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Adeptus Titanicus was before my time, but Lexicanum says Decimators are "armed primarily with a heavy, medium-ranged barrage weapon." I always took that to mean "hey, go mount a Hellcannon on a Baneblade chassis" but then Finecast happened. There's also the basic Banehammer gun with none of the Shadosword-ier attachments, though mounting an Inferno Cannon on it does sound awfully fun.


I'd say to just be careful with the superheavy-sized Oppressor treads, but... meh, blood for the Blood God. :laugh.:

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Thanks Raz ill be sure to watch what im doing with those treads. the LR ones are bad enough :)

Not much of an update as the bits have just arrived and I have to run out the door to work now but this should give people a rough idea of how I'm planning on doing these.


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Home from work and messed around a little more. Nothing is final yet but thought if show my latest musings. :)






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Thanks buddy. :)


So this happened today. I bought it from a guy at my games club for a really good price especially since its still new on sprue. The possibilities for this are getting me really excited I knew it was going to be corrupted so my first port of call was to Machinator for some of his awesome Oppressor pattern treads. Once they wing their way across the pond ill start the basic build. I've also had a few ideas for either redoing my Blood Stalker or converting another to build a 'Soul Grinder' counts as. This is all while finishing of my Fiend and working on more Obliterators. :) I like to have a few projects in my head at once. Getting time to work on them all is another matter though. :( Fingers crossed though.



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Chest mounted flamers I like! The Centurion heavy weapons should have been shoulder mounted from the start and you've executed that excellently. You're doing a good job at reducing my dislike of those models. 

The lasherfiend is looking awesome too, hope your new box of plastic doesn't keep you distracted from it for long  as we all like to see your big gribblies finished. Keep up your mad-Warpsmith tendencies, bud, it's always interesting to see what you come up with.

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Thanks buddy, funnily enough a Warpsmith is on my 'to build' list as well. :) Just had a word with the Boss (I.e. the girlfriend) and I've been told I've to sort out my hobby table before I start on the Decimator Tank so the Fiend and Centurion will be getting more love before I start on the super heavy. Haha.


As for the chest mounted flamers I think they will be a love/hate item on this build but I like the positioning. Also the next Obliterator will have plasma guns there and the third will have meltas just to try and represent all the weapon options. That's the plan anyway.

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Ah yes, the hobby table, always a contentious issue, thankfully mine has a lid so it hides all manner of sins!


Re the chest mounted flamers i am also in the love 'em group, and thanks in no small part to the above I caved and bought some centurions over the weekend so will continue to follow closely :laugh.:

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Yeah I'd started to take over the kitchen with all my bitz boxes so was brought back into line haha. I'm glad people are liking the chest flamers, as I say the next guy will have a shoulder mounted assault/autocannon once I find a decent bit. (I'm thinking maybe a Terminator bit could work) and chest mounted meltas. I'm not sure which shoulder weapon to give the 3rd. I think a plasma cannon will be too bulky.


Nighthunters, can't wait to see what you come up with for the Centurions.

Edited by Biohazard
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Yeah that's why I was thinking a Termi bit. It's since compact (ish) design. I looked at using a Chaos Reaper but couldn't quite get it to fit or look right.


Here's how it stands at the moment, The second power fist arrived so I can rework the Centurion one. I now need to detail it more but the only way I can really think of doing that without going nuts with gs and spikes would be FW brass etch and I'm a bit too cheap to spend a on that just now. I have an idea for the leg armour ill try out when I get home from work.



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