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Bloodclaw sparring session


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*stands up from the wreckage of the table that postal threw him into. Dusts off his shoulders.*




*charges headlong at postal at the bar, crashing into him and bullrushing him through the wall into the sparring room*

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-sits down at one of the tables, drums fingers on the table thinkin who could have tampered with Forte's mug before i gave it to him-

*takes a swig of the infinite milk mug*I swear to Russ i didn't.that would be taking it to far.

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on comm link in helmet the whole time ignoring the wolves. Taking off helmet:


"...wolf and you had to do that crap to me and my subordinates? *pause* You WHAT?! *pause* No, no, no you KNOW what just happened. Surly you cant be serious? *pause* NO I DIDN'T CALL YOU 'SHIRLEY'. *pause* Wait, remember when that happened to you after the battle of Antigone Prime? Did I ever do those things to you? *pause* Oh don''t give me that crap that it was loaded. That was a fair contest! *recoils from the comm link transmitting heavy yelling* OK OK FINE! WHATEVER! Just remember, you owe me a company at Malta IV and I owe you one at Braxis. *pause* Yea, honor, glory, Russ all those things. We'll drink to it later. *pause* ok, bye.


shuts off comms


Senile, old, leathery son of a... looks at the rest of the Wolves doing 'wolfy' things


What in the Emperor's most gracious name is going on? Do I even want to know?


notices the Fenrisian moonshine in hand from Brother Crazywolf


Ay? What's this. OOoooh nooo, nooo, noo. We're not doing this again! :D NOT!


Chugs the moonshine and slams the bottle on the ground



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Someone put a laxative in Forte's ale.now hes running back and forth


I see. No amount of laxatives in this galaxy would be enough to satiate my desire to see justice done. You pups have balls, I'll give you that.

I didn't do it.

I don't feel anything wait *pauses* Oh ya nope nothing.I guess a bloodclaw or something is pulling a prank on forte.but when i find said wolf he'll wish he didn't pull the "prank"

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On comms again:


"I see... so Lukas put laxatives in the ale? *pause* You didn't dispose of the ale why? *pause* What do you mean its still good ale!? *more yelling on the other end* OK FINE


end transmission


sour old tart...

i don't think it was lukas.and its a bottomless tankard of ale.*swig mug till its empty then shows Zynk as it refills* forte is like mine but has ale not milk

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i don't think it was lukas.and its a bottomless tankard of ale.*swig mug till its empty then shows Zynk as it refills* forte is like mine but has ale not milk


That's not what the Great Wolf said...


eyes the mug warily


Besides, your mug is warp-tainted. You'll start growing things in strange places ;)

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i don't think it was lukas.and its a bottomless tankard of ale.*swig mug till its empty then shows Zynk as it refills* forte is like mine but has ale not milk


That's not what the Great Wolf said...


eyes the mug warily


Besides, your mug is warp-tainted. You'll start growing things in strange places ;)

i'm wulfen.i have a strong resistance :P

*smacks lips* that would explain that weird taste.hmmmmmmmm wheres a squig.i wonder what it would grow ;)

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i'm wulfen.i have a strong resistance ;)

*smacks lips* that would explain that weird taste.hmmmmmmmm wheres a squig.i wonder what it would grow ;)


hmmm... rubbing chin


10 minutes later




loud roaring in the background

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i'm wulfen.i have a strong resistance ;)

*smacks lips* that would explain that weird taste.hmmmmmmmm wheres a squig.i wonder what it would grow ;)


hmmm... rubbing chin


10 minutes later




loud roaring in the background

*takes out chainswords and rev them*come get some

*squig swallows me*

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"Wow...Id give it a while before anyone goes in there!


What are you covered in now Greenhorn...or do I really not want to know?"


*grabs FenrisWolf and launches him at Arez*

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*Dodges broken table bits* Watch it Fenris... That isn't nice to do to your pack mates.


*Snags one of the dazed bloodclaws from Forte's first charge* Batter up! Pitcher is ready!


*Tosses the semi aware claw to Fenris like a soft pitch* Let's see if he can make it to the pens!


Forte! Are we gonna have pitching contest? Or I think we could get a good game of 15 pins/claws going. Maybe get a Wolf Priest in here as a judge? Maybe we should do it in the hanger. That way we could use a raider as a backstop. Or at least until the Iron Priests kick us out.

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Cricket could go on for days. Not sure we would have the ability to keep this up for that long. Might run out of "balls" or ale. More likely to run out of something to pitch unless we switch to squigs. And if we do that we might get cut off the ale. :)


*catches Forte as he falls towards the floor, pushing him back upright* You feeling okay? You have been running pretty hard. Maybe you should have an ale, let me get you one... *laughing as Forte starts to pale* maybe a glass of milk to help calm your guts?

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