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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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WEll if we go with Feratta's idea I imagine that it would essentially be several different conflicts that are, ultimately linked but not so much to the eyes of those fighting. For example I imagine the first section, Petrok's Campaign, would be called the <Insert System Name> Crusade or the Petrokian Crusade. Then the various campaigns to recover the lost relics or indeed how they were lost in the first place would probably go by a various number of names and titles, as they are essentially different skirmishes entirely. Finally the last section where the sector becomes overwhelmed by Chaos would be known as either the Second <Insert System Name> Crusade or, if the Imperium become aware of Petrok's true motives (which I think it would be cool if they didn't, that only the traitors know) then I imagine it would be called the Petrokian Heresy. All in all the string of articles/campaigns would be known as the Legend of the Damned Saint Petrok, or whatever Feratta originally called it.
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I shall continue my evil story plan (or discuss other ideas I had associated with it), and then I'll look through everyones stories and see where we can mearge them together.

  • The relics were actually stolen either by the Eldar or their theft was orchestrated by the Eldar (getting the Orks to attack here etc).
  • This was because they knew the Imperium was going to relocate them all back to the Petrok's world which would lead to terrible events.
  • Unfortunately, the Imperium gets them back and does it anyway.
  • Petrok was actually a Chaos worshipper all along, and his crusade was just a sacrafice to the blood good. His return to his planet causes tremendous upheavel in the warp, beckoning all those that follow the Dark Gods to his cause (hence why the rebellions).


Why a particularlly secular chapter chases after relics? Well, it could be a purely landmass thing to them. Destroyed an Ork warhost is a good thing no matter the reason you do it. Defending Imperial planets etc.


Oh. Freaking. Wow.


Well, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this Campaign. :(

EDIT: Correction, if we can go the undivided route, I'll have a lot of fun with this campaign.


My devious traitor Rift Lords are totally going to toy with the mindset of everyone working in the Obscurus part of the Campaign well in advance to the big revelation.

'Course, none of the loyalists will listen to them. Or will they...? :P

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I shall continue my evil story plan (or discuss other ideas I had associated with it), and then I'll look through everyones stories and see where we can mearge them together.

  • The relics were actually stolen either by the Eldar or their theft was orchestrated by the Eldar (getting the Orks to attack here etc).
  • This was because they knew the Imperium was going to relocate them all back to the Petrok's world which would lead to terrible events.
  • Unfortunately, the Imperium gets them back and does it anyway.
  • Petrok was actually a Chaos worshipper all along, and his crusade was just a sacrafice to the blood good. His return to his planet causes tremendous upheavel in the warp, beckoning all those that follow the Dark Gods to his cause (hence why the rebellions).


Why a particularlly secular chapter chases after relics? Well, it could be a purely landmass thing to them. Destroyed an Ork warhost is a good thing no matter the reason you do it. Defending Imperial planets etc.



I think the Relics should be stolen by Eldar but use the Orks as a distraction. If the relics are that important why would they leave it to someone else to steal.


Just going to throw in another ideal to think about :( , Maybe each relic could represent one of the chaos gods? A weapon for Khorne, skull for Nurgle, Armour? for Tzeentch and banner? For Slaanesh. Petrok or who ever might have to get his hands an all of them to become a true champion/deamon prince of chaos undivided.

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I will suggest that Petrok's goal/aim was to ascend/reincarnate as a daemon prince. At the Imperial ceremony that honors and finally puts his relics to rest, the sky turns dark, lightning crashes, and all of creation laughs at the irony of the situation, as the 'Saint' is recognized for his butchering of billions. Out of the relics grows something horrible, taking the flesh of everyone at the ceremony as its own, Petrok finally achieving his 'sainthood'.


As for stealing and scattering the relics - I suggest the Dark Eldar - like others have said, I am frankly sick and tired of seeing "it was the Eldar that did it" in DOW. Besides, wouldn't the Eldar just destroy the relics? Deldar just do it for giggles to screw with the Imperium. Or maybe even just a combo of outside intervention and 'bad luck'?

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As for stealing and scattering the relics - I suggest the Dark Eldar - like others have said, I am frankly sick and tired of seeing "it was the Eldar that did it" in DOW. Besides, wouldn't the Eldar just destroy the relics? Deldar just do it for giggles to screw with the Imperium. Or maybe even just a combo of outside intervention and 'bad luck'?


Very true, but what if one of the Relics contained stolen Spirit Stones of powerful Eldar? The Eldar could be trying to get them back before they are used as a sacrifice to the dark gods?

