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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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JeffJedi nope they are exactly like the plastic landspeeder front ones, interchange at your pleasure. Edit: I think I may have misunderstood the intent of your post, but they are just like I said the straight Y shaped ones on the wings and the lens one underneath (this one is similar, I haven't checked it against the plastics for exactness).


Lostrael and Cypherthefallenangel: Cheers for the props; he's a bit off topic in this thread, but there is a full pic of him in the first page if you are interested :wink:




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Haha! I thought.

Me and the pointy eared foul xenos I was forced into using as a convenient ally believed that we could slay the 'Daemon Lord' as he charged at our near 4000 points of shootiness...


Wrong. He soaked up THREE WHOLE TURNS of shooting, allowing his minions (yet to appear) to almost overwhelm us in close combat. Things were looking grim...


But, and it was a fantastic But, the evil powers got overconfident and didn't leave enough strength on their backfield objective (noob mistake, I was taken by surprise myself TBH).

The Mighty Interrogator Chaplain Isiah and a few Assault Marines (with fire support aid from a Death-storm Drop Pod) capitalized on the critical error, he jumped from a high atmosphere Thunderhawk and landed near it to secure the win!!! There were a few hounds of Khorne to contend with, but armed with the mighty Mace of Redemption he drove them back to the warp.


Play the mission, not the glory.




Sorry Ryld Brother, 5-1 to us. (First Blood, Your Objective and Linebreaker. vs. Linebreaker and our Objective contested (at best for you)).




Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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I expected more painting Stobbles :P I am very disappointed. I will have to have a meeting with 3\1M-0 now to discuss your slackness :)


Nah man looks like it was a solid battle I do miss playing when I read a good battle report.

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Sorry Ryld Brother, 5-1 to us. (First Blood, Your Objective and Linebreaker. vs. Linebreaker and our Objective contested (at best for you)).





Bro, the game was too fun to care. Haydn's dice rolls were on point though wern't they?. "So I need a 6", rolls a 6. "I need a 1" rolls a 1. How many wounds did he get back on "it will not die"?

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Yeah, I was having great fun getting a hiding, no matter the outcome 40k has gotten better. But when the smoke cleared that's when I really got a bit of a laugh. :D Did NOT see a win coming.


Haydn's a really jammy roller that's for sure. He only missed one chance to regen on 5+.


Lookin' forward to another bash sometime soon... ( I need to assemble my Warhound, can I put it here in the DA forum?)




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