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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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well, I prefer to do a quick battle report like that, just skim over the turns and put the highlights, other wise I'm writing pages after pages, and I learn more things when I lose then when I win, such as, 5 pallies and draigo cant really stand a charge from 15-20 genestealers :lol:
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Aye, against Genestealers, a Librarian or Coteaz casting Sanctuary is a god send. Not only do you have the possibility of denying them the charge entirely if they don't make the move through cover test, but you'll also kill of a few with the dangerous terrain tests. And if they do make the charge, they'll be reduced to Initiative 1 because almost the entire 'Nid army doesn't have access to assault grenades, meaning you can kill of a lot before they get to strike.
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true, but I am trying to keep this army all in terminator armour, I can get away with dreadknight's because they wear terminator armour too heh.


I also like the inbuilt weakness, a libby covers psychic defence, and also a large amount of buffs, If I start to lose regularly then I shall probably put one in.


At 1750-2000 the first thing I will add is the libby, but for 1500, I'll make do without :)

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Well, game went pretty well. Lost 1 dreadknight to Wraithguard insta-kill shot, lost 1 paladin to mindwar, my Tau partner absorbed most of the rest. Other dreadknight added a hive tyrant head to his belt. Draigo and my other paladin squad didn't get much action, although they did shoot up and destroy several squads.


I really like the double Dreadknight build, 2 of them can apply amazing pressure right off the bat. Also, the GM ability to reroll 1s is especially helpful.

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right, should be getting a 1500 point game vs imperial guard tonight, stracken + command in a chimera, vet squad in chimera, 2 vendetta's with vet squads, leman russ and a demolisher (if i remember correctly), should be a challenge as I really really dislike the amount of instant death shots he can bring. will try and take pic's but will write a mini battle report for sure :cuss
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Let us know how it goes, fighting IG is definitely the hardest I think, especially with the amount of melta/plasma they can bring on their vet squads. I wouldn't want to specifically tool my army for fighting IG, but I think if I knew I was going to be fighting one, I might take as many psyrifle dreads as I could fit.


I have a 4000pt vs 4000pt 3v2 (2000 per vs 1333 per) this weekend that I am sort of planning on live-tweeting. Will surely be filled with antics, although I doubt anyone will take the plunge and start shooting at my paladins since I'll have 7 of them, with draigo, and a lib, in a giant ball of death (on the team of 3).

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Right, well got back home an hour ago, had something to eat, and now feel able to write a mini battle report <_<


game type was kill points, my favourite, and dawn of war, which isn't heh, my usual 1500 point list vs : Stracken, command squad, commisar lord with fist, priest with chainfist thingy in a chimera, vet squad in a chimera, vet squad in a vendetta, marbo, leman russ and a demolisher. I won the roll and as usual went second. I rolled a 5 for grand strategy and gave everything the reroll to wound rolls of 1, he deployed nothing, putting everything in reserve and out flanking the vendetta, I deployed the 10man squad and draigo as far forward as possible, near a ruin in his half, I put my 5 man squad in reserve to deepstrike in would bring the dk in on the first turn.


Turn 1

he did nothing, as he had nothing on the board, I brought the dk on to my right, and moved and ran draigo's squad into cover, or so I thought.


Turn 2

He rolled reserves and his demolisher, leman russ and marbo showed up, his demolisher came on within range to blast me, while marbo showed up on top of a pillar in the middle of my squad. I really should check cover better, as I made my first mistake here, and my squad wasn't actually in cover from his demolisher... lucky for me it scattered the full distance and caught 1 of my pallies, while his lascannon missed and his plasma cannons only wounded 1. I put the demolisher shot on draigo and failed his save, while 1 of my guys lost a wound. Marbo hurled his demo charge and after the dust cleared I had lost 5 pallies, ouch (I made my second mistake here and forgot to put one of the wounds on draigo, DOH!), his leman russ failed to hurt my pallies as I made all the saves. My dk jumped inbetween the demolisher and my squad, and then spun on the spot to waste marbo, 1 kill point to me. My 4 psycannons from draigos squad stunned the demolisher, while my 5 man squad failed to show up.


Turn 3

His vet squad in chimera showed up, and moved 12 on quite far away from my pallies, on the far left. His demolisher tried to back away at full speed (7 inches heh) and his leman russ failed to kill anything. my 5 man squad came on (psychic communion went off, then I rolled a 6...) and deepstruck behind his chimera, destroying it, the vet's inside got pinned. My dk ran towards his demolisher and then had nothing to try and assault as I blew it up with psycannon shots from draigo's squad. 2 more kill points to me.


Turn 4

His command squad ran on and shot then assaulted draigo's squad (causing a wound on draigo with a meltagun), his vendetta takes a wound off the dk, while the leman russ fails to hurt anything again. Draigo dies and I lose the combat by 1 due to some bad rolls, but stick around, while the dk jumps over to the pinned vets and kills all 9 with 1 shot from the heavy incinerator, while the 5 man squad fail to do anything to the leman russ. 1 to him and 1 more to me.


Turn 5

His leman russ fails to do anything again, and i finally win the combat with a lone psycannon terminator, and destroy his leman russ with the 5 man squad.


Turn 6

We forgot to roll and just went straight to turn 6, he took 2 wounds off my dk with his vendetta, and I kill his command chimera with the dk while my lone psycannon guy fails to hurt his vendetta, my 5 man squad chills out and tell each other ghost stories.


Turn 7

He kills the dreadknight with a lascannon shot, and his vet squad kills my lone remaining terminator from draigo's squad. I chill out some more.


