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DeathSpectreSgt, sorry buddy. I really can't get excited about the Star Phantoms. I'm planning on changing Chapters I think. Still haven't decided which loyalists I like most yet though. I came into 40k with Ultramarines and part of me thinks I could go that way again. The other two contenders are Mortifactors and Scythes of the Emperor. I'll sort a few test figures I think and see how I go.


Helterskelter, thanks for the kind words buddy. I haven't seen 9 so can't comment on the robots. :)


Now today isn't an update on any of my projects but it is an interesting project nonetheless.


A few weeks ago a guy at my club offered me a 'tank thing' he'd had in his cupboard for years. He had bought it from another member of the club who had done all the work. The only description I got of it was it was a bigger land raider. Haha. I agreed to buy it purely to rip apart for the Titan bit when I picked it up today I was greeted with this crazy contraption. Now I'm torn. I feel I should just paint it red and make some rules up for it. Have a look and see what you all think of it. Any suggestions for improvements/modifications encouraged.






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really good stuff, think with a bit of plastic card you can make even more impressive stuff, but it is awesome so far, keep it up, ill have to keep an eye on your stuff, maybe even steal some ideas off you ;) 

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Some size comparisons with my Land Raider.





I'm planning to remove the Annihlator turret and moving the Demolisher cannon to be more flush with the main hull. I may even remove the Demolisher and replace it with an assault ramp of some description.

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Here's the update on the Gorehound I mentioned a couple of days ago. Still a lot of work to do. I changed the giant blade as I couldn't get it to a point where I was happy with it. I've decided to keep it more in line with the FW Warhounds. The shoulders still need work obviously.







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Thanks guys, I worked a little more on finishing the shoulders a little better.




The flamers are just stand ins until I get land raider exhausts cut to fit in those panels. I'm happy enough with how it's progressing.

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A quick look at the Slaanesh Champ I've been working on in between my Titan and a project I'm doing for a contest on Throne of Skulls. As I said before I intend on building at least a Champion and at most a squad or two for each of the 4 main gods. Obviously I have Khorne covered so I started with the Dark Prince for a change of pace. Still very early WIP but let me know what you think.


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Thanks guys, that is indeed a stitched skin tabard from the Marauders kit. I've still to decide how I'm finishing his weapon and backpack and as I say he's just an in betweeny project to take a break from bigger things.


Speaking of which the Gorehound is broken AGAIN! I got a new desk so was moving all my stuff from the kitchen to the new man cave in the spare room and my fiancé was helping. Unfortunately she tripped on the stairs and dropped the Titan so it will be rebuilt for a 3rd or maybe 4th time. This time though everything will be pinned and glued/baking soda filled. Poor girl was devastated as she has seen how much work has gone into each tiny update. Ah well. Nowhere near the end of the world. If it was fully detailed and painted I may be more upset but as it is I just see where I need to make improvements in the supports. Updates when I have them :)

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Take it as a hint that it needs to be pinned properly!! Imagine if it was finished - your fiance would just be another skull at the base of Khorne's thone? :wink:


Anyways, I am sure it will be back bigger and better mate. I like where you are going the the Slaanesh dude, he looks plenty sadstic even in these early stages.

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Ugh, sorry to hear about the Gorehound, Biohazard. Been waiting to see that thing painted for ages now. Seems like you only improve it with every iteration, though, so I suppose it's for the best? :P I will say that, from the pre-break pics, I think the arm mounts need(ed) some more bulking out. It looks odd having the guns just hanging from such a thin piece of armor. Need something more stretching across to them from the torso, IMO.


Also, wow, that's one hell of an interesting Land Raider conversion. Very interested to see what you do with it, I think I'd probably just paint it red and scriptify it, myself. :lol:

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Awesome work as always man .. That big tank thing is pretty decent looking, I think it needs a bigger turret though. So I agree totally with removing it and adding something larger and that assault ramp!  8)


The Titan is coming along nicely man, the amount of bits you use is crazy haha.. The champ is also looking good.. nice stance .. makes me want to chop some plastic ! 8)

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