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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vet.Sgt. Steadt and his 3rd (Tactical) Squad, ready to play.
The log continues...


Next up, an assault squad, be about two weeks, barring too much real life.

36 down, 70 to go...


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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I'd follow up the Assault Squad with two Tactical Squads. That would give you a demi-Company then. Gotta put some Dreadnought support in there too, cuz they iz cool. Other than that, perhaps some support from the Chapter Armory(i.e. Predator, Whirlwind, and/or Vindicator).


Are you going for about 2,000-2,500 points or so, or the whole 3rd Company? Post an army list for this force too.

Edited by shabbadoo
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How nice to wake up and get all these great comments from so many great artists etc.


Thanks heaps. I'm glad I quit my 2nd job to give me time to paint again.


To those what want a force pic, I'll try to rustle one up this weekend, no promises :P Depends on how much time I can sneak onto the home computer while my wife's not hogging it for her study :)


Wayward; my chicken scratchings are done with a short bristle 000 brush that is nearly worn out.


Shabb; yep I'll do one more tac sqd before getting into the Chapter Armoury. I have a 1250 tourney coming up in Oct so I'll need to finish some DWS between now and then too..



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Have to say I loved your Belial, both for the awsome conversion and the outstanding paint job ^^ and these guys are not putting me off your style :P Your PA dark angels remind me so much of the 3rd ed codex pics that got me started on 40k and I love em for it, really can't wait to see what else you get done ;)
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Azurious said:
Have to say I loved your Belial, both for the awsome conversion and the outstanding paint job ^^ and these guys are not putting me off your style ;) Your PA dark angels remind me so much of the 3rd ed codex pics that got me started on 40k and I love em for it, really can't wait to see what else you get done :P

Yep, me too on the 3rd Ed thing.

I started this army back in Herohammer 2nd but didn't expand it much beyond Azzy/Bethor/Zeke and a few robed guys until 3rd Ed. I've gotten better at painting (as you do) and am making a much better effort on the details than back then.


I've managed to kick the missus out of the house :P , here is a Force pic of my 'up to date' models.

There are plenty of plastic pics around so I'll not add any WIPs to this blog, to keep me focused.


The RW and DW squads need a few tweaks(such as barrels drilled(RW), shading added(DW)) but are playable, I'll only add unit pics once they are properly done.



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I love the white Deathwing! That's always something I see and say to myself, "wouldn't it be cool too.." then I remember all my other Deathwing is painted in bone, so I'm kinda stuck with it. :)

Glad you like them Bro,


Repainting can be a big task, esp. when there are so many unpainted ones in the cupboard :huh: .


It's nice to have a point of difference sometimes though, my GW are VERY standard as you can see.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Righto, here's Brother Sgt Balthius and his 7th (Assault) Squad finally finished B) .

(With green marines options :P)




Enjoy, I hope :D


46 down, 60 to go.... :HS:


DW next, and an LRC after that. (tourney looms :HQ: )



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Well no comments yet :(



They look ace ;). I love the power fist and plasma coils treatment. The magnet flamer arms are a neato idea. Despite assault squads being nothing too special - they can certainly look the part can't they.





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Cheers guys, I really appreciate the comments. Also I'm not afraid of C'n'C if anyone wants to help me improve.

I was planning on a couple more greenwing squads but my mates are nagging me to get my DW army finished for a tournament so they win for now^_^


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