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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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If the NDK has a heavy incinerator then it is going to draw a lot of fire for sure. :) I have found that agonizers are great for dropping them after you've stripped a couple wounds. The poisoned weapons are pretty good versus the high toughness (that's is what they are best at of course) but you've got to get past the 2+ which can be a problem sometimes. Lances and blasters work very well (of course).


G ;)

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I can imagine, though my main worry would be all those poison shots bringing down my DK's with weight of fire... that and dark lances :)

One of my first DriagoWing games was against a DE player at 2k. I had an uninjured dreadknight jump up and take out a raider with his HI. His rapid fire warrior squad proceeded to do 11 wounds to my DK... which inevitably led to me failing 4 of them.


Won the game but T1 was off to a rocky start.

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What do you think about the venerables? Has the venerable special rule and bs 5 been worth the extra 60 points?


My paladins have a few mastercrafts as well for full wound allocation.


Absolutely worth the upgrade. best home objective sitter and nigh impossible to kill! does limit your fire power though by only having 1 ven dread instead of the two normal ones in your list.

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While there are some other "what about ______" questions running about in here:

1. what are your opinions on either Stromravens or Land Raiders for a DraigoWing army?? Is a 200+ point shield with guns worth it for any reason, whether being a distraction, additional firepower, or the a fore mentioned shield??

2. Are regular TDA squads worth running at higher (2K and up) points levels as back up, or support squads, while allowing Draigo and his unit to get into the fray and do what they do best??

3. All Pally, all day??


My LGS is running a casual 1000 point tourney this coming Monday for which I have an eleven model army put together. I am feeling rather skeptical about it, as my DE playing friend says all of his speeder bikes with their caltrops will eat my guys up, two wounds or not. I am thinking that keeping to cover and shooting the crap out of the scary stuff first is a better option than DSing into my enemies face to get into CC faster. Am I wrong in thinking this??


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1. My opinions on storm ravens and landraiders is the same as for my logan wing, each vehicle you bring means you bring less squads. I do own 2 landraiders and a storm raven, but haven't tried any of them out with my draigo wing. Also draigo wing has decent shooting, in a landraider or storm raven you cant shoot, so this reduces your ranged fire power.


2. Black orange runs a 10 man terminator squad with thawn, while I prefer to keep it all paladins, but this is up to you, check out his blog in his signature.


3. All pally all day baby. I chose this army because I like to be out numbered. I'm sure that you can probably make a better list by using coteaz, and taking small henchmen units and stealing their chimera's for pally transport, or using strike squads to hold home objectives etc, but I need to have pallys ;)


Wound allocation goes a long way, and remember that your 11 model army will have 24 wounds, and can take 13 wounds and still operate at full effectiveness. Of course, I haven't played against dark eldar, so they may give a big head ache.


My usual tactic revolves around keeping my squads within 24 inches of the enemy to shoot them to bits with psycannons/storm bolters, closing when they are running low on models to finish them off in combat. A libby really helps out a paladin army, but at 1500 points I cant fit one in. Tactics should depend on the enemy, if they are a close combat force, deploy on the field and let them come to you while you shoot them to bits, if they are staying away, maybe risk a deepstrike, depending on the terrain (I do have issues deepstriking a expensive 5 man squad without any assistance though...).


Good luck ;)

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I have one Crusader in my current list (2k) but I'm planning to drop it in favor of two psyflemen. That said I've found the Crusader to be invaluable as it can screen your infantry and pretty much ensures you will get the charge where and when you need it. The screen works very well with the Shrouding psychic power. I much prefer the Crusader over the Stormraven since the tank is a glutton for punishment... The twin linked assault cannon with psybolt ammo can be helpful as well - especially if you need to extend your range late in the game to reach out and decimate a lightly armored vehicle contesting/holding an objective.


G :)

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I was in a tournament with my paladins. Every game had all the missions in use at the same time (Seize Ground, C&C and Annihilation).


The list is the same as I mentioned earlier in this thread.





10x Paladins with 4x Psycannons, Banner, Warding Stave, Apothecary

1x Paladin

1x Paladin


3x Rifleman Dreadnaughts


Games were vs GK, SW, TAU, IG.


I won GK & TAU and lost to SW & IG.


