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  1. This is the first post I plan to make, over the course of next couple weeks to month or so, about Tactical Squads and their variants. (College permitting). This week will focus, on the core Tactical Squad, and the three basic variants, the Tactical Squad, Crusader Squad, Chaos Marines, and Grey Hunters. The foremost concept that was been repeated again and again, for every variant, has been the most efficient is a 5 man MSU, with double special (Special + Combi-Special) and cheap power weapon. All those variants come at around 100. (before transport). Tactical Squad - 97; Plasma, CombiPlasma, PowSword, 3x Bolters Chaos Space Marine - 97 (83); Plasma, CombiPlasma, PowSword, 3x Bolters Or Chain (or sometimes 2x Plasma Pistols) Crusaders - 101; Plasma, CombiPlasma, 2x PowSword, 3x Bolter or Chain Grey Hunter - 102(109):, Plasma, CombiPlasma, 1x PowSword, 3x Bolter&Chain, (and sometimes 1x Plasma Pistol) So for core points efficiency if that is all desired, all four will be rated the same, as they all three within similar points. Through the three variants, by nature had a tad a bit more in natural flexibility. Now then, before any further discussion, is done, I wanted to establish the dream efficiency. Devastator (or equivalent) Squad, with 4 Heavies (or Specials), come out to be 150-170 range for tank hunting or 100-120 for firefighting. Clarity of purpose. Devastator or Equivalent: If armed with 4 Heavy Weapons (Lascannons, Autocannons, Missiles Launchers etc), 160ish. If armed instead with Firefight Weapons (Heavy Bolters, PlasmaGuns, Flamers etc), 100ish. If for each 25 point a squad can get Special/Infantry, its considered golden. For each 40 if it can get a heavy it considered golden. The most efficient variant, double special at 100, fails the special tests. So if we try and judge it these squads, that way from the start we are bound to be disappointed. Now then let us look at Vangaurd (with Jump Pack) and Company Veterans (with Storm Bolter). To establish a melee and bolter bro baseline. Vangaurd, at 5 man with Packs and no Power Weapons. 90 Points. 16 (20) Attacks. 5 Wounds. Veterans with 5 man, at firefight range, are 90 point points put 20 (36) attacks. 5 Wounds. (and 11-16 melee attacks). This tells us for squads dedicated to that role, every attacks equates to 4-5 points, so that is our second baseline. The above squads at their basic 5 Man MSU setup (the so called most efficient), for Tacticals, 97 Points, at firefight range they have two firefight weapons, if you recall is worth 50 points. Then it has 12 BolterBro attacks. That is worth 40ish points. 90 Points. Essentially breaking even with points on the exchange. The Crusaders, Grey Hunter and Chaos Marines will have a similar issue, once those points are concerned. Melee each squad will put out 2-3 power weapon attacks (a bit better or worse than firefighter weapons). So if a squad has a PowWeapon, we'll treat it as third firefight weapon (its truthfully more complicated but the damage output is similar enough. Crusader squads gains 10 points because 3 PowWeapon attacks). So that means we are actually actually 20 (30 for Crusader) points up. The regular tactical squad, only puts out three attacks. Adding another 5ish points for Tactical Bros ending at 25 points up (35 for Crusader), (however for Crusader/Chaos Marine replace BolterBro Melee attacks with Pistol Bro attacks. You might gain one or two attacks). Grey Hunters with both Chainsword and Bolter, however puts out 6 attacks. So It comes out to only the efficency total to 31 points. The overall winner for firefight and melee is as expected the Veterans (Company Veterans given Storm Bolter and Chainswords). To sum up for sake of clarity and understanding. Every 2 attacks a Squad makes in a Phase, its worth 4-5 Points. Each Firefight weapon is worth 20 points (additionally 2 PowSwords = 1 Special). Heavy Style Weapons are worth 40-50 points. So If going for pure efficiency of attacks, for raw value. Company Veterans win overall, however at 5 man limitation, and lack of general flexibility its not truly comparable to the role of Troops which is to be bulk out your force. ------------------------- Each Tactical Variant by raw numbers 100 Points (no upgrades) A) Tactical, 104 points, 8 wounds, 16 Bolters at Firefight Range, 10 Attacks in Melee. B) Crusaders, 109 points, 9 Wounds, 2 Bolter Shots or 1 Pistol shot per a wound in firefight range, -----Puts out 11-20 melee (4 Wounds on 4+ Sv) C) Chaos Marine, 104 Points, 8 Wounds, 2 Bolter Shots or 1 Pistol per wound in firefight range, and -----Puts out 10-18 melee D) Grey Hunters, 98 Points, 7 Wounds, 14 Bolter shots, puts out 18 attacks in melee On a base level by attacks per point spent, Grey Hunters, win by a mile, however by durability, the Crusaders are superior. Through it should be noted, the points here semi-arbitrary, as I tried to stay in 90-110 point range. An 8th Hunter, would be 112 points, and arguably more comparable to the other squads. Now then, some readers may recall posts I made in Chaos Marine and Grey Hunter forum asking for regular loadouts. The basic answer was essentially was either 5 mans noted above or 10 man variants of that. So lets take a look at those squads. ------------ A) Tactical (included for sake of completeness): ----180ish (10 Man) 14 BolterBros in Firefight. 