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How about orks corrupted by chaos rather than the eldar manipulating them, because i have to agree that using the craftworld eldar atleast is very similar to dawn of war. I would personally prefer my chapter to fight xenos, although any target would be wel recieved.
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How about orks corrupted by chaos rather than the eldar manipulating them, because i have to agree that using the craftworld eldar atleast is very similar to dawn of war. I would personally prefer my chapter to fight xenos, although any target would be wel recieved.




Can Orks be corrupted by chaos? and Orks are nothing more than single-minded killing machines, would they bother to steal anything? I agree Eldar are a bit too Dow, but who else can we use? Dark Eldar maybe? Necrons? Tau? A Rival Chaos Lord? Chaos cult? Genestealer Cult? I don't know :( , As long as my marines get to kill something I don't mind ;) :)

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Well as this concerns all of us, lets vote for the core storyline.


I say yay to petroks crusade.


There have been a few ideas offered, i guess now its up to the project leader to decide which elements are incorparated.

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I like the circularity of "The Petrokian Crusade", then assorted hilarity, then "The Petrokian Heresy" for the names.

I also throw my vote in for Dark Eldar, screwing with this (apparently) Imperial Saint for kicks and giggles, and not even realizing they've actually stolen the components of a major daemon summoning/world breaker/whatever giant red herring.

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As for stealing and scattering the relics - I suggest the Dark Eldar - like others have said, I am frankly sick and tired of seeing "it was the Eldar that did it" in DOW. Besides, wouldn't the Eldar just destroy the relics? Deldar just do it for giggles to screw with the Imperium. Or maybe even just a combo of outside intervention and 'bad luck'?

It is actually one of the few things DoW got right about the background. The Eldar really suck at open warfare - they don't have the numbers to really do it. They work best through other people, seeing the long game and working out how to turn it to their advantage. The Eldar couldn't assault a Fortress but could easily play the cards so the Orks do. Why they didn't destroy the relics? Well, that is always the question. If they couldn't get their hands on them, they couldn't destroy them. Or maybe they just needed to get them away from the Imperium so we wouldn't return them.......


*please be patient, some words have just appeared in Ferrata's head*


"If I die here today, then you must promise me that you shall follow this Will. If today is my last day in this Universe, then thank the God-Emperor for the time he has allowed me. Though I have accomplished much, there is much I still wish to do. If I die today, take my body and boil away my flesh. Wrap my bones the dark red satin of my home world. Send them to lay to rest in the Chappell of Ebony Druids were my bodyguard find their souls, for I wish to walk the fields they have told me much about. Take my skull, clad it in the bronze from my ancient Chimera, and grant it to those who guard the Eye of Terror. Though I might have died, I must see the evil that lies there, I must learn about their power. My sword, my sword must be used by the greatest defenders of our faith. Grant it to the Inquisition for all their honour and knowledge must be protected with my blade. Finally, take my banner and let it forever adorn the walls of the Grey Wyverns for they have been my greatest warriors. Let me honour them by standing forever by their side.


If I die here today, you must do this for me acolyte, you must. But remember, on the turn of the eighth millennia since my death I must return to this place, to where I died. If you do this, if you do all this for me, I will return to you, I shall embody a power beyond my mortal frame. Promise me acolyte, promise me in blood!"



Tonight or tomorrow, I will have a full read through all the ideas and see how we can mearge as many as possible into one.

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Perhaps it not that they don't want to destory them, even tried .... but they can't.




Perhaps one of the missions will be recovering a part while they are trying (and failing) to destory it through some arcane ceremony?

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If petrok is a khornate follower, how about a khorne - nurgle alliance? With plauges erupting throughout the sectors trying to draw away imperial forces from the relics. I dont know, i guess i like the idea of plauge zomies being involved somewhere. :D
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I was bored and wrote this, it's not great and I'm certainly not shotgunning my Chapter the right to bear his skull, because, lets be fair, that's unlikely to happen, but I'll post it anyway for you to all make fun of my low grade fluff writing :(... o and given we haven't done the story that's fine, I just like the idea of smacking a world eater down with a skull!


