but decided that they are more recessed most everywhere, so I'm going to have to carefully look and consider before I do that (that's a small touch I can do later when I touch up the highlighting on the main body). Chest Crux Terminator: Crossed Bones Terminator (with purity seal view): Cyclone Launcher Terminator (with purity seal view): Shiny Knee Crux Terminator (with purity seal view): And finally, the sergeant... Mr. Red Stripe himself! (Hooray beer! ;)) Hope you guys like them! At this point, I'm considering these guys done. Enough time put in on them, time to move on to the arms! Any CnC will be welcomed though, as I will be coming back for a final touch up pass before I put them into the Hall of Honor. I'm also researching some conversion ideas and trying to come up with some inspired by the DA art (and probably liberally lifting from some fellows on this great site), but I'm not sure if I'm going to try any of them on this particular set of Terminators or just move on and see what happens with later ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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