First game was vs GK. His list was:




3x 5 purifiers in HB razorbacks

4x 5 GKSS in HB razorbacks

3x psyflemans


I got to go first and decided to target the razorbacks first to remove the mobility asap and to avoid getting tank shocked too many times. My paladins were too much for him as he didn't have enough high str shooting to kill the paladins. Paladins dominated the midfield and I won the game.


vs SW


His list was something like this:


Priest (jotww, LL)


3x wolf guard with combi-meltas

2x lone wolfs


3x 5man grey huntters

10man greyhunter squad


4x thunderwolves


4x long fangs, 3 missiles

2x land raiders


2x las/plas razorbacks


First 2 turns were looking pretty good for me as my paladins exploded one of his land raiders and my dreadnaughts exploded one of his razorbacks. Then his long fangs with only 3 missiles went on a rampage and destroyed 2 dreadnaughts in 2 shooting phases. My paladins were tarpitted by the lone wolfs just enough for him to spread out through the battlefield to grab the objectives. He was a great player with the dice gods on his side. At the end of turn 6 it was clear that if it goes to turn 7 I will win...well it didn't and he won.


vs TAU I stole the initiative and removed most of his railguns on turn 1 and the rest on turn 2 which made the game easy for me as I knew that the paladins would be almost impossible for him to kill without any str8+ firepower. My opponent was a nice person and I felt bad beating an old codex with the new and shiny paladins. Huge victory to GK.


vs IG I was going second and I noticed I wouldn't probably survive his shooting by footslogging. He had 6 chimeras, 4 hydras, manticore and 3 vendettas. I decided to reserve everything to prevent 2 turns of shooting. On my turn 2 my paladin deathstar arrived and I spent about 15 minutes figuring out where to deepstrike and should I combat squad or not. I decided not to and took a huge risk by deepstriking in the middle of 4 chimeras, 4 hydras, the manticore and a vendetta. I got a hit on the scatter dice and here they come. My shooting killed a chimera and the squad inside. I told the guy that if you wont tank shock me over the board your army is probably going to explode when 10 paladins hit your parking lot with str 5-8 2d6 armor penetration. Well guess what? His 4th tank shock got me running and I lost. I wouldn't have probably taken such a huge risk if I would've had a change to win the tournament but as I didn't I wanted to give it a shot.




-Librarian wasn't as good as I had hoped for.

-Warding stave was useless almost the whole tournament.

-/+Apothecary was usefull, but I'm still not sure if he was worth the points.

+Draigo was a beast everytime. Going solomode on turn 3-4 in almost every game.

+Psyfleman dreadnaughts are awesome as we all know ;)

+Single paladins as scoring units were wonderfull. I seriously advice to give them a shot. I deepstruck one and ran one from my table edge. They are easy to totally hide from your enemy shooting, making them untargetable.


Remowing the librarian and the warding stave gives me 200 points. I would spend them to upgrade my dreads to venerables or to buy more paladins.


All in all I was happy how the list performed and I got a lot of positive feedback. People enjoyed playing vs my list a lot more than vs MSU spam lists. "14 models and 3 tanks, good luck with that" :)

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No thoughts on combat-squadding when DSing against the IG? Would've doubled your odds at standing your ground and doubled the number of tanks you could fire at. It would also have dampened your wound allocation abilities significantly...so I can't really say you did the wrong thing there. Then again, from the look of your Paladin load out you didn't have single-model would alloc shenanigans available?


Also, that was very polite of you to recommend mass-tank shocking. :cuss I wonder if you hadn't recommended it if he would've considered it? A minor thing tho; likely I would've done the same.


Well played, over all. Thanks for sharing the bat rep.

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I did have full wound allocation shenanigans yeah. Main reason why I kept them as one big group was to get them all in the middle of everything and to get the Might of Titans power for everyone and then start wrecking his parking lot by attacking 5-8 vehicles on turn 3. If I had combat squaded then the 2 squads wouldn't have had enough room to deepstrike there in the middle of his parking lot.


It had the potential to be an epic turn of parking-lot-destruction but the dice gods decided against it! :cuss

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:D What was your particular load-out, if you don't mind my asking? Do you use master-crafting or simply different weapon load-outs? Or a mix?


