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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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Phew. That was one HELL of a thread to work through. 29 pages?! Blimey. I'm off for a rest... :D


Actually, while I was genuinely interested in running DraigoWing, I hadn't appreciate how it was being viewed by the outside world until I read this thread. And, having read the thread and seen the variations - or, lack of variations - on the theme, I'm actually finding myself put off the idea.


I've been half-working on a Tyranid list and I've yet to perfect my trusty Blood Angels, so I think I'll focus on them for now. Interesting thoughts throughout this thread, though, which will probably help inform my army builds - things like having multiples of AP2- weapons per squad, rather than only one - that has impact on things like Razorbacks and five-man Assault Squads for Blood Angels.


Hopefully, too, I can improve my opportunities for game-time. I've been woefully incapable of getting games for the last couple of months due to extreme busyness. Fingers crossed I can sort that out in the coming weeks and get a few decent games in.


Thanks all for the contributions and the thought-provoking thread. I think I've learned a fair bit by reading through!


Thats a shame, I was a bit off put by how people reacted to it in the call of kthulu tourny I played in, but there were 2 other draigo wing lists, out of 20ish players.


There are several ways to run Draigo wing. You could just use draigo, 2 lone paladins and then loads of killy things if you wanted. main problem all Terminator only lists have is lack of transports, as the only units that can transport them are generally landraiders, costing 230+ points (logan wing can use drop pods, though thats deepstriking and not really transporting, and draigo and friends can borrow chimera's from inquisitor warbands).


Although I have a decent win ratio, I do find Draigo wing challenging to play with, as with my self imposed limitations I have very few units, and thus can only impact on a few enemy units each turn, requiring me to plan ahead more (my fully meched plague marine force could deploy in 1 place, then move 12 inches each turn to redeploy rather "quickly").


Lastly, Draigo wing is without a doubt the cheapest army you can make, if you have a spare £100-£150 floating around you can easily get yourself 1500-2000 points, depending on your choices. No other army can do this (to my knowledge).

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Ah don't be too put off matey. I know at that Tournament my friend sgt campbell had no qualms about facing Draigo and his mates, having beaten your main rival (who you had previously fought).


Myself; I would have taken on your list for the learning curve. As it happens I actually fought an army probably tougher to beat in objectives with my own list in the recent ToS tournament - Deathwing with every model armed with a Storm Shield! The army is tougher for me to beat as the amount of models in army was surprising and had longer ranged punch in the form of Cyclones in every unit!


Anyway, I am interested how you do at the ToS this weekend. I noticed there was an abscent of Draigowing in event 1. I actually fancied Draigowing might struggle considering some of the armies there. Dual Manticores are the kind of things that can put so many wounds on the unit you are just going to fail some saves and suffer instant death.


Not to mention Dark Eldar armies with 18+ Dark Lances.


Hope you overcome those problems. Do the forum proud!

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hey guys,i am a gk player and love to play a deathstar of 10 terminators that makes me win lots of times in tournments...but i wanted more...so i decided to go for the draigo and paladins list, i tried to make lots of lists with them but...i don't know which is the best:



5 pallies

10 pallies

storm raven





10 pallies

10 termies





5 pallies

10 pallies

one librarian


or on with the so loved DK...and so on... so i ask it to you,the masters of draigowing XP


thank you for your advices ^^

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Ah don't be too put off matey. I know at that Tournament my friend sgt campbell had no qualms about facing Draigo and his mates, having beaten your main rival (who you had previously fought).


Myself; I would have taken on your list for the learning curve. As it happens I actually fought an army probably tougher to beat in objectives with my own list in the recent ToS tournament - Deathwing with every model armed with a Storm Shield! The army is tougher for me to beat as the amount of models in army was surprising and had longer ranged punch in the form of Cyclones in every unit!


Anyway, I am interested how you do at the ToS this weekend. I noticed there was an abscent of Draigowing in event 1. I actually fancied Draigowing might struggle considering some of the armies there. Dual Manticores are the kind of things that can put so many wounds on the unit you are just going to fail some saves and suffer instant death.


Not to mention Dark Eldar armies with 18+ Dark Lances.


Hope you overcome those problems. Do the forum proud!


Main reason I'm going is for the learning experience. I hope to fight armies I will not be good against, as this will help me learn, I hope :D


I do feel that on certain missions i'm at a big disadvantage, so I will have to try my best :D


I shall try and to the B&C proud, I shall be wearing my B&C T shirt :D

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hey guys,i am a gk player and love to play a deathstar of 10 terminators that makes me win lots of times in tournments...but i wanted more...so i decided to go for the draigo and paladins list, i tried to make lots of lists with them but...i don't know which is the best:



5 pallies

10 pallies

storm raven





10 pallies

10 termies





5 pallies

10 pallies

one librarian


or on with the so loved DK...and so on... so i ask it to you,the masters of draigowing XP


thank you for your advices ^^


There are several options, best way to play depends on your style :D


Proxy a few lists and try them out, I like DK's, some people like Psyrifle dread's, and others like landraiders/storm ravens.

