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Thanks for the replies folks.

Sin exactly. Who wants to spend ten mins attaching a skull to a trophy rack when it takes 30 secs to throw it on the pile with the rest of them and get back to business. Wether that be fighting in battle or fighting in a gladiatorial contest aboard the ship.


I added a couple of details to the Captain. Let me know what you think. His left leg has been part filed as I want to cover that god awful face on the greave. I'll finish that up soon.



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Thanks Midnight, like I say I'm proud of the results so far. Here's hoping I can sort out a decent torso.


Back to tonight and look who showed up to dinner......



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Thanks for the encouragement guys like I say I don't think I've ever been so motivated to build as I have these past few days and I'm pretty sure the feedback I've been getting on here is what's been driving me on.


Sincain, he will have a sword most likely from the Bloodletter/Bloodcrusher box. I haven't gotten round to buying any yet but I am on it. ;)


Midnight, I've been thinking of building him as an Abby lookalike. I'll need to convert the fist a little to get it more claw like and as you say add the bolters. I'll see what I can do. ;)

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Thanks Andrew J. I'm back at work now so progress will slow a little but I will keep chipping away. What do you guys think of the backpack bit on the DP? I'm unsure wether to keep that or give him wings as well. I'm also trying to find two more of the lascannon sponson bits for the titans foot. I can only find the entire sponson online and don't really want to pay between £8-10 for the entire thing when i only need one tiny piece (technically two pieces but meh). So im asking please if anyone can help me fire me a PM and we can sort something out.




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Thanks Raz, I agree on the backpack vents and probably will go with the wings. I'll chop up the vents first and see what I come up with. Don't want to completely discount them yet.

As for the face on the Lord it just looks ridiculous. I need to break out the green stuff soon and sort out a World Eater symbol for him. Any tips on using GS? I've only really used it for gaps. I've never tried any detail with it.



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Sweet,. those swords do look good .. I've often thought of buying the box just for them as well haha..


I'd go with the wings, I'm not a fan of the weird BP it comes with. I don't know what it is about them but they have an insect look to me and it just doesn't fit. But maybe it's just me .. haha :lol:


Sry man I don't have any extra LAS laying around 8( .. used my extras up making LAS/Plas turrets..

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Yeah I agree the standard BP is pretty strange looking. I do have an idea for changing the vents. Once I get the parts together I'll throw it together and see what the consensus is. If it still looks pants I'll swap out for the wings. Bloodletters were ordered today so I can sort out Demios' sword as soon as they arrive. :lol:


Oh and thanks for checking mate. I think anyone who has a Landraider had prob used those bits. Doesn't hurt to ask though.

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Circus Nurgling I checked and they are our of stock as are a few places. I will get a hold of those bits though. Hopefully soon. Thanks for looking.


Dorns Padawan, Thanks a lot buddy. Glad you like what you see

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The Metal BP looked awesome I don't know why they changed it to that haha .. Just makes you make something else cool looking :D


Nice .. I'm trying to not spend anymore this month .. so I must resist. :D


NP.. I've been trying to make extra turrets so I have what you see what you get.. not that my friends care but I like it to look right ..

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I was planning in trying to make something similar to the metal BP but using the Necrosphinx Cat skull (I destroyed the actual skull one trying to make a head for the original DP) but I can't seem to find the bloody bit lol.


Circus Nurgling thanks a lot buddy. Appreciate it.


Thought I'd see what the wings looked like with the armoured DP.




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Wings look great, and very nice work bulking up the legs. As for the Lord's greave, my best advice would be to form it into the relative shape you want, wait 30ish min for it to cure a bit, and then try and sharpen it up, before then it'll be too soft to get really sharp details out of it - also, wet your sculpting tool, otherwise the GS'll want to stick to it. Personally, though, I try to avoid sculpting tiny details like that where bitz will do; you might try using GS to "fuse" a Bloodletter's mouth to it, should be just the right size and IIRC the box should come with a few extra heads for you to chop up. Could also make a tiny GS planet for it to nom on.
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Marshal Sampson, The head is made up from an Ogre Kingdoms face plate with jaws from and Ork boy. Thorns are from the tzeentch standard from the CSM kit, the horns from a Soul Grinders sword an the horns from a CSM helmet.


Sincain, I'm thinking of sticking with the wings as to be honest you're right. What's a DP without wings? ;)


Razakel, you've just given me a great idea for the greave. When I get home from work today ill see how the screaming Defiler faceplate fits. Im sure I can make that work. Thanks for the advice on the GS. I have a lot of gaps to fill in the near future so I'm planning on doing everything at once. I still need to bulk up the DP head etc and the symbol on the Dreads shoulder.


Again thanks for the encouragement folks. :)

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