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Bloodclaw sparring session


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-looks over at Arez and Zynk- looks like three of us have been in the EoT then.... interesting -thinks to self for a few minutes-

and only 1 of them isn't a whelp! <_<

I'm still a whelp by your standards.but i'm sure not the youngest.'Ell i'm older than Logan :) :down:

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-looks over at Arez and Zynk- looks like three of us have been in the EoT then.... interesting -thinks to self for a few minutes-

and only 1 of them isn't a whelp! <_<

I'm still a whelp by your standards.but i'm sure not the youngest.'Ell i'm older than Logan :) :down:


I think we should move this back to the sparring room.i think the bartender is starting picture us cleaning all this mess up.

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"Good idea.....bet I get there before you Greenhorn"


*thanks to the odd concoction of squig poo and lemon....something inside says that the mead hall is no longer a safe place to be.


Springing out of the entrance before Arez gets the chance to move....decides to lay in wait until Arez runs past him and gets tackled into a wall in one of the Fangs many hall ways.*

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-is already in the sparring room, sittin on the stand, a huge tankard of ale in one hand-

*goes and stands beside Chaptermaster*so you've been to the Eye to eh?

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"That must have been one long gestation period. Now, use a teleporter again and I'll end you as a heretic. No true son of Russ uses such trickery."


*selects an axe and dagger from the racks*

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"That must have been one long gestation period. Now, use a teleporter again and I'll end you as a heretic. No true son of Russ uses such trickery."


*selects an axe and dagger from the racks*


Zynk smirks Oh, I forgot you wolves are scared piss-less by teleporters. Only cowards flee from their fears.


Gilford rests his hand on his sword, staring straight at forte.

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*Smiles at Gilford*


"Who says we fear them. We don't trust them, true. But if your ready to have your own body pushed through the warp and take the risk of warp entities then more fool you."


*stands ready with his chosen weapons*

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i'm older than Logan cause i was gone into the EoT looking for the 13th 5 years after they went in.now unless im mistaken that was about 10,000 years ago.ive been fighting since then thats why i may not seem all that smart in other political things.

as for the teleporter the rune priests and iron priests are fine with us using them.doesnt take as much resources to teleport.


and if that honor guard attacks forte you can say good bye to him.fair warning

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i'm older than Logan cause i was gone into the EoT looking for the 13th 5 years after they went in.now unless im mistaken that was about 10,000 years ago.ive been fighting since then thats why i may not seem all that smart in other political things.

as for the teleporter the rune priests and iron priests are fine with us using them.doesnt take as much resources to teleport.


and if that honor guard attacks forte you can say good bye to him.fair warning

you know arez, the thing is, we kinda already made you a bloodclaw! :) in time you'll earn more status and become a greybeard too, choose to be a stormclaw for my part, but right now you're still a member of our new bloodclaw pack B) besides, with fellow claws like skadi, forte and north, why would you even want to be an old lonely git like that! :)


you're companies fluff and b&c-character are two entirely different things so to speak

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Gilford waits with his hand still on his sword. Zynk recognizing Gilford's wish nods approval.


Gilford strides over to forte and unsheathes one of his swords (out of two). He stands straight 10 paces away from forte, sword clenched in hand "I, Gilford of the Night Angels, do challenge thee to an honorable duel, forte of the Space Wolves, for daring to cast threat to a man above your station, my liege lord and master. Do you accept?"


Felix looks on with a smile. Zynk ignores it staring at Arez.


in a very low mumble Hmm... a brother from so long ago... rubs chin almost brings back memories...

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i'm older than Logan cause i was gone into the EoT looking for the 13th 5 years after they went in.now unless im mistaken that was about 10,000 years ago.ive been fighting since then thats why i may not seem all that smart in other political things.

as for the teleporter the rune priests and iron priests are fine with us using them.doesnt take as much resources to teleport.


and if that honor guard attacks forte you can say good bye to him.fair warning

you know arez, the thing is, we kinda already made you a bloodclaw! :) in time you'll earn more status and become a greybeard too, choose to be a stormclaw for my part, but right now you're still a member of our new bloodclaw pack ;) besides, with fellow claws like skadi, forte and north, why would you even want to be an old lonely git like that! :woot:


you're companies fluff and b&c-character are two entirely different things so to speak

i dont mind in the least that im a bloodclaw here.i need to learn to be political.and i'm staying here for abit if you'll have me :P


going to need to go back to my company in about 2 months(in real life i have to go to somewhere where theres no net :( )

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Gilford waits with his hand still on his sword. Zynk recognizing Gilford's wish nods approval.


Gilford strides over to forte and unsheathes one of his swords (out of two). He stands straight 10 paces away from forte, sword clenched in hand "I, Gilford of the Night Angels, do challenge thee to an honorable duel, forte of the Space Wolves, for daring to cast threat to a man above your station, my liege lord and master. Do you accept?"


Felix looks on with a smile. Zynk ignores it staring at Arez.


in a very low mumble Hmm... a brother from so long ago... rubs chin almost brings back memories...

Zynk is your honor guard actually trying to be start a civil duel in the fang? ha I laugh about that motion.

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looks at one of Zynk's other honer guard guys and picks up a small whit glove off the ground looks at it funny and throws it in the general direction of Zynk's honor guard whom he was looking at. then turns around and finds a place to sit down.


mumbles i wounder what that glove was for.


looks at Donutzot hey give me some of that mead man.

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stalking down the hall in only a pair of a pants, a dishevelled Nrthstar grumbles under his breath. The right side of his face freshly shaven, the other half having a decent beard from his night of sleep. In one hand is a sickly looking squig and on his right foot is the greenish brown remains of squig excrement. Passing into the training hall North spots the room full of astartes. Grumbling about finding whoever is responsible is going to pay with a half cocked and crazed look on his face, the squig in hand begins to hack and cough. A cloud of thick beard hair scatters in front of him, while his grumbling and crazed look goes unphased. Leaving the room while talking to himself, north returns the squig to his cage and vanishes back to his cell to finish shaving and put his power armor back on.
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I say the "Honour Guard" should go around the Fang and look for squigs


Not their fault you Wolves can't keep your squigs in check. Maybe you should build a better lock :)

your prissy guard i mean honour guard was the one to let them out :P

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