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I was in my local GW doing some last minute painting, and I had a 12 year old tell me he hated me, because I played Draigo wing...


I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, I just thought you had prettier models than me and that was the only insult I could come up with on the spot


So I apologise.


On a side note, your a d1ck for playing draigoWINg




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I was in my local GW doing some last minute painting, and I had a 12 year old tell me he hated me, because I played Draigo wing...


Makes me long for the early days when no one knew what DriagoWing was.... I actually had a guy and the other gamers around laugh at me when I first put my models on the table. Literally laughing because he though my army was a joke... 5 turns later I had lost dreadknights and a couple of paladins and he seemed to have ran out of meat for the meatgrinder...

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Aye, I tell people that when I first collected Draigo Wing I was expecting to lose with it, I really didn't think it would be that decent...


Oh well, Heading to my second ever tournament soon, catching the train in just under 14 hours, lucky there's still time for some last minute painting!

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Cheers Ed, maybe we should make a road trip of it next time?


Very true. Wanted to this time but by the time I got the weekend off work it had gone and sold out. Was tempted by the January one until I remembered I can't have time off in Jan. This time next year then...

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Quick tos update. dawn of war 4 objectives. Played vs dual lash chaos, at the end of the game I had 1 scoring dk on 1 wound on an objective, and 3 wounded pallies falling back. While my opponent had his 1 remaining chaos marine on another objective. Very hard fought and I was winning on turn 5 and 6. Draigo failed all 4 saves he was called to make, as he obviously forgot to turn on his shield...
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Yeah so, read the whole thread.. awesome stuff.


Basically inspired me to get a draigo-wing as an entry level GK army. I have a kitted out squad of metal termies with stern that I used to attach to my Guard army maxing it out to 3k points, two demolishers etc... but I've been waiting for the codex GK for ages now. Finally getting back into 40k with draigowing.. aww yeah

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3rd game update. capture and control spear head. Played vs a scout heavy shrike led marine list. I deployed Draigo and the 10 pallies reserving the rest, he alpha strikes and by the second turn I only had Draigo left standing. By the 7th turn I had a lone wounded pally on his objective, 2 dks and Draigo with 1 wound while he had 2 scouts left alive in combat with a dk. Was awesome and well fought, tomorrow I'm on the 5th table with 7 points :D
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Sounds like you are doing well. How is the tournament scored and what is your standing? I look forward to hearing some more.


I finished Ard Boyz Finals here in MN today. Here is a little recap from my day, here is a hint of how it went. I got beat by the "Worst" codex.... I brought.




275 Draigo


175 Librarian ?

MC NFSword +?

Shrouding +?

Sanctuary +?

Might of Titan +?

Servo Skull +?


670 Paladin Squad x 10 = ?

2x Nemesis Falshions +?

2x Nemesis Halberd +?

2x Nemesis Force Sword +?

2x Daemon Hammer and MC PsyCannon +?

2x Nemesis Falshions + MC PsyCannon +?


335 Paladin Squad x 5 = ?

Nemesis Falshions +?

Nemesis Halberd +?

Nemesis Force Sword +?

Daemon Hammer and MC PsyCannon +?

Nemesis Falshions + MC PsyCannon +?


195 Ven Rainman Dread ?

AssaultCannon +?

AutoCannon +?

Psybolt +?


195 Ven Rainman Dread ?

AssaultCannon +?

AutoCannon +?

Psybolt +?


260 Nemesis Dreadknight ?

Nemesis Greatsword +?

Heavy Incinerator +?

Personal Teleporter +?


260 Nemesis Dreadknight ?

Nemesis Greatsword +?

Heavy Incinerator +?

Personal Teleporter +?


135 PsyRifle Dread ?

AutoCannon +?

AutoCannon +?

Psybolt +?





First game Necrons....yes necrons....and I lost. The guy is a great player and is the guy that edged me out for first at semifinals with his BA.


Pitched Battle


Center objective worth 3, each of the other four are random(1: 0 and Blows up, 2-3: 0, 4-5: 1, 6:2pts).


Two montoliths moving up in a wall using a huge 18"x5"x1" wall can block LOS to most of his army. Reserved all of his warriors and walked them on. Had Pariahs right behind the moving wall for LD7 Tanks shocks. Not to mention the Deciever for more LD attacks. It is a DriagoWing's worst nightmare. Also, every glance I got with my autocannons failed to more than stop them from shooting, I never once slowed them down. My scoring ven dread contested the center objective. He held one, the other objectives were contested as well. All of our random objectives were worth one or two, highly unlikely. He played a perfect game and there was nothing I could do once my shunted dreadknights decided they didn't need to make armor saves or not perils to kill themselves. He denied phase out and scared most of my Paladins away ;)


0:1 objectives Minor loss 8:15 battle points. About as good as I could have hoped for.


