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Like I said I'm back at work now so updates will be a little slower. I've ordered a few parts for my Titans torso those should be here the end of next week hopefully so I can start working on it again.


I had a play around with Demios' leg design tonight and came up with this. Looking for some opinions. What do you think of the skull? Or should I go for a simple planet?




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Thanks Subtle Discord. I want his armour to really stand out so will be working on redoing his shoulder pad etc. As he is the boss man I expect him to have more skull details hence why I used the Cairn Wraith skull on the grieve. Im just so glad I got rid of that horrid face.
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The skull looks pretty cool to me.. I'm sure they would evole and change as the years passed .. now they are after skulls so it would fit in well with their story.. to me at least ..
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Thanks buddy. The mouth pieces came from the Defiler faceplate.

This one just using the top row of teeth. I used two of these.



It obviously needs tidying a little but just wanted to see what you all thought. :)

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Thanks for ye replies guys. The skull will be staying. I'm gonna see what I can come up with using the lower jaws of the faceplates for a shoulder insignia. I'll probably stick to a traditional planet for that. Works really nailing me at the moment though so it could be a little while for updates.



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Today is my first day off in almost two weeks so Im a little beat but here are a few pics :) Im still waiting on my order getting to me from Hoard o Bits as that has the main part of the torso but I wanted to get the basic structure of the legs done before I worked on the torso. It still needs quite a bit of detailing and the hips need finished but let me know what you think. :)





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Thanks mate. Im excited to see it finished as well. :lol:


Heres a very rough look at the start of the torso




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Thanks buddy, they are from a Tau Devilfish. :huh:


Ive added another couple of armour plates. Hopefully this resolves the skinny thighs a little. :P


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Legs are looking great. That square piece on the foot is starting to grow on me. I might accentuate it with some piping use it as some kind stabilizer if I get up the gumption to doing this project. I'm seeing a lot of piping and cabling (read: guitar wire and brass rod) being called for on my nurgle version.


Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the head/face!

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that torso is looking perfect.the thing i like most about this guy is the" star wars guts on the outside" look.the legs look almost workable and the guy is looking very beleivable in the 40k gothic future way
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Appreciate the comments folks.

Subtle Discord. Id love to see you tackle something like this. Your chaos trim is outstanding and Id love to see it on something this size.


Circus Nurgling. I still have a few details to add to the legs and none of the armour plates are fixed on yet. I have added a couple of bits to that square part tonight and hopefully you will like the result.


Daemonclaw, from the start Ive wanted this thing to have a 'sense' of believability to it. Not to say the legs would work but I want them to at least look like they 'could' work. :) Also the star wars thing is the perfect way to describe the whole feel of the model. The torso still has a way to go but I want to recreate as many elements as I can from the FW models in plastic. Thats why I chose the vents from the Devilfish. They are the closest thing GW does in plastic. :)


Midnight, Im really just winging it. I have no idea where its going to go until I play with the bits. Ive looked at loads of pictures of the FW Warhound and at Bobpandas creations but there arent many Chaos versions out there (that Ive found) so Im really just making it up as I go along. Ive always wanted to try and recreate the Space Crusade Dreadnought as a Knight style titan and that is where this spawned from. The Knight will come after I have finished this though.


Hopefully the other parts of the torso will arrive on Monday and I can start working on it a little more. I want to get all the structures done before I start adding a lot of extra details. I also need the main body part so I can figure out how to mount the weapon arms and what weapons it will have.


I will of course keep you all updated. ;)

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I have to say i'm not a afan of the normal defiler based kitbashes i.e defiler converted into brass scorpion.


You , however, have nailed the titan, its absolutely wicked and truly inspirational. You can't really spot the individual parts as you can on most other things of this type. I think its because you've picked and used the parts so well that its such an effective conversion. As subtle discord says, its chaos personified. I too am tempted with my own version, although the FW one is been the apple of my eye for some time.


I'd be nterested and grateful if, once you get the torso and arms done, you could post a list of the parts you've used and rough cost for comparison with the FW one. I suspect a few people may be asking the same thing soon. No worries if you don't want to relay that info, no harm in asking :)


Seriously awsome stuff here, i'll be watching this avidly as i'm a Worldeater myself!!!

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