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Tiny update,




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Haha, yeah I'm back buddy. :)

Some work on the base and started detailing.





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Holy hell. My Scottish brother from another mother! Good to see you back, man! And with style too; that moster looks outstanding.


A question: That Tamiya clear red, how does it work for blood splatters? Is it thicker than, say, wet effects? How long does it usually take to set?


Sorry about all the questions, but you got me curious about it, lol.

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Good to be back brother. :) As for the questions I can't really compare it to wet effects since I've never used them its an excellent source of blood splatters I'm sure Lonewolf had a tutorial on here on how to use it exactly but essentially just add a tiny drop of black ink and you have really effective blood splatter. It does take a while to set and is very glossy so is ideal for the fresh pool of blood look I was going for on the shrine. Ill have a dig around and see if I can find a link for ye.


What's everyone's thoughts on this kinda eye?



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Cheers Heathens. That's exactly what I couldn't put my finger on. It does look sad, maybe the dead puppy was the trigger for him falling to the worship of the Blood God? ;)


Took a pic of the Fiend next to the Stalker to show the scale.


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It's a wonderful beasty! This whole thread is great, Biohazard! I have some Tamiya Clear Red to use for some blood effects (got some Clear Green to try out some Nurgle nastiness as well), so your results make me think it's going to give me some great results. Now I just need to start painting up my Chaos forces...
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I like that idea Heathens, I'll have a dig around and see what I have.


Thanks for checking it out Bryan, get to work on your heretics now! ;)


For those that are interested here's the link to the tutorial I mentioned earlier for the Tamiya Clear Red blood effects. Hope you find it useful.


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Cheers Martok. :)


Midnight I'm looking at a few options for the ammo feed on the Fiend. Ill hopefully come up with something soon.


In other news I wanted to give the new Centurion kit the benefit of the doubt as when I first saw it I was appalled, it has to be one of the worst looking kits Id seen bit after seeing what other hobbyists are doing Krautscientist et al and seeing the sprues etc I think there may be potential for some Obliterator conversions. Not wanting to spend a fortune buying the kit and hating it I ordered a few bits to mess around with. The legs arrived today and IMHO are the worst part of the kit, I want to see if I can make them a little more dynamic so stay tuned for updates. :)

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Haha Zombie Jesus, I've seen that movie. :D Thanks buddy.


Heres what Ive got so far. I didn't get the 50mm base with the legs so its on a 40mm at the moment. It will need a bigger base though I think.





I still have to wait for the torso/arms to arrive from another bits site.

Edited by Biohazard
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Yeah I'm hoping I can work it a bit more when the torso arrives.


Changed the legs on Varrus Kinslayer, I'm thinking this is a little more Khârn like now.




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Thanks buddy, the shields from the Blood Crusher kit.


Twisted the head a bit? Better or worse?



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