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So awesome. This is great fun to see unfold. *Watches intently*


Edit: And I think the open landing-gear compartments on the front would be wonderful places to put missile racks.

Edited by Subtle Discord
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With. Gives it a bit more bulk for the arms to attach under the shoulders, like a proper titan. Not to mention extra vents!


And I was thinking you would just pile in a bunch of skulls into places like that!

Edited by Circus Nurgling
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Messed about a little more. Its pretty late here now though so Im off to my scratcher. :Elite: Will work on this again later today.



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Played with the hip mounting point.




For the head Im looking at taking cues from this.



And the inspiration for the saw.


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It's just me, I guess - but the heavy bolters on the 'chin' either need their belts straightening out in the manner of a Termi combi-bolter or bent up around under the front of the torso, like an ammo feed line from an internal box mag - the ones on the Predator being an example of what I mean.
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The ammo feeds have been cut off the nose Bolters as I was just stickingthem there to see how they look. i like them so I will work on a proper ammo feed soon.


Is it just me or have most the pics disappeared??????


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ive only gone and deleted the photobucket album with ALL my pics in it!!!! Bugger!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :cuss :cuss :) :wallbash:


WAIT!? Now most of them are back?? :cuss is going on with my Photobucket?

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Right after spending waaaayy too long trying to fix all the links I can I messed around a little with the Dreads second claw. I used 1000Heathens technique here and I actually prefer it to the Ven Dread fist in his left hand. I just need to find another Dread power fist and I can have them matching.





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Wow... that Dreadnaught is so full of 'What, you want some of this?!', it's awesome.


And personally, I'd keep the hips for the titan more forward. They seem to 'handout over the back' more in the torso. Intentionally or not, it counterbalances the forward-sitting arms and weapons.

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Subtle Discord, Yeah Im loving the whole 'come at me bro' look of the dread now. :)

Im not sure I follow you on the hips/torso connection though? I moved the hips to the angled section to try and avoid the 'stuck on' look.

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Very cool .. I don't get on much during the weekend and come back on Monday and have a ton of stuff to look at 8) ..


Really liking the torso/ head .. it's giving him a Scout Walker (AT-ST) look to me .. Just need Chewie looking out of a window. :P Soooooo many more bits in there .. that thing is really coming along quickly!


The Dread's other hand came out awesome .. he really has a menacing look to him, I like the guard over the knuckle area .. like he's got brass knucks ;)

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Thanks buddy. Have a look at this and tell me what you all think.

Too much??




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Nah that's looking awesome .. those buzzsaws are brutal looking. Was going to mention that in the last post but forgot haha.. can never have too many killing bits ;)


The Storm Raven hull is disappearing .. before you could see it but as more gets added it just starts to blend away into the whole of the build .. very very cool man ....

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Rough head. The one Id really like to do would be very difficult without creating custom plasticard bits, so Im seeing what kind of structure I can knock up with existing parts. Its not quite the same style but I think I can work with it. ;)





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Hows this for teeth?






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Thanks buddy. :)


How about this though? I could name it Fido. :tu:



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Hmmm that's a hard choice I think they both look good .. maybe a pic with it on the legs? to see the overall image. The curved blades do look more .. "mean" to me but the spikes also have a very Chaos look .. maybe some skulls in his teeth? haha
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*Tosses idea into the juggle* Think fast, can you make the mouth look/be articulated? It would look great on either head if it could open its mouth to have it scream (Dirge Caster in the throat, maybe?) and/or bite things.


Maybe Use those 'ears' on Fido as the bottom left and right 'jaw bone'. It would pull it back a bit, as the bottom jaw should be, and has the hinge already in place. Maybe even match 3 of the Defiler claws to make the top jaw so it's a massive clamp? Then skin it with armour bits.


Damn that thing must be fun to mix-and-match. It's stunning what just a few well placed bits can do.

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*Tosses idea into the juggle* Think fast, can you make the mouth look/be articulated? It would look great on either head if it could open its mouth to have it scream (Dirge Caster in the throat, maybe?) and/or bite things.


was about to suggest the same, vents or dirge caster behind the teeth, i do prefer the first teeth though as they are not as over the top.

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I'll have a look at that option folks. Nothing is glued for the head yet so still very much open to suggestion. The head I really like looks a little like a giant Zerker helmet.
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Fixed up the hip joint a little more. This baby is solid!



Messed around with another head design, not sure Im liking it. Need to find a better piece for the 'snout'





The stripped torso standing. (the hips are all just blu-tacked at this point.)



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