"Master Sergeant Leontius pressed hard against the grip of his chainsword and felt the traitor’s armour begin to buckle beneath his assault, hot gore spraying his sable armour. Ducking a final assault from the World Eater he brought the Saint’s Skull swinging around in a high arc before hammering it down into the leering mask of his opponent; the heavy blow from the bronze clad weapon eliciting a sickening crunch of ceramite and bone. Pushing the fallen Astartes away Leontius sucked in a ragged breath, his super-human physiology working hard to repair the damage his body had sustained thus far. Around him battle raged, elements of the Night Scorpion’s 6th company along with an array of Brother Chapters fought a running battle against a veritable army of Chaos Astartes. Heavy ordnance fell into the ranks of both combatants, the deep rumbles shaking the very ground he stood on as small calibre rounds raked the brothers around him. The taste of coppery vita in his mouth refocused his momentarily roaming senses back to the task at hand. No matter what the cos he, and the Imperium of Man, would see the Saint’s skull returned… “No matter what”


~Gil ;)

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Looking at my brother Chapters in Obscurus, and most of us are early foundings, with the maybe exception of the Sanguinary Crusaders.


I'm pretty pleased with that, as that means we can have an awful lot of foreshadowing in the run up to the larger conflicts, especially if my Rift Lords get involved. :D


EDIT: Assuming the whole thing doesn't start in Obscurus anyway, that is.

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I hope someone has Iron Snakes, cuz they're gonna be po'd that the bad guy has the same name as their Chapter master, hahaha. In any case, if we stick to a Chaos theme, then the primary leader should probably be Chaos undivided with those of other allegiances flocking to his banner as he successfully turns our little portion of the Imperium on its ear. It also would make a little more sense as he seeks to attain whatever level of power as he has to spend the time (long campaign) to curry favor with all of the gods of the Warp.


I would second an Eldar faction other than the craftworlders, unless this touches upon one of the Maiden worlds. Then it could be the engineering of a number of Eldar factions such as the Exodites and the Corsairs, which would leave them nominally allied (potentially) with their more powerful craftworld brethren. It just doesn't seem that the Dark Eldar put much into stuff that doesn't lead to slave taking. These machinations just appear to be on a grander scale than they tend to think along.


As for influencing orks, while it's just a novel, we do see the Dark Eldar manipulating them in Brothers of the Snake, so it's not entirely unheard of.

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"If I die here today, then you must promise me that you shall follow this Will. If today is my last day in this Universe, then thank the God-Emperor for the time he has allowed me. Though I have accomplished much, there is much I still wish to do. If I die today, take my body and boil away my flesh. Wrap my bones the dark red satin of my home world. Send them to lay to rest in the Chappell of Ebony Druids were my bodyguard find their souls, for I wish to walk the fields they have told me much about. Take my skull, clad it in the bronze from my ancient Chimera, and grant it to those who guard the Eye of Terror. Though I might have died, I must see the evil that lies there, I must learn about their power. My sword, my sword must be used by the greatest defenders of our faith. Grant it to the Inquisition for all their honour and knowledge must be protected with my blade. Finally, take my banner and let it forever adorn the walls of the Grey Wyverns for they have been my greatest warriors. Let me honour them by standing forever by their side.


If I die here today, you must do this for me acolyte, you must. But remember, on the turn of the eighth millennia since my death I must return to this place, to where I died. If you do this, if you do all this for me, I will return to you, I shall embody a power beyond my mortal frame. Promise me acolyte, promise me in blood!"



I like this; :D it could just a simple matter of each of the relics being lost or these places falling to the enemy over the 8 millennia. The story could turn into myth in till one of the relics is re-discovered. Eldar/Orks or whoever might not even realize what they have/found until a space marine army is on their door step. I could imagine a great Ork warlord just taking the sword off a dead Inquisitor and using it himself. ;) Or having to clear a Tyranid infested planet just to recover a banner.

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An interesting taster.


I'm wondering how the detailed parts of the books are to be done, are we to write and submit our own fluff once we have a clear outline of our chapters task? or are we to allow the use of our chapter in any capacity required by the project leader?


Seeing as it will be hard for a member to know the intimate details of each chapter participating, (the founding dates issue being a small example) how about some sort of Q&A session held by the chosen sector leaders? I only ask about this because if its decided one chapter gets mauled at some point, the owner may not like it. There are of course other scenarios this may apply to.

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"If I die here today, then you must promise me that you shall follow this Will. If today is my last day in this Universe, then thank the God-Emperor for the time he has allowed me. Though I have accomplished much, there is much I still wish to do. If I die today, take my body and boil away my flesh. Wrap my bones the dark red satin of my home world. Send them to lay to rest in the Chappell of Ebony Druids were my bodyguard find their souls, for I wish to walk the fields they have told me much about. Take my skull, clad it in the bronze from my ancient Chimera, and grant it to those who guard the Eye of Terror. Though I might have died, I must see the evil that lies there, I must learn about their power. My sword, my sword must be used by the greatest defenders of our faith. Grant it to the Inquisition for all their honour and knowledge must be protected with my blade. Finally, take my banner and let it forever adorn the walls of the Grey Wyverns for they have been my greatest warriors. Let me honour them by standing forever by their side.


