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Lol. Good guess. ;) Ive actually ordered a Storm Raven Hull to see how I get on. Im not sure if it will work yet as I actually dont know how big it is compared to the LR parts but I really cant wait to get it here and start chopping. :tu:


Changed the rear claw on the foot and added a couple more pistons, I think it looks better this way.



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haha nice man .. there are so many bits in this .. Its fun just sitting here looking at it trying to figure out what's what .. hmm there's a piece of a drop pod, part of a LAS .. devilfish ... awesome work man,..
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You are an inspired genius!


...With way too much money. I hate to think how many FW Warhounds you could buy for the amount you've undoubtedly spent on that thing!


Brilliant stuff as always. I love that your conversions, particularly the Berzerkers and Terminators, all look like they could have just been built from an official GW kit. Seriously, if I saw those from across the table, I'd be wondering when GW had released new plastic Berzerkers.


Looking forward to the rest.

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LOL! :lol: :huh: Thanks Cheexsta, you have me wondering now how much I have spent.

Checking my ebay past purchases and remembering others, I can for those who are interested give you a little rundown of what Ive bought.

The store I buy my GW stuff has a 20% discount on the plastic kits and most of everything else is bought from either Hoard O Bits or TheBitzStore on ebay.

Right here goes. Obviously its nowhere near finished but this is the list so far.


Defiler (full kit) x 2 £62 approx

Land Raider (full kit) x 1 £31 approx

Dreadnought Legs x 2 £12

Rhino Plates I had in my bitsbox so free Yay!

LandRaider Lascannon Sponsons x 2 £15

Tau Devilfish (full kit) x 1 £12

Basilisk Dozer Blades x 2 £6

Drop Pod fins x 2 £1.98

Storm Raven Hull £4.43

Storm Raven Tail section. £1.98


Total approx £146.39


If this is breaking any forum rules mods let me know and ill remove it. :P

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I'm a bit curious about your process. Are you lightly tacking things together with glue before you completely commit to where a part should go, or maybe using poster tack to hold things in place? Some of what you're doing looks like it's done (Read: glued), then you change it (Agreed, for the better), but it still looks so clean and like it always was that way.


The major thing holding me back from starting something like this is my own nature. I tend to ponder the pose and placement of a miniature a lot before I can commit to the final piece. It's bad enough with a set kit that is meant to look/build a certain way. But, I think I'd get stuck trying so many different things with a project like this, nothing would ever get actually glued together.

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I can only imagine .. that's a lot of work and I'm super impressed that you can look and pick pieces online haha .. and the part bash really makes it look constructed which is awesome!
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Subtle Discord, I use Blu-tac (poster tack) and lots of it. I tend to set things a certain way leave it for a few hours keep looking at it and if I still like it I glue it. I tend to use superglue initially as well. It's easier to take things apart than plastic glue.


Sincain, thanks buddy. I can't help the way my mind works. :tu: I look at things and start thinking of where else I can use them. It's an affliction lol :)

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Ha! I know that affliction only too well. In my case I look at something and start 'unfolding' it in my mind so I can reverse-engineer it.


Some objects are downright mesmerizing. Sometimes, it looks like I'm not doing anything at all, but really mind's eye is working away. :)

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Very true Sincain ;)

Threw a few more bits at the torso. Still not received the Stormraven hull so cant work on it properly yet.











Note nothing is final here. I am almost literally just grabbing bits from the box and throwing them at it. ;)

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That buzzsaw looks ace! It looks a bit thick to me, kinda stumpy, but I'd have to see it actually on the carapace to pass judgment. I might use half of that defiler leg bit, but then it might look too spindly... It's hard to say without seeing it in my hand.


Just throwin' ideas out, don't take it as a slight against your work or anything.

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Thanks Raz.

Circus Nurgling you're right. I was thinking the same. Ive tried different parts to mount it and as much as I like the buzzsaw I think it's a little small for this project. But for a scratch built Decimator.......:)

Hopefully I get the storm raven soon as I have an idea for a couple of parts from there. What's everyones thoughts on the Reapers and missile pod? Too much? Obviously they need a lot more work to incorporate them fully,as do the Piranha wings on the side.

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Hopefully I get the storm raven soon as I have an idea for a couple of parts from there. What's everyones thoughts on the Reapers and missile pod? Too much?

I think, the Reapers are perhaps a little too long for 'Carapace' guns - something shorter and a little more stubby might work better. Though of course that mainly depends on what's going to be mounted on the arms.


The Havoc rack - ummmm - nice idea but something a little beefier maybe mounted the same way - like Manticore missiles. Yeah. That'd be brutal enough.

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I'm going to have to disagree. The Reapers aren't too big, especially considering the size this thing will be once it gets its legs and head together. My only problem with them is that they look a bit too stationary, as if the thing would have to turn its entire torso to aim them. Perhaps mount them up a bit, on some sort of swivel mount with some minor cabling going to them, with a bit of armor built up in front of the mount? Alternately two demolishers would look nice, or a demolisher (or 2! Twin-linked Demolisher cannon FTW!) on one side and reapers on the other. Symmetry is for the corpse-god.


The havoc missiles... do you have 2 more? What I'm thinking is place four together, and chop off the corner missile housings. Then build up some kind of housing around that shape, so it doesn't look so square. I like the structure of the support mechanism, but not the placement. I think you should make use of that area as secondary venting (as you know how unstable chaos reactor tech can be ;) ). Maybe coming out of that rear-most hatch area even? [edit] or maybe dead-center between the vents and take the dread foot off? The placement actually looks good when viewed from the front... Alternatively, placing the two missile blocks from the whirlwind together might look pretty nice.

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Thanks for the replies guys Ill keep them in mind. The Havoc rack was a little nod to the old Epic Banelord ;) I do have another couple of those kicking around Im sure so Ill see what I can do with your suggestion Circus. I also have something in mind for the Reapers as I feel the same. At the minute they are only good for straight ahead and pretty much straight up I do have a few ideas though so watch this space. I am kind of jumping ahead of myself with the weapons anyway as I need to finalise the torso.......speaking of which. ;)


Size comparison



My package from Hoard O Bits arrived today so I finished off the Termi's



What I was anxious for to arrive :D



This was actually placed accidentaly but I quite like how it looks this way, I was originally planning to mount it normal way up but with the front of the hull facing the rear of the titan.

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Seeing that buzzsaw in proportion to the titan makes it look a lot better in my eyes. I'm not seeing what you're doing with the head yet, but I'm sure it'll look as good as the rest.


What is the tabard on the far left terminator from? Me wants.

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Thanks mate. Im not really sure where that bit is from, I THINK its from an Ork Nob but cant be certain.

havent worked on a head yet, I know I want it to look a little like the Banelord but less organic. its going to take some creative cutting I think ;)

This is what I had in mind previously for the torso obviously with a LOT more work



But I prefer this.




With and without the Landraider top plate. Need opinions here please folks. :)






Chaos AT-ST anyone? :P

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