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Bloodclaw sparring session


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hey guys no bikkering forte got what he was going for.

An by the way we are all Space wolves here

*looks around sees red armour*

Well most of us are except that vampire there

I don't have grey armor

*get out of the leg hold*

Not nice

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*grabs Crazywolf by his ears and let's out a belch that would make a daemon think twice. Crazywolfs face turning a pale shade of green*


"You gonna let him do that to ya Greenhorn?"


*charges into FenrisWolf. Grabbing him round the waist and hoisting him off the ground before using him to slam into the other pack. Knocking several of the over*

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*regaining my composure and relatively normal skin tone* I was just tring to help... maybe you should visit the Wolf Priests for that gs, its pretty vile. Or I will find a way to use you as a viral bomb the next time we make a drop.


*heads over to join Zynk and postal and grabs a tankard on the way* this might get interesting...

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*walking towards Postal*


"What might get interesting?"


*passes Donutzot and punches his in side of the face, sending him sprawling over a nearby table*


"Think you just got what you deserved Donut" :)

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*stands up out of pile of bodies and body checks Arez into forte*


Nothing much going on. Just the usual.


*grins and grabs the haunch Arez was eating and takes a huge bite*

what ever I figured that was going to happen so i put a little laxative on it :ph34r:

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I would guess that there isn't much of a difference overall. Granted there can be multiple servitors. :tu:


Gunfire makes you excited? What do explosions do? Wait, nevermind, I don't want to know.

oh you think your funny? *throws forte at crazywolf*

do you think thats funny?

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*picking myself up out of the rubble and nocking grit off my shoulder* that definately wasn't nice. *grabs a. Fallen blood claw and uses him like an Arezhammer, bashing Arez into the opposite wall* Like being on the other end?

*eye flash yellow for a few seconds*Ha the squig hits harder.

But usinga fellow claw like that...well......not nice *charges crazy wolf*

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