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for a raptors style shrike i would use something simular to Luft Huron's style lightning claw seams very birdlike. also i would invest into the raven guard torsos, and bird beaky helms to add to that bird of prey flair.


Or on second thought im not sure how good you are on with green stuff, and filing but take a Chaos raptor champian, or the chaos jumppack lord, file off the pointy stars, and cut and swap the heads and you've got your self a nice shrike equipped with twin LC, and talon'ed feet. I bought a bunch on Ebay for only 20 dollar im going to use for my Blood Dragon army mainly for the awesome taloned feet. BTW there not much filing to do on the chaos raptors

  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some progress on my Librarian...


Work on the razorback turrets. Some paint chipping and basic colors laid in


I did alot of highlight/drybrushing on the tactical squads and assault team, plus some layering on the dreads, but the pics didn't show it very well, so I'll post some pics when they are done. As you can see...there's lots to do...


There's a few more pics on my blog, check it out if you get the chance.

  • 1 month later...

Some progress on the razorbacks. Regrettably, the real world has gotten in the way of painting for a bit. *shakes fist* ^_^ But I got the first level of weathering done with chalk pastels. :P




Cheers, y'all. ;)

Amazing work :tu:

Screw the codex for hating camo :P




Thanks....much more to come. Maybe I'm an "old fart", but camoflage on marines was commonplace in the Rogue Trader days and I can't see all of the Imperium's finest putting off camo. Space Marines have always struck me as the "do what needs to be done" types.. and if deception and camoflage are part of what will help them accomplish their goals, so be it. Personally, I'm kind of eager to try some camo Space Wolves soon, ala this old gem.......


Oh good God, I remember that piece, seriously Old School, those old style Wolf Badges also bring a sentimental tear to the eye!


I remember somebody actually painted up a couple of Camo Wolves, seen in a very very old White Dwarf.


And oh yes, I am also a Fan of Camo, From Scouts to Fellblades!


Look forward to seeing some more!

I'm calling the Razorback for 3rd squad done. Or at least done for now, I may tinker with some detailing down the road. I may actually get to play with these guys soon, so I'd like to get them done to the point I'm happy with them. Once they are finished, I'll move on to finishing up my librarian and chaplain...as a "reward" for getting the troop units done. :)



Thanks everyone for all the great comments. Check out my blog to see some more stuff I'm working on if you get the chance. Looks like I'm healthy for a while, so I should get alot of modelling done, so keep an eye open for updates.


Cheers, y'all! ;)

Thanks everyone for all the feedback and kind words. I really do love B&C, always good reactions, discussion and constructive critiques.


@The Butcher: The base camo was done with airbrush. I splotched US Sand color over a dark Olive drab base, the idea being a field applied scheme over the basic dark olive green. There's some more on the painting in this thread as well as HERE in some of the older posts.


@Molloch: I have to do another las/plas turret, so ....just for you..... I'll take some pics as I build it and post a mini-tutorial. I'll also do some pics of the painted turret. I put the searchlight on the turrets because it seemed like a logical place. Usually if you are going to give away you position by spotting something, there's a good chance you'll be shooting it soon after. But I should be able to get that up in the next day or so. Keep an eye out.


@Brother Masariel: thanks so much. I was actually going to do a "joke" chapter called the Codex Marines at first. Then the cool forgeworld decals hit and I was looking at my ridiculous collection of bits. I'd always liked the Raven Guard and figured I'd go with one of their successors. Once i read the fluff and saw the 'new' raptor green scheme, I figured I could work in my love for military modelling/camoflage etc....along with a nice in-your-face/sneaky/assaulty background which fits my playstyle.


Drop pods and dreadnaughts to come, once I can finish up the Razorback squads

  • 3 weeks later...

Squad #3 is done.



Molloch: I haven't forgotten the las/plas turret. I'll get that up for you in the next day or so (had a pesky health issue to deal with for the last week or so)....and there will be some scouts as well.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the great comments, gang. I'm actually going to get these guys on the table next Wednesday in a league at my local shop which will play through August. :P Its a 500 point "combat patrol" thing, so with the restrictions of the league, I'll be fielding two 6 man Tactical Squads in Razorbacks and a 6 man scout sniper team. I didn't get to 'mac out" my camo-snipers the way I wanted due to time constraints, so I'll have to do a ghille cloak unit later. ;) But here's the sniper unit, built with some base colors blocked in.



Also got some more progress done on Razor squad 2 and its transport. Blocked in some color, got all 3 teams based. I'll be adding lichen and static grass to the bases once I'm mostly done with painting the models. I'll probably be nit picking the two Razorbacks for some time, with paint chipping, rust and other weathering.



There's a few more details and other goofy stuff I'm working on at my Hobby Blog if you have time to check it out. But, I'll be doing another update here soon, since I'm going to try to get these 3 units as painted as possible before next Wednesday's first game. B)

Cheers ya'll! :D


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