calgar101 Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I very much like the sound of that Ferrata. Whilst my idea is not as well thought out as yours I'll throw it in the mixing pot any way because variety is the spice of life. Several forces from numerous different chapters are fighting various forces in close proximity in the Ultima Segmentum, fighting defensive actions to keep these vital systems from falling into enemy hands. The various Imperial forces are slowly pushed back until they inevitably meet one another, reinforcements arrive and knowing that the systems cannot fall (vital industries, relics etc) they draw a line. They stall the conquest of the system and then begin a counter attack but do not stop at re-conquering just the systems they were protecting. Basically a mimic of the Zeist campaign but not just fighting the Tau and on a larger scale, however we do not need entire chapters involved (they can do if they wish) but each chapter can be represented by how ever much or little as they wish. Also an overall plot could be woven, some outside force could have engineered the systems attack (Eldar and Tzeentch spring to mind) and they plan to land a mighty and deadly blow to the Imperium at once? Just an idea and I plan to be here every step of the way, even if a company or so has to get wiped out :sick: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrata Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Quote 1. Is Petrok a mortal or a marine?2. I can only find two segentums. Is this meant to be an overall campaign or a two Segmentum campaign? Typically Lord-Commanders are Mortal (although heavily helped by modern medicine). As for the second question, I presumed Chapter 2 & 3 would have a campaign in each Segment. For example, the Skull of Saint Petrok was laid to rest on the planet Guait in Tempestus (home of his Honour Guard IG unit), his sword was taken to battle deep within Pacificus, his armour was laid in the Fortress of the Space Knights in Obscurus :sick: Quote After thinking about this I’m afraid I’m going to have to drop out from this. After reflection I’m not sure if I would have time to contribute to this project. I would rather drop out now, than later in the project and mess everyone up. That's a shame Gree - you don't have to participate in the rules if isn't your cup of tea, it isn't a lot of peoples around here :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Gree: If it's my specific post thing, ignore it. I like Ferrata's better. Calgar101: Sounds good. I assume it's a single-Segmentum campaign? Ferrata: Ok, thanks. The Red Scorpions cause me much confusion with their rank system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gree Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Ferrata said: Quote After thinking about this I’m afraid I’m going to have to drop out from this. After reflection I’m not sure if I would have time to contribute to this project. I would rather drop out now, than later in the project and mess everyone up. That's a shame Gree - you don't have to participate in the rules if isn't your cup of tea, it isn't a lot of peoples around here :sick: It's not just that, I simply decided I don't have enough time to devote to the fluff here when I have my own stories to write about that I'm behind. It's not an issue with the rules at all, but how much time I can put out, which I don't feel I can fit this into my schedule at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I'm generally good to go on this, but one sticking point (of sorts), is that despite my best efforts, I'm still not that familiar with the current rules, and thereby not as useful in the creation of rules for the Characters generated by this exercise. I'll do my best, but I think that I'm far more suited to "fluff" and small stories. If I have any money spare I may get the rule book sometime soon to be able to refamiliarise myself with the mechanics etc, although I do have "Codex:Space Marines", so that might be enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Don't worry, the rules are a secondary part, much like many of the IA books. If you can do fluff, you're good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Gree said: Ferrata said: Quote After thinking about this I’m afraid I’m going to have to drop out from this. After reflection I’m not sure if I would have time to contribute to this project. I would rather drop out now, than later in the project and mess everyone up. That's a shame Gree - you don't have to participate in the rules if isn't your cup of tea, it isn't a lot of peoples around here :P It's not just that, I simply decided I don't have enough time to devote to the fluff here when I have my own stories to write about that I'm behind. It's not an issue with the rules at all, but how much time I can put out, which I don't feel I can fit this into my schedule at all. Perhaps you could be a proof reader? I dare say that there will be elements that might not fit, or be inaccurate (accursed spelling mistakes etc) that someone isn't intimately involved in the project would be more likely to spot. That way you can still contribute (significantly), but not be tied down to schedules? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Chapter Master Ignis Domus said: Don't worry, the rules are a secondary part, much like many of the IA books. If you can do fluff, you're good. I'm better at it than rule creation, not so sure about what I do write being good though, but as I said earlier, I should have a lot of time on my hands in the next couple of weeks and intend on using a lot of it on this. It'll do me some good to get writing again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I second the motion that Gree be made proofreader, should he so volunteer. It should hopefully be less time-consuming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpecialIssue Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Here is my idea for a campaign, posted a page back but in less 1am-rant form. An Ork Waagh/splinter Hive fleet batters its way across the Ultima segmentum, with numerous chapters caught in its wake, falling back before its advance but continuing to trail and hound its progress across several sectors/subsectors. Coming in from the opposite direction, a smaller mop-up campaign is also converging, pursuing "fleeing" Eldar/Traitors, who instead are hoping to lead them into the waagh/hive fleet. The two converge on the eastern side of the Maelstrom, roughly center of the