1 Heavy Attack. 2 Special Bro ----2 PowWeapon. 9 Melee Attacks B) Crusader: 150ish or 180ish. ---At 150: (10 Man: 6-4): 2 Bolter or 1 Pistol Attack Per Wound-2. 2 Special Bros. ---3 PowWeapon Attacks. 8-15 Melee Attacks. (4 Wounds at 4+) or ---At 180: (14 Man: 7-7): 2 Bolter or 1 Pistol Per Wound-2 in Firefight. 2 Special Bros. ---3 PowWeapon Attacks. 12-23 Melee Attacks. (7 Wounds at 4+) C) Chaos Marine* ---180ish Points: (10 Man): 2 Bolter or 1 Pistol Per Wound-3 in Firefight. 2-4 PowWeapon Attack ---1 Special Bro, 0-2 Special or 0-2 Heavy Bro, 9-16 Melee attacks. D) Grey Hunters* ---200ish Points (10 Man): 2 Bolter Per Wound-3 in Firefight. 3 Special Bros. 4-6 PowWeapon Attack ---Adds 1 to advance and charge. 16 Melee Attacks. *Plasma Pistols treated as an additional PowWeapon Attack. For large squads, Crusader 'full' squad, at 10 man is the most efficient delivery system. However the Grey Hunter is the most efficient at 3 for 70 to the Crusaders 2 for 80. As normal the Hunters shine out the other variants by raw attacks and numbers. However compare to the other three, they are 20 points more than the 180 variants. Essentially paying 20-30 points for 1 special or 2 PowWeapon, 8 attacks and the Wolf Banner. What is not shown here is the flexibility of the Tactical Squad. All the other squads are forced to maintain 10 man squad configuration and lack on battlefield adaptability. The tactical squad single advantage over its variant is has a better ability to adapt to the changing battlefield environment for 1 CP to combat squad. Other aspects not demonstrated the Crusaders could take a Heavy if they wanted too. However Crusader squads are unlikely to do if larger than 5 man (a better comparison would be replace two Neos from the efficient comparison, for a Heavy and do the math as appropriate. Now for the meat of how useful/good are Tacticals ahd their variants compared to their more specialized brethren. Tactical Squads: 180: 1 Heavy, 2 Specials, and 2 PowWeapon. 80 Points, pre-attack. 23 Attacks total. You end having 10 points in value above what you paid for. 10 Wounds Crusader Squads: 180: 2 Specials, 3 PowWeapon. 110 points pre-attack. 34 Attacks. You end up being 26 points above what you paid for. 14 Wounds 150: 2 Specials, 3 PowWeapon. 80 Points Pre-attack. 23 Attacks Total. You end up like the base tactical squads 10 above what you paid for in value. 10 Wounds Chaos Marine 180: 2 Heavy or 2 Special, 1 Special, 2-4 Pow Weapons. 90 or 60 Pre-Attack. 23 Attack Total. If special loadout you break even if Heavy loadout you gain about 32 point. 10 Wounds. Grey Hunter 200: 3 Special. 5 Pow Weapon. 90 Points Pre-Attack. 30 Attacks Total. You end up saving about 30 points more than you would. 10 Wound and Wolf Banner. Each squad actual firepower is about what you would expect given what you paid for. With the Crusader Squad is the 'cheapest' or durable method of taking 10 man squads and the double special. Chaos Marines are the most efficient load out if you take double heavy squad. However Grey Hunters are the most efficient in terms of special and pow weapon attacks, and non diffused target priorities. In time I intend to look to GK Strike Squads and Deathwatch Kill-Teams. Alongside Intercessors as a break one day because it'll be simple. Thank you for your time, critique and criticism welcome. (Forgot to mention in the main post. I am not looking/discussing Tactics in relation to these units or I’d be writing a novel)
  2. Hey everyone! So I'm working on building 4th company of the Dark Angels. I've got all six of the tactical squads on the way and I'm trying to decide on a few things. First I am running all plasma. Plasma Gun/Cannon on my normal tacs. But I need to figure out if I want to go with Combi-Plasma or Plasma Pistol & Thunder Hammer/Power Weapon. Any thoughts on the selection between those two options? Second Should I combat squad the tactical squads so I can keep the heavy weapons a little more stationary and in firing lanes?
  3. From the album: The Helion Legion

    Live Servo-skull feed depicting the Helion legion battling their most hated enemy, The Orks. Another Edited image that came from the Helion Legion's Article in White Dwarf magazine *Original Image is from White Dwarf 297 with a filter over it to look like a televised video*
  4. From the album: The Helion Legion

    Live Servo-skull feed depicting the Helion Legion on patrol *Original Image is from White Dwarf 297 with a filter over it to look like a televised video*Edited image from the Helion Legion's in white Dwarf Magazine.
  5. From the album: 30k / Heresy Salamanders

    This is a mix of the Forgeworld recon squad and Anvil Industry's, excellent, recon black ops squad
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