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Bloodclaw sparring session


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i cut down cause you said no more ale for me only milk :lol:

"I only said it!!!! Didn't mean you have to. If I told you to start a fight with Hendrik you wouldn't......where you going....hold on....don't....oh throne"



*goes to find hendrik*

*punches hendrik in the stomach then in the face*

*comes back to forte*Ok started a fight with hendrik

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standing up from him table the mighty hendrik lets out a roar! chargin arez with his two arms outstretched arez manages to dodge them for a while until they end up each one grabbing the others hand, both trying to push eachother backwards when suddently both warriors their gaze meet eachother. instead of normal white eyes arez suddently notices hendriks are yellow. hendrik, immediatly sensing the pup is surprised by this blink of an eye to strengthen his grip. before arez manages to react the grey hunter forces arez downwards with the wrist he broke earlier, at the same time kicking arez right into the face with his knee, immediatly knocking the pup out


sorry i can't come up with something more original but it's getting really late atm :D

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*trips Arez mid charge and pins him face down*


"Are you insane letting the Wulfen loose on a brother. Think we need to take you to a priest."

*gets up*i wasn't letting the wulfen go after a brother.i do know how to control it.take me to a priest and you'll be needing one


*punches forte in the chest cracking a few bones*thats for tripping me

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Spray me and your going to need all the wolf priests and iron priest to keep you alive


You can try


aims spray bottle at Arez with malicious intent, the tension thick in the air

you forget i'm not bound by the rule "dont turn the wulfen on a wolf-brother" with you.

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"True but you'll get a few sprays and you know how much you hate that. And besides, you know the Wolf Priests love it when we go to them that they fight over who gets to deal with us."
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Spray me and your going to need all the wolf priests and iron priest to keep you alive


You can try


aims spray bottle at Arez with malicious intent, the tension thick in the air

you forget i'm not bound by the rule "dont turn the wulfen on a wolf-brother" with you.

you sure aren't arez, but by russ beware of the sentence that will follow once logan hears about this! it's also highly doubtfull you'll be able to return to our sacred meadhalls but instead will spend the rest of your days outside the fang as a fully turned wulfen

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"Sure. I'll give you a moving Target"


*hurls a stool spinning towards Crazywolf*


*drops the hoops in his hands and catches the stool.* now, now brother. Thank you for the seat. * picks up on of the nearby tables* I hear you are looking to seat a table for one! *hurls the table at Forte, then calmly sits down on the stool, sippling from a tankard someone left on the table just a moment ago.* This isn't bad, may need to find more of it. Doesn't taste funny like someone messed with it and it sure isn't milk. *laughs at the interaction between Arez and Hendrik* this is going to get ugly though.

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Spray me and your going to need all the wolf priests and iron priest to keep you alive


You can try


aims spray bottle at Arez with malicious intent, the tension thick in the air

you forget i'm not bound by the rule "dont turn the wulfen on a wolf-brother" with you.

you sure aren't arez, but by russ beware of the sentence that will follow once logan hears about this! it's also highly doubtfull you'll be able to return to our sacred meadhalls but instead will spend the rest of your days outside the fang as a fully turned wulfen

Bah!I have my company to return to.beside maybe i'll actaully be accepted there if i go wulfen..... :P


Zynk are you sure thats a good idea?

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you forget i'm not bound by the rule "dont turn the wulfen on a wolf-brother" with you.


Oh are you suuure that's a good idea?


walks closer to Arez, finger tightening on the trigger of the spray bottle


Zynk... please tell me that the spray bottle doesn't have that special mix iwe were discussing.. you know the one with the pheromones of a she wolf and OC in it. I told you that I was saving that idea for someone who REALLY earned it. These two are just having a bit of fun...

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*smashes through the thrown table and headbutts Crazywolf making him smash through the stool he was going to sit on*


"Nice try"


*said with a huge grin on his face while Crazywolf is sat at his feet, broken wood all around him and rubbing his head*

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looks at Crazywolf lying ever so peacefully on the floor


It's just water. Ice... cold... wet... water...


shows Arez a vicious smile


Go Wolfen and you might be able to beat me... that is, before the priests put you in a straight jacket and beat beast out of you with wooden spoons. All with one... little... finger...


the nozzle of the spray bottle starts to stream out a very minute amount of icy liquid that falls short of Arez. Zynk's smile widens at Arez's tensing.

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looks at Crazywolf lying ever so peacefully on the floor


It's just water. Ice... cold... wet... water...


shows Arez a vicious smile


Go Wolfen and you might be able to beat me... that is, before the priests put you in a straight jacket and beat beast out of you with wooden spoons. All with one... little... finger...


the nozzle of the spray bottle starts to stream out a very minute amount of icy liquid that falls short of Arez. Zynk's smile widens at Arez's tensing.

The thing is I know of about 20 of my company in the fang getting supplies.if they see me with priests.they will come to me and find out who made me need priests as my entire company knows i hate going to priests unless i need to get cleansed from daemonic filth.so can you handle about 20 super strong wulfen? :)

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Distracted by Arez's whimpering, Zynk notices an object coming at him in slow motion. He regards the object with curiosity, turning his head to understand the nature of why such a thing, floating through the air ever so gracefully, is being hurtled in his direction. Churning reactions in his head in fractions of a second, the Night Angel ascertains just over 60 appropriate responses to the given situation, the most tactically sound being weighed once more in his head. Appearing to reach an appropriate decision, Zynk catches the stool with his face, showering splinters in his general area.




(still in slow-mo) Out of pure reaction, Zynk throws the icy spray bottle at Arez, bursting it into tiny crystals on his chest plate. The frigid water splashes on Arez's face and seeps menacingly through his armor, causing him to yelp in terror as the liquid arctic bites down to his inner core. In the past few fractions of a moment and with a curse, Donutzot is left wondering what he has unleashed upon the Fang... Nay, the galaxy...

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Distracted by Arez's whimpering, Zynk notices an object coming at him in slow motion. He regards the object with curiosity, turning his head to understand the nature of why such a thing, floating through the air ever so gracefully, is being hurtled in his direction. Churning reactions in his head in fractions of a second, the Night Angel ascertains just over 60 appropriate responses to the given situation, the most tactically sound being weighed once more in his head. Appearing to reach an appropriate decision, Zynk catches the stool with his face, showering splinters in his general area.




(still in slow-mo) Out of pure reaction, Zynk throws the icy spray bottle at Arez, bursting it into tiny crystals on his chest plate. The frigid water splashes on Arez's face and seeps menacingly through his armor, causing him to yelp in terror as the liquid arctic bites down to his inner core. In the past few fractions of a moment and with a curse, Donutzot is left wondering what he has unleashed upon the Fang... Nay, the galaxy...

*eyes turning yellow hair growing and nail longing*you have 60 seconds Zynk to be as far as possible from here

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