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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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I did a paladin centric(1750, 2v2, my teammate was eldar) game this weekend, Draigo + 4 and Liby + 4 each in their own LRR/LRC with a ven psydread and regular psydread in the back... killed a lot of things. Draigo wasted a hive tyrant before it was even able to attack, psyk-out grenades are full of lulz vs psykers.


I did have my LRC hammerhead'd at the very beginning of the game, forcing my lib squad to footslog to the center objective and dig in, sigh. I lost my LRC and one of the arms off of my venerable dread, but that was it.


I was just screwing around with this list, but I actually really liked it! Usually I take some razorbacks with strike squads, but I felt double LR with psydread backup was more effective in a 2v2. Unfortunately at most I'd be able to hold 2 points in an objective game, lol.

Why 4s, you can't have psycannos that way. I would have dropped the Libby for two more paladins and 4 psycannons.

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my main issue with a paladin heavy list, is that you only get 1 psycannon in a box of 5 termies. I had to improvise and use psylancers with a barrel swap to use as my psycannons...


I have 2 landraiders, may have to try that one day, but I like having 15 paladins, in objective games I combat squad them, and in kill point games I dont, 10 paladins + draigo is a rather nasty 2 kill points :) (at 1500 I have 4-5 kill points :D)

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Yeah, I have found that my DriagoWing has been dominating Kill Point games. I've routinely earned more KPs than I have in my army by the third turn. This tends to be thier strongest mission.


My 2.5k DriagoWing list has only 7 KPs. And I give Reroll 1s to the 10 man paladin squads...

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same here, my last 1500 point KP game my 15 pallies and dreadknight had it too, only draigo didn't heh.


Still unsure how to head at 2000 points


either a dk with PT and weps and a libby and some upgrades

or a dk like above, inquisitor in tda psycannon and an eversor assassin (like the idea of the eversor, yet another distraction to distract my opponent from my paladins :HQ: ).


both those options require minimal spending, as I have a dk still to put together (doom fists and magnetised weps hopefully), I also have 2 old grey knight models (circa 1989), and was thinking of creating a libby or inq from them (probably a libby, though he might be a little short), and I also have the eversor, just needing a new paint job.

It's been mentioned that if I keep playing and winning with Grey Knights my back tattoo might fade away...

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You get 2 psycannons per box of 5 pagks. If you care to flip the psycannon, trim the magazine and reposition it opposite of its original position, you can convert extra psycannons for your paladins. I did it with my old stern model, since his rules still sort of suck when compared to other choices.
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that would have been useful to know before having stuck my "psycannons" on to my termies heh. oh well, I'm more or less happy with how they look.



Also I have started work on my libby, very much a work in progress, but I like it so far :lol:



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I totally agree with how much fun Draigo wing is.


My 2k list is Draigo, 3 units of 5 man pallies and 3 stormravens


I've only played one game, vs Nids he had


2 Tervagaunts (the thing that makes gaunts)

1 Dakkafex

lots of gaunts plus hormagaunts

Unit of outflanking genestealers with the big stealer leader thing

unit of warrios with a prime

big snakelike prime thing

3 zoanthropes

3 Shooty tyranid guards


Kill Points was the mission


My list did very well in this set up, won 7 victory points to 1


Since it's only one game I'm not 100% sold on how viable this list is, and in all honesty it's prob not BUT boy is it a blast to play, and 19 models vs a ton of nids at 2k makes me feel like I'm playing through a battle in some epic story that is written on the walls of Titan.

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It is awesome. I had a similar feeling when running my logan wing (20 models + 3 drop pods at 1500 points). Yet the draigo wing has more wounds and less kill points then my logan wing did.


Taking out a horde of "lesser" creatures with paladins is such fun. I'm still unsure as to the validity of it as a tournament force, but I have never been to one, and don't expect to go to one for quite awhile (I suffer from lack of painted models).


The biggest challenge with low model count armies, is utilising terrain,objectives and bait to funnel your opponent, letting you focus your whole force on a portion of theirs.


I need to get more games, and its a shame that I dont have a bigger player base of opponents to play against (chaos marines, imperial guard, tyranids, orks, grey knights/tau/spacemarines/chaos daemons are sorta semi collected armies). One of my friends has offered to play my logan wing vs draigo wing, which should be good fun :rolleyes:

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I hate Paladins!! That will be all.




Only kidding, they are frustrating though. I'm the guy that came up against this:


The thing I love about this army is that I can take a bunch of wounds from normal shooting or close combat, and still have most of the squad standing (10 man squad suffered 5-7 wounds in one combat vs blood angels and only lost 1 model).


