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Thanks for the encouragement guys. I'm really glad people are liking the progress of this.


@Chaos Nurgling. I've never really blown any crazy money on the hobby before now. Im single and doing my own thing these days and just decided to go for it. I picked up the original LR and Def back in Nov and have just picked up bits and pieces as I've gone along. I still have a list of parts for the torso I need to get so they will be bought when I can afford it.

Nurgle is my 2nd favourite god so I'd love to see what you come up with. I have a couple of ideas kicking about me noggin for a Nurgle Daemon Prince so you may see that in this blog of the impulse takes me.

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Couple of pics. Got the majority of the left leg built. Need to wait on parts to complete the frame work at the bottom though.



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Couple of pics. Got the majority of the left leg built. Need to wait on parts to complete the frame work at the bottom though.




I don't know what this is but I have the weirdest boner right now!

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@ Snejkt. Brilliant comment! I just made Pepsi blow out my nose!!!

@ Firestorm40K I'm pushing for approx Warhound size but to be honest I've no idea how big it will turn out. At the moment with the LR on top it's pushing 8.5"

I remember the Subjugator models from waay back when epic Space Marine and Titan Legions was around. I don't know anymore about them though apart from them being Slaanesh while mine will of course be Khornate. How big are they? I remember them having pretty meaty claws.

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At Dark Apostle, The chassis at the moment has had very little work done to it so far. I just put the LR on it so you can all see roughly what's in my head. I agree on the boxiness though. Like I say I'll hopefully get the legs to a stage where I can start detailing them and then focus on the torso once I have a base to work from.

Here's a couple of closer pics of the legs in case anyone's interested.

Part of the hip joint.


The legs showing both with and without the external strut.




I've asked this elsewhere but what are people's ideas/ suggestions on weapons for a scout Titan? it's a while before I'll be adding weapons but I'd like to look for parts to knock something together.


@Vairocanum, thanks for dropping by. I've only used the legs from 2 defilers. The hip section is a mix of two torsos as well so that both sockets are the same size instead of the usual def style.


Thanks again for checking this thread out.



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Lol @ Marshal! I know other people have made them. I just havent seen a Khornate one yet soooo....here we are ;-)


Thanks Doghouse I got onto a bit of a roll with it. Then when I was up to my eyes in Defiler parts and plastic shavings I decided to open the Terminator Lord kit I bought ages ago and started playing around with that.


My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the first rough draft of Brother-Captain Malek Deimos. Former Captain of Angrons Devourers. I should mention he will have a chaos blade in his right hand probably from the Bloodletters kit when I get round to buying some.




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At Dark Apostle, The chassis at the moment has had very little work done to it so far. I just put the LR on it so you can all see roughly what's in my head. I agree on the boxiness though. Like I say I'll hopefully get the legs to a stage where I can start detailing them and then focus on the torso once I have a base to work from.

Here's a couple of closer pics of the legs in case anyone's interested.

Part of the hip joint.



The legs showing both with and without the external strut.




I've asked this elsewhere but what are people's ideas/ suggestions on weapons for a scout Titan? it's a while before I'll be adding weapons but I'd like to look for parts to knock something together.


@Vairocanum, thanks for dropping by. I've only used the legs from 2 defilers. The hip section is a mix of two torsos as well so that both sockets are the same size instead of the usual def style.


Thanks again for checking this thread out.




You mean as in which weapons to use? Depends on what you commonly play against, I would suppose. Infantry I would go Inferno cannon + Mega Bolter; Mech I would go Turbo Laser and Plasma. Honestly if it were me I'd build all 4 and get some good-size magnets so I could swap 'em out. Inferno gun is going to be your easiest gun to scratch-build, though, seconded by a turbo laser. Mostly rod and tubing there, which you could easily fix to an appropriate bit.


I really like the pose of your lord, btw.

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Thanks buddy, I don't actually play 40k closest I get these days is the very rare game of Space Hulk so it's just whichever weapons look coolest. I'll have a look and see what I can come up with for the weapons you've mentioned. Thank you.
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Just looks? Inferno gun (no weapon looks cooler than a flamethrower imo) and giant chain-fist/axe (similar to the forgeworld dreadnoughts, only bigger/meaner) with some gore on it. Only reason I didn't mention it before is because there aren't rules for it on a scout titan. You could also go the route of Decimator and work up some crazy spiky weapons from that arrangement, since rules aren't an issue. Cool-looking is always better than rules-binding, imo. A lot of my list suffers because of that perspective :D.
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Ironfoe thanks buddy.

Circus Nurgling, thanks for that I'll have a play around in a bit and see what I come up with. I need to finalise in my head the design of the main torso as that will play a part in the style of weapons. I'll keep you all posted with my progress.

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Legs are coming along very nicely, Biohazard. Gotta ask, what are you thinking of doing for its head? Also, your mention of Subjugators having big claws got me thinking, have you considered giving it two giant CCWs and having it walk around on its fists like a big angry daemon-robot gorilla? Could mount a bunch of Reapers or a megabolter to its shoulders for some extra dakka, strap heavy flamers to the CCWs, etc.


Terminator Lord looks good, too, man, great pose. And what is it about Terminator armor and bunny ears?

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Raz!! You read my bloody mind!! :tu: Nah just kidding but I was going to fit the defiler autocannons on the shoulders as AA guns. I really like your thinking on the ape like style I'll see what I can do. After Nurgling suggesting the CCW I ordered a couple of Drop pod fins to check size and scale. I still have a couple of defiler legs and was thinking of using those to mount them. As for the head I know I want it to be skull like but I haven't thought that far ahead yet. It'll probably be based on a land speeder though as those seem decent scale wise and it's tried and tested. I'm building my Terminators now. Got 4 complete but the other 4 will have to wait till I get some lightning claws, or power fists to convert to lightning claws. I'll post pics soon.


@Sincain, thanks buddy I've wasted many an hour over the weekend putting things together just to rip them apart. Although I am very proud of what I have so far. The body design is in my head so you won't see that for a while yet. ;)

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My Terminators still need detailing extra skulls,symbols etc. These arent heavily converted but im sure you can guess at their allegiance . I'm not using the trophy racks cos I basically don't like them lol








These guys will be armed with Lightning claws once I convert some.






And a ropey group shot of everything bar the walker and the 2nd DP.



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