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Daemonclaw I know exactly what you mean regards the china dolls. My sisters had loads of them. Creepy as hell.


Guitarasmus, that's exactly what I was thinking of doing re the legs. This was thrown together rather quickly and I'm gonna have a go at reposing them a little. I have an idea in my head for the claw and possibly another CCW. I also have a couple of bits to add to the feet.


Helterskelter. Thanks buddy. Haven't seen 9 so can't comment on that. :)

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Thanks guys. Kraut. You mentioning the Dreadknight plates have me an idea.


The legs have been reworked a little as has te claw which is still clearly very WIP. I wanted to add a couple of details as a nod to the new Helbrute kit as well. I'm unsure wether to add blades along the same lines as the Raptors lightning claws or run with this. I hope he looks a little less chicken legged now?






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Paladin its a Power Sword, I have toyed with giving him an axe or maybe even a Power Fist. Mostly cos PF look cool and I don't really have any in my army. :)


Midnight, I have the other ruin from the 3rd Ed box already painted. I also have a box full of newer GW buildings to play with as well. I've decided to tackle the Titans base today. But I've had a bit of a disaster that was a proper schoolboy error. I sprayed it black and the polystyrene wasn't fully covered so the spray has eaten all the filler and it's all sunk...........erse. Time I start again but this time I have a better plan. ;) Look for updates at some point this evening.

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Good start on the base dude, are we going to see the bodies of loyalist dogs, perhaps some even running away (vaulting the debris?) in terror.


Again, good start on Zephon - so this is the guy behind the warbands mad creations? Needs more Mechatendrils though! Maybe a cloak too? Suitably sinister pose however, I like.


As for the Oblit? Oh wow - how do you continue to make such a lame kit look so good?! Big kudos :thumbsup:

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Thanks buddy,


For the base, the plan is to have at least one Guardsman cowering behind the barricade. I'm hoping full on foetal position with hands above head.


Zephon is indeed the man behind the creations. He has certain 'issues' that the Legion medics seem to have missed. :-p he does have some arm type things to come for his backpack but because they're just tacked at the moment they wouldn't play the game for the pics and kept falling off.


Thanks for praise on the Oblit, when I started it I went at it all guns blazing (so to speak) but then really lost interest in them. I don't know why it's taking me so long to finish them? Hopefully soon though

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Good to see the Warpsmith again -- still lookin' ace :wink:


The weapon mount on the Obliterator definitely works, although what looks even cooler is the way you used the sentinel chainsaws! Definitely feeling your pain regarding Centurion-based Obliterators btw: My own models were also converted in a bit of a frenzy, but I still don't feel like painting them ...strange.


Regarding the Gorehound base: The WFB Empire cannon has a set of arms that makes the model look as if it's holding its ears shut -- that might be perfect for your cowering guardsman, if you can get hold of it.

Edited by KrautScientist
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