Usually on the charge with BA vs MEQ I strike first and can do (just about) enough damage to kill a few and reduce the amount I get hit back and be standing fairly ok come the end of it.

In this case I lost a couple of marines first to the halberds (?) then did the 5-7 wounds and killed the one. Usually, doing that many wounds to any marine unit means I going to be taking 2-4 models hitting me back - not too much. It was a BIG blow having all 9 strike back though and my Angels Sanguine were left as more of a red mist than red thirst.


Their staying power is very impressive. As Nurglez said from our battle it took 3/4 of my army shooting from close range to take down just 5 men. Ouch! Add that staying power to the fact that they're more than comfortable waiting for you to come to them and blazing away with all their storm bolters and the four psycannons in a squad ain't bad either!


Lastly, for kill points as the opponent you cannot afford one mistake - you pretty much have to look at tabling them which definitely isn't easy.


A nice army though, lots of toys and, with a codex hopefully on it's way for my b'day, I'll likely be joining y'all sooner rather than later!

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although RebG, if you would have had any serious ranged fire, I probably would have to come to you :P


All the armies I've played (in my 5 games) have assault elements or shortish range (only the ork loota's had a greater range then me really, and I just hid from these thanks to dawn of war, he only fired them 2-3 times in a 6 turn match).


Joining us RebG? paladin wing or a more "normal" list?

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I actually got my first game in yesterday with Draigowing, and got stomped pretty hard. Granted, I made some completely rookie mistakes (new units and all). He was playing the ForgeWorld Death Corps of Krieg list - we may have enough wounds to weather more S8 AP2 shots than most armies can put out, but when he's dropping large blast melta templates for only 50 points each and wiping entire squads, I can't keep up. I lost my Librarian and four Paladins to one of those second turn. Ultimately, it's the templates that really killed me; that, and my own mistakes.


Still, the list is a blast. I had tons of fun with it, and can now personally speak to the joy of teleporting Dreadknights. :lol: I definitely love this list.

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Using a mainly terminator force has its draw backs, and can take getting used to (I lost the first 4-5 games I played with my logan wing).


Grey knight termies having frag and krak grenades is nasty, and psykout is great when you actually assault a psyker.


50point melta blasts sound nasty, very nasty. Glad I haven't played vs them heh. I'd suggest taking a libby with shrouding and hiding from that.


The list is a blast to play, with so few units, I find I actually take quite awhile to decide where to move, though it is quick to move them once I've decided.


Also having 38 wounds on 17 models (at 1500 points) is just wonderful. I love this army and have semi retired my logan wing to focus on playing them :)

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I am extremely interested in this type of army and seeing as many people seem to talk about it on this thread because it is so awesome I would like to ask a few questions. First can people post their lists and why they use what they use and second do most people use only paladins or a mix with terminators? Also do you footslog across the board or deepstrike. Thanks this thread rocks
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Ok heres a question for those of you who have played a few games with all paladins. How often do you find games where some units could have got by as well as normal terminators? Or does having all paladins vindicate itself over and over on every unit? Much as I like Draigo if it wasnt for his unlocking of scoring palies there are 270pts I'd rather spend elsewere if I could, wondering is theres a viable paladin heavy army build with no Draigo to be found...
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@ glendor


I use a "pure" paladin list.




10 pallies 4psycannons, 2 hammers, 2 swords, 1 falchion and the rest halberds, with a few master crafted halbards to help wound allocation shenanigans

5 pallies 2 psycannons, hammer, sword and rest halberds

dreadknight personal teleporter, heavy incinerator, great sword


The last 2 games I played were at a friends, and due to a mix up he had a 2000 point army written down, and it was easier for me to add 500 points them for him to take it away, so I added a libby (halberd, 3 servo skulls, might, quicksilver, sanctuary, shrouding and warprift), a vindicare and a dread (psycannon, incinerator), and a few more MC weps to help with wound allocation.


For 2000 points I'm aiming to add the libby and a second dreadknight.


At 1500 points I generally foot slog, I can't condone deepstriking over 300 points worth of stuff without any insurance, and I cant fit in servo skulls or a teleporter homer without losing something I dont want to lose.

At 2000 points I deepstruck the 5 man squad in the first game, and in the second game also, but with the libby attached, thanks to deepstriking them in my opponent's half away from my 1 remaining servo skull, it helped win me the game (thanks to hammerhand and might I totally ripped up the 6 killer kans and 2 dreads he had :)).