Second game MSU Purifier Psycannon spam GK with Libby/Paladins and Grenade Techmarine/Terminators in two ravens.




Table Quarters, unit must be fully within a quarter to hold.


He had the initiative and mindstriked my libby with one SR, and Draigo with the other SR. Libby died hard, Driago was fine, also a wound or so on the paladins. He also killed my Psyrifledread, imobilised and dual weapon destroyed one ven dread while immobilizing the other. After and abyssal first turn where his dice did wicked things I begin to claw myself out of the hole. Game ended turn five with me holding my quarter with two imobilised and dual weapon destroyed ven dreads, his quarter with a lone paladin, an adjacent quarter with 4 paladins, while he held the final quarter with a single unit of purifiers. 19:4 Major victory.

I had 1W Driago, 1 psycannon paladin, 4 wounded paladins with three psycannons, and my two useless scoring ven dreads. He had his libby with 1 wound, and five purifiers in a rhino. Driago was a beast, turn 3 he pops a rhino, turn 4 he helps 2 paladins in a multiassault wipe 2x5 squads of purifiers, turn 5 he pops his psyrifleman all on his lonesome and only 1W!


This puts me upper middle of the pack as these first two missions resulted in many many minor victories, I need a Massacre to have a chance at placing.


Game 3 Mech IG. The first words this player said to me when i asked what he was fielding was, "I brought IG, I designed this list to kill DriagoWing." Needless to say I wasn't too keen on this particular player.


Dawn of War 1st turn night fight




He had

Command in chimera with 4x melta

Command in chimera with 4x melta


Psyker Battle Squad in chimera

Psyker Battle Squad in chimera


AC Chimmeltavets

AC Chimmeltavets

AC Chimmeltavets

AC Chimpalsmavets

AC Chimplasmavets

Vets with flamers and demolitions






Demolisher with Plasma Sponsons

2x Hydra Flak Batteries





We roll for sides, he wins and once he picks his side I notice one crucial thing, there is only one LOS blocking terrain feature in my deplooyment zone. A 12"x4"x1" wall. I also have two hills that have no cover in the corners. As he is placing his first unit I try and get the judge over there to fix this, long story short he was deployed.....


I deploy Driago and 10 Paladins utilizing the wall. Its angled so from my left of the board he can see my units, he deploys his heavy hitters there and moves everything else on. First save, Driago fails his invuln.... Second save Draigo fails his invuls.... Oh hell no, this is B. A. D. bad news. I considered just packing up and starting my 3+ hour drive home... but I'm a trooper. He pops one paladin, puts 2 wounds on driago and isn't able to force a check and he can't make me run.


Long story short I walked the libby on and joined Driago's unit brought the dreads on and using the walls and dreads granted myself a whole mess of cover with good spaced coherency. I outflanked two dreadknights and decided to ds 5 paladins hoping to delay them and forgo getting wiped for a victory.


I fail to see with every unit the first turn. Really not good now.


2nd turn DKs and Pallys stay in the strike cruiser. I lose 2 paladins, not enough for a check, he immobilized and gets some can't shoots on my dreads. I survive. I proceed to decimate his force, taking the Demolisher, a vendetta, and maybe something else out.


3rd turn 2 Dks come in on the side I want!....errr offericer of the fleet. Nope wrong board edge! I lose 1 paladin and he immobilized my other dread and shakes a vendread. I take out both vendettas pluse a command squad with meltas he sacrificed. He offers to concede blaming my dice etc.... I refuse because it isn't fair to the other players.


Turn 4 He deals a wounds to a dreadknight, drops Driago to 1 wounds, and kills a paladin. I proceed to kill more things including another command squad, plus open some chimeras.


Turn 5 we call it as I will have lost 0 KPs, earned the massacre, and gained two of the three bonus points, the third being unattainable.


22:1 Massacre.


With a little moving and shaking at the other tables and a long wait, we finished over an hour early since I'm DriagoWing and half is army didn't have any targets I sat and waited, and waited, and managed to jump up to third place!


1st Chaos SM

2nd GK

3rd DriagoWing(Me!)


We had between 1/3 and 1/4 GK, most didn't do well.


PS I went to ard boyz dressed as clark kent/superman. At 5:00am it seemed hilarious to don my Halloween costume early!


I took some picks on my phone and will try and post some either here or LO with a more in dept recap.


PS Necrons finished middle of the pack.

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3rd game update. capture and control spear head. Played vs a scout heavy shrike led marine list. I deployed Draigo and the 10 pallies reserving the rest, he alpha strikes and by the second turn I only had Draigo left standing. By the 7th turn I had a lone wounded pally on his objective, 2 dks and Draigo with 1 wound while he had 2 scouts left alive in combat with a dk. Was awesome and well fought, tomorrow I'm on the 5th table with 7 points :tu:


;) wonder if its anyone i know?

tbh you would probably have been better off reserving everything, those alpha strikes can get messy

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