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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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I say don't deviate! Do 5th Tactical Squad now that you are in a winning streak :P !

This whole thread reminds me, I have to show my Disciples some love soon...


Thanks Capt, I did this last squad with a new Kolinski Sable brush and a wet palette, SOOOOOO much nicer than the hardware store synthetic brushes and old rag I was using, it's almost becoming a pleasure to paint the little guys :P


We'll see how I feel about who gets the love after I build a couple of Vindies too, get those Disciples underway, they don't paint themselves :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I tried to paint another squad of tac marines but I needed a break, so I finished up my Whirlwind Suppression Force, I also spruced up the Ravenwing Tornado Landspeeder from the Ravenwings' 2nd Sqn to act as their spotting vehicle.


So here goes:




Hope it's up to par.

Next up will be the 5th Tactical Squad, I have begun......






Edit: I've updated the pics of the Comd Sqd on post 99 too, new style power sword and fist, and some glowy melta stuff. Hope you like it.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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You're making me look so bad, and you are "DA MAN"! :rolleyes:


My Whirlwind battery is merely almost assembled. Gonna add this pic to my "Stobz DA Pics" file folder for later reference. :P

Edited by shabbadoo
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Stobz, I'm officially depressed :lol:.


This is some serious firepower there and they look awesome!!! We need a group picture pretty soon, maybe after you finish the 5th squad...


Do you use some sort of brown ink on the tracks? Whatever it is it works!

Edited by Captain Semper
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That heavy artillery looks brilliant. I like how you've treated the missile noses. I see you like HKs too ;). Hmmm if any one image would convince me to buy a clutch of Whirlwinds it would be that one. Great stuff.
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Thanks again,


E_E; I just use chainmail then wash with badab black then add mithril silver to bits like the radar dish and edges of other not so shiny bits. Not everyone likes shiny so I try to keep things a little subdued. I spent 21yrs in a very structured job, it has beaten the wildman out of me, my artistic side does now lend itself to "cohesion" and not so much toward zany creativity, but I try to loosen up every now and then <_<


Master A; Yep, that's one badass ride with some big guns :lol:

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Stobz, these look great! You, CPT Semper, E_E, Elmo, EPK and all the others posting great DA painted mini pics are making me feel down for having worked on painting nothing since my last update. Awesome work and I love the missile tips as well. Now I have to go research alternate tip painting schemes in the real world for missiles. <_<
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Master A; Yep, that's one badass ride with some big guns ;)

But does the expression " to have baraka" exist in english? (or maybe you speak french)

Me no speak the french,

Baraka means blessing in Hebrew(my knowledge is limited to gooogle search ^_^ ), most of my DA names get a modified hebrew name, I liked this one 'coz of the A team, so a big black(green) badass with big guns seemed appropriate :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As well as the occasional bickering :) , I've been painting rabidly each night to finish Vet Sgt Luketh and his 5th (Tactical) Squad before I take off on a week long boat trip tomorrow


Here he is, I got there :P :




Log continues....."It's great for a snack...."


76 done, 31 to go.


Next up: Company Chaplain with jump pack.


Any ideas for names?



Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Stobz, stop being so awesome! I kid, keep it up.


To pick out a nice little touch - I love the effect added to the melta.


What are you using there? Something like mechrite base > blood red > blazing orange highlight?

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Excellent Stobz! And EPK is right, this melta looks HOT! Not to mention the power fist! I really envy your commitment. Very clean job. So let me see the 76 you mention: 1 Vets =10, 4xTac (2-5) =40, one Assault (7) =10, two devs (9&10) = 20, Techmarine = 1, Master and Comnd = 6. I count 87... Not to mention your awesome DW and RW!


Time for a 3rd Company group picture I think! :)

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Hi guys, I'm back from the 'briney', I got reaquainted with the smell of vomit :( It's great to be back.


Thanks for the comments all;


Isiah, maybe :P ....do you want a modified Crozius, I'm thinking of chopping the standard one off and relplacing it with a DA one?


EPK, I paint the melta barrels White, Red Wash, Yellow Highlights, Red wash again. Simple, and I don't have a pot of orange paint :P


Ageis, Cheeky bugger, best you throw out your BA too ;)


Capt S, the countdown is only for 3rd Company models as I use it for motivation, 6Comd, 10Vets, 30Tac, 10Aslt, 20Devs so far. Other models are what I use for a mental break from the monotony of painting the PA 3rd Coy lads and don't count.


Capt A, hold your horses :D , no more group pics until I've finished the whole Company. 10Vets, 10Tac and 10Aslt to go, not to mention the Chappy.


Shabbz, Company Chaplain "Isiah" B) with jump pack is next. Should be able to get him done in the next couple of weeks, RL gets very busy at this time of year though so I'll have to be the lookout for spare time.


Thanks again for the motivation.



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Isiah, maybe :tu: ....do you want a modified Crozius, I'm thinking of chopping the standard one off and relplacing it with a DA one?


Hmm... aye I'd love that yes.

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