Footslogging isnt as bad as it seems, you can use scout for an extra move at the start of the game, and you can also run, due to paladins being (generally) more durable then normal terminators you shouldn't take as many wounds from shooting. Also having played with all termies before, I set objectives as close to each other as possible, so I have less to move to contest/capture them, due to my slow speed.


@chairman woo


Having only played 5 games, still 9 times out of 10 paladins have proved their worth. from taking 6-7 wounds in combat and only losing 1 model, to a 3 man squad taking a charge from 9 genestealers and not losing a single model. In my last game vs orks, almost all of my remaining paladins were on a single wound, had they been normal termies, they would have been dead (sure if they were normal termies I would have had other units but still).


Most of the games I've played there haven't been that many scary weps (such as demolisher cannons or demo charges, there were dread's but I killed them before they struck), so depending on who you play and how you play this will differ.

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although RebG, if you would have had any serious ranged fire, I probably would have to come to you :lol:

The Angels Sanguine will be getting no big guns any time soon so I'll just have to see about working with what I've got. I will make bolt pistols work...somehow. On the other hand I think I could tailor a list that'd work much better (obviously) but bringing a list that'll work vs Orks/Nids AND Paladins was always going to be tough - I've only played 7 games remember so I'm working up to the all-comers thing!


Joining us RebG? paladin wing or a more "normal" list?

We'll see. It's between going to Sonisphere (the Big Four, Slipknot etc...) or buying a new army, which is between Dark Eldar and Grey Knights. I'll let you know when I've read the codex (though I am VERY tempted by the idea of a whole army fitting in one small box like yours does!)


Keep up the input on your learnings everyone, it'll be interesting to see how different people go on with these lists.


P.S on the subject of new army I do like the sound of those melta templates!! Krieg here I come (once I've saved £,£££,£££ for Guard blob sized resin orders!)

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Hehe. Benefit of a paladin army is cheapness. And easy to transport too. Should be getting a game in vs commander sasha on Monday too. Making a all comers army will come to you eventually Just takes time to learn what you enjoy playing with.
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I love my Draigoswing. I have steered away from mech armies in 5ed, Paladins so nicely fit the bill. My 2k army is going to feature a unit of 10 GKT with Justicar Thawn. It's a good way to stick with the all terminator theme for the army and it helps to boost up your total body count which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.


G :teehee:

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hmmm, Thawn looks interesting I'll give ya that. but, normal terminators? ewww :lol:


I agree, terminators just can't compare.


For a little over 900pts you can get 15 paladins, 30 wounds, and 6 psycannons.


Or you can get 20 terminators, 20 wounds, and 4 psycannons.


Paying 15pts ppm to get an extra wound, an extra WS, holocaust, and access to MCing is just too good to pass up IMO.

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personally, while Tempted by thawn (uber wbb ftw!), I've had enough of single wound termies. If i want an army of these, I'll play with my logan wing (and also get combi melta's, cyclones, storm shields and drop pods to name a few differences).


I'm gonna be playing tomo and might get in a 2500 game (if not will just get several more 1500 games in, oh no...). I'm not adding in any more troops, as the possibility of 3+d3 scoring units should be more then enough for capture type games (also I dont want to use stand ins, while my army may be totally unpainted, its wysiwyg and I dont have any more grey knight termies:D ).



Draigo 275

Libby 3 servo skulls, halberd, might, quicksilver, sanctuary, shrouding, warp rift. 195

Eversor assassin 130

10 paladins 4 psycannons, falchion, 2 MC hammer, 1 MC halberd, 2 swords, rest halberds. psybolts 670

5 paladins 4 psycannons, 1 MC hammer, 1 MC halberd, 1 sword, rest halberds 325

Storm raven MM, plasma cannons EA 220

Landraider redeemer, MM, EA 280

Dreadknight heavy incinerator, great sword, personal teleporter 260

dread psycannon, incinerator 145


pallies are set up to try and get the most out of wound allocation shenanigans. will probably put the 5 man squad and either draigo or the libby in the storm raven, and combat squad the 10 man to put half in the redeemer (maybe, depending on the mission, if kill points might keep them as 10 man and use it as mobile cover). The eversor assassin will either outflank/set up forward with scout, or be made scoring and be reserved to come in and hold a point (cheapest scoring unit in my force possibly). I realise that due to fortitude I dont need to put extra armour, but knowing my luck at a crucial time I will fail the test, so i thought it was worth the 30 points.


I shall post updates here probably, might even get a battle report written, who knows :D

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