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Now, a small update on my second Obliterator conversion. He has the Sgts head at the moment but I'm thinking ill swap it out with one of the standard heads. He will have a shoulder mounted assault cannon as soon as I can acquire a terminator bit and probably a couple of chest mounted plasm weapons. Let me know what you think folks.



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Here he is with his buddy.



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There may be some skull added here and there but no trophy racks etc. I don't particularly like the spiky trophy rack look a lot of chaos models have.


For the Obliterators with them being more of a 'blast things into tiny bits from a distance' kinda unit I can't see there being much left of their opponents to take as trophies. I've added the chain fists etc as I had an image in my head I one of them charging a Rhino ripping a hole in the side and unleashing its flamers or meltas point blank into the crew compartment.

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Thanks buddy, done a little more to them. They're still quite rough so I'm looking for some feedback before I tidy them all up.





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I'll admit, I'm still not a fan of the Centurions, but they look so much better dressed up as Chaotic counterparts. Some really great posing. I like the idea of the warband's fabricators constructing these massive battlesuits for some of the more relentless warriors, as opposed to the niche GW has created for them in loyalist SM armies. 


To each their own, though. You're the B&C's resident "make something from nothing" guy, in my mind. I hope that's complimentary enough to you. :P

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Liking the pose of No.1 very much, the shoulder mounted lascannon too and the skulls. For some reason not loving the addition of the dark eldar spikes to the shoulder skull on the second.


The chain fists are great though!


Be interesting to have a look at no.2 from the right hand side...

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Darth Potato, that's more than complimentary buddy. Thanks I hope I don't disappoint.


Nighthunters. The spike at the side of the skull seemed like a good idea at the time but I feel the same now. They just don't work. I've tried a few bits and pieces to try and make these guys look a little more chaotic and still for with the rest of my force. I'll be able to spend a bit of time on them Friday when I finish my nightshifts. Ill sort out a pic from the right of no2 for you when I get home in the morning. :)

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So a couple of bits arrived from Paladin today (cheers buddy) so I knocked together my assault cannon in all of 30secs. It still needs some kind of ammo feed but I like the squat look of it. :)






Also there's a pic of Oblit 2 in profile for Nighthunters.

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Yeah mate it's a Raptor/Warp Talon head. I'm not 100% sure of it but wanted to try something different.


On that note I'm gonna be doing something I've wanted to do for a while now. Ever since seeing Krautscientists awesome Ruinous Powers where he built a Champion for each of the gods seen http://eternalhunt.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/the-ruinous-powers-synthesis/ I've been itching to make some myself. So if over the next few weeks you see representatives from Nurgle or Slaanesh don't be alarmed. There will be an ambassador of the Blood God along to deal with them before long. I've got a rough plan in place for a Death Guard and Emperors Children but I'm still unsure how to tackle Tzeentch. And the Khorne champ will be getting a squad and background added as well to take his place in the 18th Assault Company of Brother Captain Deimos.

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The corvus helmet looks sweet, it might be just a bit too corrupted to fit the pretty clean look of the centbliterator though.


As for Tzeentch, maybe a representative from some other legion/chapter than Thousand Sons? That would more or less lock you into either a rubric marine or a sorceror. Since your WEs are so low on mutations, it might be fun to do some totally corrupted Tzeentch renegade. 

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Love the assault cannon!


Thanks for the profile, just wandering if there is enough play in the shoulder joint of the left arm to bring it across his chest in a "I'm about to lash out and lay my chain Pimp hand on you" style! Looks like the chest may be too deep but something I was thinking about for mine as well, maybe when the time comes.

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