If I die here today, you must do this for me acolyte, you must. But remember, on the turn of the eighth millennia since my death I must return to this place, to where I died. If you do this, if you do all this for me, I will return to you, I shall embody a power beyond my mortal frame. Promise me acolyte, promise me in blood!"



I like this; :D it could just a simple matter of each of the relics being lost or these places falling to the enemy over the 8 millennia. The story could turn into myth in till one of the relics is re-discovered. Eldar/Orks or whoever might not even realize what they have/found until a space marine army is on their door step. I could imagine a great Ork warlord just taking the sword off a dead Inquisitor and using it himself. ;) Or having to clear a Tyranid infested planet just to recover a banner.

More ideas...


For whichever relic winds up in Obscurus - say we have a small group of eccentric pilgrims who want to take the relic to where Petrok died. Then said small group is attacked by Chaos forces (including my Rift Lords) and only the intercession of the Obscurus Chapters will prevent the relic falling into enemy hands. The Chaos forces will fight for a bit, then retreat. The Loyalists accompany the pilgrimage, killing anything stupid enough to try and stop them from returning the relic - say, some Eldar who know that it's really not a good idea to return the relic, or some Orks who think the relic would look killer mounted on their Warboss's Trukk.


And the Chaos forces can sit back and gloat, knowing (but not saying too much about it!) that the Loyalists are now going to fight like madmen to do the Traitor's dirty work for them.

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"If I die here today, then you must promise me that you shall follow this Will. If today is my last day in this Universe, then thank the God-Emperor for the time he has allowed me. Though I have accomplished much, there is much I still wish to do. If I die today, take my body and boil away my flesh. Wrap my bones the dark red satin of my home world. Send them to lay to rest in the Chappell of Ebony Druids were my bodyguard find their souls, for I wish to walk the fields they have told me much about. Take my skull, clad it in the bronze from my ancient Chimera, and grant it to those who guard the Eye of Terror. Though I might have died, I must see the evil that lies there, I must learn about their power. My sword, my sword must be used by the greatest defenders of our faith. Grant it to the Inquisition for all their honour and knowledge must be protected with my blade. Finally, take my banner and let it forever adorn the walls of the Grey Wyverns for they have been my greatest warriors. Let me honour them by standing forever by their side.


If I die here today, you must do this for me acolyte, you must. But remember, on the turn of the eighth millennia since my death I must return to this place, to where I died. If you do this, if you do all this for me, I will return to you, I shall embody a power beyond my mortal frame. Promise me acolyte, promise me in blood!"



I like this; :) it could just a simple matter of each of the relics being lost or these places falling to the enemy over the 8 millennia. The story could turn into myth in till one of the relics is re-discovered. Eldar/Orks or whoever might not even realize what they have/found until a space marine army is on their door step. I could imagine a great Ork warlord just taking the sword off a dead Inquisitor and using it himself. :P Or having to clear a Tyranid infested planet just to recover a banner.

More ideas...


For whichever relic winds up in Obscurus - say we have a small group of eccentric pilgrims who want to take the relic to where Petrok died. Then said small group is attacked by Chaos forces (including my Rift Lords) and only the intercession of the Obscurus Chapters will prevent the relic falling into enemy hands. The Chaos forces will fight for a bit, then retreat. The Loyalists accompany the pilgrimage, killing anything stupid enough to try and stop them from returning the relic - say, some Eldar who know that it's really not a good idea to return the relic, or some Orks who think the relic would look killer mounted on their Warboss's Trukk.


And the Chaos forces can sit back and gloat, knowing (but not saying too much about it!) that the Loyalists are now going to fight like madmen to do the Traitor's dirty work for them.


Sounds good :P I was thinking something along the lines of A company of space marine defend a planet from Ork attack. After the battle they recover an old sword from the body of the warlord. It’s soon discovered it is the legendary sword of ? Said to have been lost millennia ago with the death of Inquisitor “bob”. Its not until after they return the sword that they find out about the myth and the other relics.... The hunt begins <_<

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i don't mind dark eldar or orks. as long as My Zealot Squads under Chaplain-Zealot Arca Khalidus can draw massive amounts of blood in honor of the Machine God, My blades are ready!
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