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Chaos Space Wolves - Skyrar's Dark Wolves


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I made some progress on my display board. Here are some first pics...


I started by placing all my figs on the display tray so I could get a feel of how much space everything will take up. As expected, I will need to leave several of the drop pod closed as the army otherwise will not fit on the 50cmx60cm board.




I then traced a line on the board for where I wanted the levels to be. I then removed the figs so I could fit the first layer of foam .




Next up was tracing out the final layer of foam. All the foam will still need some work to make the edges more detailed but that's for next time.




It might look that not all the figs are visibile but when you are standing next to the board, you now can see all the figs without the drop pods obstructing view.




Comments welcome!

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I made some further progress on my display board this weekend.


First of all I glued some foam on the underside of the wood backing of the frame. Now I can easily put my fingers underneath the edges of the board to move it and the weight no longer rests on the fragile plastic frame.




I also used my hot wire foam cutter to work out the rock facings. I then traced out the same area in foamboard. I will be using the foamboard to make the slots for the bases. It was a bit of work to make the edges line up as good as possible. I'll propably have to touch it up after undercoating it as such things usualy show up better with a layer of paint on it.




I then did a quick test for the slots of the bases with a spare piece of foamboard. I traced round the bases and then cut them out of the foam.




I then pushed in these metal plates I bought at the local hardware store. They were the least expensive option that I came up with.




And here's a picture of what it will look like with the models in place.



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Be carefull how you undercoat your display board as the accelerant in spray paint will eat the foam in your rocks/ between the foam board either paint it by hand or give it a good coat of pva/white glue & water first to protect it


I will be using my airbrush for that, using the vallejo undercoat paints. So I don't expect any problems with that. But I will try it out on a seperate piece just to make sure ...

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I made a small bit of progress today. All the spaces for the models have been cut out of the foamboard. I tried to do this as even as I could but some of them are quite a bit uneven. I might need to cover some of this up with some green stuff.



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The next step is also done: gluing all the metal pieces to the board.




Next up is adding stones and snow drifts to the open parts so it fits with my bases.

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I made a lot of progress on my display board the last few days. I first applied a layer of watered down white glue on the side areas that were going to get painted. I also glued the foamboard to the foam but I kept the different levels still apart. Today, after that had dried, I pulled out the airbrush and painted the sides black and the top parts white.




After that had dried, I painted the stones black, touched up the white where necessary and then drybrushed all the stone areas just like I did with my bases.




Next up is glueing the different levels together and then flocking the board with snow.


I also magnetised all the bases of my space wolf models. I'll post some pictures of those in the next few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The display board is finaly finished! I'm quite happy with the result.


I had to change the way I went about flocking the board. For this result, I used a mix of watered down white glue and bicarbonate of soda, applying the paste in blobs and then brushing them open with a wet paintbrush.




And some close-ups ...








And off course with the miniatures on ...


















And as promised some pics of how I magnetised the figures itself.


For the 25mm bases, I put a small dot of superglue on the underside of the base, added a tiny ball of green stuff and another drop of superglue and then pushed the small magnet into the green stuff. If you do this, keep in mind you push it in deep enough so that the magnet doesn't stick out beyond the rim off the base.




For the 40mm bases, I added a small bit of green stuff into one of the holes already on the bases, added a drop of superglue and then pushed in a magnet (these fitted perfectly) and then made sure once more that it was flush with the plastic.



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  • 2 months later...

I started working on the first of two landspeeders I will be needing for my 1850 tournament list. I need to assemble and paint both before the 7th of July.






I magnetised some parts, mainly for ease of painting and storage.




And this is the way I intend to get the speeders on my display board, using the 25mm bases from the 6th grey hunter I dropped from each of my grey hunter squads in my 1750 list. Basically, a piece of plasiccard tube and two flight stands (I have enough of those since there's always two in each box).




I hope to get my hands on some of those new thunderwolf cavalry heads for the pilots and the gunners.

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Great board you have there brother! Massive thumbs up only thing which has me baffled, where are the speeders going to go?

But seriously love this force, very cohesive, great paint, and the board certainly sets them off beautifully!


Edit: scratch the above re where the speeders are going,re read and it all makes sense now :P

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Last week I found the time to undercoat and basecoat the first landspeeder.






In the meanwhile I remembered that I normally basecoated the infantry models grey, not blue, so I'll have to redo the torsos of the driver and gunner.


Today, I painted the basecoats on the first landspeeder. With the new paint range of GW, I no longer have enough badab black wash so I added Vallejo black shade wash to my leftover badab black and used this mix. The result isn't great but I hope that highlighting it will make the final result look cleaner.






I also clipped and cleaned the parts for the second speeder and started magnetising it. I will try to take step-by-step pictures so I can post a "how to magnetise a landspeeder".

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i was so inspired by your work that i got some of those icons cast from the guy at blu-stuff...whats the best way to transfer the icon to the model...and have you figured out a way to paint them using the new GW paint range yet?? any help would be greatly appreciated
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i was so inspired by your work that i got some of those icons cast from the guy at blu-stuff...whats the best way to transfer the icon to the model...and have you figured out a way to paint them using the new GW paint range yet?? any help would be greatly appreciated


I have not yet mastered the art of working with greenstuff. For these icons, I usually leave them to dry completely if I am going to use them on a flat surface. I then trim them down where necessary and glue them on using superglue. Try not to use to much, because when the superglue spills from underneath the icon, it gives a sloppy result. If I have to add them to a curved surface (like a shoulderpad), I usually apply them while they are still bendy. Although for the smaller icons, they are still bendy enough even when completely cured.


As for paints, I still have enough of the old GW paints left for the moment so I have not yet had to experiment with the new colors.


Great work you have done here. I was seeing your pictures and a though popped in my head choas werewolves or a werewold daemon prince :D


Just a thought but still hell of a sweet army


When the new chaos codex comes out, I hope to add to this army so I can field it using that codex as well :cuss

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As promised, here's a step by step on how to magnetise a landspeeder. As I wasn't planning on using these speeders as typhoons, I didn't magnetise it for that option.


I first put a dot of green stuff in the square hole on the piece that will hold the underslung heavy flamer. I then added a drop of superglue and pushed in a small magnet.




I then drilled a hole in the back piece that is also attached to the underside of the landspeeder in the back. This is purely for storage purposes.




When this is dry, I hold the weapon mount piece to the underside, add a dot of superglue to the top and snap a bigger magnet into the superglue.




To make sure the magnet stays in place, I add some greenstuff on top.




I then do the same for the back piece.




And add a bit of green stuff once again.




I also magnetise the torso's of the gunner and the driver so they can be removed to paint them. I started by glueing small magnets beneath the seats.




Once more, I added small dots of greenstuff to make sure the magnets stay in place.




I then insert a bigger magnet into the torsos. The back pieces that are in the landspeeder box are ready for this but the chaos space marines fronts that I used needed to be hollowed out to allow room for the magnet.




Then glue the two halves together to seal the magnet in.




And then it should look like this ...



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