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Thanks for all the great comments.

@Retributis: The bone color is done with a medium brown base(which u an see on the part that attaches to the back), then a heavy drybrush of bleached bone, then a couple progressive dry brushes of bleached bone and white. Adding more white as you go. I have some that I pre-mixed and may or may not be GW paints, but that's basically it. The parts on the backpack will eventually get some more white on them, as I'm going for a dirty, warm white for the final look.

Beautiful budgie you have there!

Somebody obviously knows their way around an airbrush, never thought to ask before but what set up do you run?

But that's by the by, despite some initially suspect grot rigging that tail extension is really sharp and gives the model the balance it so desperately needs.

Looking forward to seeing how you tackle the iridescent blue/black and maybe a bit of green feathers!

I have an Iwata Eclipse HP-BSC (double action) which is about 16 years old, I think and a Badger compressor. I need a better moisture trapping system, because humidity is a constant problem here dry.png and ,of course, I always need ventilation. But I've been using one since college (the early '90's) and used to do scale aircraft models for competition all through the mid-late '90's. Regrettably, the old girl doesn't do as fine a line as she used to ( I need a couple new parts) but overall, I'm pretty pleased. I have 2 Landspeeder Storms inbound - decided NOT to do the Budgie-storm... at least for now. Definitely will be doing 1 in the above scheme, with camo & magnetized scouts.cool.png I may do both like that, since I have the paint, but I'm tempted to do one in Angry Magpie colors.:)

As for the iridescent feathers, gold is your friend. Gold drybrushed on deep black or blue, then inked with green or blue, should get the desired effect with some tinkering. And should be very eye catching.thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Well, that budgie turned out badass, that's for sure!  The camo style paintjob is nice and subtle, and really makes it "pop"! Bravo on a job well done!  Hope you can escape the florida mugginess- I practically need to turn my van into a boat with all the rain we're having here in virginia by comparison my east coast brother!

Well, that budgie turned out badass, that's for sure! The camo style paintjob is nice and subtle, and really makes it "pop"! Bravo on a job well done! Hope you can escape the florida mugginess- I practically need to turn my van into a boat with all the rain we're having here in virginia by comparison my east coast brother!

ahhh Nevada... I can spray anytime of year here.... though it did rain a bit today confused.gif

I got decals on the Stormbudgie. Then I had a little mishap when I accidentally touched the dullcoat before it was dry.wallbash.gif wallbash.gif Paint pealed right off. wacko.png I wanted a damaged area anyways.blink.png


I did manage a nice fix, without having to break out the airbrush again. Sponge painting rocks.thumbsup.gif Then I did my wash of Althonian Camoshade which I do to "low-vis" my markings and "green up" my olive a bit. Remember that Camoflage pattern.... yeah, well... its pretty much gone. ermm.gif However, the end result, with basic highlight weathering, looks pretty sweet. So much so, I've decided not to embolden the camo and leave it really subtle.



There's some more WIP pics at my blog if you are interested in them... a few too many to post here. Now, on to detail painting- paint chipping,lights, weathering powders,etc. blink.png

Cheers Ya'll!



Shocker with the dull coat but nice recovery!


Really enjoying the new camoshade finish as well, gritty!


Reading on you're blog that you actually like the budgie kit now............ To be fair so do I, but more for the opportunities that are opened up ;)


Look forward to seeing some Magpie goodness soon!

I got decals on the Stormbudgie. Then I had a little mishap when I accidentally touched the dullcoat before it was dry.wallbash.gif wallbash.gif Paint pealed right off. wacko.png I wanted a damaged area anyways.blink.png


eek.gif Man, that sucks. Glad you could fix it!

A quick update on the Inquisitor and his Cyber-pie. Maggie has a new tail, more fitting a cybernetic killing machine of her stature. Paint is next.


  • 2 weeks later...

May I present to you, Lord Inquisitor and Protectorate Lord Marshal of the Crius Archipelago, His Grace, Sir Neville Jaxi Baggibottom the Third.



And an all-around...




Base colors on the Angry Magpies Bike Sergeant.....




And the base colors on their Chaplain.....



  • 3 weeks later...

I found some scouts in my "rehab box". They had been hiding.... hiding reeeeeeal good. Those are the kind of scouts I need. Hopefully, they shoot better than my other scout squad. These guys had been slapped together for a game many moons ago, then thrown into the fishing box with all of the marines that came out of the paint stripper. So they needed to have mold lines scraped and gun barrels drilled,etc.etc.  I also converted a combi-weapon for a SGT. They'll need a new prime. And I may add some camo- as in leaves,etc or ghillie like stuff to some of the armor. It will be full camo for the paint scheme.



  • 1 year later...

HAH!  And you thought I was done with my Raptors!   I finished my Venerable Dread and have dubbed him venerable Brother Sparky, since I know how I roll with Plasma Weapons. 









  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a backlog on projects I need to finish. I just realized yesterday that the Strom Budgie still needs some details. But they are in the que... alomg with my chaos projects, my CRF projects (Tropico/Apostles of Quetza) and my languishing Ork army..... I'm sure I forgot something. :)   If only I actully played the game as much as I model, I'd be having all sorts of fun.

I do love that eagle headed siege ram! Nice work fella, much be hell keeping all those armies on the go, makes be glad I stick to one!


I imagine if I actually played the game I'd concentrate on one army at a time. Instead, I have a room full of purchases that go back 10 years that I work on as the whimsy takes me.  The worst part is I know I have bits orders laying around from one screwy idea or another that I can't even find. In the case of Strike Force Ickarius, I'll be finishing up the Ironclad, a scout squad of 10 and a Landspeeder storm team.  And that's likely it.  Its a pretty complete army and one of the few that has actually bee battle tested, albeit in the last edition. :)

Revered Brother Orkin is finished. Now he can kill bugs DEAD! Or sit in his foam case quietly like the rest of the army since I never seem to play anymore.  




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