galaxy, in the Gethsemene sector; where an independent campaign is already underway, or some chapters are there for their own specific goals (Sanguinous chapters looking for relic together? Young chapters banding together for a campaign? Conclave of related chapters from different segmentums? Traitors vs. loyalists duking it out/summoning daemons? etc). This gets thrown into disarray when the waagh/hive fleet and its accompanying Astartes baggage arrives. Tempers flare and civil conflict is also provoked, as these chapters try to achieve their independent, original objective as well as help defeat the new enemy. The conflict escalates when some overall commander of Imperial forces (we'll have to thrash this out) realizes that with so many astartes holding a stake in this action, now would be the perfect time to utterly crush this Hive fleet/waaagh by getting even more astartes in. The reinforcement call is trumpeted as a "pilgrimage" for all chapters, to have an all-astartes campaign; a chance to fight solely with brothers in arms a la the Great Crusade. Many additional chapters apart from those already involved find this idea appealing, and contribute forces to first stall the enemy, before a glorious, massive final battle to destroy the threat once and for all. In the aftermath of this stunning gathering of so many astartes in one place, the Imperium seeks to repress the memory of this campaign from the public and records - in hindsight, the gathering of so many astartes together, with minimal aid of other forces to bind them to the Imperium is seen as a bad move, as an encouragement to their independence and a threat to power. The internecine warfare that breaks out in this campaign is also unwanted, and thus the campaign has been reduced to mere footnotes in official histories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Ferrata I really like your idea, in fact, I think it will work really well. Just one question, can older chapters participate later on?? Because, I know that if my chapter fought alongside him then heard some ork nicked his head, id want revenge. then, if Chaos comes knocking later on, we would be there as it is a matter of honour by then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 See here: Ferrata said: Stage 3: Allocation - Each member can then sign themselves up for a section of the campaign. We will originally operate a one member one story policy. However, if we need to double up we can and chapters can participate in two parts of the article. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Forcystus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Man this thread moves fast. Just wanted to chime in and say I find Ferrata's idea to bee very cool so far and will be looking forward to see if/how it evolves over the course of this project. Should I think of any plot contributions of my own I will share them but for now it seems to be evolving well without me messing with it lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crusader of Dorn Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 The Crusades to reclaim lost relics seems like a good base story, and has potential to incorporate other members suggestions quite well. The advance through timelines sounds fun and older chapter could have a sense of "here we go again" as it progresses. I also like the prospect of our chapters forming bonds and rivalries throughout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felwether Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Sounds like a great idea. The premise is nice and simple and broad enough to have sub-plots woven into the story. I'll help in whatever capacity I can. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stilettoblade Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I think Ferrata's plan sounds like it could be pretty cool. On the early/late parts and old/young chapters, while it would be nice for later events to focus more on the younger chapters than the older chapters that already got their spotlight events, it would certainly be silly to ignore the earier chapters entirely across the board, as Bohemond pointed out, if some new menace slaps them in the face by basically undoing one of their previous accomplishments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I need to add the fifth and final part, but alas, I must switch devices, and am posting it here as a method of saving it. Meant to be for one sector, preferably Ultima, but can be adapted to use all of them or any one of them with minimal effort. 1. On the world of Septar IX, a coven of Chaos cultists begins a ritual that will summon the mighty daemon Aer’Gathon(pronounced air-gaut-hon), Slaughterer of a Thousand Souls. Hearing of this, a group of chapters set out to stop the ritual before the daemon is summoned, an event that could set the forces in the are back many years. They arrive just in time, and embark upon their pods immediately. However, they reach the central chamber too late, and the daemon is summoned, though not entirely, which has an interesting side effect, the ability to regenerate without living in the Warp for many years. There forces are not strong enough to simultaneously defend the complex from outside attack and defeat the daemons inside, so they pull out, vowing to slay the daemon. 2. One of the chapters finds Aer’Gathon when a distress call is issued by the forge world of Septimus Delta MF-24987, known to its non-Mechanicus inhabitants as Sedemf. As it is a forge world, a critical part of the Imperial war machine, several other chapters respond to the distress call an d come to the defense of the world, along with a fleet of warships and transports. Mere days later, the invasion force falls upon the fleet with murder in their souls. Though the fleet fights valiantly, with many battle honors and heroic actions being added to annals, it is ultimately forced to retreat, leaving the planet open to invasion. Upon landing, Aer’Gathon and his warriors meet stiff resistance, and the battle draws into a stalemate. After both sides are reinforced several times through daring raids, the Imperium gains the advantage, with the chapter master of the original chapter slaying the daemon in single combat, pronouncing his quest complete. 3. Many millennia later, Aer’Gathon stirs up a local population on an obscure world, then disappears, only to start another rebellion, and another, and another, until Astartes are called in. They penetrate the defenses all the way up to the inner sanctum, but find it empty, but for a few words on the wall, written in blood: Aer’Gathon the Immortal has come...and he shall never leave. 