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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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so how exactly do we write our piece into the fluff part? how long should it be?

The intention is that we will soon split into our different sections (obviously you can take part in the different bits) were individual section leaders will play the same role to what I have been doin (so, not turning up when I have meant to ;)). They will help the group thrash out a piece of work, around the length of an IA (so say 3000-5000 words). Each section can choose whether they have one writer or multiple writers etc. I will occasional throw out little projects for everyone to do (like a one sentence description of your chapter etc).

so how exactly do we write our piece into the fluff part? how long should it be?

The intention is that we will soon split into our different sections (obviously you can take part in the different bits) were individual section leaders will play the same role to what I have been doin (so, not turning up when I have meant to :D). They will help the group thrash out a piece of work, around the length of an IA (so say 3000-5000 words). Each section can choose whether they have one writer or multiple writers etc. I will occasional throw out little projects for everyone to do (like a one sentence description of your chapter etc).


Well, I'll put my name in the hat as a possible writer for 2A or 4. Just 4 if I have to pick only one section.


Since my Chaos Marines are playing the opposition there, I'd like to at least have a shot at making them a credible threat. ;)

My Adamantium Dragons have been re-worked quite a bit since this thread started.


Now they are the Dragons of the Void.


You can see the development thread, the IA, and some pix in my siggy.


Also, does any other chapter want to compete with the DotV for command of space bound operations for parts 4 to 6? I figured since my chapter is fleet based, and heavily so, they would be the ideal leaders for naval combat. I'm not saying that my chapter master is better than yours or anything :lol: I just think it fits with my fluff. Does any other chapter like to push buttons and watch thousands of enemies die.....from space?!?!?!?!


My chapter has boatloads of experience fighting in space, but not so much in ground, so they may only deploy their first company (the other companies will be repelling boarding actions and the like during most of this, and since both ally and enemy fleets will be popping in and out of the sub-sector where this all goes down, I figured there would be plenty to do in space, and the other chapters could have their moments of glory on the ground, supported by the DotV special artillery and veteran squads. Does that sound good, my fellow Astartes involved in 4, 5, and 6? I will also be able to supply the forces for this (with a chapter forge ship) so if you want to mention DotV thunderhawks bringing in munitions or something, that would be cool, too. Oh, and don't forget orbital bombardments during the calmer space action, either. My chapter still has a lot to contribute to the fight, so if anyone wants to just blurb them in, that is just fine.


Any other questions, just PM me or something.


EDIT: Just think, while you guys are all fighting and whatnot on the ground, wrecked spaceships will be burning up in the atmosphere and raining explosive wrecks down on the battlefield. Kind of like in the Grey Knights Omnibus. Imagine fighting crazy chaos with THAT!

For now, what I want each person to do is post a reply that only says:


Chapter - Section - Link to most up-to-date IA.


This is so that people can be reading through the IAs involved in their sections to get a feel of the other chapters around them.


Chapter 2C


Bahltimyr Reavers


Please Bear in mind that on Sunday, I'll be making a few changes to them, so don't set anything that is there at present in stone. It'll mainly consist of a few tweaks to make them easier to er deal with ^_^

My Adamantium Dragons have been re-worked quite a bit since this thread started.


Now they are the Dragons of the Void.


You can see the development thread, the IA, and some pix in my siggy.


Also, does any other chapter want to compete with the DotV for command of space bound operations for parts 4 to 6? I figured since my chapter is fleet based, and heavily so, they would be the ideal leaders for naval combat. I'm not saying that my chapter master is better than yours or anything :P I just think it fits with my fluff. Does any other chapter like to push buttons and watch thousands of enemies die.....from space?!?!?!?!


Speaking as one of (possibly the only) bad guy in act 4, I'm sure I can accomodate some space-borne combat.


Although for my current plan to work out, the first part of the combat will ideally take place on some shrine world that one of the relics is being taken to prior to the actual transfer to it's intended location.

So any space-fighting will probably take place in the latter half of Act 4, if that makes sense.


It occurs that the Rift Lords and their assorted henchmen are ideal for act 4, in that it's very much in their character to mainpulate events all over the place, attacking forces transporting the relics with just enough force to make the Loyalists get really serious about protecting the relics. Then they'll retreat, and watch the Imperials smash their way through any obstacles (eldar, maybe? Other, sacrificial warbands?) on the way to wherever they're going, guaranteeing the arrival of the relics on time.


EDIT: Just think, while you guys are all fighting and whatnot on the ground, wrecked spaceships will be burning up in the atmosphere and raining explosive wrecks down on the battlefield. Kind of like in the Grey Knights Omnibus. Imagine fighting crazy chaos with THAT!

I'll promise you now, bits of falling traitor spaceship are not landing on my Riftmark*. :)

*Uh, read that as like second-in-command to the Big Cheese if you're not familiar with my Rift Lords already.

Cool mental image, though. :D

The Paladrean Knights, based in Ultima. Chapters 1, 5 and 6.


linky to IA, this is current as of today, bear in mind that there will be more fleshing out soon...but this current IA shows their basic combat drill and honour.

Just a quick thought about the need for more Traitors, what about using current Chaos forces, warbands from the Word Bearers/Night Lords etc.


XKhalilX had plans to beat up some Word Bearers, so I guess there'll be some Legion involvement. :D

Chapter: Knights Valiant


Link to most up-to-date IA: Ummmm... none at the moment; but hopefully soon! (i.e. in a week) :D


For those people who want to read about my Chapter, they have very strong Romano-British and Celtic influences; some quick points:

- Homeworld: Mengelqyr - Colours: experimenting with woad blue or green with gold edging

- Codex Organisation, but First Company is completely made of PA Veteran squads - all terminator armour is reserved for an elite formation known as the Lyons' Company who hang out with the Chapter Master. They're called the Lyons' Company because the first Master was called +++ Lyons. Thinking about first name.

- Also, because of that, the Master drops his surname for "Lyons", similar to the Forgefathers of the Salamanders.

- Captain = Chief-Commander, Chapter Master = Knight-Commander


My fluff for the Chapter's involvement so far.


Didn't realise my Rift Lords would be quite that outnumbered.


Dont forget the Iron Dragons have a hide out in the Shroud Stars. And they owe allegence to the Rift Lords for letting them keep an outpost there. Maybe they can draw on some of the Dragons to help cause trouble. Stay tuned for the IT for further details...

Marines Invictus - Rigrot Waaagh! and crusades of honour.


Fleet based - known major warships - Blade of Light (flagship battle battle barge), Indomitable Will - strike cruiser


Current chapter master - Tyrus Greich.


Dont think my time constraints will allow me to be a section lead writer, though i can chip in.

Dont forget the Iron Dragons have a hide out in the Shroud Stars. And they owe allegence to the Rift Lords for letting them keep an outpost there. Maybe they can draw on some of the Dragons to help cause trouble. Stay tuned for the IT for further details...


I didn't want to volunteer anyone else's warband for a beatdown.

That and the Rift Lords are sticking exclusively to their parts - but I suppose some interaction between my Riftmark in the Campaign and the leader of your Dragons at the swap-over point could be neat.


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