I win, 9 kill points to 3, I made a few mistakes, but his main mistakes were not sticking to his range advantage. He's used to playing vs my logan wing which uses drop pods to come in and slag his tanks on the first turn, so has taken to reserving against my terminators heh.

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very unlucky rolling... draigo + 5 termies (2 halberds, 1 sword, 2 hammers), I manage to kill the command squad with all those attacks, and lost draigo to stracken (stracken+priest= furious charge and reroll to hit and stracken is str7 on the charge), had to make 4 saves and failed 2, while i was on 2 wounds.

I also got hammer hand off, but could not hit to save my life, kept rolling 1's and 2's to hit...


I also think I might have made 2 or 3 invulnerable saves during the whole game Draigo must have forgot to switch on his storm shield today, however the only accurate bit of ordinance was his demo charge (still annoyed I forgot to put a wound on draigo here, would have saved a pally).


Also he only had 2 vet squads, and he takes 2 melta, heavy flamer, carapace armour and a fist serg. he likes it that way, I think he only has a heavy flamer and meltagun in his command squad, and his first vet squad was pinned after I blew up his tank, leaving them in a lovely position to get flamed by the DK.

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Love your battle reports Nurglez, keep them coming! :D


Are you still using this setup on your Paladins?

10 paladins 4 psycannons, 2 daemon hammers, 2 swords, 1 falchion, 5 halbards

5 paladins 2 psycannons, daemon hammer, sword, 3 halbards

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yes I am, I think, I might have 2 hammers, 1 falchion, 3 swords and 4 halberds in the 10man squad, I forget...


Thanks for the praise, I would take pictures, except that none of my army is painted, so I am ever so ashamed (though they are actually "grey" knights, apart from Draigo who is a "silver" knight heh), I enjoy writing battle reports, as it helps me remember things I have done right and wrong :D

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Going into battle today at 1333pts with 7 paladins, psycannon, incinerator, psybolts, banner; draigo; lib; tricked out DK; psyrifle dread(since its 5 players, the team with 3 players only need 1 HQ 1 Troop). Going to try live-tweeting it, so that will kind of be my battle report :)


Will let you guys know how it goes.

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Well, we lost, but it certainly wasn't the fault of my paladins, as they and my dreadknight did a ton of damage. But, I was only a 1/3rd of the team.


Psyrifle managed to roll 4 1s on a to-wound roll though, amazing.


I managed to live-tweet the whole thing, lol.

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Unlucky, but remember, there's no I on team ;)


Unlucky. I do wonder if a hero hammer style list would do ok. A few 1 man pallies squads which you reserve and keep away. And the rest of the points on as many killy things as possible...

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Totally true about no I in team, heh. I was trying to do my part, which was advancing the left flank all the way up to their objective, we just lost the center and rear objectives while doing that.


I switched up my smaller list to include more psycannons, since my DK was doing the majority of the roasting, and reduced the huge paladin group in my 1333 3 player-list to a 5 man group with 2 psycannons and removed the banner since I didn't even get into CC a single time the whole game.

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I plan on running a draigo paladin list at 1,500 points however i have not decided how best to equip the guys for wound allocation.


Draigo =275


Paladins x10 =630

psycannon x4


Paladins x5 =315

psycannon x2


Dreadknight =260

Personal teleporter

heavy incinerator



Total =1,480


I have 20 points of which to master-craft some paladins to help with wound allocation. How should i do this? The best i thought of was this:


10 man:

Psycannon w deamon hammer

Psycannon w halberd

Psycannon w sword

Psycannon w MC halberd

Deamon hammer




MC halberd

MC sword


5 man:

Psycannon w deamon hammer

Psycannon w halberd



MC Halberd


This means every model is different except from the two basic halberds in the 10 man. I have also tried to include as many halberds as possible.


Also a querry about the greatsword. Do you not gain the bonus attack for two close combat weapons? Meaning you lose an attack with this upgrade?


If so would you recomend ditching it in favour of ensuring my paladins are different for wound allocation and either a banner or warding staff or should i still use it?


I want to know exacly what each model should have so when the army is finished i don't have to re-assemble any of it. Any help here will be greatly appreciated

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I played a 4k team game today (four people, we each had 2k armies) and as luck would have it, I played with another grey knight player. He brought Crow, Purifiers, and razorbacks, I brought DraigoWing. He also had two DreadKnights and I brought one. I had a 10 man Paladin Squad with Draigo and a seven man squad with a Librarian. Weapon selection to maximize wound allocation as well as an apothicary for both squads. Game was Annihiliation with a standard deployment.


They went first we both decided neither of my Paladin squad should be on board (one player had a codex marines army with 20+ lascannons and the other had a guard army with three Russ, a punisher, exicutioner, devil dog, banewolf and some troops running around) Our dreadknights got cooked, though we shunted mine and his surivivng one into the guard tanks, killing the banewolf. Oh, the guard guy also had the -1 to reserve roll guy, so that sucked... turn two I didn't get either group on with a roll of one for each, so I sat out a turn watching my teammate get shot to death with lascannons. Turn three saw my army finally arrive, and thinking we were cooked, we said screw it, in their face and I managed to get both units into the marine players face, though the 11 man unit was inbetween both forces. For three turns, that 11 man unit took ALL of the guard armies fire and after turn seven, I still had three Paladins left in the unit. Draigo finally died, but he took a lot of lascannon shots with him. My Librarian sucked it up with two perils rolls, dieing without doing a thing. I ended up surrendering 3 out of my 5 kill points, but we ended up winning 10-15 on kill points. It was a bloody game but was very fun, and our opponenets were just scratching their heads after two solid turns of domination at the first, then watching their stuff either get kicked in or just doing nothing.


Need another box or two of termies and i'll end up getting this thing painted up!! Lot of fun!

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