Reason I ask is that I am about to start magnetizing/pinning arms and weapons for my first Paladin Deathstar and I'm considering options as to what to make available. :)

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Apothecary, Halberd

Banner, SB

Warding Stave, SB

MC Psycannon, MC Halberd

MC Psycannon, Halberd

MC Psycannon, Sword

MC Psycannon, Hammer


MC Halberd



I've noticed that even though players tend to say it's overkill to mastercraft those psycannons, I've considered them to be the best 20 points spent in the squad. My paladins shot more than they did cc and when shooting at AV 13-14 or monstrous creatures then you want the psycannons to hit. Those psycannons did major dmg in everygame and I've done everything I can to maximize their output.

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if they are 5 man squads, you can have 4 halberds, 1 hammer and 2 psycannons all different with 1 or 2 MC's

hal psycannon

ham psycannon

MC hal


hal MC stormbolter




Hal psycannon

Hal MC psycannon


MC hal



due to MC, its rather easy as you can MC both weapons if you want, for example, with no psycannons...


MC hal

MC hal MC storm

hal MC storm


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Me too, I need to try it out, though at 1500 points I only have 15 points spare, which go to MC ing weapons to help for wound allocation shenanigans, I do often roll a few misses with my psycannon's though...
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Nurglez - "I'm still unsure as to the validity of it as a tournament force, but I have never been to one, and don't expect to go to one for quite awhile (I suffer from lack of painted models)."


Hehe well not one but two tournaments signed up for now so you best get painting... and yes I know they are "Gray" knights but leaving them like that is just wrong (granted MY army isn't painted but a few are and I've a lot more)


I like how you totally skimmed over and didn't do a battle report for the game where I stomped on your pally's leaving you with one wounded guy left standing while my boyz were only 1" away from scoring and beating you.... Oh how I am really starting to hate your pally's and I have a growing dread of being crushed by other drago wing style armies in those two tournaments. I can only hope the Necron dex is shiny enough to give you a run for your money.


Oh if you wanted your dreads back you should have asked for them/reminded me to bring them. And I still want to play your Nurgle Wolves vs your Deathstar pally's as I've been crushed enough times by both to know how to use them... If only I was the type of player to hop dex's I might stand a chance of beating you one of these days :D

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Hmmm I wonder who rantingfool could be.... Hey Jonny, bout time you came to a decent forum :) No pics of orky stuff allowed though, sorry.


I didn't take many pics or notes that game, or the other game vs Kai that I also drew by the skin of my teeth, but I'm sure I mentioned them, and I do think that they should have been losses, but them's the breaks :) (I did have terrible luck both games so I think a draw was worth it).


Aye I really need to start painting, and I'm sure I'll start soon.....(never said that before :D )


My "disciples of Hel" (she's a norse goddess, go look her up) are loganwing counts as chaos undivided, not nurgle, once I get my space wolf codex back off Vlâdvar The Destroyer , we can go fool :)

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So tonight I played DE at 1000 with this list:




10x Paladins

-2x Psycannon (we are a very strict bunch when it comes to proxies, otherwise I wold have ran four)

-2x Hammertime

-2x Halberd



1x Paladin


This was practice for an upcoming 1K tourney that I found out after making my list and arriving at my LGS that one HQ and one Troop where the requirements for the tourney.


Anyway, my buddy ran:

2x Raiders, both with Dark Lances and troop guys with a Dark Lances in them

Venom with splinter rifle and five trueborn also with splinterrifles as well.'

Ravager with three Dark Lances

6x Jet bikes with the mines and the blades on the bottom

And an Archon for his HQ with the Str8 AP2 (on 1, not sure) hand gun thingy


We rolled Dawn of War and Total Annihilation, which we do far too often. I was sure this game was going to end quickly and not at all in my favor. I went first and walked Draigo and the ten man squad on and then ran them into a ruined building. He deployed two raiders and the Archon, who was walking it solo. he shot at the squad and I rolled both Dark Lance cover saves (one Raider did not have LOS) and all nine splinter rifle wounds, only using the FNP for one and passing that with a five. I shot the Biker squad (he uses it far too well) with both Psycannons, taking out four with those and the remainder with Dakka. One point to me.