4. The original [number] chapters are greatly disturbed by this, as are the others who have fought him over the centuries. They convene a council, only for it to devolve into a shouting match, with old rivalries gained over the years and alliances formed during conflict dividing the group until [number(3?)] obvious factions are visible: [i don’t want to decide these until we know what chapters are in , and what they want to do]. The three coteries go their separate ways, vowing once again on the same sword used all those millennia ago, when the first body was called together, to pursue the tyrant unceasingly until either they or him are dead. They all meet with failure, and form a third committee, where they unite under one leader, and go forth to pursue the daemon. 5. Discovering that the Eldar have killed the daemon once more, the Chief Librarian of the [insert chapter] receives a vision: He shall return in six days to his nearby stronghold of Vicente VII. Making all haste, the fleet jumps to Vicente, where the daemon has just regained consciousness. Aer'Gathon immediately begins organising the fleet to repel the invaders, beginning the Siege of Vicente VII, an epic battle that features prominently in the Compilium of Strant, a historical tome well-known throughout the region. After an epic battle,[bFG moment!] a small group of battle barges and strike cruisers bravely punches straight through the defending fleet, losing many, but allowing the drop pods and Thunderhawks valuable launch time. The last transmission from the final barge reads 'Through our deaths, millions are saved. Strike him down, brothers.' Landing on the planet, the marines immediately set up a defensive position with the aid of the ships' techmarines. They then send out scouts to locate Aer'Gathon. He is found, not in the citadel, as expected, but in the city of Aerkronesh, the place where he was resurrected, and the location of a temple in his honor. The force immediately sets out for the city, encountering little resistance en route. Upon reaching the city, they open fire on the walls, only for a massive army to surround them outside the walls, pressing them against the massive bastions. They manage to send out a single signal, which, through some miracle of the Emperor, is heard by the fleet above, who have just managed to push through the defenses at a point directly above the city. Much like their namesake, the reinforcements plummet from the sky, while Thunderhawks and Imperial Navy craft attack the Chaos fighters. Arriving just in time to save the few remaining squads, the reinforcements set out to slaughtering their foes. Using their newly acquired air superiority, they swiftly eliminate the outer army. They then turn to the walls, which present a large obstacle. After many, many days of fighting, a breach is created, and the marines pour through, followed by Storm Trooper companies and armor. The Guard begin taking the walls and purging the city, but the marines have only one objective: Aer'Gathon. After an epic duel with several of the leaders on both sides, the Chapter Master of [chapter], together with a librarian coven, slays the daemon, trapping his soul forever in the city. The forces then pull out, and an Exterminatus is carried out by the battle barges. The system is declared off-limits by Inquisitor [name]. I apologise for the wall of text, and hope you enjoy. Temporary save so I don't lose this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Oooo, I likey.... Could work for another storyline, because it seems a bit....old chapters club... Thats all i noticed. Ferrata's one had the method of bringing all segmentums and eras in to the conflict. But something could be done about both, I really like both ideas...maybe we need a vote on which one we do use as our main story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Well, the old chapters are only involved in the first part, and everyone's in the 4th and fifth. I intend to write up more ideas for the other Segmentums, or make this one connecting all Segmentums. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crusader of Dorn Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I like the ideas thus far but think they need to be opened up to include other races/aspects maybe. The potential to mix and match components from several ideas is apealing. Perhaps those inclined to do so should post a brief synopsis of their proposed campign (pretty much whats already been posted, but more) and we'll see if we can mix it up abit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Hah! Finished the wall o' text. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Chapter Master Ignis Domus said: Telanicus: Excellent! Always good to have more Obscurians. I assume they split from the legion before the 11th Founding? No, they split before the 25th. The chapter they split from, the Primaris Legion, was founded during the 24th founding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Well as the Iron Gauntlet seems to have died again I might tentatively put my name forward here, at least for my Traitor Iron Dragons and possibly my Loyalist new idea that I'm working on. I actually have a good idea for Feratta's idea with my new loyalist force crusading for ages against a particular foe for one of the relics, only to discover after a bloody long and gruelling campaign that they have got the wrong place and the relic is no longer there. ;) Just a little bit of irony on my part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chapter Master Ignis Domus Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Telanicus: Ah, I misunderstood. I had thought you meant one of the original legions when you said Primaris Legion. Sorry, my mistake. ;) Silver Phoenix: As long as you can bring something concrete to offer(not necessarily cash, I also accept gold, rare earth metals, and technology :D ), you can ignore the deadline. And based on your enthusiasm for the Iron Gauntlet, for which we will ignore my total failure, I'd say you definitely have something concrete. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heru Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Silver Phoenix said: Well as the Iron Gauntlet seems to have died again There is another example of what I was saying earlier! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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