Over the next two turns I moved forward but remained in cover with the unfortunate effect of one of my Psycannon Termis gave himself a wound on a terrain test!! He lasted until turn four before getting that second wound.


Turn five the remaining Psycannon finally took down his Ravager giving me my second point, I forgot to mention that the single Termi came down solo due to a failed Psychic Communion and was quickly disposed of by four Dark Lace shots. One point him.


At this point he thought it was a good idea to assault Draigo with the Apothecary, the Psycannon/Hammer model, and two NFW/SB guys (the remaining squad) with his Archon. He needed 6's to hit and rolled nothing about a three. Draigo swung back wounding the Archon four times and he rolled two one's for his 2++!! The remaining squad members finished off his HQ and I went to 3points. He killed one more "chump" with DL fire and we roll for turn 6. I shoot a warrior squad that is less than 8" from his table edge, four go down. He rolls his LD check and fails!! They all bail over the edge and I win the game with three models left!! 4 to 1 Grey Knights!!


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so, you can just go for 10 paladins and Draigo if you want? interesting heh.


Glad to hear of the win, though why did the archeon need 6+ to hit you? And you had better get some more psycannons made up, they rock (maybe if you still dont have them go for incinerators?).

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Over the next two turns I moved forward but remained in cover with the unfortunate effect of one of my Psycannon Termis gave himself a wound on a terrain test!! He lasted until turn four before getting that second wound.

You ruled that terrain as both difficult and dangerous? Typical ruins are just difficult. I'm impressed you rushed your guys in there. :tu: I'd have just gone for broke.


Sounds like it was a fun game; thanks for sharing the bat rep!

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so, you can just go for 10 paladins and Draigo if you want? interesting heh.


Glad to hear of the win, though why did the archeon need 6+ to hit you? And you had better get some more psycannons made up, they rock (maybe if you still dont have them go for incinerators?).


I meant to say he needed a 5+. I started the post last night and finished it early this morning. Sorry about that. I didn't mean the Archon either, it was just one of the warriors with the Archon.



Over the next two turns I moved forward but remained in cover with the unfortunate effect of one of my Psycannon Termis gave himself a wound on a terrain test!! He lasted until turn four before getting that second wound.

You ruled that terrain as both difficult and dangerous? Typical ruins are just difficult. I'm impressed you rushed your guys in there. :P I'd have just gone for broke.


Sounds like it was a fun game; thanks for sharing the bat rep!


I literally shot myself in the foot then. We did not declare runes as difficult and dangerous, it was my own idea as I was sure that I would have to take the test moving out of them. They sure did look dangerous!! Thanks for the clarification, a simple one at that, but one to keep in mind from here on out.


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Ok guys, I am a *huge* fan of this thread, and it is one of the main reasons I decided to do a Draigo / Paladin list. It just sounds like fun, even if it isn't the most competitive thing in the world. On the other hand, I don't like to play lists that totally suck either, but it seems like a Draigowing can hold its own often enough. With that being said, what do you guys think of a Dreadknight without a Personal Teleporter in a Paladin list? I know the PT is great, but it is expensive, and I'd prefer to have my 4 wound mega-terminator cost the same or less than 4 regular terminators. So I was thinking of giving one a Heavy Incinerator and perhaps a Hammer, and have him footslog up with some Paladins (with possibly some Paladins outflanking later if I so choose). The Incinerator makes up a bit for the fact that the DK can only move 6 inches.


Have any of you run a DK like this in a Draigowing? Do you think it is a viable option?

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Have any of you run a DK like this in a Draigowing? Do you think it is a viable option?



I've played 25 games with my DriagoWing and played around with a PTless DK early on. I have since discontinued using them for one simple reason. You can virtually ignore a footslogging DK, but no army can ignore one with a PT and a GS. If you have the PTs an HI is a great asset as well. And the GS is a better option than the hammer, all day every day IMO.

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My list st 2k points includes 2 dks, 1 with a pt, 1 without, the thing I like about the dk is it provides a cover save to the paladins behind it, and as my friends fear my pt dk, they often target my non pt dk as well, just because it looks big and imposing.


A pt is well worth it, and at 1500 points I include one instead of an apoth, just because he provides such a big distraction that even if he doesn't survive, he helps me win

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